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#1Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Empty Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:49 am



Name: Vincent Van Kleiss
Alias: Van Kleiss, The Count Bount, Vincent Bronfman
Real Age: 100 Years of Age
Phys. Age: 14 to 20's "due to having to be his own decendent"
Gender: Male
Personality: The Good

The Bad

Height: When 14 "5'5", when late 20's "6'1"
Weight: 187 Pounds
Physical Traits:older

Van has pale skin color, which helps set off his hair and eyes. He does not contain any blemishes or facial hair. He contains the body frame of an athlete, similar to the famous athlete Lance Armstrong. Through the years of his life, Van focused first on boosting his flexibility and strengthening his “posterior chain”—a series of muscles that includes the gluteus, hamstrings, lower back, and others that support the spine and provide power, speed, and stability. He would call this the foundation of his body’s true core, focusing more on the definition of his muscles instead of strength training. Van has a small pointy chin and a snub shaped nose, which most researchers say to be the most appealing nose type. He also has a perfectly proportioned mouth. Van always seems to maintain a serious facial expression full of a strong conviction and will. He also contains a fabulous bone structure along with mile high cheekbones. Van has white teeth, long eyelashes, and full eyebrows. He has broad shoulders and his poster is never slouched.

Going over to his clothing, Van wears a black suit and tie. Going more into the outfit, it is a satin-faced notch lapel enhances the refined style of this all-black formal wear staple. Flat-front slacks add a modern touch to the timeless look. The jacket is single breasted, containing grosgrain silk facings on a notched lapel. A notched lapel is considered less formal, so it is able to be worn on any occasion. His trousers contain a single silk braid covering the outer seams, they are also fitted. His outfit also contains a white dress shirt with white buttons; The dress shirt has Portofino cuffs along with silver cufflinks, with a detachable turn down collar. Van's outfit also contains black dress stockings, a black silk tie, and black patent leather oxfords. He prefers this outfit whether he decides to appear as a child or adult.

However, after being told by both his doll and his sire that he could be however he wanted, he started to get a bunch of tattoos around his body to hide Rodan. He also decided to sport a cane like a weapon, wear sandals of some kind for comfort, and seems to be going through a minor punk rock phase. To Van, the vampire idealogy and rock'n'roll seem to fit in perfectly, which made him able to take a break at times and make new friends.

General Fighting Style:

A bount's fighting style can't be explained so easily due to the nature of the user's doll. But for Van's case,  he mostly summons Rodan and  goes from there.  Rodan is independent, so he mostly goes off to attack the targets in a mid range fashion while having a reishi connection with Van due to the bount seals. This allows him to have a synchronized movement with his doll in the form of wing stances. The black feathers are treated and manipulated as mini- Bala to overwhelm the foe, while Van uses his reishi feeding technique to enhance his physical prowess to fight defensively if they get past his doll stances to attack the user.  With a higher tiered person, Van will suck in as many stray souls as possible to try to close the gap. For spars,  he would mostly let Rodan do the work. For low tiered, he's rather merciful, pulling back Rodan from being too aggressive when the fight is obviously over. To Van, combat is survival.

Strengths: Durability, Speed, Reiryoku control, Spiritual Energy, Stamina
Weaknesses: sensory, Zanjutsu, Bitto Usage (Pusedo spare dolls), Bount Seals (Kido Counterpart)
Ability Name: [Characters are allowed 1-2 personal abilities.]
Ability Description:

Age control:[b/] With the number of souls that Van had ingested,  he has mastered control over his age.  Even though he chooses to use his young adult to late 20's age range, he can even become an old man if he tries hard enough. The thing about being a bount is to be under the radar and show the natural progression of age to blend in with his peers. It's mostly for roleplaying purposes.

Reishi Feeding: This is probably treated as a basic aspect of Bounts due to the nature of their existence, but Van has extended it's uses in order to increase his survival.  He is not quite as adept at regeneration as Hollow-breeds, nor as effective as Quincy at the deconstruction of reishi, his abilities are unique in that he can perform both with more ease. While this ability can drain targets regardless of their spiritual abilities within a combat scenario, he can also pull from lower-tiered souls in order to regenerate his body, treating it as an instant devouring of that soul (non Pc's).  With places in high spiritual content, this can be done more often and consistently with Van healing from fatal wounds.


