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Leaning against the sand dune i smirk watching Veloz get pissed from my remark.'Come on 5 i was just joking!" I say waving my arms. Iza and Miguel thought he was weaker but I just made him mroe pissed..More fun for them right?
I laughed against the sand dunes watchign veloz make speed clones, this was going to be an interesting spar.

I look to my right, watching Jack appear as i turn my head back to the spar.SO how do you think he will do against these two? You know his capability far more than me. I press my hadn against my chin, smiling towards the spar. I told them to watch out for surprises so they need to be on their toes.


From my spot twenty meters from Izanami and Miguel I watched as Izanami turned to attack the speed clone I had formed behind her. As her attack struck the speed clone it began to dissipate she whipped it back to her hand and lashed out at the speed clone again aiming for its attacking arm.

I chuckled to myself as I felt the dual cero's in my palms growing to a tennis ball size. This fight is going to be good... she has good reactions. I thought to myself as I analyzed her attack on the clone. She would be sure to see the speed clone dissipate while my attention shifted to Miguel's reaction.

Miguel seemed to have a good reaction speed, as he turned to the speed clone of myself. I faintly heard him speak something before slashing a quick X into the speed clone. He then turned too me his blade glowing in a dark blue light.

'Doble Cero Comprimido' I muttered under my breath as I clashed the cero's in my palm together. In a bright blue and gold light the cero's swirled into each other becoming one. Using sonido I enlarged the distance between myself and the duo as I launched my cero towards them. 'Lets see how you really do Espada! I howled out in laughter, the thirst for a fight kicking in.

Reappearing a further twenty meters away I drew my blades and began charging them with reiatsu, I would wait and see how they reacted to the cero before moving in. Lets see how tough the Espada under myself really are... I thought to myself as a gleam appeared in my eyes. With subconscious whim my reiatsu rose to half its full capacity, blowing the sands around me away as a crater formed beneath me.


When the attack hit around the clones hand she was quick to pull it towards her keeping her hand in a point position as she stabbed it through the neck. With the clone down she smelt Black walk back into the picture. His oder over powering her nose far more than Veloz's was. This caused her attention to turn. Something that was very rare for the sixth to do, but it was only a play fight, and there was something remarkably different coming from Number 1. Her ears gave a twitch when he spoke, and she noted that it sounded like there had been more than one speaker. This had the fox tilting her head as curiosity peaked and she began to walk towards Black. That was, until Veloz had released his Cero drawing her attention back to the fight. She had been played, even if Miguel moved to dodge the large Cero she had acted to foolishly to move now. She set her eyebrows in a fierce look before holding up her hands and accepting the blast head on.

It would burst into a brilliant color and push Izanami back a decent amount before finally giving way. The head-on collision caused her to slump forward slightly panting in her struggle to fully accept the attack. He truly was stronger than her, so she gauged him at five concluding the woman had to have been Number 4. She smiled at her knowledge as all the pieces were falling into their place. She dropped her hands to her side as she collected her breath with a smile, "Impressive, ," she giggled into her fan as she withdrew the tail on it and flipped it open. The tail had snaked its way around the whole fan giving it a barrier of strong reatsu, it's purpose was to be able to penetrate even the hardest of skins, "It was like a surprise rabbit attack" she poked not willing to admit that the attack had made her sweat and her palms hurt from the riatsu. Had she not been the sixth the blast may have easily blasted her away, had he used his full strength he would definitely be a handful for her.

Her attention turned back to Black her head tilting slightly, "Your voice sounds different, Number One, you distracted me!" she accused although she wouldn't directly blame Black for her lack of concentrating on the fight [even if that's exactly what was happening]. She turned her eyes back to Veloz putting her hands on her hips fanning at herself hoping to have been enough of a distraction to keep Veloz's attention on her, and not Miguel.


