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He had been posted out here to keep an eye out for Hollow activity. It hadn't been spiking in this area at all but it never hurt to send a Vice-Captain out everyone in a while. So, here Draiden was, fully suited in his armor and standing watch over the city of Rome atop the great Roman Colosseum. He remembers being here before during a previous patrol, back when this arena was actually used. "It's a shame... so much work put into this building to never again see honorable combat." It wasn't a well kept secret that Draiden didn't like guns. Not one bit. Unlike the beautiful art of swordsmanship, shooting a gun was considered child's play.

However, he keeps his senses sharp as he dutifully looks out for danger, his head turning to the slightest changes around him to make sure there wouldn't be any surprises randomly coming up on him.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
A large black hole cracked open just below the layer of clouds high above the Coliseum. For a Garganta, it was rather big, as the user himself was a high ranking member of the Espada. Stepping out from the darkness was a large, lean built male, towering a towering height of exactly six feet five inches. A male of elegance but also mixed with an intimidating and daunting presence. He's stoic and regal demeanour alone inspired awe and respect from friends and foes... As his light blue eyes scanned the area surrounding him, a small smile would start to form on his face. "Finally...I'm back home." the Arrancar would utter to himself as feelings of nostalgia would start to crash down on him. This was where the Arrancar was born; back when he was just a human.

Using Sonido to get down to the ground Thor would start to roam the place.  Admiring, inspecting, basically just taking it all in. It has been too long since the Arrancar was last here, and all he wanted was to roam Italy in peace. But little did he know that there would someone watching him.


He had felt the Garganta before he had seen it. When he did see it, a small bit of worry flowed through his muscles. 'This... feels strong. Captain-level strong.' However that worry quickly turned to excitement. 'I should report this in... but I want a shot at him first.' Flash step would carry him over to a nearby roof where he felt the Arrancar go to. His eyes watch the Arrancar just... walking. There was no overly serious issue with Hueco Mundo right now, and he didn't want to be the one to cause a massive fight, so an idea came to him.

He flash steps down, standing 10 feet in front of the Arrancar. He wasn't really worried about a human noticing. "I am Draiden, Vice-Captain of Squad Four. As much as I dislike having to say it, I will have to ask that you return to Hueco Mundo." He reaches down to his sword. "But, that wouldn't be exciting for either of us. So I propose a duel." He gestures behind him with his thumb. "Just our sword, an honorable fight where the loser has to leave." He was sure the Soul Society would pick up the moment they started fighting after all using their equipment, and be able to send in backup should things get nasty.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Thor kept on walking forwards. His hands inside his pockets, his head turning from side-to-side as he admired his surroundings, he walked. Unfortunately, the man did not manage to walk a long distance as he sensed something. Instinctually, he looked forward as he saw a person standing ten-feet or so, in front of him. The arrancar eyes would widen, "what the heck is that?" He would utter in confusion, not knowing whether to believe what stood in front of him. It was a person dressed in full armoured clothing very similar to what the crusaders wore centuries ago. Before the arrancar's could examine the armored clothing more thoroughly the person inside would introduce itself, answering some of the questions that Thor had in his mind. "Tell me: why is a soul reaper wearing a crusaders armor?" He paused, only to throw another question at the person, "and are you a man or a woman? Your helmet is distorting your voice." Some would ask Thor; what did knowing the person's gender accomplish? Nothing really. But it would feed his ever growing curiosity.

Five minutes haven't even gone by and the soul reaper was challenging the arrancar for a duel. Which in response Thor would shake his head. He had come to Italy to sightsee, not engage in duels. "Names Thor Blerster. The third espada." He introduced himself to Draiden seeing as he did not do it earlier, while also ignoring the shinigami's challenge for a duel between them. Preferably, he would have gone to a handshake. But considering the shinigami's mannerisms and stance, it was best not to engage in it.

Taking a step forward the arrancar would start walking; and seeing that Draiden was in front of him - obstructing the way - the man would gesture his hand. By doing so, the earth below the shinigami would move to the side - hopefully with Draiden on it - away from Thor's way. The arrancar was not letting some soul reaper distract him away from his objective.


Draiden remained still since the arrancar wasn't attacking. "I was a crusader back when I was alive. When I passed on, whether a gift of God or this Soul King I've heard of, my armor came with me." The warrior gives a small shrug to the second question. "I am a man, though it matters little to those who live and die by the sword. No matter the gender or creed, a sword cuts all the same." When the man before him gave their name finally, Draiden felt a terrifying and excited shiver go down his back. 'I figured as much...'

However his thoughts were cut off, the ground beneath his feet began to move. He Flash Steps back to where he was before, the action the male made useless. His grip tightens down on his blade. "Espada or not, I am duty bound not to let Hollows walk about freely in the world of the living. If you refuse to fight me honorably, I will be forced to engage you how the Seireitei wants me to." He releases his Spirit Energy in a pulse, wanting to make clear how serious he was in this moment. No matter what, with the energy he was letting off the Seireitei was bound to respond in some way with the readings they would get.

