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Takami Trains

Life on the Other Side

It was another day in Las Noches, the palace pf the Arrancar. What time it was, none could tell. All of Hueco Mundo, Takami's new home, was shrouded in eternal night. Only inside Las Noches itself was it ever light. Even then, it was eternally light. Thus, one can not tell the time properly in any part of the land of Hueco Mundo.

Memories of the Past, the Drive to Train

Takami had recently got back from his first mission with the Arrancar. All in all, he had liked it. During the mission, he had fought with his former friend Minoru Nao, the lieutenant of the 2nd division. That fight came close to getting rather nasty, with Takami almost pushed to Resurreccion. However, they accomplished their goal by capturing Amaya Nanashi, the 2nd division captain, before anyone on Takami's side was severely injured. In addition, they picked up a new ally, the Vizard Nakajima Kentaro.

Ultimately, the events that occurred on the mission put one thought in Takami's mind: ”I have to become stronger.” He really wanted to crush and destroy Minoru once and for all. In addition, Takami did not like the look of that Vizard. He was always creeping about all sneaky and quiet-like. It wasn't that hard to figure out that the dude was up to something. ”I need to be strong enough to defend myself from him.” thought Takami.


Soon after he finished thinking, Takami found himself bored. All day, he'd been sitting around Las Noches waiting for orders from his Espada. It seemed, however, that she was out somewhere, probably busy with other stuff. ”God, I'm so bored. I hope that Colbolt-sama doesn't mind, but I'll be going out for some fresh air.” At that, Takami stood up and made his way to the nearest exit of Las Noches.

The Endless Sands of Hueco Mundo

Upon leaving Las Noches, Takami was greeted with the now-familiar sight of endless white dunes stretching forever like the waters of a vast ocean. The sky was entirely black, like a void. In it hung a never-changing crescent moon that provided the only light.

Not caring about these features at all, Takami pushed off from the doorstep of Las Noches using Sonido. Soon, Takami was far enough that he decided it would be safe to just walk at a normal pace. Trudging through the white sand, Takami kept his hand near his sword-hilt. It was unlikely that anyone he met here would be friendly.

Over the next few minutes, Takami encountered nothing of interest. There were only a few weak Hollows that Takami killed without even drawing his sword. Soon, he became tired. He sheathed his sword and then lay on the face of a dune, waiting for a challenge, or even for someone to show up.

Word Count: 449 words.


(OOC: mods I will be asking for a tier up from 0-5 to 0-4 here as well.)

Just the same old thing every day.
Las noches, the desert that held the Arrancar and Espada. It was his home, his sanctuary. Cross was sitting ontop of a spire in the desert, dangling his feet beneath him. He began to tap the spire with his heel in a beat. He bobbed his head as he looked over the white sands. He was waiting for anything to do, anything at all to be honest. That was his thoughts until he slowly slid his headphones over his ears.

The thirst for power.
Listening to the music that leaked out of his headphones, he shut his eyes. Cross really didn’t have this kind of time to his self since he has been with the Espada. Thinking wasn’t something he really knew how to do. This was really his first time attempting the thing. After all, he was the kind of guy to think in battle. Not sitting ontop of a spire listening to his music. As always, he had came back from the human world recently. Only one espada currently knows why he goes to the human world every chance he gets. It wasn’t really a plan or anything of the likes. It was just a personal goal. It did not affect the espada in anyway possible. But he did not want to explain to them what he does it for.

“I don’t even trust the group, excluding Iza… They would just laugh at the fact I am still looking… After all these years.” The words that formed on his lips were that of almost human nature. Being so close to humans must have affected Cross in some way or form. He turned his head upwards, looking at the moons of Huenco muendo. These types of things calmed him in a way. They are always graceful, just floating in the sky as if no one cares. Looking over the white sands, he pushed his hand in the air coming back down onto the spire, causing a crater to form. “ I will prove myself to the others. I will get stronger. I will do what I want without anyone commanding me or looking down at me.” The tone of his voice was low and scratchy. Almost like a growl. As the crater’s crack moved about the spire, the place where Cross was sitting, dropped of the spire. He just remained sitting until it hit the ground.

Enough thinking. Let’s do this.
As the crater hit the ground, Cross sonido’d away from the explosion of dust. The wind from the fall caused his hair to blow forward. Looking back at the mess he created he smirked. After all, he had much stress built up from all he has been through. He had to release it someway right? Turning his head back, he placed the headphones that were hanging on the back of his neck, on top of his head. Reaching to his back pocket, he pulled out a mp3 player he had snatched from the human world quite some time ago. Swyping at the screen he goes to an artist that the humans call “Skrillex”. This man or machine intrigued him. The beat he had was fast and hard, something Cross adored. Before he could take one more step, he sensed a reiatsu he knew. Closing his eyes, he breathed in slowly. Focusing on that one reiatsu before tracking his movements.
Maybe he should look into this. Smirking, he took one step before a burst of sand rose from the ground. Blasting all over the crater. Cross was running across the sand without using sonido. He reached his maximum speed before he decided to finally use it.

