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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Ding Dong, "I spoke a girl moving out of a massive Garganta. Her pale sandy blonde flowed with the oncoming wind. her pastel pink eyes watched the world below in disgust "Humans and their pathetic structures...What does Thor see in this world?' she asked looking around before she descended in the middle of a busy intersection. She watched cars flying past her without much of a thought other than honking and cursing at the fact a girl descended into the busy street. "So noisy."She Said lifting up a hand as nothing happened originally before There was a rumble while massive vines came up tearing the street and intersection up tossing and moving cars they were pieces of scrap metal.

She looked around where she stood at the shocked faces before screams echoed. Some of the humans did move towards her only to be lifted up by the vines and there smashed into each other or things or just squeezed. "Pathetic race...Nothing but food."She spoke


“Oh, the world of the living? Me? Are they really sure?” Yasushi was about to step through the gate. Still doubting that the higher ups would really want to send him down there to deal with an arrancar. This was truly a first for Yasush. “Well, I guess I’ll try my best…”

As he emerged, he was several meters away from the arrancar in question. He saw cars flying through the sky.

“Guess that’s where my mark is…Calm Shizukesa ”

His sword transformed into his shikai. The blue ribbon slightly hung from its hilt, blowing in the wind. He dashed towards the area until he was a moderate distance from the woman’s backside. Unsure if she was aware of his presence, Yasushi took the possible chance.

“Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!" Bakudo #9 Horin!”

The orange tendrail shot towards the woman, aiming to bind here in place. Yasushi would much rather make it where she was not able to counter attack or at least be challenged to counter. As the tendril raced towards her, Yasushi did as well, making sure to mind the various vines that were throwing cars. Aiming to strike the woman from her backside before she could defend or dodge.

“Sorry Ms. Hollow. I don’t think you’ve got the right to throw fits in the middle of the street like this…”

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

Colbolt sensed a presence taking note of the fact they were a shinigami. She didn't think much of the shinigami and figured if they were smart they would keep away from her and her playground. She heard the sound of a chant before seeing an orange like a chain rush at her from the corner of her eye. She bent her knees before jumping forwards, expecting to avoid the chain only to feel it wrapped around her left hand. She sensed him move behind her as she pulled her sheathed blade out pushing it up behind her blocking the strike to her back. She turned towards him watching between him and the chain "A tantrum...Now, why would I throw a tantrum with inferior life-forms that can't even give me a reason to throw one?" she asked. She placed her sheathed bade back into her belt before pointing two fingers at him firing a pink ball of energy towards him "Go away fly."She added

Tier: 2-3


Perfect, the chain had connected as planned. Yasushi was rushing in to deal his blow when the matched his blade with his own. That was 1 strike. The moment the two clashed, Yasushi dashed back to the left slightly giving a small bit of distance between the two. As she turned around, Yasushi noticed her blade had returned to her sheath...did she not consider him a threat? No, she was planning something else entirely.

Pink energy had gathered at her fingertips. A cero? Yasushi yanked the chain that was currently attached to the woman’s left hand. Hoping that the sudden pull would throw her off balance and redirect the attack completely towards the unpopulated sky. If not, he was more than ready to perry the incoming attack with his blade.

“We must have different ideas what tantrums are then, huh?”

Yasushi, trying his best to still avoid the various roots and branches, rushed back towards the woman hoping to get another chance to strike at her. He would appear directly above her using his shunpo.

“I really dislike these sort of pointless engagements. If you just stayed away from here you could have lived another day…”

He would bring his sword downward with all his force immediately after appearing. Not only was he hoping to catch the woman off-guard. He also hoped to end this in a timely manner.

Colbolt has taken 1 blow from Yasushi's Tranquil Blows v1 lowering her speed by 5%

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

Colbolt watched the chain attempt the change the direction of her cero as she sighed. She could toy with this little shinigami, After all, She still had yet to fully get serious. She listened to him speak. "Pointless, Then you should leave. I care not why you are here or what you plan on trying to do here. The Espada I follow has an unworldly love for this vile world you shinigami try to protect but fail horribly. I decided to give this world a chance...So far, I'm not impressed."She spoke deciding it was time to finish this. She managed to keep watch of him from where she stood, tracking his energy as he moved. a quick one that one was. She had a feeling with the fact he went into Shikai so quickly and the way he was attacking there was something special about his attacks. She looked up noticing him come down towards her only to hit the ground where she once stood as she reformed on top of a massive root looking down at him. "Erupt, Desurōzu." She spoke deciding it was time to get serious.