Just as Miguel destroyed the speed clone and his blade began to glow, Veloz fired a Cero at him and Iza. Miguel was about to Sonido out of the way, but he got a surprise. He watched in amazement as Iza accepted the Cero. I doubt I could have taken that Cero blast... Iza isn't number 6 for nothing. thought Miguel. As Miguel finished that thought, the dark blue glow on his blade intensified to the point that looking at it made you see spots once you looked away. "Heh. Looks like it's ready!" said Miguel. Miguel lifted his blade up in front of him. However, he soon lowered it. He had been planning something but then thought better of it. Instead, he used Sonido, vanishing and then reappearing mere 3 feet from Veloz. He lifted his blade and yelled "Cero Hoja!!". A blade of blue light shot off his blade toward Veloz. If it hit, it would do the same amount of damage as a Cero would. Miguel would then Sonido back to where he had been standing before.


Watching from my position some 30-40 meters away, I found myself chuckling as Izanami reacted to my Cero. It be a lie to say what Izanami did next didn't surprise me, she held out her hands and took on the cero. As sparks of gold and dark blue shot off the cero Izanami was being pushed back, until the cero dissipated in a show of color. I watched in amusement as she turned her attention to Jack before looking back at me and putting her hands on her hips while fanning herself. Well... I wasn't expecting that Izanami! I shouted at her as I began laughing with joy, this fight would be more fun than I dared to think.

For a moment I felt like keeping my attention on Izanami until noticed a brighter blue glow from Miguel's direction. Turning my gaze to him I noted that his blade seemed much brighter, almost enough to hurt my eyes. As I heard the buzz of sonido I turned to see Miguel three feet away. A little ballsy eh Miguel! I hollered to him, as I heard him yell 'Cero Hoja' as a cero shot from his blade towards me. Bringing up my reiatsu charged blades I blocked the incoming attack as it pushed me back a few feet before dissipating. Sneaky bastard! You can shoot a damn Cero from your blade! As I shouted this I watched as Miguel buzzed back to where he had stood before.

Looking between Miguel and Izanami it was hard to choose who I'd try a close range fight with. With a blood thirsty roar of laughter I drove both my blades into the ground, the reiatsu charged diamond within reacting to my reiatsu and gathering to the blade. With a quick slash through the ground in Miguel's direction ten long seven inch diamond shards ripped from the ground shooting towards him as I called out,'Kongo Roto la Lanza' if hit the shards would either cut or pierce Miguel's hirro.

After launching my attack on Miguel I took to move towards Izanami vanishing with the buzz of sonido. In a moment I stood a mere foot from her before vanishing again to begin the dance of Gemelos Sonido. In a matter of seconds there were now five individual Veloz's including myself lunging for Izanami. As I had danced around Izanami creating the speed clones she would hear the faint whisper of my voice saying, My my Izanami.. you have quite a fine body.. She would then hear faint laughter as it died off. The speed clones I had created appeared to be moving to slash or stab non vital areas, as I myself began a series of five strikes. My five strike Quick Strike would flow from the initial slash at the shoulder into a stab for the ribs followed by a quick three slash combo to the upper body.

If the attack were to fail I would fall back and begin forming the beginning of my Doble Cero Comprimindo before I would unleash the golf-ball sized blast, forcing the cero down to that size would take a moment of extra control but would end up making a bigger punch in the end. Now if the attack were to succeed I would continue to strike at Izanami another three times(blades not coated in reiatsu) before sonidoing in Miguels direction.


Izanami put a hand to her hair when Veloz said he wasn't expecting her to take the attack head on before she flashed him a wide grin, "And I haven't even started yet!" she faked as she turned her mind back on the fight at hand she would ask questions later she supposed, but there had definitely been something different about Number 1. All in due time she supposed.

She readied her fan once more moving it before her eyes as Veloz attacked Miguel then headed in her direction. Expecting a frontal attack she prepared herself, but as he began to dance around her in an impressive amount of speed she had trouble keeping up with which one was the real Veloz. His scent wafted her nose, but she couldn't pin-point which one was causing the clones. So she figured to just attack them all. She smirked at the comment about her body, it didn't hurt to hear her beauty was appreciated, but he had to have known it wouldn't distract her in the slightest.