The white ocean.
Once he began transferring from Las noches to Huenco meundo. Cross Didn’t forget the fact that there could be a possibility that he would run into a Vasto lorde type hollow. Something he was looking forward to actually. He looked across the ground as he saw slayed hollow, lifeless across the desert. Stopping, he saw a man laying down on a dune. Could this man have killed all these hollow? He was about to find out. Removing the headphones of his ears, he lowered them to his neck. Bringing his hand up to his chin he spoke as words escaped his lips; “Oi, Did you do all of this? Why didn’t you just eat the bodies instead of leaving them there to rot. Don’t waste a good meal boy.” The red 4 on his right cheek shimmered in the moonlight. He brought his hand down to his side. Waiting for a response from the man.

word count:772


Questions and Answers

Takami had just been chilling out on the sand dune and relaxing. A few times, he nearly fell asleep, something that would certainly result in his death. As Takami thought this, he felt a tremendous Reiatsu approaching. ”The fuck? That feels like an Espada! What would one be doing all the way out here?” thought Takami. ”I hope it isn't Colbolt-sama, she would be pissed...” he thought.

Presently, the source of the Reiatsu became visible. It was a tall, male Arrancar. He had long, red hair. The top of his head was concealed by a mask. He was clad in the normal uniform of Arrancars, that of the Espada Renacer. One could see a Hollow hole in the Arrancar's gut area. On his neck, the number 4 was tattooed. The moonlight seemed to make it shine.

The first words out of the Arrancar's mouth were “Oi! Did you do this?”. Takami assumed that he was talking about the killing of the Hollow. Before Takami could respond, the Arrancar rattled off a few more questions. Stuff like “Why didn't you eat them?”. He ended his speech with “Don't waste a good meal, boy.”

Takami replied. ”First off, I'd prefer if you did not call me a boy, seeing as I am nearly 700 years old.” said Takami as he stood up. Then, Takami continued. ” Yeah, I killed these Hollows.” said Takami. ”I didn't eat them because, well, I think I am still acting a bit like what I once was...” he said, getting a far-off look in his eyes. ”Hell, I'll eat those on the way back.” said Takami as he stretched.

Greetings... uhh... Friend?

Takami decided to try to casually talk to the Arrancar, thinking, hoping, that he may be forming a friendship. ”Rather than 'boy', you could call me Takami Kawamaru, 'Taka' for short.” said Takami. ”What would your name be?” he asked of the Espada. ”Also, why did you come here? Is Colbolt-sama looking for me or something?” asked Takami, waiting for the Espada's reply.

Word Count: 314
Total Word Count: 763


Meeting of one another.

It has been a long time since Cross was this far out into the desert. If he came out this far, it definitely had his attention for the time being. After asking the questions to the arrancar laying on the dune. He got some answers that he kind of expected. A semi lazy arrancar just killing for fun. At least that is what he thought. Cross rubbed his forehead softly after hearing why he didn’t eat the corpses yet. “Ya know. If I were you, I would eat these as soon as possible. Who knows, A vasto lorde could come in any second and snatch it up.” The words that came from his voice were kind of a mocking. But, Cross was just showing This “Taka” fellow his true personality. He nodded his head at the remarks made by the weird little arrancar. “ Sure thing, Taka. I am Cross Setsuzoku. As you see, I am the red 4th espada.” He paused for a moment before continuing on as he looked at the moon. “Maybe she is. I wouldn’t know. I don’t keep up with the doll.” He said pointing at the man. He was just taunting him at the moment. Almost playing with him like a toy.

Taking a deep breath to relax, Cross rotated his shoulders side to side. He was copying Taka while stretching. Making it look like he was going to be doing something. At least he could trick the man, no? After stretching with the arrancar for a few minutes, Cross spoke up, breaking the silence between the two. “So, While we are out here, and you seem like at least you can take a few hits. How about a contest? The one that kills the most hollow, and devours them is the victor. Why not add a little fun to getting stronger? Every time you kill one, yell that you did so.” Cross then brought a thumb up to his nose. Wiping it slightly, as he smiled. Seemed like the cool thing to do right? Act all tough and stuff. Maybe it didn’t matter to Taka what Cross was, Or what rank.

1..2..3 Wait wait.
Cross was anxious to test this mans ability. But for one to not like fighting so much against other arrancar, he needed the contest idea to start. Maybe he didn’t think it all the way through. But it was better than just straight up fighting. Reaching into his pocket, He grabbed the mp3. Swiping it to the side, He cut off the music that was leaking from the headphones around his neck. “Ugh. What a distraction.” He said wiping his forehead. He was in fact lying. Everything that Cross wanted to do, was a distraction. The music he turned off , he wanted to keep on. He didn’t like doing stuff that he didn’t want to do. But to him, if it means winning a contest, then let it be ripped off his neck for goodness sakes.

