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Looking on at the espada I can't help but to think how stark must of felt all those years ago. I smile as iza teases veloz into a spar"careful fox. He bites." I joke half way warning and half way speaking the truth. In my years running with veloz i've seen much of his abiities but his now form was different I,could tell he yerned to unleach himself. "senshu, the ancient one requests our presence in his chambers soon."
(senshu we will do a thread explaining our tier jump cool?)

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
ooc: fine with me, im ready to go when you are. you can make your next post our last one here

Iza seperates her hand from senshu's and again begins to move it up her kimono. She reveals the number six high on her inner thigh. As she says, ' no touching' , Yamaguchi squints open one of his eyes and a small mischevious smirk creps across his face.

"well i.."

Before the segunda can finish what he was saying, the primera walksup to him and tells him that he is needed by the ancient one. Yamaguchi considers to just keep lying down since he's already comfortable, but figures that if the old eezer sent jack , it must be important. With a low angry grumble, senshu heaves himself up and rubs his neck.

"i suppose well have to speak some other time. Sexta espada.."

Senshu then walks up to the primera and speaks plainly.

"Let us take leave then..."


Izanami waved her hand softly in front of her nose when he had said he was surprised that she didn't ask him for his number. She didn't have to ask. With all the other in their place from one to three and her as six. There were a rumored other two, Miguel who seemed intimidated by her so he was no bigger than seven, and another woman whom she had still yet to meet, but had been from Aizens last guard. That left two spots for him to take. Number 5 or Number 4. She had always known Veloz would hold much power as an Espada from when they had first met. She really had been truly eager to find out where he would be placed. With all the pieces falling into place around the Espada's however, she figured it would be more fun to fight it out of him then ask. After all, it would be a chance for her to stretch her legs without getting totally beaten down. She was a fox, not a fool.

"I am," she called to him, "But I figured finding your placement could be fun for both of us. There are only so many spots left in the espada; two in which are higher than my own number. I want to figure out how much stronger you are then me through a fight. Besides, I could use a stretch of my legs." she said releasing Miguil and cracking her knuckles before stretching out her neck causing them to give a slight pop too. When Black made the statement to be careful cause Veloz bit she withdrew her fan from her belt before crossing her arms over her chest and leaning her cheek on the fan, "Oh trust me, Number 1, I'm counting on it"

She relaxed her pose a moment before flipping the fan around so she was holding the opening end by the prongs that stuck out from the metal fan. Izanami looked at it before at Veloz and she dropped it. From the edge of the fan an orange glow formed with every inch that the fan dropped connecting to Izanami's hand. She dropped the fan to her knee swinging it back and forth slightly from the riatsu string she seemed to create. She began to twirl it at her side looking at Miguil once more, "If you're scared, I can take him by myself" she challenged returning her eyes to Veloz giving him a good once over with her eyes still twirling her fan at her side the metal fan at the end giving a slight "wirrr" sound.


As I waited for Izanami to answer I laced my hands together and placed them behind my back before allowing myself to drop to the ground on my back. Jack had decided to tease her a bit or so it seemed before taking off with Senshu to see the Ancient One. With a sigh I looked up to the sky, my red eyes capturing the moon as its light fell upon Hueco Mundo. As I lay there in thought I heard Izanami begin to speak up, turning on my side I allowed my attention to fall upon her. It seemed she wanted to find my number through a fight, and I had no trouble with that, after all I'd get to see the extent of my power.

Lifting myself from the sand I looked to Izanami as she dropped her fan and an orange glow connected it to her hand. She spoke to Miguel for a moment before she began to swing twirl her fan at her side, it began giving of a whirling noise as I pulled the front of my scarf down revealing the raptor jaw fragment for my mask on the right side of my jaw. A large smile slowly crept across my face as I answered, Hmm stretching out would be good in the end, and I bet this will prove fun anyways.. I began laughing as my hands drifted to the blades on my back, wrapping my hands around the blades handles I drew them to my side's before shifting so that my right foot was forward and my upper body leaned over my lower slightly.

Coating my blades in my dark blue/gold reiatsu I began laughing, the laugh carried the joy only a hunter like Veloz could feel. I hope you can make this fun enough Izanami.. I trailed off into more laughter as I leaned forward more and my spiritual pressure started affecting the area around me, Cause I doubt I can hold back much being new to having this kind of power and all.. I finally finished as a dark blue w/ gold outline aura erupted around me.


"Scared?" asked Miguel. "Why would I be scared?" he said. "I think we can fight him together." continued Miguel. "He may be strong, but together, we can defeat him. said Miguel. A dark blue outline of Reiatsu began to shimmer around Miguel as he prepared to fight. "I believe that you should know the name of the one fighting alongside you". said Miguel. "My name is Miguel Ramirez" he said. At the same time, he lifted up his left sleeve, showing the red number 7 tattooed on his wrist. He thought for a moment before the fight. Let's see... thought Miguel. The woman who wants me to fight alongside her is much stronger than me. She's easily #6. he thought. But what's with this guy? He's stronger even than her. He was at least #5. Looks like I need to be careful. thought Miguel as he drew his sword. Now, Miguel decided to show off a bit more of his Reiatsu. Dark blue Reiatsu flared all around him. He lifted up his sword. Then, he finally spoke aloud. "Let's do this!" said Miguel.


[ooc: sorry i hav ebeen gone on a trip >,< so i haven't posted on here for a while so i will catch up when necessary. sorry again >,<]]

I raised my eyebrows, smirking at the 3 espada wanting to spar. I didn't care for fighting really, such a thing is so vulgar. I bounced my blade off the sand of the desert walking over towards a dune behind the 3 espada. My reiatsu poured towards the 3 as i quickly pull it back. Perks of being a parasite eh? Always wanting to get control of ones reiatsu as soon as i sense it.