As the clones began to slash at her she did her best to parry the blades with her fan, even if it wasn't the best weapon for defense. If it was one thing Iza was very proud of, it was her hand to hand combat, and Veloz just got into range. All she had to do was find the right one. She had managed to block the first two attacks, but the last three cut her deep in the stomach making her grunt in pain as he moved back to blast her with another Cero. She couldn't let that happen. Izanami quickly pulled herself together. The cuts on her torso mere pink slits but leaving her dress to hand a little limper. She jumped herself back and opened her mouth wide as her own Cero began to form to combat his.

It would take her only moments to charge it and send it his way. She didn't put a lot of effort into the cero as it's only point was to block his next attack while she tried a managed to get closer to him. With a larger version of what he tried to attack her with the two cero collided. His was quick to pierce through her own, but that was the point. Hopefully, with his attention on the collision of the attack, she moved out of the way quickly. Sonidoing his way, though hardly her max speed, she began to twirl the fan once more with her "fox tail" as she called it sending it forth to wrap around his ankle as he tried to attack her a third time. If it caught his foot she would yank it out from under him continuing to race towards him at a high speed.

Once upon him she pressed her finger together to make a dagger like point she would jab her hand to a point just below his ribs. Without a coating of riatsu it wouldn't do much damage, but she wasn't trying to hurt him. If it landed it would probably feel like being stabbed with a pen. If the fan missed she would still continue forward to try and land her jab, if both missed or even landed she would wrap him up in a hug! Her way of wishing not to continue. Her spark had been short lived, and she had several other tricks up her sleeve, but she wasn't ready to reveal them quite yet. So acting tired she smiled at him

"I told you.... You'd be strong," she panted, though that was hardly an act as it had truly been a task to keep up with him. She knew he wasn't at full strength, but neither was she. It was merely a toy session to see his ability and she had gotten that. "I'm sure there will be one day when we will fight, and you will kill me with your full strength," she predicted although there was a mocking tone to it as though she didn't believe her word before she continued with a laugh, "but now is not that time" she said falling onto the sands with her hands over her stomach where he had hit her. She lifted her head to look at the now barely pinked scars before laying it back down on the sands, "I am done, my question has been answered. I am no match for you," She pouted although again she was faking, " you can go kill Miguel," she teased, "but you owe me a new dress!


I smile still leanign up against the sand dune. i watch as the battle goes on, the ceros and the multiple strikes. I lean forwards, picking my body off the dune as i watch iza drop to her knees. Veloz was doing better than i thought. Especially against two other Espada. i rub my red hair to get the sand out of it before blinking.
"She's not done!! Get her!" I say failing my arms, acting kiddish towards iza.

Before anything else could be said I took a step forward, sonidoing quickly infront of miguel and Veloz, pulling up my sheath in my belt to block Veloz's strikes. I push down on my sheath, running my feet up the front of miguel jumping over veloz appearing 10 meters behind him. hands still in my pockets i slowly walk towards him. " I told you all to be ready for surprises didn't i?" Smirking, Reiatsu slowly pours from my body, forming over my legs. The green flashed multiple times as i walked slowly towards the 3.


Miguel watched as his Cero that he fired from his blade did not hit. Veloz cut through the Cero as if it were soft butter. Miguel lifted his sword and prepared for an attack. He watched as Veloz stabbed both his blades into the ground. "What sort of trick are you pulling now, huh?" asked Miguel. Then, Veloz called out "Kongo Roto la Lanza.". Miguel watched, puzzled for a moment, before 10 seven inch long pieces of diamond shot out of the ground and flew toward Miguel. Miguel got ready to do something about the attack, but then it was stopped again. The 3rd Espada jumped in front of the attack and blocked it with his sheath. "You know, guys, I'd really prefer if I were allowed to deal with attacks on my own." said Miguel. "Just because I'm number 7 does not make me a weakling." he said. Miguel watched as the 3rd Espada walked toward him, telling him that he should be ready for surprises. This guy had blocked an enemy attack, but if Miguel learned anything from all his years in Hueco Mundo, it was to never trust anyone. Besides, Miguel could think of some very unpleasant surprises for him. He decided to attack Veloz again. Miguel allowed his blue Reiatsu to flare around him before putting it into his blade. He then Sonidoed to a mere 5 inches in front of Veloz and said "Barra Equis." while beginning an X slashing movement. If it succeeded, it would cut an X into Veloz's chest.