He turned his attention back to Taka for the moment. Smiling as he waited for the idea to pop into his ears. He knew from the looks of Taka, that he would join as quickly as possible. He think brought a expression onto his face that made him look like a little kid. “Ah! Rules, I forgot to explain them! You may release. No killing each other. Do not go back to Las noches once this has started. That’s pretty much it.”

Cross was confident at this point. Even if he hadn’t heard an answer from Taka yet. Something about him just made Cross crazy. Was it the rumors of how he used to be a shinigami? Maybe. Just maybe that was the reason why He challenged him. Cross never got along with shinigamis, even if he did get along fairly well with humans. He even would protect a human over a hollow if they got into trouble. He was shunned because of that. By everyone. He then rolled his neck, going from a fun , calm expression to a more serious and fine one. He lifted his fingers on his right hand near his hilt. But calmly brought them back to his side. Was it really that fun to him? What happened to him hating to fight for fun? Never did he expect to be like this in his whole hollow life. Was he losing his mind to the hollow he once defeated years ago? Was he gaining back control slowly? Even so, Cross was not going to let this happen. He had a goal to get to. Something to find out. He –wasn’t- going to let this happen. He smiled once again quickly, tilting his head. “Ok. Ready?”



Contests and Nomming on Hollows

Takami listened to the Arrancar's reply to the words that he had said. He heard him say “You should eat them now, a Vasto Lorde could jump in and steal them any second.” To this, Takami replied ”Heh. Vasto Lorde are so rare, not to mention that they rarely eat.” Continuing, Takami said ”I'm worried about an Adjuchas eating them before I do.”

The Arrancar continued to speak. He went on to say that his name was Cross Setsuzoku, the red 4th Espada. ”This was the guy that nearly took Colbolt-sama's spot...” realized Takami. He continued to listen to Cross as he said that he did not know whether Colbolt was looking for him. ”Hmm... Well, I don't plan on heading back to Las Noches any time soon anyways.” said Takami.

This was the point where Takami began to stretch a bit. Looking over, he noticed that Cross was stretching as well. For a few minutes, they stretched in silence. That was when Cross spoke up. He asked Takami if he would like to have a contest. Takami listened as Cross went on to explain that the contest was to see who could kill and then eat the largest number of Hollows. You were supposed to yell every time hat you killed one. Apparently, it was a game meant to make the task of getting stronger fun.

Takami replied, saying ”Sure, why not? Sounds like a fun contest, and there's nothing to do around here anyways.” However, there was one thing that Takami felt like he needed to attend to first. ”I'd like to go eat those Hollows first, though. It seems like we'll be gone for a while, and I doubt that these will be left when we return.” said Takami. With that, he used Sonido to move from one dead Hollow to the next, eating each one and taking in their Reiatsu to make himself stronger. This took about 5 minutes. Takami then returned to where Cross was, and it seemed that Cross had more to say.

Rules, huh?

As the two were about to begin their contest, Takami noticed that Cross stopped to remove some weird device from himself. It seemed like something that a human would use. Takami decided to push that out of his mind and focus on the upcoming contest.

Cross began to explain the rules of the contest. The first rule, “You may release”, made Takami laugh a little. ”Doubt I'll need my release on most of the Hollows that we will encounter.” he said. It seemed to Takami that the next rule, “No killing each other”, seemed rather obvious to Takami. The final rule would be easy to follow as well. Takami found Las Noches quite boring. ”Sure, I agree to the rules.” said Takami.

Ready When You Are!

Shortly before they began the contest, Takami noticed something a bit weird about Cross. Instead of being fun, calm, and relaxed, he now appeared to be tense and serious. Takami became a little afraid for a short moment as Cross lowered his hand to the hilt of his sword. And then, as suddenly as the strange mood had come on, it ended. Takami was relieved as Cross became relaxed and, well, his normal self again. Now, Takami heard Cross ask if he was ready. ”Sure. I am ready.” said Takami as he waited for Cross to give the signal to start.

Word Count: 546
Total Word Count: 1309


You really don’t know.
Cross was watching the man reply to the offer that he told him. He began laughing at the mention of Vasto lords being in the area. Cross was confused at the matter. Did Taka not know what was truly out here? Has he not been this far out into the white sands? Cross didn’t know, nor did he care. He knew what was out here. He knew the chances of meeting a vasto lorde were slim, but they do exist out here.
“You might want to choose your words carefully. You have no idea what could be out here at this moment. Hollows continue to evolve every minute.” Cross shook his head. Something about Taka made him think that this man did not have the knowledge for hollows. Tilting his head to the ground, he watched as the sands around them shift. Something strong was out there, and Cross could feel it.

