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Colbolt turned taka to face her "I am going to heal you in an akward kind of way but it is best this is done this way to make sure you are fully healed for any battle that is to come"She commented moving close to taka. she moved his arms to more embrace her in a hug as her hands rested on his cheast. she closed her eyes gently as she began to glow lightly along with his wounds as the wounds slowly dissappeared but slightly reappeared on her. She stopped healing once he was fully done "you are completely healed in the sense that all your wounds and pains are now mine and we are bound through that contract and an energy contract for I can give you some of my own energy to help you fight but not too much at one point."She commented to Taka getting out of his embrace


Takami watched as Minoru was healed by Sato. Hmph. Those Shinigami are so cheap. thought Takami. Now, Minoru got up off the ground and released his Bankai and then aimed a Bakudo at Veloz. As Takami expected, Veloz dodged it easily. As he watched diamonds shoot toward Minoru and Sato, Colbolt turned Takami to face her. Colbolt then explained that she was going to heal him. "An awkward way is fine." said Takami. "I don't care how I am healed if it means I can fight for you more." he said. Then, Colbolt explained about the energy sharing. "Thank you for healing me and even more so for making the energy sharing thing." said Takami. "But, taking my wounds upon yourself! Are you sure that you are OK with that? he asked. "Anyways, I don't think that going back to battle now is a good idea. Veloz seems to be quite in to this battle. I don't want to interfere and anger him." said Takami.


[ooc: I know I skipped you Sato but I had an idea to continue and center the fight around Minoru and Veloz for a post.]

[Minoru P.o.V]

I watched as my Bakudo closed in on Veloz, it seemed it would catch him until he vanished at the last moment. Damnit... I'll get him... and then I 'll bring Taka back.. I thought to myself, I refused to believe Taka was a traitor but his actions proved different. For a moment I felt a surge of reiatsu to mine and Sato's right side, I turned to see diamond projectiles rushing towards us and that odd cero of Veloz's behind it.

Damnit, I don't have the time for this crap Espada! Using shunpo I was between Veloz's attacks and Sato, I held my blades diagonally at each side and swiftly slashed an X in-front of me. Briefly the glow of my rieatsu formed a visible X where I had slashed before six massive wind blades ripped forward.. I knew this was a risk but I had too take it, the blades rushed forth disrupting the diamonds flight path causing them to barely miss both myself and Sato. The cero was another problem all together, instead of dicing it up and destroying it like I had wanted the cero exploded directly between myself and Veloz. A rush of blade like wind blew by leaving a visible horizontal cut across my chest, the explosion then rocked my body knocking me into the air and back a few meters.

Landing harshly on my back I rolled over, it felt like I had cracked some ribs, not to mention the gash on my chest. With a cry of anger and realization of the power difference between myself and Veloz I rushed forward yelling Shunko! my body erupt into a crackling white reitasu like glow once again, with my enhanced speed I pushed myself into the fasted shunpo I could muster. With a grunt I reached Veloz's side and aimed to slash both his neck and waistline. The winds like reiatsu blowing around me would leave both of us with smaller lacerations.

[Veloz P.o.V]

As the shinigami in Bankai noticed my attacks incoming I watched as he shunpo'ed between his ally and my attack. No way..he won't actually risk that will he.. I was nearly sure the shinigami was going to try to stop my attacks somehow. I watched as he swung his blades upwards in an X pattern, leaving the faint glow of an X. I watched the shinigami with interest as 6 massive blades of wind came from the X, oh so its that attack again... I thought to myself. The two attacks collided fighting for dominance for a brief moment before my cero erupted into an explosion. I attempted to brace for an impact as I felt a cut open up just below my hollow hole, looking down I saw that my hierro ribbing had been cut through by some kind of wind. The next moment I was rocked by the explosion from my cero, coupled with the cut in my hierro the explosion cracked then destroyed the ribbing. My exposed chest taking in smaller wounds from the wind as the explosion burnt my skin. Damn shinigami always doing something risky... I mumbled as I hit the ground forming a 10 meter long trench.

