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#1[Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Empty [Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Tue May 05, 2020 8:19 am


She stood in the center of the aftermath of their battle that had only just ended with her opponent being whisked away from her. Where he had gone she was unsure of, however she knew that he wouldn't be returning anytime soon. Although, she wished she could have finished him off. With the power he had, she feared that she wouldn't be able to stop him next time. She feared that next time, he would wipe the city out in a single motion with a single ability. She hoped that there wouldn't be a single next time, but there was always the looming possibly.

Natasha stood in the middle of a crater in the middle of a complete ruins. The area beneath her had been cratered by the same blast that had caused many of her wounds. The city block around her had been demolished and turned to rubble by the force of the blast leaving no living creature in its wake aside from Natasha. As she stood, her body seemed to slouch as she had exhausted much of her energy on removing too many weapons at once from her pocket dimension and firing multiple powerful blasts from her canons at the same time. Her leg was still attempting to repair itself where it had been blasted by cero energy. Her left hand was completely stripped of false skin leaving it in its full metallic state as the nanites worked effortlessly to repair all the damage that had been done to her limbs. However, the worst part was the pain done to her real body.

Natasha's adrenaline was slowly beginning to fade away and every time she moved her body would burn with pain. Across her abdomen, her shirt had been burned and tattered leaving her skin revealed. The pattern across her stomach was an atrocious sight of skin that had bubbled and blistered from the intense heat from the blast. Blisters also covered the right side of her neck and the left side of her cheek curling around to her left temple. With every movement, she could feel the burns and with every passing moment, she was beginning to lose caution. In that crater she would stand, unwilling to move and unwilling to think about the catastrophe that this city had just seen.

#2[Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Empty Re: [Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Wed May 06, 2020 7:21 am


Broly's presence during the onslaught of New York was seen no where to be seen. The City had been half busted down and Broly was too late to meet any of the ensuing threats that had now been all but stopped or diverted. The panic was still present in the distance as Broly made his way, rushing through the empty streets and rubble blocked areas. His speed was inhuman as his worry to find Natasha drove him to look faster. From what broly could understand, the most obvious place would've been where all the massive conflict went down. Explosions and details of light had flashed the area not too long ago, so surely Natasha or someone had to be there.

Broly finding his way about, had finally met his destination. Emotion was stirring up inside of him as desperately tried to hold back the onslaught. Broly took a glace around a crater where the last flash had come from, his heart sinking deeper into his chest as he feared the worst. However broly spotted someone amidst the destruction. It was Natasha, and she was hurt. The feeling of distress numbed his mind, as the clarity of the world around him failed to show any other detail but her. Making his way down to her, Broly's body heated and the bridge that was holding back his power was slowly cracking.

Broly held out his hands as he slowly approached Natasha, "Nat...?", He would say with tears building in his eyes. His voice was deep yet fluctuated from the distress that overpowered him. A wave of energy would expel from him as his eyes flashed yellow briefly. He couldn't hold back the grief that strickened him, the pure powerful emotions that made him worry for Natasha. To which the gates finally broke somewhat. His irises turned yellow, and his Body drowned in pain. Yet the pain was not as drowning as the worry he felt for Natasha. Broly's body would grow up to 7'2" as his power built in his body, Broly expressed this pain by wincing.

With his now more towering form, he would try to assist Natasha with doing as little as possible. Yet Broly wasn't really sure what to do. She needed somewhere to rest, or maybe she didn't want to move, would she rest upon him? Natasha looked exhausted and was covered in wounds. Broly ultimately didn't want to do anything to hurt her.

#3[Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Empty Re: [Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Wed May 06, 2020 8:12 am


She was so still, so quiet, and so calm with her outward appearance, however she had gone completely dark internally. The world around her had faded out as all she could focus on was her pain and her body. She nearly didn't see that someone was approaching her and at this point, she wouldn't have much energy to fight back. However, she would hear a familiar voice calling out to her prompting her senses to realign themselves with the world around her. Her eyes would widen just a moment as she would snap her head up to see an all too familiar face. "Broly?" She would manage to whisper as tears would form in her eyes. A weight would be lifted from Natasha's chest knowing that he was okay.