Release or not to release.
Cross knew that if he got ganged up by several adujcha hollows that he may need to release. Hearing Taka talk about how he might not even release made Cross chuckle. “You’re going to need it. This is not the average killing contest. You have to kill quickly.” He tapped the side of his sheath, smiling. The thought of actually releasing again made him shiver. Having only released three times since he became part of the renacer, Cross was still getting the hang of his release. Since it does drain his reiatsu, Once he reverts back, he is pretty much defenseless.
He scratched the back of his head while closing his eyes. He was trying to think of the right time to give the signal. Well, He didn’t even have a signal to give. After hearing Takami agree to the rules. This made Cross extremely happy. He did not know what he was thinking or why he was thinking like that when he heard the agreement. “This is going to be interesting.”

Here we go. Start.
Looking over the desert, Cross and Taka were about to start their little contest they set up. Grabbing the hilt of his sword , he drew a little drawing in the sand while he waited for the perfect moment to start. He felt a nearby Adujcha he wants to go after, so he waited until it was near enough. After all, Taka was busy eating the hollows he already killed before hand. Smiling over the feast, Cross continued to draw in the sand. The picture turned out to be two stick figures holding hands. One has the same mask Cross has, the other being a little girl with the name “Christine” written above it. He drew angel wings on her, trying to think optimistic. He knew that she was dead. But he wanted to find her as proof. This was his personal goal, this is why he goes to the human world so much. He believes in reincarnation. Thus being the reason why he protects all human women when he has the chance.
Watching Taka get up from the feast, Cross kicked the sand he drew on, erasing the images he once had there. Shrugging it off, the adujcha he wanted was near enough. Smiling as Taka agreed to do the contest, Cross brought up his hand, all five fingers in the air. “Once this goes to a fist we may begin.” He slowly closed one finger at a time until he reached the last finger on his hand. Smiling widely, he took down the last finger as he sonido’d towards the direction of the adujcha hollow. Blasts of sand was in the air from once where he once stood.
That’s one!
Cross was skimming across the desert like it was nothing. His instincts purely went to his hollow. The sheath of his blade cut into the sand underneath him with each step. The hollow he was after was standing over another hollow he had recently killed but has not devoured yet. Cross smirked at the hollow. “Seems like dinner is about to be interrupted with an uninvited guess.” The Ape looking hollow turned around, laughing at Cross. “By one who compressed his own power?! HA! You foolish arrancar.” The ape looking hollow had fur all over his body except for the chest and gut areas. Which were incased with bones. He slowly started to walk to Cross. Taking little steps at a time. He probably was underestimating the abilities that Cross has.
The ape then began to run full speed at Cross. Cross just stood his ground, folding his arms as he waited for the ape to reach him. As the adujcha ape reached him, He swinged his huge fists towards Cross. Cross simply held out his hand, catching the fists as they lay against each other. The ape’s face went from excited and happy, the confused and surprised. He really did underestimate Cross. As he held onto the fists, Cross opened his mouth, wiping his nose with his other hand. “Like an ape, you are rage filled and don’t think anything through. You’ll be an easy snack.” Cross threw the app towards the other hollow on the ground. Crushing the hollow, who apparently wasn’t completely through. So Cross raised his voice. “Erm, Well that’s one!” Cupping his mouth so Taka could hear it. Rollling his shoulders, he took a step towards the ape, before using sonido to get above him. Flipping forward, he came straight down on the hollow, crushing it’s gut. The ape shrieked in pain, loud enough for taka to hear it.

Cross smiled at the Ape, pointing at his gut. “Oopsies, did I do that?” He said, dancing on the gut as he tapped his feet on it. The ape threw up blood from his mouth at this point with every little tap. Cross had too much expectations for this one being an adujchas, he even waited for this one to be near. He shook his head as he bent down towards the Ape. Focusing his reiatsu into the tip of his fingers. “Ya know, For being an adujchas, you are quite disappointed.” Finishing the sentence he smiled, Stabbing his hand through the head of the Ape. Pulling his hand out quickly, he began to devour the ape’s body as well as the hollow he landed on. Cupping his hands around his mouth, Blood dripped from his lips. “That’s two!”

word count:1072


More Than I Bargained For

Takami listened as Cross described how they could find a Vasto Lorde. Cross went on about how Hollows evolve all the time. Takami did not really appreciate being told that he had no idea what was out there, but he did not respond to that because he did not feel like causing an argument. However, he did think twice as he considered that he'd be going farther into the deserts of Hueco Mundo than ever before, likely out of sight of Las Noches.

Hearing Cross laugh as Takami stated that he may not use his release made him rather uncomfortable. He was told how this was no normal contest and that he'd have to kill quickly. Takami knew that he could kill normal Hollows and weak Gillian quickly without the use of his Resurreccion. It was the Adjuchas and possible Vasto Lorde that he would need to worry about. Thinking about all of this made Takami think that he may have, quite literally, bit off more than he could chew when he agreed to the contest.

That was, of course what Takami thought as he ate the Hollows that he had killed earlier. It was rather funny, but the Hollows didn't really taste like anything to Takami. All he felt was the slight increase in power from their Reiatsu. Part of him didn't really feel right about eating souls. He was once a Shinigami, after all. Finally, Takami finished his meal and walked over to the starting line of the contest as he wiped blood off of his lips. As he approached, Takami saw Cross kick the sand, but thought nothing of it. Everything was now in place for the contest.

