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Pyrrha felt that hit and it shook her body she dropped to the ground and took the next hit to her head which in turn would twist her neck and she hit the ground laying there only for a second again before slowly getting up latching to his clothes her fist that seemed to grab a handful of his clothing showed her determination her want to the death even if it was she would achieve what she needed, what she wanted she heard of segunda but if it was not meant to be she was still going to strive for it and slowly she arose again and sent her forehead to his in a full forced swing her body taking off the ground as she did.


Cross shook his head at her as he rose from hsi attacks. He ddin't quite expect her to come with a head butt, resulting him to slide back a few feet from her and bruise forming. Rolling hsi head he began to speak again; "you're not even denying that you don't have the power. Such a pitiful excuse of an espada, Stop or i will begin to get serious.." knowing what tone would tick his lover off, Cross used it to start makign her mad, to start making her emotino rumble. Stretching out his arm, he held it out, slowly opening his palm as 200 hundred bala came out, scatterign around pyyra


Pyrrha heard that tone before and it was one that got under her skin and especially in this child form it was exceptionally annoying she held out her hand and smiled right before the bala's were let loose she beckoned him to get serious she wanted it and smiled before licking her lips her smile seemed to go ear to ear before she moved her speed was good enough to dodge the majority of the bala but recieved damage from alot of them, only coming out and luanched a flurry of fists at him one after the other with no pause or until she was hit at least she was going to show him and it wasn't going to be easy for her but she was going to show him


Cross smirked, He watched as Pyyra came charging at him. he stood there, not even moving. His scale heirro protected him enoughly, so he took the hits, all of them. Being psuhed back from each blow from her. Rolling his shoulders and popping out his chest, he poured reiatsu into his hands, making them faster than before. HE charged right up to her, Moving up from her legs to her throat with rapid punches, in the 900s even in the 1000s.


Pyrrha seemed to take every hit hit for hit before flying after how many began to eat her body in a barrage the iris' in her eyes began to white aout as did her pupils before she went flying back it was into the sand she laid for a moments time before slowly getting back up breathing heavily before she made a slow approach again it was like she was a zombie that didn't want to die didn't want to give up.


Cross dropped his smile as he saw her get up. Just walking to teh side, he dodged her once again. "Pyrra, You are really getting on my nerves..." he said to her, pulling his sword from hsi back sheath slowly. "You can either run. Or hide, It does not matter. he said, dragging his sword against his skin. He stabbed it into this right shoulder, as green reiatsu poured from his blade. "Leech,Sanguljia." The burst of sand and reiatsu filled up the area. Whips could be heard as tentacles with hollows faces were the first to show themselves, later, it was Cross's body. His adult form, the one Pyrra loathed over. His armor was green, and combiend with veloz's own segunda armor, covering his shoudlers and legs.The spiritual pressure was so great, it caved in the sand dunes, and other hollows nearby. "Now then.."


Pyrrha felt a great release hit her and she hit the ground instantaneously as if gravity itself worked against her she felt her body being crushed but struggled back to her feet she approached alot slower this time he was powerful yes, unbeatable yes but she was not going to run she wasn't going to give up the reiatsu was too heavy for her to even throw a punch or land one let alone and it was there she sat before him breathing heavy her eyes narrow and determined still, even as she faced death down in the eyes.


Crpss held out both hands, charging three balls as he said "Granada.." throwing three at Seiko. Granada requires very little charging time, able to be created almost instantaneously, similar to a Bala. However, unlike Bala, Granada is thrown and explodes in mid-air or upon contact. The explosion, which has a radius of 6 yards, can cause severe damage to those nearby including severed limbs and deep wounds. Those who are three ranks below Cross are at serious risk of severe injury and possibly even death due to loss of limbs and blood. Two ranks and below would be in critical condition, while one rank below would be severely injured due to heavy bruises and deep cut wounds. Those of equal rank receives normal damage (bruises, medium to shallow cuts, weakend flesh and bone), while those of higher rank (or tough physical defense) can escape with at worst with light bruises, as well as weakend muscles and bones.

Same as Escopeta, the distance to the point of detonation affects damage, with those closer to the epicenter receiving the full brunt of it, with the damage diminishing close to the outer radius of the blast, roughly the equivalent of one sub-rank.

He would then hold out his ahnd, throwing the 200 balas at her again, before finally saying " Armonizar" Like the animal he resembles, Cross has the ability to cover his entire body with an altered reiatsu that renders him invisible by sight. As well, it hides his reiatsu from being detected even by the most keen sensors. However, movements creates a slight shimmer of light that could reveal his location to his opponent. While he can attack under the guise of his camouflage, it loses its effectiveness in doing so, making him visible and detectable quite easily by those higher than him in rank, while those of equal rank will have a hard time, but still be able to detect and see the faint mirage of his technique.

He would then rush up behind Pyyra, throwing fists at her as he uses his camo to blend in with the desert.


Pyrrha got hit again by his Granada then by his fists the granada was enough to kill her hell if not nearly kill her that was to make it worse his fists applied themselves to the body of Pyrrha She was unable to see him and it was almost impossible to retaliate for such attacks that seemed to press their weight and power on her with each hit, and again she hit the ground and laid motionless only before grabbing one of his tentacles and slowly rising again, "N-Not...Yet.." Pyrrha uttered as she slowly stood up her face angled toward the ground as her breaths only got heavier in their contrasts and exhales she was dripping blood and it was a sign to give up but she was persistent.

As she slowly raised her eyes she eyed her lover still ready for more, still ready to fight and she spoke again "I-I....I am not done yet.." never before had she been hit so hard but she was only ready for more punishment Desconsolado was not needed for what she was trying to reach for Desconsolado could not help her in the after life and versus death himself so she was going to keep him sealed until he was needed, "C'mon My Love, is that your best..?" Pyrrha taunted and smirked hoping to get anger out of him and make him fight harder.


Cross backed away from Pyyra. dropping the emotion from his face. Putting his hands above his head, he mouthed; "Bomba Atomica." A massive ball of fire that is gathered using both hands, held up above the user's head like a floating miniature sun (approximately 20 feet radius). It combines principles used in a Cero, and Cross' own Escopeta and Granada to create a massive ball of fiery reiatsu that explodes at a designated detonation area(100 yards at 0-2) Intended to be a destructive force like no other, the damage caused by the immediate explosion is equivalent to that of a fire-based kidou in the level 90s. In addition to the damage done to the blast radius however, are the effects of Cross' parasitic reiatsu. Not only will those caught in the explosion suffer from the typical effects of a fire and explosive attack, but the parasitic properties of the attack will eat away at the flesh that it comes in contact with. Inhalation or consumption of these parasitic smoke and dust properties will lead to internal damage, bleeding, and rotting of organs (with the exception of the brain and heart).

Slowly, teh ball charged as he looked over to the injured arrancar. [color=red]"you don't even know my true power. This is just half of what I have.."/color]

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