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A woman sat in the middle of the dessert dressed in an all red kimono with lipstick and eyeshadow to match. On her face were three orange lines going down her face below her eye and stopping before the crease of her mouth. She had long jet black hair that pooled around her like a cape as she sat. Long shapely legs sitting full lotus position with her hands on her knees as orange eyes starred directly in front of her. Certainly a heavy contrast to the ash gray sands she sat upon.

The desert was a second home to her as much as Las Noches was growing to be. A loner seemingly by choice but a woman by heart. The normally upbeat and charismatic woman had a face of sad anger written all over her as she starred at the large white castle in the distance. Newly appointed the sixth Espada Izanami "SlyyFox" Hiromi seemed to be contemplating her latest decision of joining the espada. It had always been like her to join the strongest, as she was strong herself, but there was still a nagging yearning to do whatever it took to become win...even by betray her friends. She liked the members she had met so far so why was it so hard for her to get close? Maybe it was the imminent doom that would come of any friendship she chose to enter. Perhaps it stemmed from the bitterness of being in this desolate place. To her, it was worse than hell. There was no gambling or games and laughter was rare among them. She had traded one life of sad cruelty for another. The thought had her hands clenching on her knees.

She had left the human world in a rush to return here after the exchanged of personal words between her and the third Espada, Cross. Every time she opened up the urge to run had always wafted over her. Running calmed her mind and meditation allowed her to regain control to return her to the cunning woman she had always been, but the hurting never stopped. After all the choice to be alone was her own; lying, cheating, and abandonment didn't make well for friends...

Her body relaxed ever so slightly as she released the breath she seemed to have been holding while she had been thinking. Orange eyes closing as she recollected her emotional self by channeling her anger to more progressive the rumbling growl in her stomach. She placed a delicate hand over it as she stood from her sitting position and stretched herself digging her bare toes into the sands. Her nose lifted into the air in order to find pray easy to consume. Perhaps even for a fight to relieve tense muscles. She moved her hands behind her head. She would work hard to be a great Espada. Trust those who fought next to her. Help them as she hoped to gain their trust, and try...try to remain true to the vow she took to them. She badly wished to be part of the Soul Society, but at what cost?

Shaking her head and returning her hands to her side she began to walk back towards Las Noches in hopes to find a snack along the way. A person to talk to, to lie to, to make her friend before crushing them to tiny particles and consuming them to become part of her own as she had done countless of times before. It seemed to be Iza's curse of betrayal: to betray those as she felt betrayed.

In the sand a worm the length of her arm squirmed away from her presence. It smelled of the earths dirt. She was quick to stomp a foot on it before picking it up. Her hand dwarfed in compared to its size but still it was no match for her. Her fingers hesitated on crushing it right away, and instead, like the woman she was, started to cradle it against her as though protecting it as she continued only a few more steps forward.

"It is better this way," she told the worm as it stopped wiggling seemingly less threatened by being held, " There is no point in you getting aren't missing out on anything." She stayed walking like that for a moment unsure if the small worm-like hollow understood what she saying to it. From a distant, it probably looked like a mother holding a child. The picture she created would soon be shattered as she placed on hand on either side of the worm and bit into its middle. The scream it let out was dainty before ultimately growing quiet while Izanami feasted on its body, eating it's reiatsu. It tasted the sand it came from.

When she was finished she muttered a thank you and folded her arms over her stomach tilting her head forward so the that the light that was cast down from the moon above shaded her face by her hair. This was truly not the place to cry, but as the tears rolled down her cheeks they were caught in the light the moon happily cast down on her making them glint like they were crystal beads rather than tears. She was probably plenty far away from Las Noches to have enough time to recollect herself for a second time, but she would have no issue killing anyone who tried to tell her she was weak for feeling pain.

Her nose twitched at the scent of another presence drawing close. It was strong, but she couldn't distinguish it right away. With the sleeves of the kimono she wiped her face of the tears drawing her fan from her belt and flipping it open to hide her mouth and the puffiness of the lower part of her eyes. While she didn't care who saw her cry it was not in her best interest to look weak. She never slowed her pace of walking even with the second presence near. If they chose to speak to her that was their choice, but they would have to make sure to chose their words wisely. Iza was a handful when she was calm in mind. Upset, she was a whole different story.


Re-enter Cross
(3rd character/1st when speaking.)
The moonlight gleamed on a set of white headphones as they glided in the desert. Wrapped around the neck with red hair falling beside them, music was pouring out. There was no bounce in them as the body they were laying on was not touching the ground hard enough to cause friction to move throughout the body. "I was too harsh.." A whisper can be hard though out the cold area.

As a hand grasps the side of the headphones, it covers the red hair of the individual having owned the headphones. The face that holds the headphones was none other than the Tricera Espada, Cross. He was just gliding through the desert after coming back from the human world. All he cared about was what he said, and how he said a few choice of words towards the 6th espada Iza.