The Great Contest, the First Enemy Falls

Takami stood on the starting line, waiting to begin. Finally, Cross held up his hand. He explained that he would lower one finger at a time. Once Cross's hand became a fist, the contest would start. Takami watched as Cross slowly lowered each finger. Counting down in his head, Takami thought ”5...4...3...2...1...” On 1, Takami became tense, ready to move immediately. And then, it finally happened. Cross lowered his final finger. In the same instant, he pushed off with a burst of Sonido, kicking up large clouds of sand.

In that instant, Takami had also used his Sonido. He was nowhere near as fast as Cross, however. Takami used Sonido to move out into the desert at super high speeds. Using his Reiatsu perception and his vision, Takami searched for Hollows. Not long after he began searching, Takami heard a yell from Cross. It seemed that Cross had already made a kill. To confirm this, Takami heard the dying scream of a Hollow. Making matters worse, Takami soon heard Cross announce yet another kill. ”Damn it! I gotta find one, fast! thought Takami.

It was just as Takami was thinking this that he found his first target. Moving in close, Takami saw that it was just a regular Hollow, not even a Gillian. Not the most exciting start to the little game, but it would get better. This Hollow looked like a giant insect of some sort, but with a humanoid head. It was about three feet across.

Sensing Takami's Reiatsu, the Hollow ran toward him. It obviously wanted to kill Takami. Annoyed that he hadn't found a good opponent, Takami decided to take this one out quickly. He used Sonido to appear above the Hollow as he charged an orange Cero with streaks of white energy in it. Allowing himself to free-fall about a foot, Takami fired the Cero at the Hollow's back before moving to the side and landing on his feet near it. The Hollow sank to the ground, covered in burns. Quickly, Takami ripped the Hollow apart and ate it, absorbing its energy for himself. Not even stopping to wipe the blood from his face and hands, Takami yelled as loud as he could ”ONE DOWN!!” before moving on.

A Good Fight!

Takami should have been more aware of the amount of Reiatsu that he had released while fighting. He did not know, but several Hollows had felt his Reiatsu and they were now coming very near his position. Soon, Takami felt a strong Reiatsu. He could tell that it had the potential to give him quite a bit of trouble. He decided to head toward it with the intent of having a good fight for his meal.

Soon, Takami saw it. The Hollow was clearly at the Adjuchas level. It would give Takami quite a bit of Reiatsu if he killed it. The Adjuchas was easily six feet from the ground on all fours and about fourteen feet long. It was in the shape of a green winged serpent. Its Hollow hole was in its back, about seven feet from the head. Its eyes were black except for the yellow iris. Seeing Takami, it let out a roar as its Reiatsu flared up around its body.

Nearing the Adjuchas, Takami was not deterred by its Reiatsu. It had quite a bit of power, but Takami could tell that he was stronger than that Hollow. ”Looks like I found an opponent worthy of seeing my blade.” said Takami as he drew his Zanpaku-to, a four foot long red and black broadsword. Takami made the first move, using Sonido and striking at the Hollow. His blade bit deep, spraying blood.

Snapping its body around, the Adjuchas turned and shot a jet of orange dragon fire at Takami. Using a blade coated in Reiatsu, Takami sliced through the jet of fire. Then, he lifted his blade, feeding Reiatsu into it until it glowed white hot. Using Sonido, Takami appeared behind the Adjuchas. Yelling ”Fuego y Oscuridad!!”, Takami fired a blade of flame toward the Adjuchas.

By some luck, the Adjuchas turned just on time, firing a light green Cero with streaks of blue energy inside of it. The Cero and Takami's attack destroyed each other in a great blast of energy. Huge clouds of white sand were kicked up. Takami decided to use the blast as a distraction. He moved behind the Adjuchas and put his hand on its head. Before it could turn, he charged up his Cero once again, before completely destroying the Adjuchas's head. Now, he picked up what remained of the body and ripped it apart with his hands, consuming the Hollow's spirit particles, and gaining all of its energy.

Finishing his meal, Takami yelled ”TWO!!” at the top of his voice. Then, Takami pushed off with Sonido, moving off even farther into the desert. As before, he carefully scanned for any other Hollows. He wondered how Cross was currently doing in his search...

Word Count: 1105
Total Word Count: 2414


Keep going.
Cross wasn’t even stopping to focus on takami. All he focused on doing was raising his reiatsu enough to attract stronger hollows, or at least vast numbers of the things. Rolling his neck, he bursted up his reiatsu with strange bursts. First he would peak it up to attract the higher level Hollow. Then he would lower it to attract the weaker hollow. Maybe, just maybe they would form a group coming after Cross. Taking another step he bursts through the sand again, launching his legs step after step. Hearing the number Taka had killed did not make Cross slow down. It just made him go farther out into the desert, opposite of Taka so they don’t face each other down.

