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#1Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Empty Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:20 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Rage of Lunacy

What appears to be a rather large person falls from the blue sky at a hurried pace like a flaming meteorite ready to make impact. A giant crator is created at the point of impact causing inbound cars to swerve wildly, a few manage to flip from the force. The shadowy figure that had decended from the heavens slowly makes its way up to its feet and as the evening creeps in, the dying sun shines the last of its lumnescent rays on the face of this being revealing a pale white complexion simliar to the God of Death himself. The frowning man is none other than Senshu Yamaguchi of Hueco Mundo. Not many know of the arranacar but those that do see him only as a brute with no real power or intelligence whatsoever. The usual frown that encompasses his face seems to be filled with anger on this day, something that isn't good for anyone.
The tall lean king of beasts gazes at the city before him like a lion would his prideland.

I grow tired of being treated like some mongrel, like some dirty mutt. They see me as nothing more than a brute that lives for destruction and bloodshed. do they not see the honor in what i do, do they not see the method to my madness?! well then, if they want to treat me like a wild animal then thats what i shall be to the fullest...

Senshu clenches his fists in anger as the veins in his arms prepare to pop from frustration. he grinds his teeth before screaming at the open air so loud that even those without spiritual awareness would hear his roar.


Senshu begins to glow a dark hue of orangish-red as he sonidos high into the sky. He then bite his finger and lets loose a gran rey cero streight at the center of a complex of sky scrappers. He decided to shoot from up high so that the damage could be at it's maximum. He continues to shoot cero as he vaporizes the humans below like ants. The buildings collapse as women and children run out all lit on fire screaming for mercy. the flames of Rage burn in the Arrancars eyes.

#2Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Empty Re: Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:01 pm


Gin Ichimaru was spending some of his days in the human world. In a small city called "Kagamino". Everything was a lot peaceful here than, Karakura town. This city had peace, that means, no, hollows, arrancar/espads ruining his peaceful vacation. Everything was peaceful as he heard a terrifying sound of a blast. And with that came people screaming hard. Oh, guess i talked too soon...

Gin, who was in a tea shop, got up from where he was seated and paid the owner some cash and ran towards the place, where he had heard the big blast. Gin looked around, he could buildings were shattered, some people running for their lives... A few minutes he ran helplessly to locate the source, finally he came to his desalination. There it was, like a dream shattered into small pieces. An arrancar was standing over a building a mumbling something to the helpless people. The arrancar was a strange one indeed. He has generally streight teeth, his ears were pointed upwards. Extremely well defined and quite muscular. He was shirtless, he had matching red breaches and so. A weird one indeed...

Gin scratched his head and gazed a fiery stare at the unknown arrancar. Without wasting time, Gin Ichimaru changed himself to his shinigami form and took out his Zanpaktou. "Yo, leave this people alone! and fight some who is equal to you!" Gin shouted towards the arrancar. Who immediately jumped off from the building and started to give him a furious look. It All Ends Here...


#3Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Empty Re: Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:11 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Fire and blood flood the streets of Kagamino like the unforgiving waters of a great storm. Women and children scream for help, raising their hands to the sky to plead to their God for mercy only to recieve a cold silence and slow death. Buildings topple onto those who would dare try and escape their fate as though they were divine obelisks of judgement. How ironic that the structures created by man would become thier destroyers. Senshu continues to fire long and slow streams of cero from each hand, instantly vaporizing all that come in contact with it. Suddenly, a shinigami appears from out of nowhere and commands the arrancar to cease and desist while simoltaneously challenging him to battle. This shinigami is certainly different than others Yamaguchi has encountered, in terms of looks at least. He is quite tall and lanky with no sign of muscle anywhere on his body. For eyes he only has thin slanted slits and strange colored hair that would seem to complement them. With anger in his eyes and hatred in his heart, Senshu turns to gaze upon this soul reaper and stops his assult as he does. Without hesitation, Senshu draws his zanpakto and grips it with great intensity. Normally he would fist fight with his opponent first before drawing his weapon so that the battle could last longer, so that he could savor each moment however. However since the man is slowly entering a feral rage, he does not care for the sanctity of battle, only the death of his opposition.


Without a second thought, Senshu flies towards the tall soul reaper, ready to kill or be killed. He flies streight towards him with no sign of trickery, only intense madness that builds around his body ni the form of dark orangish-red energy.


The energy surrounding senshu begins to shoot off small jolts of rieatsu as he approaches the shinigami and swings his blade downwards and diagonally to slash for his chest.


word count: 351

#4Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Empty Re: Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:33 am


The arrancar did not waste any time. He jumped from the building and took out his zanpaktou and directly aimed it at, gin ichimarus chest. Gin ichimaru grinned and dodged his attack. "Don't waste such powerful attack. First observe your opponents strength before you start a fulfale attack" Gin ichimaru said grinning.

The arrancar was standing front of him. waiting still gin ichimaru made a move. Gin ichimaru slowly took out his zanpaktou and admired it for a second. As he slowly touched the end of the blade with his palm. Looking at the arrancar now "what is your name, vermin? why are you hurting these people?" gin ichimaru said with a cold stare o his eyes.

#5Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Empty Re: Resolution Shattered [Senshu & Gin] Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:11 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Gin dodges Senshu's attack and the espada stops his movement, turning his neck to catch the shinigami at the corner of his eye. This shinigami is certainly fast, or at least faster than Senshu which isn't saying too much. This particular soul reaper seems vaguely familiar however, so much so that the arrancar feels like he knows him already, or at least knows of him. Yamaguchi speaks with a hard stern voice.

"A true warrior discovers his opponents strength through the battle itself, not the time before it."

As the shinigami slowly took out his blade and asks his name, Senshu turns completely around, still angrily gripping his zanpakto. He grits his teeth for a moment before replying once more.

"Yamaguchi Senshu! and I need no reason to harm these people. all that befalls them they have brought upon themselves, and the same goes for you nameless shinigami!!!"

Senshu holds up his left hand and quickly fires several bala before sonidoing above gin with his entire body aligned in a streight line. his left palm is completely open and begins to glow, reaching for the shinigami's head.

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