She would notice the change in his demeanor as the energy would come flowing off of him. It was almost sickening for her to sense the power coming from him, but she would continue to stand where she was as her eyes would continue to stick to him. Natasha could only hope that nothing would come of this. She hoped this wasn't the uncontrollable state he had mentioned because she wouldn't be able to stop him. He would grow to be somewhere around 2 feet taller than she was, which was a drastic change in size. What sort of power did he possess to be able to do something like that? No matter, she was simply glad that he was well and still in his right mind.

As the worry would cease, Natasha would shake her head just a tad as she would grit her teeth in pain. She didn't want to cry. She hadn't ever felt like crying like this. In the end, she couldn't stop it as she would bring her uninjured arm up to her eyes as she would gently wipe away tears as they started to fall. "I-I'm just so glad that you're okay," she would speak through sobs, which she had never experienced like this before. "I tried. I tried to stop him, but... I couldn't. I failed. Now... the city... because of me," Natasha would continue to cry, "So many people. Killed. Hurt. Trapped. I couldn't save them." Her body had decided that her legs were wasting too much of her energy, as her legs would shake and her knees would head straight for the ground.

#4[Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Empty Re: [Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Thu May 07, 2020 9:18 am


Broly would hear Natasha quietly call his name, "Broly", she would whisper. Tears forming in her unfocused eyes as she placed her look upon him. Natasha was hurting in more ways than physical and although Broly wouldn't be able to sympathise, he instinctively knew she was. Natasha would grit her teeth in pain as tears formed and dropped. Broly's worried face would pay close attention to her state, he watched as she wiped the tears away from her eyes. "I-I'm just so glad that you're okay", she would say sobbing. It wasn't just Broly who was worried about her, she was also worried about him. That was something he definitely didn't need to guess.

"I tried. I tried to stop him, but... I couldn't. I failed. Now... the city... because of me", Natasha would say as she continued to cry, "So many people. Killed. Hurt. Trapped. I couldn't save them". Broly could only listen, he had no words to give her at this moment. His own tears would cease as he watched in distress as someone he cared about was in so much pain.

Natasha's body was out of energy and it was only a matter of time before her shaking legs gave out from under her. Broly softly caught Natasha's body into his own as her knees gave out, gently lowering them both onto their knees. Broly with his powerful muscular figure would embrace his arms gently around Natasha, pulling her in softly towards his body. "Hugs... always make me feel better", he would say as he held himself around her. Broly could only listen to her crying as he could do little else. Powerless to help.

#5[Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Empty Re: [Private] The Aftermath (Hagane) Fri May 08, 2020 9:13 am


As Natasha would fall, Broly would catch her leaving her to grasp onto him as they would both be lowered to their knees. She would continue to cry, even as he would wrap his arms around her. She hadn't ever been hugged before that she could remember, in fact she had never allowed for anyone to hug her. Natasha wasn't the type of girl to understand how affection worked. She was always cautious and weary about people touching her or getting anywhere close to her. However, she had come to like Broly and she trusted him more than she had trusted anyone with the exception of one person. Hell, he was living in her home with her, so it was obvious that she did.

Natasha, although normally uncomfortable with physical affection, would find herself feeling more secure and calm with Broly. She would listen to his words and she would slowly find that her tears were becoming less frequent. Eventually, she would find that they had stopped all together, yet the shame still loomed over her heavier than any weight she had carried before. Natasha would begin to speak softly again with her head turned down, "I thought that I was doing well, you know? I've lived in this city for so long keeping it protected from hollows. I thought that I was strong. I thought that I could protect them. He just came in and half of the city was gone in a matter of just seconds. I didn't even know he was here until it was too late. I wasn't ready. I was too distracted. He destroyed the other half of the city because of me. I was too slow. I wasn't fighting hard enough. Inmocent people. Thousands just gone in the blink of an eye. It was all my fault." Natasha's eyes would grow dull again as she would ball up her fists.

"I couldn't help but worry that one of them might have been you. I was so relieved to see you standing here. Is that selfish of me?" Natasha could only feel waves of disappointment in herself. The shame piled on top of that made her feel completely defeated. What could she do now? How could she face the remaining individuals in the city? She got to keep the one person she cared for, while thousands of people lost their families, friends, and loved ones. She couldn't sympathize with their losses and she worried about the resentment she may face.

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