Lifting myself from the trench I found my left shoulder was out of place, as I moved to force it back in I heard the shinigami yell out 'Shunko!' Turning I watched as his body was enveloped in a white layer of reiatsu, he then vanished for a moment his speed enhanced by this technique I assumed. Hearing a grunt to myside I turn a blade in my right hand swinging up to meet a strike for my neck. With my wounded arm I was unable to block the second strike, taking a deep gash to my waist I stumbled back for a moment causing blood to spurt from the wound. Damn shinigami... your nothing but prey! Why have I bothered playing cat and mouse... Sonido'ing back 10 meters I drop the blade in my right hand and reach to my shoulder, with a hard pull and push I force it back into the socket with a loud 'pop'.

Picking up my blade and reaching behind myself for my other my reiatsu began to rise uncontrollably, the surface of the earth around me began pushing in on itself making a wide crater as fragments lifted into the air. A dark blue storm of reiatsu erupted around my as gold reiatsu sparked from it, the reiatsu had the feel of a hunters blood lust too it.


Quickly after Mutsuhito healed Minoru, the female arrancar walked toward Takami, doing the same. "What a copy cat" he thought. Mutsuhito looked to Minoru. "Alright, you take care of the espada, I'll handle Lieutenant Kawamaru" he asked with a commanding tone. He then looked toward the betrayer. "Alright, I don't want to do this, but it's for your own good" he said, vanishing in a quick instant. He then reappared behind Takami already in bankai. Then, he raised his zanpakuto, attempting to slam his foe using the flat of its blade.


[Minoru P.o.V]

As Veloz blocked my first slash and took the second one I watched in awe of his speed as he vanished in a buzz. Following the buzz Veloz was 10 meters away, as I saw him wrench his arm into place I also noticed Takami 'embracing' the female espada as his wounds slowly faded. Teme.... I thought to myself as Veloz suddenly erupted into a storm of dark blue reiatsu that had golden sparks 'flaking' from it.

With a burst of speed I blew past the flowing storm of reiatsu bursting from Veloz, as I passed through I could feel the Espada's bloodlust. Managing to ignore that I noticed Sato in bankai behind Taka. He doesn't want to use force... Taka will kill him that way... Using shunpo I found myself directly infront of Takami, left blade slicing diagonally for his right shoulder while the other blade came up from his left hip.

[Veloz P.o.V]

As my own reiatsu flared around me I watched with the eyes of a hunter, waiting for the proper moment to strike. The shinigami I was fighting passed through the reiatsu I was emitting before continuing on towards his ex ally. As the reiatsu died down I would be seen with 'glowing' red eyes, my skin/hierro held a blue/gold glow to it as well. I watched with great amusement as the shinigami tried to attack his friend while the other was behind him trying to do the same.

Vanishing using my sonido I brandished my now glowing blades, blocking the attack from the 'healer' shinigami. I figured he'd be startled by my appearance given it seemed I was 100% concentrated on the other. On the contrary the hunter I am would not allow me to give up either of my prey. After blocking the 'healers' attack I began charging a gran rey cero that was pure gold in color in my left hand(the one I cut in the first place) the charging cero spiked of blue 'bolts' of reiatsu as it charged.


Mutsuhito used shunpo, dodging the arrancar's attack. Meanwhile, he realized Minoru had gone after Takami. "I told you that I would handle him!" He whined "fine, let's switch." He used shunpo again, getting close to the male arrancar. He clenched his weapon tight in his arms, and swung. "Katsurei!" he said, attempting to slash the arrancar's neck.


Takami watched as Sato appeared behind him with his blade raised to hit him with the flat. "Hmph. Too weak minded to actually kill me, huh?" asked Takami as Sato came down with his blade. Takami lifted his blade to parry, but then Veloz jumped in and attacked Sato. That was when Minoru used Shunpo, appearing right in front of Takami and trying to slash him in the shoulder and hip. Takami used Shunpo away, evading the attack and re-appearing 15 feet away, laughing. "It seems that you are as weak minded and squeamish as the healer you bring with you." laughed Takami. "Your attack didn't aim for any vital spots. Why is that?" asked Takami. "Don't you get that I'm your enemy?!" he asked. "It's only logical that since I'm your enemy, you should try to kill me." said Takami. Then, Takami lifted his blade. His orange Reiatsu flared around him more intensely than Takami had ever let it. Then, he spoke. "Anyhow, I'm going to try to kill you, even if you're too weak minded to kill me." said Takami. Then, Takami fed all the intense Reiatsu into his sword. His blade glowed so brightly that you didn't want to look at it and the air around the blade shimmered from the heat. Then, Takami disappeared using Shunpo. Takami was usually an honorable fighter who struck head-on, so what he did next shocked everyone. He appeared behind Minoru and yelled "HI SHIRO!!!!!". An X of white flame more powerful than any he'd used throughout the fight shot toward Minoru. If it hit, it would carve an X into Minoru's back.