Stopping on a nearby dune, He did the same strange reiatsu bursts he did earlier. He peaked it up, holding it there for a few seconds, then lowered it as low as he can. Rubbing his left cheek, Cross pouted. “Come on, seriously don’t keep me waiting.” As he said that, two reiatsu traces came from behind him. Walking slowly to the back of Cross were another adujcha type hollow and a Gillian. The adujcha was more of a bird type, with bone wings for arms. The Gillian took form of a lizard, following the bird in front of him a few feet back. Why didn’t they just attack each other? Was Cross’s reiatsu really that addicting?

See this blade?
Cross turned around to glance at the hollows he had attracted. Smirking he raised his hand to the two. “Hiya, welcome to my little trick on you.” He said, smiling. The two hollows laughed through the gut as the lizard spoke up. “You’re little trick? I just see an arrancar in the wrong side of the desert.” The Lizard was now pointing and laughing at Cross, Which caused him to go from cheerful to serious. The bird caught the change in emotion, tilting his head; he spoke to the lizard quietly. “Watch what you say… this one is serious.” The bird started to flap its wings, blowing dust into the direction of Cross.
Cross was in fact fed up with the hollows he had just met, especially the lizard. Slowly, Cross walked towards the two with his hands in his pockets. Each step his reiatsu rose, causing it to drip off his body. The bird and lizard were drooling at the strength of Cross. But could they succeed in beating him? He started to pick up the speed in which he walked towards the Hollows. After all, he was in a contest. Making 2 Worm like parasites from his reiatsu, they branched off his shoulders. The worms drooled for a taste of the other hollows reiatsu, and Cross could feel this. The bird and Lizard laughed once again. This time both were pointing at Cross, laughing till they cried. The lizard spoke once again, this time mocking Cross. “Oh look, I am a serious arrancar too.” He pauses to show the same emotion that Cross held on his face. As he opened his eyes, Cross was now behind him. The lizard turned around to face him, once again laughing. “Ha you mis-“ The lizard was split in half as blood spitted out of his body. Cross dropped his right arm to his side. Sheathing his blade as he turned around the the bird. “That’s 3.” The blood dripped off the hand of Cross as he walked towards the bird.
“you..You can’t be serious! When did you even move infront of us!?” The bird was panicking at this point. What would others do in this situation when they see an ally cut in half in a blink of an eye? That’s right. Panic. The state of the bird changed, the once panicking has turned into a raging hollow. He screeched, sending a wave reiatsu blast towards Cross. Cross raised his head towards the blast,jumping to the left to dodge it barely. The blast was not just a physical attack, the screech caused Cross’s hearing to be temporary fuzzy. The bird the took to the air as he headed for Cross with Reiatsu covering its body.
Soaring on a low flight track, the bird screeched once again, sending yet another reiatsu wave towards Cross. Cross sonido’d under the bird, sending the parasite reiatsu braches towards the wings of the bird. Attacking them to the joint of the wing, he pulled down. Trying to get the bird to hit ground, Instead he Crushed the joint, snapping the wings off. As the bird shrieked in pain, it hit the sand causing a dust cloud to escape. The branches return to Cross momentarily until he sent them off towards the lizards body to devour it. Feeling the power flow through his veins, he slowly walked towards the bird again. Before he placed his hands in his pockets, he pulled the headphones to his ears. So that if the bird did screech again. The after effects from the blast would not make him lose his hearing temporaily. Reaching the bird on the ground, Cross smirked at the situation. “If I recall, you two made fun of me. Well look at you now.” The bird was flopping everywhere, gasping for air from the blood loss.
The bird was going to die in its own puddle of blood. The same way Cross had planned since he has sensed them. Taking his right hand, he slowly moved his hand from his hips to the left side of his body. Grabbing the blooded hilt of his blade, he pulled it out slowly. Swiping it to his right, the blood slide off the blade like it was water. The blade was now clean for another kill, one that Cross was about to achieve. “See this blade? It holds my true power. All I gotta do is say a phrase, and I am stronger.” Holding out the blade, he showed the bird, who was watching carefully, not even moving to get away anymore. He accepted his death. He was beaten. Cross could not tell how old this Hollow was, But he didn’t care. It was a contest after all, not a story time session. Pointing the blade down, he grabbed the hilt with both hands. The tip was centered at the eye of the birds head. Taking a breath, Cross Struck down. Killing the hollow instantly. Leaving his sword in the eye, he continued to devour the carcass. His hands and face now covered in more blood, it made him look monstrous. Looking at himself in the puddle of blood, He was disappointed in himself. He was always the calm, good arrancar. What is happening to him? What is causing him to do all of this?