"So you 3 will spar? Iza and miguel vs. Veloz? don't you think that is a little...unfair? 6 and 7 versus 8? Atleast have some handicaps in this fight. Make it a little more..interesting. Even though i did not care for fighting, i enjoyed watching others so i can read their styles. this gave me a chnace to see my fellow espada actually fight for once. I leaned up against a sand dune, my body forming into the sand as i slowly press my body weight against it.

My black robe fluttered in the wind as it blew slightly. My reiatsu poured out of me once again towards the three as i pull it back again. Every so often i just excited from that, i can't control it escaping but i can pull it back when i need to do so. the 3 on my cheek shinned in teh moonlight of the desert. The headphones around my neck blasted music as i turned my head over towards teh group in front of me.
"Be ready for any surprises."


"Iza and miguel vs. Veloz? don't you think that is a little...unfair? 6 and 7 versus 8?" Was all I caught of Cross's voice as I saw him walking towards us, a low snarl escaping my lips. Why you bastard... just cause your #3 you think you can toy with me... My reiatsu began flaring up in a whirlwind like fashion around me, the grip on my blades became tighter. Cross had pushed just the right button, and though I knew he wasn't serious it still ticked me off... Hope there ready for this... Another male arrancar I recognized, the one who was partnering with Izanami for the spar, was one I had met before I began an arrancar myself. I knew he was the 7th but I had forgotten his name... until he spoke it. A Miguel is it... I watched as Miguel drew his blade and flared his dark blue reiatsu.

Well if you two are ready then.... With that spoken I vanished in a buzz, a speed copy of me appeared a few feet in-front of Miguel as a second speed clone appeared behind Izanami. The real me appeared approx 20 meters from the duo, leaning over I placed my hand to the ground and sent a large surge of reiatsu into it. After sending the surge into the ground I stood and slowly collected gold reiatsu into my left hand as my right sheathed my blades, after that a dark blue glow enveloped my right hand.


[[OoC: Aye its fine, my internet company sucks so it's been rather hard lately as it's not maintaining a good connection -_- I'm still working on getting a new modem to fix the problem. So please bare with me as well as it'll cut out then take like twenty minutes to boot back up.]]

Izanami looked at Miguel as he lifted his sleeve to reveal the tattoo on his wrist she had been correct in assuming she was higher than he, but what she hadn't been expecting was Cross to give away Velozs number so quickly she turned wide eyes to him when he had said eight she looked at Veloz and gave a slight tick, and she thought she had been so sure that he would surpass herself. Oh well, so she would have to go a little easier than she originally planned.

As her fan spun at her side she finished up her introductions, "Miguel, I am Izanami Hiromi, it is my pleasure to serve with you. Don't let me down, but let's not kill him either" she said with a wink of her eye as Veloz readied his attack and Cross sat himself on the sidelines to watch. While Iza was only in a playful mood she would be sure they'd give him an impressive enough show to follow up on. When Veloz's image split into two her eyebrows rose with curiosity. He certainly is fast she thought to herself as the speed clone appeared behind her.

Like a yo-yo she snapped the fan back to her hand before throwing it at the clone as she turned in quick motion once the fan had hit her palm. As the fan approached the clone the end snapped opened revealing the metal blades Izanami hid her face with. The gleamed in the light as a covering layer of orange Reiatsu coated the edge of the metal fan to make for an easier cut. If it hit, she would pull back quickly returning it to her hand before whipping back around to Veloz sending her fan, currently acting like a whip, to his wrist to try and pull his attack in a different direction.

If it missed she would follow through with a rush at the clone drawing her claw like hand back in order to make a penetrating strike to the chest her mouth watering with the idea of fighting him. This two on one was perhaps a little unfair, but Izanami was hardly fighting with her full power. It was only to make Veloz stretch out his abilities to get use to them if anything she wanted him to land a blow. To evaluate what you worked with could mean the winner of a fight and the loser in the future. She wanted to make sure they were all prepared for what she was sure to come.


So her name is Izanami... thought Miguel. Named after a Japanese Shinto deity... I wonder if she has power to match. he thought. Miguel watched as Izanami revealed that her fan was actually a weapon. He wasn't very surprised by that, why else would she be carrying that thing around everywhere. Izanami told Miguel "not to kill him". "Don't worry, he won't die..." said Miguel. ...but he might get some interesting injuries. Hopefully, we'll finish this before anyone decides to use Resurreccion." said Miguel. Then, Veloz, his opponent, suddenly left 2 clones of himself. One of them appeared behind Miguel. "Not sure if those clones can do anything, but I don't want to find out!" said Miguel. Miguel turned toward the clone behind him and lifted his blade. "Barra Equis." said Miguel as he slashed his blade rapidly in an X, attempting to destroy the clone. If he succeeded, he would turn toward the real Veloz and his blade would begin to glow with a dark blue light.


From out in the distance in the dunes of the endless desert a HUGE,reiatsu surge cab be felt,tasted,smelt. The grey smokey reiatsu trimmed in orange filled the eternal night of hauco mundo. I am staggering through the dunes rushed with memories of thousands of fallen fallen arrencars. Their power now mine as I am trying to meld with them the process is slow and tedious. As I stumble to where the other espada are as I look up my eyes are smokey greylike my reiatsu "i am here." My voice sounds as though several voices were speaking at the same time

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