(1st character)
The music runs through my ears. It clearly was not enough to get the thoughts out of my head. "I shouldn't of brought it up. Why did i say it. I should of said sorry." It ran through my head like water. Gathering up at the base of my head before i poured them through again. "I need to apologize or explain why I acted so.." I couldn't find a word to explain how I acted. Being known for hitting on most female arrancar, or for what little there is, something about this woman Iza did not turn My gears well.

A gust of sand came up in my eyes as I run though the desert coming near Iza's reiatsu, i start to get nervous. "what if she doesn't even let me explain myself?" I told myself as i look down into teh white sand crumbling under my feet. There was no sound near me. No hollow growls, no sword clashing. The only sound was in my headphones around my ears. Something i got quite used to myself.

My red hair ran behind me as my green eyes pierced the area. All i was looking for was a chance to start new, and to gain a possible new friend. I didn't care if she was vicious towards me, I understood that and expected it. No idea ran through my mind that she would of been hostile towards me. The things she said in the human world struck me. She was right about most of it. Running away after saying something like that it had to of been personal or hard to say.

My blade bounced with my thigh as it ran against the sand. I never use it that much. i was the opposite of most arrancar, especially most Espada. I was against fighting unless the opponent was a threat to me. I would protect before i fight, it has always been that way. Even as hollow i only ate what attacked me. Something i never do is try to appear all big and bad. That is not who "Cross" is. That is not who the Tricera Espada is going to be. Closer and Closer i got towards the Reiatsu i was looking for before i saw a figure in the distance. I smiled slightly.

"Now..I can explain."

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
The Fox and The Hound

more productive.comfortable.not drinking too much.regular exercise at the gym,3 days a week.getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries. at ease. eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats.a patient better driver. a safer car,baby smiling in back seat.sleeping well, no bad paranoia.careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole. keep in contact with old friends. enjoy a drink now and then.will frequently check credit at a moral bank.favours for favours.fond but not in standing orders. on sundays ring road supermarket. no killing moths or putting boiling water on the wash,also on sundays.
no longer afraid of the dark.or midday shadows.nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate.nothing so childish, at a better pace.slower and more calculated. no chance of escape. now self-employed.concerned but powerless.
an empowered and informed member of society,pragmatism not idealism.will not cry in public. less chance of illness. tires that grip in the wet.a good memory. still cries at a good film. still kisses with saliva. no longer empty and a cat.tied to a stick. that's driven into
frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness.calm.fitter, healthier and more a a cage..on antibiotics...

The segunda espada glares into the foggy cracked mirror placed in the bathroom of his living quarters. He shaves the last of the black stray hairs above his lips so that he now has his normal neatly trimmed and pointed goa-tee. As he looks at himself he ponders on the values that humans and really most other intelligent beings hold dear. He looks down at the top of his pale white hand. He thinks about how it used to be a smooth moca colour, displaying his half african american heritage. He looks back up a the mirror, staring at his damp face. It is wet from the water he splashed on it from shaving. He grits his teeth a bit and clenches his fist. He speaks aloud to himself.

"hmph..Given the chance i would happily dance on the grave of the one who indulges in such frivolity..."

The naked espada wanders over to a large trunk in his bedroom and opens it to remove a large outfit. It is a uniform that also seems to be a bit armored. He puts on his undergarments followed by black leggings and boots and a blood red long loin cloth. The then puts on the black undertop followed by the chest and shoulder pieces. This is the armor he was meant to wear during aizens reign but not got the chance. But since becoming the second espada an hour or so ago, he figures the time to dawn it has come. Senshu walks out of the door and ends up outside of the castle, headed towards the white sands of hueco mundo. Yamaguchi needs a place to clear his head,to be alone with his thoughts. For him the best place for this has always been the desert of hueco mundo. He and these very sands are quite similar when you think about it. They are hot and intense at times but cold and indifferent when they need to be, yet everyday Senshu steps on them as if they were worthless. The irony is palpable. The ghost of Las Noches walks for several minutes until he sees a slender figure in the distance. As he gets closer he catches this persons scent. It is soft and easy on the palate, it smells of silk and the richest of milks. It is the scent of a woman. It's been a long time since he's smelled beautiful..As the espada gets closer this woman comes into vision and she appears to be feasting on a worm. It's quite funny how such beauty can appear so barbaric and animalistic when left to its own devices.

"Is it? I'd say he's missing out on alot.."

Senshu makes his way up to the woman. She has long black hair and a regal face. The way she is dressed reminds him of the Ane-san back when he was in the yakuza. They were beautiful yet dangerous. Senshu has never seen the importance of courtship as he does not allow himself to become vulnerable in anyway, its a sign of weakness. He isn't blind however, and still appreciates a good looking woman every now and again. Although since aizen experimented on him years ago, he hasnt exactly ben the most welcoming face to the opposite sex. His face is still handsome in a way but his deathly white skin usually sends most running. Still, he holds no regrets. Companionship is for the weak, it is only an illusion used by those who cannot stand for themselves. The segunda notices another rieatsu signature and sees the third espada walk up. Senshu continues to speak, looking at Cross and then the woman after he says 'i can explain'.

