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[ooc: Two problems with your post Sato. 1, you Meta-gamed, shown by you suddenly assuming Colbolt was using mind control and going to attack her, while in a fight with Veloz. 2, you completely ignored my own post before your post and colbolts. Thus you need to edit your post Sato.]


[Edited, BTW, did you guys use the gentei kaijo yet? You know, because our strength as we are lieutenants is suppressed on Earth?)


[ooc; i believe that slipped all our minds sato lol, but woot you finally edited now we wait on taka]


Takami laughed in a cruel sort of way as his attack struck the side of Minoru's back. From the cracks he heard when the attack hit, it seemed that Minoru had a few broken ribs. As Minoru got up, Takami spoke. "I believe that you asked me why I am doing what I'm dong." he said. "Well, the answer is simple." said Takami. "I am doing this because I was promised power with the Espada. he said. "All I get here in Soul Society is chores, paperwork, and that creepy Hollis guy ordering me around." said Takami. That was when Minoru began to charge his blades with jade Reiatsu. He backed up with a Shunpo so that he was 18 feet from Takami before beginning to spin his blades. In his anger, Minoru yelled "Windscar!!" The blades shot out blades of wind spinning like a bit of a drill and moving very quickly. Behind them was Minoru aiming for a follow-up attack. "Oh no you don't!" said Takami. He did a Shunpo but still was grazed on his right side by one of the spinning wind blades. The wound was not serious, but it was more painful then Takami expected. "Looks like you managed to hit me... if but a little!" said Takami. That was when a glowing pure golden Gran Rey Cero shot toward Sato, but he dodged and now the blast was heading for Minoru. With a look of triumph upon his face, Takami did a Shunpo away and re-appeared at a point about 20 feet from Sato. Then, he spoke. "I haven't quite got you back for trying to knock me out with the flat of your sword yet." said Takami. "Please understand that I must do so now." he said. Takami's Reiatsu flared as he reached out with his left palm and began to speak an incantation. "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hado #33: Soukatsui!! he yelled. A blast of blue fire shot toward Sato. If it hit, it would likely cause serious damage since the incantation was used.


Veloz P.o.V

As my weakened Gran Rey shot towards the healer he dodged what small amount would have actually hit him as it sailed by aiming for the real target, the shinigami who kept shooting those cursed wind blades. After he had dodged the healer was once again in my range as I was about to lash out at him with my blades, before I could attack him Colbolts 'toy' shinigami appeared near by and fired of some kido at his ex-ally leaving the other shinigami to deal with my cero. With a smile I decided to let the two shinigami fight each other, and vanished in a buzz appearing behind where I hoped the other shinigami would dodge too in order to escape the gran rey. I watched in thrilled amusement as the shinigami just barely dodged the Gran Rey using his shunpo, and appeared just under twenty feet in-front of myself.

With a triumphant grin I began howling in laughter as I dropped my blades towards the ground, they dug in as I reached down to grab the reiatsu charged weapons. The shinigami was still too pre-occupied with just escaping with his life to notice as I ripped my blades in his direction with a faint whisper of Kongo roto la lanza The attack of five diamond shards sailed through the air towards the unsuspecting shinigami, I was sure they would land on target and pierce through him.

Minoru P.o.V

As my Windscar attack grazed Takami he used shunpo to dodge the main damage and my own follow up, why I didn't know... until I noticed a golden glow approaching. While I noticed the approaching cero I failed to spot the movement of Veloz, so when I just barely dodged the cero(causing minimum 1st degree burns) I hadn't expected to suddenly feel like I had been punched through several times. I looked down to see five long shards of diamond protruding from the right side of my torso, it seemed they had just missed anything major. Turning with a hindered leg I spotted Veloz not to far away, feeling a rush of anger within I could feel my reiatsu bubbling.

Minoru's jade eyes were suddenly overtaken by gold coloring as the jade became a crackling ring through the color.

My reiatsu suddenly flared beyond any level he had felt it reach before, my blades began glowing a bright golden color as an spark like bolt of jade traveled down them. The winds began to gather around the blades as I tried to use my reiatsu to calm the bleeding from my newest wounds. I had to last in bankai just a bit longer, I was determined to see how much damage my strongest attack could do to the Espada.