As myself and the speed clones lunged to attack Izanami I landed three deep strikes to her stomach as she fought off the clones believing they were me. When I had begun to strike she had managed to block the first two hits before being hit by the ones to cut her stomach. When I jumped back to prepare my Doble Cero Comprimindo Izanami began to charge her own cero in an attempt to combat mine. With a chuckle I launched the cero as she launched her own, with joy I watched as my own cero pierced hers to explode where she had been. In my distraction it seemed she had used sonido to close in on me before attacking with her fan. It appeared to be aimed towards my leg as I attacked her. Due to the speed I used in sonido to strike at her again I failed to dodge the attempt to ensnare my leg.

I felt more than saw Izanami pull on her weapon and trip me up causing me to land on my back. She quickly made a pointed formation with her fingers and struck below my ribs just piercing the skin like hierro. With a small grunt of surprise from the attack I was surprised further for a moment when Izanami wrapped her arms around me. To me it seemed she had a sudden change of heart for what ever reason, although I was sure she could put up a much better fight.

"I told you.... You'd be strong," Izanami spoke as she panted panted. It seems keeping up with me taxed her more than I thought. I thought on as she continued to speak on, "I'm sure there will be one day when we will fight, and you will kill me with your full strength," . Perhaps... I quickly spoke as she continued, "but now is not that time" after speaking this she fell onto the sands with her hands over her stomach where I had landed the three strikes. "I am done, my question has been answered. I am no match for you," Izanami suddenly pouted and I was unsure if it was real or not, but my thoughts were cut off when she spoke again in a teasing voice, " you can go kill Miguel, but you owe me a new dress." My simple reply was, He shall not die today... and perhaps I will take you up on that...

While this had gone on I failed to notice Cross intercept my attack on Miguel, so when I turned to attack Miguel I was surprised to see Cross jump into the air and land ten meters behind me. With a somewhat smug look he walked towards me with his hands in his pockets, meanwhile green reiatsu was pouring from his body and concentrating around his legs as he spoke of saying I should be prepared for surprises. Before I could reply Miguel spoke up from his position, "You know, guys, I'd really prefer if I were allowed to deal with attacks on my own. Just because I'm number 7 does not make me a weakling." He then flared his reiatsu before using sonido to appear in close quarters with me.

Ah Miguel, now we fight in my strong point! I spoke with a grin on my face as he called out "Barra Equis." After which he began to slash an X pattern, only managing the first diagonal line of the X before I grabbed his hand I expected him to show surprise. Giving it no more thought I decided to use Tesshō, if the single handed punch hit it would break bones in Miguels midsection and torso. If the attack were to fail I would continue with a quick slash with my other hand before using sonido to appear behind Miguel with both blades in hand ready to stab into the back of his ribcage.


The smirk on my face continued to stay as I got closer to the three. Reiatsu still pouring into my legs, sonidoing to left a and right a few times whle still walking towards the three I roll my neck. "I could have some fun, i haven't fought yet so i guess i should prove some stuff right?" Th reiatsu on my legs glow a brighter green than my actual reiatsu flowing into it.

I continue to sonido to the left or right, still just walking with my hands in my pockets. Right before I reach Miguel and Veloz, I sonido into the sky, Bringing my leg up above my head as I front flip down, with my ankle pointing out my body. Infused with reiatsu it would have a stronger impact, I land in the middle between the two espada, Contacting with the ground, rupturing the ground as dust is sent in the air. I quickly put my hands on the grounf, spinning my legs like i was in a flare, attepming to hit the two men's sides. If it succeeded it would be enoguh to blow them out of the dust cloud sending them into a dune. If not succeeded, iw oudl sonido behind Iza, Still my hands in the pockets as I bring a round kick to the back of her neck.

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