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#1Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) Empty Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:34 am




Name: Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro

Age: 16
Gender: BIG BOI

Personality: Hagane's personality put simply, he's a very straight forward person and a pretty blunt one at that. Hagane has a very laid back personality, normally not caring all too much about anything other than what he wants to care about. However that's not to say that he's inhumanly calm. Hagane can be very easily pissed off, even sometimes about very small things. Things such as being interrupted during eating or being taunted. Hagane has a small layer of complexity about him which pertains to his oblivious cruelty. Hagane can be unnaturally cruel to others which in ways would be seen as psychotic. He seems to have a fascination in driving pain into others.

Alignment: Neutral chaotic

Blood Type: AB-
Birthplace: Unknown
Current Place of Residence: Musutafu

Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) 157bf1a82adf333a654acc61818c2c5a
Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) Ee2e8c4b34a34202049f14e04cb16008
Looks like this ↑↑↑
But is huge and Muscular like this ↓↓↓
Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) Savage-comics-juggernaut

Height and Weight: 6' 9" , 1100lbs


Quirk Name: Juggernaut Momentum
Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: A field of pure unstoppable force surrounds Hagane like a force-field. This gives him infinite momentum and protection against all exterior forces, pushing them away from him. Allowing him to walk through walls, mountains, your house, your school, a 20 inch thick metal wall. This also allows for feats of super-human strength.

-Doesn't make the user anymore intelligent.
-Requires the user to consume stupidly large amounts of food. Like buffet style.
-The user is limited by travel speed. Can't catch 'em all sadly.    
-Can be deactivated, however requires conscious thought to allow such.


Hero Role Model: TBD

History: Was born in a far away place. Came to Japan. Is a BIG BOI.

#2Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) Empty Re: Hagane Jaken'na kokoro (JUGGERNAUT) Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:41 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
B- S- potential approved

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