Doll Name: Rodan
Doll Appearance:Van’s doll also has a special circumstance just like his master. Rodan takes on a more symbiotic relationship, developing a dependency on a Bount to be a host. However, most Bounts were unable to contain Rodan and were killed when attempting to try, even main branch members. Van was the only one that was able to host Rodan easily, almost as if they were made for each other. Because of his symbiotic form, Rodan's sealed state is in a form of a tattoo of three red eyes on Van’s left chest and back. The eyes are positioned in such a way, that you could connect them and form a triangle. After muttering the release command "Zeige Dich", Rodan would appear as a mixture between a black falcon and a pterodactyl emerging from the tattoo. The size is usually contained, but even if Rodan perched on Van,  the weight would have no bearing on the bount.  Storage is as far as it goes when it comes to Rodan's symbiotic nature,  but true fusion is only achieved through later stages with the doll.
Doll Personality:  If Rodan’s personality could be described as Van’s entire negative traits fused into one being. Rodan always has this sarcastic attitude and considers himself as the ultimate doll, he even goes out of his way to talk Van’s ear off regarding how great he is. On top of that, Nebu could be very vulgar at times.  Cursing and swearing, it’s almost impossible to have a normal conversation with him when he sees most things in a negative light. However, he does regard Van in a high light.  He shares the same zealous attitude towards the project, ensuring the security of Van’s food source also helps keep him alive as well. He could also behave and talk on Van's behalf if he sees that he can't handle the conversation, considering Van as a baby vamp that needs his eternal babysitting.  No matter how many years pass, Van is considered as a kid to him, somewhat vengeful and regretful of the innocence being ripped from him during his holocaust experience. He tries to get Van over his irrational fear of women.

Doll Picture

Doll Abilities: Bala Wing: With each countless feathers on Rodan's body, each one is made of hardened Reiryoku and manipulated as Bala. With the massive beating of his wings,  each bala is treated as (Canon Example - Findorr Calius) multi bala spread.

Wing Stance: Wing Step -
One of Rodan's many wing stances, using his reiryoku control to create a tail end gust of wind engulfed with bala feathers in order to increase the user's speed in order to do a wing step. What this does is allow  Van to kick off many of the bala feathers spread about to ricochet himself and increase his speed at the same time.

Wing Stance: Stealth Wing - When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Rodan and Van bursts into feathers for a quick explosion while  hiding their spiritual presence in order to make a getaway. The explosive power is usually used as a distraction a combatant has to deal with, but mostly a misdirection towards the true purpose of the technique, escaping.  

Wing Stance: Wedge counter - Somewhat of a backlash wave,  Rodan hardens his wings with Reiryoku control to it's high point in order to pivot and counter incoming moves. Rodan Knocks the attacks away with the bala wind exploding on contact in order to increase the space between the enemy and Van as well as a form of knockback. This ability has a two post cooldown.

Wing stance: Close Combat - A physical barrage assault through his doll, Rodan would either go on the offensive a dogfighter jet,  passing back and forth and essentially becoming the "bala" itself for a high powered piercing assault.


Fused Appearance:
Fused Abilities:

Advanced Wing - Wedge Stance: Involvement with the feathers  now naturally contain the power of a grand ray cero for all original  wing stances. Original Wedge Stances have the power of a  Cero Oscuras. This boost lasts for three posts, followed by a 3 post cooldown afterwards.

Marked for death -
The bala wings now can home in on a nearby reiatsu signature, following a target around untill it hits its mark. This makes it rather indiscriminate unless Van stops being lazy and manipulates it manually.

Wedge Stance - Rodan's Feather Duster:  Not only is this a powerful aoe attack, this also serve as a form of advanced reishi feeding that feeds off the reishi of supplementary techniques and temporarily deactivates it, forcing it into cooldown. Supplementary abilities are considered as non damaging techniques that provide a self buff or area of effect "imobolizing thorns and etc".  If the supplementary ability(s) didn't have a cooldown before, the new cooldown is 3 of that users posts. As a result of this, the feather duster is also on a 3 post cooldown.

Wedge Stance - Covert Wing: By engulfing an area full of ball feathers,  the high content of spiritual energy not only all show off the same spiritual signature, Van is able to hide inside the multitude of wings at his leisure. This is more of a hit, run, and hide tactic due to Van exiting the wing to attack his opponent and it being difficult for his opponent to give chase with the wing detonating at will or contact if they are close enough. This could make an individual a sitting duck surrounded by a mine field of some kind. After execution, this ability has a 2 post cooldown.

Wedge Stance - Assault Wing: Rodan's wings grow an extensive distance and come through the middle like a quick scissor slash, leaving a ripped open space in the  shape black feather mark. Not only does this do damage to an opponent(s), the abrasive reiryoku pierces them in place, leaving the inflicted unable to move for two posts.  This ability has a 4 post cooldown.

Infinity Wing: This is an advanced version of Reishi feeding, draining all the souls to empower Van in order to fight stronger opponents. This allows him to temporarily double his stats for 3 posts.  Afterwards, he goes into a 3 post cooldown.

Background Details

History: This all dates back to the origin of the Keliss family.  It was only known as a traveling family of Bounts who practiced medicine and lived under the radar for hundreds of years. They believed in the perfect circle, which considered in the constant struggle between the Shinigami, hollows, and with the humans in between. The Bounts had been fine with just existing, due to their ways of survival was disrupting the circle, and they seemed to avoid suspicion and investigation from the Shinigami. However, there was one man that was not so happy with the current thinking process. His name was Lorenzo Keliss,  and he was the most talented within the family.  He spreads the ideals that mankind's greatest asset that they had to offer the Bounts was mankind itself.  Due to them being the Bount's main food source,  human existence should be considered in high regard. The Kleiss family continued to be discreet and stuck with feeding on lost souls.  However, the process was slow and it wasn’t like things continued at the pace of their desire.  There was still the interjection of the inhabitants of what the Bounts called, “The Perfect Circle”. The Hollows continued to feed no matter what, even in the open. The Shinigami were no better, they take care of the hollows but bring salvation to the souls that the Bounts see as nourishment.