A burst of energy erupted from around her as the chain the held on to her hand shattered. She giggled always loving the transformation. She took a deep breath towards the end of her energy burst as she released into her ressurection. She watched him closely not having much change to herself or her form other then the massive garden around her feet "Are you ready to play shinigami?"she asked "Before anything, It is best you know my name so when i defeat you, you have a name to remember. I am Colbolt Raizel, one of the many souls you shinigami failed to save."She said looking down towards him.

Tier: 2-3


Still fast? he thought to himself. That first blow should have dropped her speed a bit, but it seemed she was still nimble enough to avoid his strike. The chain itself was still attached to her at this point and Yasushi only had to follow its path to see her new position. She stood upon a massive root of her own creation, a look of annoyance was clear in her face. Why did he have to get the ill-tempered one?

“Well, I’m sure Hueco Mundo would be for the better off with your abilities left there. From what I hear, there’s not much vegetation at all.”

Once he saw her eyes he understood her true intention. She was about to unleash it, her resurrection.


Yasushi realized that by her doing this, it would place him in an even more precarious situation. He would not be as worried but they were in the world of the living and this woman decided to rampage through. What could he do? Her body looked relatively the same, the only thing he noticed was a garden now around her feet. Perhaps her ability had something to do with that garden and its range? That could be quite troublesome for a close combat style sword like his. Yasushi would have to test the waters so to speak and see what this woman’s true power was like. He couldn’t waste too much time or the tranquility state would wear off on her.

“I’m Isobe Yasushi, member of the Kidou Corps and I will be the one shinigami that does not let you down Ms. Raizel.”

He pointed his hand towards the woman and a red orb formed at his fingertips.

“Bakudo #9, Geki!”

A similar reddish color would surround Colbolt and quickly try to close in on her. If it did, she would be paralyzed for a moment. Giving Yasushi a chance to close in on her. Not only this, the way the spell functioned, but it would also surround and enclose. A perfect chance to see how the garden at her feet would function from outside threats. Yasushi dashed forward to strike right after the sphere surrounded Colbolt, he couldn’t lose any chances to land a blow.


Spell Name: Geki
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #9
Spell Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"
Spell Effect: The caster either casts their hand at their target or spells out the kanji of the spell's name before the target is surrounded with a red aura, causes complete paralysis to the target, freezing them in the position they are in when the spell hit them.

You are currently under Tranquil for 2 more posts. This causes you a 5% speed reduction

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"You are right, my world does not have much vegetation but with what my world has, it is necessary for vegetation to stay in the area it is in. Before you speak of my world you should actually know what you speak of"She said seeing him cast a red orb of sorts. She wasn't going to take a chance of whatever the orbs were to do as she lifted a hand. from her vine like field several vines moved up taking the orb head on allowing the kidou to paralyze them. 'Colbolt watched him rush her right after the attack determined to get at her. Ugh this is going to be annoying. She thought making a mental note of herself feeling a bit heavier when trying to move. She sondio away moving around the vines keeping them between herself and him. deciding to think what to do

Tier: 2-3


As the woman’s vines were paralyzed, Yasushi appeared directly before her in a slashing motion. Little to his surprise, the woman used her sonido to escape the blow, using her vines as a pseudo shield. Still, he learned a bit more about her abilities and skills from that interaction. For starter, the garden didn’t seem to auto-attack or defend against his Kidou attack. She had to lift a hand for them to begin to move back there. He already had an idea on how the vine appendages would likely move and he was correct. She seemed to be able to use them decently to attack and defend but to what extent.

“I need to get more information...Bakudo 21, Sekienton.”

Yasushi slammed his hand on the ground. A blast of red smoke filled an area, completely blocking her sight of Yasushi. While under the guise of the smoke, Yasushi activated another kidou spell to mask himself.

“Bakudo 26, Kyokko.”

He would mutter under his breath. Yasushi would become invisible not only physically but to a point spiritually as well. He would quickly move towards the woman, waiting at an angel to her back right, waiting to see what she might do in this sort of situation. Perhaps he had spooked her enough to run away back to Hueco Mundo for the time being. If not, he would plan from here on his next move.



Spell Name: Sekienton
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #21
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: the caster places his hands on the ground or below him if he is standing in the air before generating a red circle underneath him, creating a large cloud of light red smoke that obscures the movements of the caster, allowing to either get away or attack while his opponent can't see him coming, although the smoke doesn't hide the caster's spiritual pressure unless he hides that after performing the kido.

Spell Name: Kyokkō
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #26
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: This kido is performed by casting a bright light around the caster from a extended hand, surrounding the caster before bending the light around the caster, rendering their physical presence invisible as well as hiding their spiritual pressure from the outside view. Although while active, the caster cannot attack in anyway unless the kido is broken first and someone of a higher tier can break it or still detect the kido's energy.

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