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#1The Rising Storm (Cross and Pyrrha Only) Empty The Rising Storm (Cross and Pyrrha Only) Wed May 30, 2012 6:40 am


(The Year is Ten, Hirako)

Hueco's Desert even at night was rather hot and barren always full of sand always full of nothingness and often time death occured even in the most unexpected places but it was here that the Tricera espada sat in a bored like look her lips were pursed out and she was full of anger..and hunger..she had been training for what seemed like ages and to no avail got anywhere was it the peak of her power, was it all she could muster? She sighed, it was a real disappointment, she at the time of course wondered where her lover boy was, the one who acted as a twelve year old did in a shop The primera espada she was in love with him but this time he had gotten on her nerves he was barking something about killing a human and slapped her for it and it was a nono in her book, as they said in the world of the living hell hath no fury like a womans wroth, and she was the epiphany of it in a sense she was a mix of boredom plus anger and hunger to boot and it was killing her she needed to do something and quick.


each and every night in Huenco Muendo was the same to Cross. The dry cool wing, the sand stirring up from said wind. Even the moons looked the same. Ever since his fight and killing of the last tricera, Cross has changed. Both Physically and mentally. The first part was rather simple. He returned to his child form. Having long red hair once again. His robes now were a simple long sleve shirt and dress pants. A whiet scarf coverd his mouth as VEloz's old armoar attached to his shoulders, knees and hands. HIs mental ablility has chnaged as well. Gainning the pride of Veloz and the anger of his once hollow self. Stepping off the spire, He fell down, spinning and laughing as he landed. Rolling his shoudlers, he sighed and yawned looking up to teh sky as his childish voice breaks from hsi lips. "She's such a idiot.." He began running across the desert, tracing her reiatsu signature as he neared her postion. Stopping a few meters away, he fized his clothin and hair, walking near her as he placed his hands in his pockets. "You wouldn't have that bruise if you just ;listened to me."


Pyrrha's eyes adverted themselves towards her lover before standing up she clearly towered over him as she looked down her eyes were narrow as her fist clenched themselves til she began to bleed she was pissed and in no mood to play but had an epiphany maybe her lover could help her rise in power she smiled on in the inside her heart jumped for joy she was even enjoying the thought of what could be she spoke on the outside though as cold and as stern as ever, "Listen? Heh...I am sorry but I have no Master.." In a speed that only the top two espada's could follow she attempted to bring her right fist to the right cheeck of her lover showing him she wasn't weak and there was more to her than just being a baby maker, the hit, if landed would one to crack the ground and cause a minor fissure she growled as she through the punch and turned all of her body just to pull it off she wondered if he would take it or simply toss her aside the test results were going to be in within a matter of seconds.


Cross raised his right hand, clenching her fist as he breaks her hand. Not even moving his eyes, he continues to look forward, as he spoke to her. "I made you what you are. You will listen to me, You will obey me. Or i could take that little number there and rip it off, as well as devour you. Do not test me Pyyra. I would end you no quicker than the others." EH said, letting go of her fist. Takign a deep breath, he sighed, looking up at her. "if you think this rebellious attitude will get you somewhere, stop it. It'll only get you killed and I won't be there to save you." His blade remained strapped to his back, beign too long to have on his waist. His red hair flows in the wind as hsi 1 tattoo shows from underneath his hair.


Pyrrha felt her hand break but felt no pain only replying between his words with a swift kick to his knockers which would floor any other man hearing such a threat of death was unacceptable and she was going to kick his ass for it, no sex for him for a long time to boot he was a jerk but she loved him regardless he was her other half someone who made her smile but she was still going to get what she wanted.


He sonido'd to the left of her, smirking as he saw her attempt to hurt him in many ways. "just stop while you're at it. Before i change my mind and end you where you stand. Don't take my new form for granted, it's only to keep the power i stole from Veloz under control. Do not make me angry." he said, as his sword on his back glowed slightly."now with everything done. Why are you out here?"


Pyrrha was still silent in her words envying his speed she wanted to be the fastest espada known to all kinds she wanted to be that one that was seen only a blur the swift death to bring to people, she wanted the speed and angrily she wanted to achieve that speed by any means necessary if it meant embodying death itself she brought around her other with much more strength this time.


Cross lifted up his leg, stopping it with his own as he runs up her body, Bringing both his legs up to her face as he brings them aroud with fercious speed. Succeeded or not, he would sonido back in front of her, shaking his head. "You can try all you want. You cannot defeat me. I'm primera for a reason, NO ONE will take that away from me, Veloz tried, look at him. He was even much uch more of a fighter than you. Achieving his segunda etapa. You are nothing right now." eh said, in a mocking childish tone.


Taking the hit it nearly broke her neck and she went up and flying then hit the ground with a rather large thud as her body popped up then down for a second she laid there for a moment only to get up again and look at him, "I...It's not about taking what is yours from you..I want this experience..I want to fight someone way out of my league to death..To grow stronger..To gain more power..I will...I will gain it.." She spoke finally and with words of want rather than words of anger she sonido'd and wether she would land her next hit or not wouldn't determine the outcome she needed to die to be reborn again before gaining anythin in this world she lived...She would prove to him she was worthy..As she appeared behind him she brought her left elbow around to his right cheeck attempting again to hit him.


Cross stood there, watching her sonido behind him. the elbow to his cheek hit, sending a gust of wind through the area. cross still stood, not even phsed from teh attack. He glared his eyes up at her. throwing his firsts to her mid section, then jumping up backwards, attempting to kick her head to teh ground, hit or not, Cross would land beside her, speaking once again. "Acheive what? Failure? You can't gain Segunda. Youb don't have teh drive, nor the power to get it. Let it be and dropp the subject."

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