Alright, just Continue Cross.
Finishing the meal up, Cross grabbed his sword. Not even sheathing it, he took another step before running once again into the desert. By now all hollows know what he is, Sensing his reiatsu is going to attract stronger hollows, and one Cross hopes to happen. A Vasto lorde. The blade cuts into the sand as he runs along the spires and ruins of Huenco muendo. The man still had his headphones on but no music. He didn’t care at this time, he didn’t even turn on the music. He just wanted more power, more bloodshed. His personality was changing for the worse. He just craved the sound of hollows screaming. There is no need to raise his reiatsu anymore. He can already sense a much much stronger hollow nearby. A more advanced adujcha. Almost near Vasto lorde he guessed. He continued his streak trhough the desert until he came up to a sand hole. It was in there. The reiatsu was practically aiming to this spot. Walking two steps, Cross felt a massive reiatsu burst. Stopping him, he looked down into the hole. Suddenly a low menacing voice appears to come out. “ Another snack??”
word count 1327
total 3965


The Hunt Continues

Takami continued making his way across the desert of Hueco Mundo. He moved far, knowing that the strongest Hollows lived in this region far from Las Noches. However, he was trying to stay as far from Cross as possible. This was because they were both using their most base killing instincts, meaning that they might attack each other and not know until it was too late. This was something to be avoided at all costs.

Finally, Takami came upon another Hollow. Once again, he found himself disappointed. He had found a Gillian. However, this Gillian did not have any individuality. This meant that it was slow and stupid, making it easy prey. Using Sonido to appear in front of the Gillian, Takami said ”Make this a little fun for me, OK?” In response, the Gillian shot a gigantic red Cero toward Takami. Using Sonido, Takami easily moved aside. With another burst of Sonido, he was suddenly right in front of the Gillian's face. ”You bore me.” was all that Takami said before stabbing the Gillian between the eyes.

As the huge Gillian fell forward, Takami used Sonido to drop to a standing position near the huge Gillian's body. He then tore into it, eating the whole thing as quickly as possible. Then, per the game rules, Takami yelled “THREE!!” Takami's face and hands were now covered with blood, as well as chunks of flesh and Hollow mask. Takami quickly licked the blood from his lips and hands. He even licked the blood off the flat of his sword, slashing the blade through the air to get rid of the rest. Realizing that he'd spent too long in one place, Takami got back on the move.

Double Teaming, Huh?

By now, a large number of the Hollows in the general area had become interested by the various fights that had been taking place. They had begun to team up, moving across the huge white desert in teams of two's, three's, four's, and even fives. Even some of the most powerful Hollows in Hueco Mundo joined forces with each other for the time being.

Takami came upon a group of two very large Adjuchas. He could tell from the Reiatsu radiating off of them that they would be a serious challenge. The first of these was a large, dark blue snake. Its mask was the regular, unmarked white Hollow mask. Its body was 22 feet long and 4 feet wide. Its Hollow hole could be seen in the middle of its body, nearly 11 feet from the head. It reminded Takami of a python.

The second was the more powerful of the two. In Takami's opinion, it looked the coolest. This one looked just like the green winged serpent Hollow that he'd encountered before except for a few things. The first of these was that it was black. It also had a design in a neon blue color that consisted of a line with circles at intervals running down its back. And it was much larger. This one was nearly 25 feet long and 6 feet wide.

Takami decided to attack the python Hollow first. He dropped down, sword held above his head, as he descended for a slash. However, the black winged serpent Hollow flew in, shooting a neon blue Cero at Takami. Startled, Takami turned and charged his own Cero, firing it off just in time. The explosion was enough of a distraction for Takami to dive down and slash deep into the python Hollow's body.

As Takami prepared to end the life of the python Hollow, he felt a Reiatsu above him. Takami looked up just in time to see a beam of chilling energy shooting at him. At this same time, the python tried to wrap around Takami's leg. Allowing his leg to be wrapped, Takami yelled out “Fuego y Oscuridad!” A blade of fire shot into the chilling beam, heating it to the point that it was harmless. It then continued on to slice into the winged serpent's body, causing a slash and burns.

Now, Takami turned his attention to the python Hollow wrapped around his leg. He lifted his blade and delivered a great slash, cutting through all of the thick coils. The Hollow fell away, cut in half. Takami quickly drove his blade down through the python's skull, yelling out FOUR!! before turning his full attention to the other Hollow. At the same time, he secritively put his left hand behind his back, secretly preparing a Cero.

The black winged serpent flew in with the intention of eating his dead comrade to keep him out of Takami's reach. That never happened. Takami used Sonido, moving in front of the dead python Hollow. ”Sorry. My kill.” said Takami. He then revealed the Cero that he had been charging behind his back, firing it point-blank into the Hollow's chest. A huge, gaping wound was blown in the Hollow's chest as it fell to the sand. ”FIVE!!! yelled Takami. Then, he stabbed his sword into the ground and went to eat the fallen Hollows.