A large wave of fire rushed toward Mutsuhito. Without kido, all he could do was take the hit. Still in his gigai, Mutsuhito fell to the ground, using his blade to heal himself. Mutsuhito then rushed quickly to his friend's aid, as he was cut by several blades. He then raised his finger, cutting it with his zanpakuto, smearing the blood on his blade. The word "Bankai" could be heard, being said by Mutsuhito. His blade glew brightly for a moment, as two shoulder pads appeared over his jacket. (Mutsuhito never left his gigai XD) "Try not using bankai for the remainder of the battle, that includes shunko" Mutsuhito said to Minoru, as he gently laid the flat of his blade over the shinigami's robes.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
((Colbolt might battle hehehehe))

Colbolt noticed one of the shinigami going into bankai as she smirked "Perfect maybe I should see how I handle."She said to herself laughing lightly jumping off the building "Takami....Come over here..."Called Colbolt Taking out her blade from its hiding place. She Adjusted her right hand in her sleeve "Sorry but you are not fighting."She whispered to herself holding her zanpackuto in her left hand "Hey Shinigami.You want a real fight, then try me, I will make sure you get the fight of your life."She commented to her enemies


Takami looked down at Sato as the blast of blue flame struck him, causing burns and knocking him over. Then, he noticed Sato putting his palm on the flat of his blade and healing himself. "As expected from a member of Division 4,a pathetic yet cheap healing blade!!" he laughed. Takami watched as Minoru dodged Veloz's Gran Rey Cero, only to be hit by diamond shards, causing him serious puncture wounds. Takami laughed at Minoru for not expecting the attack. "You should stay on guard, stupid Shinigami!!" laughed Takami. That was when Minoru got really angry. His eyes turned nearly completely gold. The same happened to his Reiatsu. It seemed like Minoru was powering up for an attack. Takami lifted up his blade and prepared to attack Minoru before he could completely power up his attack, but he was given a new order by Colbolt. She told him to 'come here because he's not going to fight.' "Looks like you're lucky today, Minoru!" said Takami. Then, he used Shunpo to move aside as Colbolt stepped forward, saying that she would give the Shinigami a good fight. At this, Takami un-released his sword and then put it away in its sheath. Takami stood there and watched with interest as Colbolt took out her sword.


Minoru P.o.V

Minoru watched as Sato entered his bankai and once again healed him warning Minoru not to use bankai or shunko again. Tch... without Bankai we won't put up much of a fight... As Minoru had said that, the female arrancar had Taka pull back so she could take his place in the fight. Minoru leapt forward using shunpo, before slashing his blades forward and yelling out, Sabēji-fū! once the name of the attack was roared out 5 large fang like twisters ripped forward from the slashes, aimed for the female arrancar. The winds that were kicked back from the attack erupted around Minoru in a savage storm, the winds cutting at him with no mercy. This price better be worth it.. Minoru spoke silently between ragged breaths as blood dripped from his cut up body. Meanwhile the five deadly twisters began centering around each other as they neared the arrancar, before impact the five twisters would merge into one bigger stronger twister. If the attack were to hit the female, she would suffer severe lacerations and possible cause puncture wounds, the wounds from the attack would also be littered with smaller lacerations. After launching the attack Minoru would use shunpo to gain distance between himself and the arrancar.

Veloz P.o.V

Veloz watched as his attack successfully pierced the Shinigami, for a moment Veloz felt joy in his success before he saw the healer go into bankai and once again heal his friend. Colbolt than ordered her new toy to come back, it seemed she wanted to fight. Should I sit back and watch too Colbolt? or would you rather me keep one of them busy for you? Veloz spoke as he used sonido to reach Colbolts side, Veloz lazily slung his arm over Colbolts shoulder before pointing a bloodied palm forward. Perhaps a full strength Gran Rey this time hmm? Veloz began laughing as he waited for Colbolts response, in truth if she was going to fight Veloz wanted the chance to watch her himself. Although Veloz would hate to let Colbolt have his prey, he did remember that if she wanted she could order him to stand down, but Veloz was sure it wouldn't come to that.


The female arrancar is now fighting for herself. It seems as though she isn't the coward Mutsuhito believed she was, still Minoru was already taking care of her. This leaves Mutsuhito with the other male arrancar with the homosexual looking scarf. "Alright arrancar, it's just you and me" Mutsuhito proclaimed. He held out his zanpakuto, facing the arrancar, Veloz. "What's the matter arrancar? You scared?" Mutsuhito mocked, "Well in that case... Windscar!" He brought his blade back, and swung it forth toward his enemy. One single gust of wind soon separated into three sharp 'blades'. It was a good thing he had held allowed Minoru to heal properly, which reminded him. "By the way, I meant kido, not bankai. I'm sorry!" He apologized.

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