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Takami Kawamaru, the lieutenant of 5th Division and Minoru Nao, the lieutenant of 2nd Division were in the World of the Living with a few men from each of their squads. Earlier that day, they had been sent to investigate traces of Reiatsu that belonged to an Arrancar. A very strong Arrancar. It was night time. A full moon was in the sky, barely visible through small gaps in the sheets of dense cloud that blew quickly overhead. It was a cool winter night with a cold wind that lowered the temperature by 10 degrees whenever it gusted. All the men were cold, as their only clothing was a black kimono, the standard uniform of a Shinigami. Takami was very nervous. If that Arrancar was still around, their simple investigation mission could turn into a disaster where they all ended up dead. All that Takami wanted to do was get done with the mission and go back to his warm bed in the 5th Division barracks. Little did he know that he wouldn't be welcome in Seiretei ever again after tonight... Currently, the men were at the scene of the largest trace of Reiatsu. Takami bent down near the trace and used his maximum Reiatsu sense. He could just barely sense the trace leading off up the road. "The Reiatsu leads that way." said Takami as he stood up and pointed up the road. "Normally, I'd have Lieutenant Nao go one way with his men and bring my men another way." continued Takami. "But, this is a strong Arrancar, and I think we should stick together, especially if the Arrancar is still in the area." he finished. Takami stood up straight and prepared to run. "I'm ready when you are, Minoru-san." said Takami.


[Minoru P.O.V]

Minoru could sense the strong hollow reiatsu in the area, that was the main reason that he and Lt. Takami had been sent with the small squad of men. Walking up the road the group neared a large clearing surrounded by tree's, in the clearing Minoru thought he could spot some hollow. Up ahead in the clearing, I think there's hollow. He took to the side of the road with half the men.

[Veloz P.O.V]
I had felt like wondering elsewhere besides Hueco Mundo's endless sands, so opening a gargantua I slipped into the world of the living. It was a bright windy night with a full moon hidden behind clouds. Looking up a loosed a long menacing howl that other hollow in the area answered. I traced their reiatsu to a small clearing and decided to have myself some fun, with a blast of my reiatsu I announced my presence to the hollow, some tried to escape right away and they died first to my dual blades, the rest I began toying with dancing around them with sonido cutting at them easily. Stopping for a moment my white spiked hair shone in the moonlight as my scarf billowed out behind me, the moons light being 'absorbed' into the black of my uniform and the silver of my bloody blades shining in it. With a quick collection of reiatsu to my palm I loosed a Cero in the direction of one of the hollow before turning my attention to a new presence my sense's felt.


It wasn't like lieutenant Mutsuhito to be taking a break, considering the circumstances. Still, the man needed a bit of R&R, everybody does. Initially, he was sent down to investigate strange spiritual pressure lingering in the area, and naturally him being a member of the fourth squad, accompanied by another shinigami. He assumed the Seireitei overestimated the predicament, and decided to allow his 'partner' to finish the job.
In his gigai, Mutsuhito walks around tracking his partner's reiatsu. He is wearing a pink puffy jacket, and very thick trousers. As he nears his ally, he can sense another somewhat darker spiritual pressure, tempting him to run thinking he may have been wrong.


Takami walked up to the trees and took a deep breath. He had absolutely no clue what he'd find inside the clearing. He felt nervous, knowing that something strong and cruel was nearby. He took another deep breath and then put his hand on his sword hilt, grasping it tightly. Takami looked over at Minoru, giving him a glance that said "I hope you're ready...", before he pushed aside the branch of a young tree and walked into the clearing. What he found there was not what he expected at all. He saw an Arrancar killing and eating Hollows. "Holy shit!!" he yelled The moment he looked at the Arrancar, he felt it's overwhelming Reiatsu crushing him into the ground. Just the shock alone pushed him to his knees, his eyes wide as he broke out in a cold sweat. He was feeling pure fear of death, which was common from sensing an Espada's Reiatsu. Takami rose to his feet and drew his sword. He then pointed it to the side and spoke the release command. "Bureizu, Kurai Hi!" he yelled. His katana burst into flame and transformed into a broadsword. He then did a Shunpo and slashed at the Arrancar.


[Minoru P.o.V]
Seeing Taka head up into the clearing I followed, the squad behind me, we came upon an Espada attacking its fellow hollow when Taka charged at it. The men charged in after him as well as myself after going into shikai, winds ripping around my blade I stuck at the other hollows in the area before turning my attention to the Espada. Whats an arrancar doing fighting other hollow in the living world? I asked, nervousness in my voice.

[Veloz P.o.V]
After firing the cero at the hollow I sensed two shinigami approach, their reiatsu spiked as the entered what I assumed was a shikai state, a small squadron of men followed the two and were confronted by the hollows I was toying with. With a smirk I let out a laugh when the first shinigami, one with a flaming sword charged at me, he smelled of fear. I stepped to the side dodging the rushed attack when a second shinigami who seemed to have control over the winds darted in dealing with a few hollow before turning his attention to me only to ask why I would attack other hollow here.

With a great laugh I began too speak as I let my spiritual pressure rise, I kill them because they are weak, and run to feed on those weaker then themselves like cowards... I turned to look the shinigami in the eyes, my red eyes boring into his own before I vanished with a buzz of sonido, appearing a distance from them in a tree, my blades drawn and shining in the moon as my dark blue and gold reiatsu began to flow over them.


(can i join as my demon blade or if not him as my shini?)


(yeah is this open?)


(OOC: It's only open if you ask first. You can both join using Shinigami characters, but please don't ask anyone else to join because this is meant to just be a quick thread.)


(When did I release shikai?)
As the young lieutenant finally arrived on the scene, he could see his partner had already released his shikai. "Don't be so rash" he thought. The arrancar's spiritual pressure began to rise. This may be bad, but Mutsuhito could not release his zanpakuto-not yet. He had to see his opponent's abilities first. He uses shunpo, quickly getting himself behind the arrancar. "Hi everypony!" he said, with his blade already unsheathed "katsurei!" He takes his nagamaki, hoplding onto the long hilt with both hands, making a horizontal slash at the arrancar's neck. It should cut off his head- though arrancar have the hierro, so such a thing may be improbable. Hopefully, he would at least land a hit.


(ooc I was wanting to use jack since veloz is there if I could)

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