Takami decided to eat the python first since it wouldn't be fresh much longer. As Takami had cut it into a few pieces, he enjoyed each segment separately. Then, he moved on to the next one. Takami tore into his prey, using his hands and teeth, covering himself in more blood. Eventually, he finished eating, licking the blood off his lips and hands once again. Then, Takami picked up his sword, swished the blood away, and prepared to leave. Before he left, however, Takami began to charge some purple energy on his hand. Then, he moved on, looking for more Hollows.

Word Count: 935
Total Word Count: 3349


What are you?
Cross remained still as the Voice escaped the hole. The tone was deep, scratchy even as it echoed throughout the cave. Ever so slowly, the sounds of large footsteps came from the hole that Cross was so close to. Each step was heavy, moving the sand at the top of the hole down to the center where this mysterious figure was approaching from. Cross brought a hand up to his head, scratching the back of his head furiously. He couldn’t wait for this thing to come out, but it had such a reiatsu signature, it enticed Cross. So he did what he thought he couldn’t do. He waited for this reiatsu source to come out of this hole.
The voice peaked out the cave once again. This in a higher, different tone; “Come on! Walk faster! I want to see this Espada for myself! Move it fat ass!” As the voice ran through the ears of Cross, he brought a confused look up on demeanor. Was there more than one hollow down there? Did he just hit the jack pot of all hollow nests? Thinking to himself, he wiped his blade on his right pants leg, the blood staining the white pants that was once very clean.
He could feel it. The signature getting closer. Cross has never judge another hollow based on looks. Only on the signature they give off from their reiatsu. If they were worth his time, He would stay and wait for the fun little action. Stepping closer towards the hole, Cross shook his head once again, yelling down the darkness. “Hurry up! I am not waiting much longer!” As the finally word Escaped his lips, the figure finally showed itself, and it was definitely not what Cross expected. “Wha-what are you?”

I is who I is.
The figure that Cross had waited on for minutes had finally shown itself. It was nothing that could happen In nature. Someone had to of released this thing after experimenting on it. The figure was a mass collection of 5 hollows. Each with a different mask. The body was that of a mammoth, the trunk was a serpent of some sorts. The ears each were two sea shell looking hollows, with spikes protruding off the shells. The body also had wings off the back, which seemed to look like dragon wings. Each individual part moved on it’s on. The hollows still had their separate personalities, some getting along well with the others, while one was just a jerk to the rest of them.
The mammoth head spoke up, it was the first voice that Cross heard earlier. “We are Soverias, an experiment done years ago, as you can see.. We are multiple hollows combined into one Menos.” The snake spoke up, turning his head towards Cross. “We have just grown stronger over the years. You will be defeated by us.” After hearing those words for a brief second, Cross began to laugh. Holding his gut, he leaned forward laughing some more. “You seriously believe that just because you have the abilities of several hollows that you think you can beat me?” The laugh from Cross subsides. Bringing no emotion to his face, the blood from the past hollows he had defeated dripped down his chin. Wiping it on his gloves, he licked the spot as he gripped his sword tightly. “Don’t think you can do it so easily, Espada.” One of the shells spoke as the snake raised its body up into the air. It slowly opened it’s mouth as the yellow energy wrapped around it’s tongue.
It was doing the most basic attack of that grade of hollows. A cero blast. But to make things more complicated as the snake charged the Cero, the mammoths’ body charged towards Cross. Sending sand clouds with every step. Cross sonido’d to the right, grabbing his sword in a reverse grip, for more agile movements. The one thing that Cross had against this abomination was his speed. Jumping up into the air, He climbed on the back of the mammoth that was charging him. Thinking it got into the right place to kill the monster, he raised his blade into the air, That was until the snake turned its body around, firing it’s Cero at Cross. The cero hit the blade as it split into two separate beams, but it knocked him off the back of the mammoth.
Landing in the sand, Cross rolled up onto his knees to regain his position. Bringing his thumb up to his nose, he smirked. “So you really are a monster. An abomination. You do cheap tricks… I like it.” Standing up, he went back to a normal grip of his blade, tilting it to the ground slightly. He took a deep breath in, manifesting his reiatsu to his upper body, mainly his shoulders. As he did so, the parasite worms appeared once again. Still dripping with ooze from the fight before. Popping his neck to the left and right, he began to smirk. He never knew something like this was inside Huenco Muendo. Who was the one to experiment on it? Why would they combine hollows into one super solider? Something he honestly didn’t care about, but the thoughts did go throughout his head.
“Hmph. You got lucky arrancar” the snake said, rolling his eyes. Cross must of managed to annoy him, or even pissed him off. That was a good thing to do during these situations. It makes them lose control, go berserk and not think about the actions they are going to do.Something had to be the weak point of this abomination. There had to be something that tore this thing apart. Thinking, Cross snapped his fingers, sending the Worms towards the giant. The mammoth jumped into the air remaining airborne. “Another bird I have to bring down? Really?” He sighs. Cross was expecting something else to happen, but after seeing the wings before, he guessed eventually the thing would go to the sky. “Bring it on!” the Shells yelled at the same time.
word count:1014
total 4979

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