"Power is the only thing absolute in this world. With it, you can do as you please, without the need for explination.."

Yamaguchi looks over at cross before looking up at the silver moon of hueco mundo.


Izanami's nose was filled with two distinct smells. One smelled of Rot whom she had identified as Cross as he grew closer. The second scent was a new was bloody and smelled as if someone had simply bathed in meat sauce. She moved the fan slightly to waft the scent away from her delicate nose as it was stronger than even Cross' reiatsu. Perhaps the Ancient had appointed new Espada in her absents. Orange eyes rested on a figure taller than herself with whitened skin dawning a red scar on his head she searched for a number but there was none visible to her at the moment. Familiarity dawned in her mind, but from where she hadn't been sure. The human world maybe? For she had certainly never come across him in her time here at hueco mundo. That time had been so long ago that she wasn't sure if she could pull a name as easily as she would pull the face. He spoke to her in response for the words she had spoken to the worm. Asking her if it had truly been better that the worm had died.

She closed her eyes the fan still hiding the rest of her face as she answered, "Desolate deserts surrounded by so many aspects of death. No laughter, no sake, no fun: Yeah, he's missing out on the wonderfully drawn out years of hollow life," she responded sarcastically her left eye giving a slightly annoyed tick as she turned them away from him. His presence bothered her. It wasn't his reiatsu or his appearance. It was the familiarity. She shook the feeling off her shoulders a moment before slapping the fan shut allowing the force of his smell hit her nose. The strength caused it to cringe slightly as she got use to the smell before relaxing. When Cross had joined them the mixture of smell probably would have made a human vomit. It was nowhere near as bad as the smell of the Ancient.

Her ears gave a slight twitch as Cross opened his mouth probably wishing to explain why he tried so hard to be nice to the humans, but somewhere deep down she understood. A long time ago she wanted to believe that everyone was cruel with good reason, but as time passed she found that it was rather rare to find people who did the wrong thing for the right reasons. So to stop the process she lifted the hand that held her fan lifting two fingers in the air to stop his words before they traveled down a road she'd rather not revisit a second time.

"There is no need for explanation, Cross, it was my own fault for getting so emotional over beings that hold no power over me any longer. Like the snowflakes that fall on earth no two are alike. I suppose we arrancar are similar to that. We have different things that drive us...I ,of all people can understand that. besides whats a few harsh words between friends?" she smiled at the slight encryption of words she used before she turned her eyes back to Senshu pointing her fan at him, her smile quick to drop, "What I don't understand is who you are. You reek of raw meat...and speak of power in a way that's annoying." she paused before the smirk on her face returned.

Whatever traces of sadness that once creased the lines of her face seemed gone. Orange eyes returned to the brilliant devious glare she sported. Reseeded in the back of her mind were the harsh memories of her life before death as a geisha to the heartless men of the Yakuza. The sly fox that had rose to be the woman that stood before them was stronger and faster, wittier and prettier. She would allow no person to hold that power over her again. This was her resolve: to stab the backs of those who turned them to her. She didn't like it, after all the fox only wished for the companionship she yearned for as a human, but that's how people got killed and she would be damned before she ever accepted death so willingly again.


(ooc can jack join in on this)


[[OoC: Sure! It's Open n.n]]


(OOC: May I join this thread with my Espada?)


[[OoC: Sure, why not? Iza could use meeting the rest of the group.]]


The night has always been welcoming to me. Even as a human I prefered the night, the air is crisper and i enjoy the moonlight. I am sitting on top of the ancient ones spire looking out over the landscape of hauco mundo. Out in the distance I can see two figures atop the dune in the desert of the endless sand. Sensing reiatsu I know its iza and cross"maybe i'll go for a stroll." I say to myself just before jumping from atop the spire.

My cloak flutters as I fall and as soon as I touch the sand under me I begin to walk towards iza and cross. The sand shifts underfoot but I pay,it no mind. I've walked the sands for years now. getting closer I can tell the conversation was quite heated but now is calmed down I speak firm and loud"nice night isn't it Iza and cross?" I stop before moving too close


Miguel, who had just been tattooed with his Espada number, began to Sonido through the endless desert with weird rock trees around Los Noches. He was trying to sense Reiatsu, looking for anyone else. For quite a while, he felt ansolutely nothing, no sign of anyone else. Suddenly, he felt immense Reiatsu. There were at least three Espada, from the feel of it. He kept heading toward it. Let's go see what's up., he thought, rather curious what three Espada would be doing in the middle of nowhere. As he was travelling through the air about 200 feet above the desert in order to make little noise in case those who he was approaching were hostile, he saw the company of Espada long before they saw him, though they felt his Reiatsu. He then noticed that he was looking at 3 Espada and a super powerful Hollow, the same one who he'd seen while going to get his Espada tattoo. Imagine how poweful he'd be as an Arrancar. He could easily take the rank of 5., he thought. About a quarter mile from the Espada and the Hollow, he dropped to the ground and began to walk towards the group.

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