Something had to be done, they mastered their craft undeniably. Their gift of healing was turned into a plague. The black plague to be exact was none other an experiment distributed by the Bounts themselves to lessen the strain of being forced to feed on live humans. Also, containing an immune system that can only be compared to a shark,  their constant exposure to diseases after being on the planet for so long has allowed their bodies to be the greatest source for cures.  However, this experiment of the black death was uncontrolled.  This made Lorenzo Kleiss backtracking to the main issue of the Bounts, what they saw as a perfect circle was none other than a food chain. There was a bountiful amount of souls for the taking, in which they thought the problem was the amount. The two unwelcome parties changed that hypothesis and welcomed a new one.  By excluding the parties from the food chain, will the Bounts find salvation?

This was the beginning of the Keliss Foundation, with Lorenzo leading them.   They considered themselves as mankind's insurance policy, as well as their shepherd. With the way that they traveled the world and Lorenzo being the first of the carrier-class, the plan was to find human beings at the end of their lives for a chance of salvation.  Coming across a dying Vincent Bronfman at age 14, he was the first successful Bount conversion that inherited the carrier-class. Coming to terms with his immortality after losing the family that he loved, he was adopted into the Kleiss family and became known as a count among his kind due to being a carrier.  

There was some talk that he could go out in Lorenzo’s stead on business trips and the like when he matured. Going back to Van,  the birth location was the same as the main location of the Keliss Foundation, which was in Manhattan.  His childhood was pretty adventurous to say the least, Van always took  the initiative to explore every square inch of the estate when he got the chance.  He was a playful individual, and didn’t necessarily treat the bounts that were excluded from the main branch as anomalies. This made him quite popular when he was growing up, given the fact that he did not fully understand his role.  Van took an interest in reading , all  forms of literature brought a big smile to his face. Especially manga , it was  his most favorite of them all.  He traveled a lot when he was a child,  but he took the most interest in going to japan.   Van had a pretty sweet childhood, but all of that changed when he had his first taste of a human soul.  It was the most delectable of all things, a taste that could hardly compare. Initially, it was hard to get Van to act in such a way, but it helped to know that the man was a nazi.

At the age of 16, Van seemed to have matured considerably. He understood what it meant to be a bount and the origin of what the bounts called  “The Food Chain”.    He was even taught about women, mostly a negative respite because Lorenzo didn't want love to change his young protege. For hundreds of years, they were trying to go above and beyond that cruel fate of being the lowest in the branch. It was at that same time that Van received his very own doll, an experimental weapon created from the result of splicing.  It was the first of its own kind, a doll that did not particularly contain a solid-state. However, the doll was very aggressive and every bount that tried to serve as its host was killed immediately, even carriers. Van asked to try out this new creation,  and it assimilated to him immediately.  Van named it Nebu, and it matured just as quickly and gained the ability to talk as soon as it had Van as a host.

The mental stability of his doll forced Van to be taught at the company about the ways of the world until he had a better relationship with Nebu. Time was no issue for bounts,  and seven years soon passed after Van was well educated.  He was then filled in about the natural selection program, and the plan to assimilate every pharmaceutical company under their name as well. Van was assigned to Karakura town, which started in the buyout and takeover of Karakura pharmaceuticals.  His mission was simple,  oversee the experiments to improve human life, and make more Bounts.

Side Notes:

Roleplay Sample: [I have played here before.

#2Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Empty Re: Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:45 pm


Wing Stance: Wedge counter - needs a CD equal to what it counters otherwise it can counter anything at any time and thats not approvable.

Advanced Wing - Wedge Stance: - explain this more. Because it sounds like it turns all your abilities into Gran Rey Cero's without giving them three post cooldowns and that won't be approvable. You can't spam GRC powered abilities after all.

Wedge Stance - Rodan's Feather Duster: - Clarify for me what Supplementary abilities are in this example? Because you are forcing those types of abilities to have CD's regardless of whether or not they have one and that's really powerful. If this affects too many types of abilities I'll have to deny it.

Wedge Stance - Covert Wing: - Needs a CD

Wedge Stance - Assault Wing: - Needs a big CD since it immobilizes anyone it hits.

Infinity Wing: - Denied. You can't just jump 3 tiers regardless of why. sorry. This ability will only be approved if it boosts your stats by double or triple. Not jumping you entire TIERS of power. Even then it would still require a CD.

#3Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Empty Re: Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:54 am


made some edits

#4Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Empty Re: Vincent Van Kleiss [Bount - Finished] Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:12 am


approved at 2-3

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