As if feeling the uneasy energies the streets around them begin to clear. Considering what was about to go down, that was a good thing.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Thor would stop in his tracks. Why? Because the man had flash-stepped back to his previous position and continued to obstruct the Arrancar's way. Looking down the Arrancar would rub his forehead realizing his move was made folly. "Fucks sake..." he uttered to himself only to look at soul reaper who was standing in front of him. Thor should have known this would have happened, but unfortunately, he was in the assumption that Draiden would let this go; clearly that had not happened.

The soul reaper would go onto state how it was his duty to stop Thor and so forth, only to release his spiritual pressure. An emotion of perturbation would be seen on the Arrancar's face as he would let out a sigh of disappointment. He really wanted to stay out of any kind of conflict, so he could peacefully sight-see his birthplace. However, it was apparent that such was not possible, considering the person he was facing. "You know...if you had met another Espada in this scenario - who wasn't me - you'll already be on the ground bleeding to death...or just dead." the man would say in a serious tone. Honestly, it was quite true. Most arrancars would have already engaged in battle with Draiden. But Thor wasn't like most arrancars. He was more level headed and rational. Or you could say, simply more evolved.

Looking at the soul reaper dead in the eye, devoid of any emotion, the Arrancar would say, "now look," pausing only for a moment he would continue, "I'm going to go that way," Thor would pause again, "you do what you gotta do." his tone absolute, his expression unwavering, the arrancar would begin to walk away from Draiden. The shinigami had his duty which he had to oblige to. Thor knew that, and daresay he respected it. But was the man's duty so important that he would possibly put his own life down? Time would tell.


He had no doubt of that. The Espada were fighters that really only a Captain-level fighter could properly match. That didn't mean he could stand down from his duty. "Look, you seem to have more rationality and reason that most Arrancar, but you are right. I will do what I have to." He Flash Steps around, his blade drawn. "March on, to Glory." His sword becomes two, a shining European long sword in his hands while an Executioner's blade sits on his hip, still in a sheath. "Hijiri Senshi. If you continue, it will be after defeating me." His stance was strong, reflecting his conviction to this path. He was sure he wouldn't win this fight but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. "Draw your sword if you want to continue, I will not fight an unarmed man."

Even in the face of such overwhelming odds, he couldn't help but feel excited. He could feel his blade was just as excited to test it's edge against this Arrancar's Hierro. He and his blade were in sync, come any victory or loss.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The soul reaper was resilient; not backing down even in the face of a clear disadvantage. Thor admired that, he really did. However, he was not going to allow anyone to delay him any longer as he had been delayed long enough. "Very well. Have it your way." Moving his coat out of the way the man would take out his sword, only to direct his gaze at Draiden. "Just remember; you wanted this." With that Thor would stomp his foot on the ground, prompting two - five by five boulders - to surface from the earth on top of each other, which in turn the arrancar would swing his sword at the boulder, launching it at the soul reaper. If Draiden were to dodge it, Thor would launch another at the shinigami's newest position. Said boulders traveled in a speed of a cero, while also having the strength of a cero.


"I would have rather had a fair duel... but this works too." Draiden knew he wasn't going to win. However, this wouldn't be as cut and dry as the Espada would want it to be. He watches as the man readies his first attack, made of the earth and no doubt just as sturdy. Two boulders were made, and one was sent Draiden's way. He had seen it coming and was able to Flash Step out of it's way. "Shield of Justice!" He braces his left arm, and was sent crashing back against the building he was in front of thanks to the force of the boulder. His shield breaks, but he was still in one piece. He charges forward, his sword beginning to glow without a single word being said. He Flash Steps at a random point in his straight forward charge to swing at the male's hip, and should it land would find the hit to be a bit more powerful that one would expect. Most likely it was due to the glow coating his blade, but at the moment that would be up to if Thor wanted to find out the hard way or not.


Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The soul reaper would doge the first boulder aimed at him, while the second boulder would impact on him; crashing him back against a building. However, no harm major harm would befall him due to the fact that he would let his shield take a major proportion of the damage. As Draiden would begin to charge at him, Thor - without wasting a single second - would fire four simultaneous balas aimed at the soul reaper. The man would flash-step, swinging the glowing blade at Thor's hip. "Too slow," Thor uttered only to sonido behind the shinigami in an instant, evadin the attack. As he sonido'ed he would be already aiming a hard kick at the back of Draiden's right knee hoping to immobilize him. Thor would not stop there; he would aim a punch at the man's back while firing a bala from his elbow as he performed it, to further enhance the ferocity and speed of the attack. If the punch were to connect, the soul reaper would not only be propelled forwards with huge force, but he would find himself with some broken bones.

The shinigami was going to realize that it was unwise and foolhardy to seek battle with a man much faster and powerful than him.

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