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#11[Private] Royal Ties - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Tue May 12, 2020 5:08 am


The princess was quick, at least with her reactions, but that was good. Having her fall to such a straightforward attack would have been disappointing to say the least. Though even as she moved at high speed she could see those peircing green eyes following her even as the blades struck through the air to hit nothing. As swiftly as she moved and fired off her arrows the High Inquisitor would respond with a single swipe of his hand, materializing a trio of blades that would fly through the air and strike the arrows mid-flight, sending them off course to crash into the ground out of harms way while she landed back down to attempt to blast him away with another of her abilities.

He crossed his blades and proceeded to charge forward, only to suddenly leap skywards, creating platforms over to avoid the blast in its entirety while tossing a final two knives before landing behind her, rushing again to attempt another strike from his new vantage point. He was certainly tenacious if nothing else, swift thinking and clearly not messing about in this sparring match.

- Techniques -
- Reishi Weapon: 5 knives (Bala Speed/Damage)

#12[Private] Royal Ties - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Thu May 14, 2020 12:11 am


The young Quincy leader was definitely taking this more seriously than she intended. It spoke to her about his character, that if you're to put effort into anything, you should always put forth your best. A fantastic quality for a leader. He was extremely straightforward, however. She found knives heading right for her position, two of them. The knives would be knocked off from their intended course by using her Force of the Gods again, once for each, before pulling a Seele Shneider of her own to block his attempted strike. This would most likely cause a blade-lock. She knows he would try a follow-up attack with his other blade, that or another attack from something else or an ability he hasn't shown, and quickly uses Hirenkyaku to ascend. The moment she came out of the ability she braces the bottom of her bow against her foot, and a familiar glow forms along the string of her massive bow. "Licht Regen." She fires off the technique, releasing her arrows at a very rapid pace towards High Inquisitor Viktor. A fighter of his caliber wasn't about to get fatally wounded should any part of this hit, but it wouldn't feel pretty. If he was going to take this seriously then so would she.

After the technique ends she kicks off to a new reishi platform, readying herself for how her sparring partner would possibly counter.

Abilities Used:

#13[Private] Royal Ties - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Thu May 14, 2020 11:48 am


It seemed that the other quincy did well under pressure, using her abilities to work against his own. As serious as he was being though it wasn't the peak of his powers at any rate. Once again, she managed to dart off as their blades clashed to summon up what would be a storm of arrows directly at his position. He narrowed his gaze for a moment before deciding that this had been about as much as they would learn at this level of power. Not that he intended to release further, he just needed to go ahead and call and end to it before it became tiresome. From what he had seen so far, she was clearly capbable.

Instead of retreating, he countered with his own ability, a shimmering energy construct in the shape of a spear formed that he would throw directly at her. It would serve two purposes. First, the energy being emitted as the weapon passed by would clear something of a path for him as it flew, and second it would act as a distraction. In moments he was gone, a new level of speed he hadn't yet shown off, passing through the arrows and certainly taking a few hits on the way, but shrugging them off.

Nothing happened though, the Princess would find herself up on her platform with a sense of danger behind her. "That was good" The Inquisitor spoke calmly, the fizzling out of energy showing he had finished with this short sparring session. If she decided to turn and call off her own assault she would find the High Inquisitor hardly worse for wear, a few scratches through his clothing and some clear bleeding, but nothing to worry about. "I'm afraid if we went on any longer someone may have been hurt"

- Techniques -
- Reishi dominance: 25% Damage reduction
- Holy Fervor: Additional durability bonus
- Weapon creation: Short spear, Cero Damage - Bala speed (3 post cooldown)

#14[Private] Royal Ties - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Sun May 17, 2020 11:59 pm


Well, he certainly fit the bill for being a Quincy leader. He was tenatious, she would give him that, and despite the size and raw force behind her arrows her Licht Regen didn't pierce his skin fully. And that feeling of danger that flowed through her... she hadn't felt such a raw feeling of true instinctual fear for her life since the war that nearly rendered her people's race extinct. "You are certainly an amazing fighter, you were trained well." She giggles a bit as her bow breaks apart at no longer being sustained. "If a little... direct. You take to fighting close up while most Quincy techniques were made to dispatch Hollows from a distance, to avoid contamination. Our spar has certainly been an enlightening one." She lets herself slowly drift to the ground. "Thank you for indulging me, it has been some time since I could truly put my skills to use against someone so capable."

However, all good encounters must end. She waits for the High Inquisitor to make any finishing statements about their short spar before continuing. "Thank you again for coming, I am glad to see that our people have not only survived, but now on the cusp of thriving once more. I will happily lend my aid as needed, and you and any other Quincy are welcome to walk the halls of Silbern. I'm sure as High Inquisitor you have duties that you need to return to."

#15[Private] Royal Ties - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Mon May 18, 2020 8:21 am


Viktor was certainly an edge case when it came to quincy, the very real threat of his very being getting corrupted due to this fighting style was always a concern, but so far he had never found it to be a problem. It just harderned his resolve in such conflicts to ensure that never happened. Really he seemed to fight more like a shinigami than a quincy, which was odd enough in the first place. "Indeed, I expected nothing less than a more orthdox approach considering your history. Certainly a level of skill other Quincy should strive for" He replaced the seele shneider on their holsters and took out his inquisitorial seal, holding it to the side as a gate opened for him.

"Of course, I'll expect you will want to tour the city and get familiar with how it has changed. You'll find a new set of staff waiting in your office when you arrive." The shimmering blue energy tore through the dimensions as he prepared to step through. "You would do best to find a small group you trust to assist you in your investigations, I'll leave that to your own discretion however. Until we meet again" He nodded one final time before stepping through the swirling energy before him for the gate to close as swiftly as he appeared.

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