[Minoru P.o.V]

Come on Taka.. why are you doing this! WHY! I roared as my attacks missed and Taka began mocking me. I watched as Taka appeared about fifteen feet in-front of me after dodging my attack with shunpo. When I felt his reiatsu collect I was expecting a head on attack, which was the opposite of what he had really done. Taka used shunpo to get behind me and attack with his Hi Shiro. As Taka moved using shunpo I caught a few brief glimpse's as I realized what he was doing, immediately I began to move towards the right as I heard Taka's cry of 'Hi Shiro!' the sound of his voice was much closer than I expected... to close to fully dodge his white hot Hi Shiro.

As I attempted to dodge and roll to the right I took the attack to the left side, carving an '<' into my ribcage as a few ribs broke under impact. I rolled across the ground as the searing heat from the attack prevented the fresh wounds from bleeding. Quickly standing once again I faced Taka as my right blade began to glow in jade reiatsu, I dropped the blade momentarily as I caught the end handle on the weapons chain.

Using shunpo I enlarged the distance between myself and Taka too about eighteen feet as I began whirling the chain in my right hand around, spinning the sword like a circular saw. With a roar of anger I yelled, [color-orange]Windscar![/color] The spinning blade began glowing brighter as three wind blades launched from it one after the other. Because of the spinning momentum of the sword the wind blades were also 'spinning' like a saw and heading straight for Takami at a quick pace. After unleashing the attack I snapped the chain back launching the blade into the air as I caught it y its handle. Landing with ease I used shunpo to take advantage of my Hoho training and superior speed, zig zaging behind my attack I was intent to close in on Taka and run my blades through him, one in the shoulder and the other aiming for the stomach.

[Veloz P.o.V]

Watching as Colbolts new toy fought with the shinigami in bankai I smirked to myself, this was going to be over fast..I watched with mild amusement as the 'healer' shinigami closed in using his shunpo. I wonder if he realizes I can still see him.. I thought to myself as the shinigami prepared his strike. With a smirk I vanished in a buzz causing the shinigami to miss the slash he had aimed for my neck.

Ten meters away, nearly in the middle of all the action, I began siphoning energy and power out of my gran rey as I pressed my right hand into the ground sending a enormous pulse of reiatsu into it. Next I stood once again and faced towards the shinigami, channeling another third of the gran rey's energy into my blades they erupted into a golden 'blaze' of reiatsu while dark blue tendrils sparked from them. The gran rey in my hand was now only 1/3 as strong as it had been moments ago and now it was the size of a golf ball in my palm.

Bursting out into rough laughter I watched as large spinning blades of wind were shot towards Colbolts toy. With a final laugh I pointed my left palm towards the healing shinigami, releasing the energy in my palm the gran rey shot forth, first appearing as a golden lightning bolt before expanding into a 4 foot wide crackling been. The blast would most likely miss the healer and head towards his friend, but I didn't care I was intent on ending this soon. After firing the weaker gran rey I used sonido again to appear a few feet from the healer, ready to lash out with my blades in a rapid series of strikes aiming for his upper body. I would strike out as soon as I had the opportunity, After-all, all the pins are set up to be knocked right over... I thought to myself as a smirk crept across my face.


Colbolt giggled "he's perfect for a fraccion, wouldnt he Velzo?"She asked sondio up to a rooftop sitting on the edge with her hands resting in her lap watching the battle giggling as she happy with her creation "I am orud of myself."She commented as she smiled "he is going to be great."She said to herself

((not much to post))


Another missed attack. "You're fast" Mutsuhito complemented, with a smirk on his face, "still, even though you guys out number, over power, and outclass us!..." His words fell silent. He shook his head off a bit, "whatever, let's just get on with this shall we? Settle things like men? And woman?" He sighed once more, looking to the female arrancar with his last sentence. Right before he could speak again, a gran rey cero shot forth. It went right toward him. He would counter, though he couldn't use bankai, not in his current state. A physical strike wouldn't be strong enough to deflect it. Before he could think it through, he dodged, the attack missing him, thankfully. He then looked back, wanting to gloat about dodging the attack, until he saw where the attack was headed. Mutsuhito's eyes widened, and all he could say was: "duck!"

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