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#1[Private] Royal Ties Empty [Private] Royal Ties Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:56 am


Silbern, the ancient home of the Quincy Royal family. A long forgotten silver city that housed those who remained loyal to the family after their defeat at the hand of the Gotei. This place had not seen the likes of the Inquisition before, having been considered a lost vestage of history and the downfall of the Quincy race by some. Viktor Iscariot had deemed otherwise. As high inquisitor he needed to factor in all variables, and one that had remained a troubling outlier was one Gwynevere Sunborne. While the chances of the remaining Quincy populace deciding to one again raise the crown into power was not a concern, the Princess was known to be rather powerful in her own right and could be better use to her people working with them, rather than staying locked away in her castle.

The inquisitor strode through the webway gate with purpose, ignoring questioning by the guards as he made his way from the courtyard to the inner sanctum of the palace. "Excuse me, sir." One particularly brave servant would approach, confidence shattered the moment the Inquisitor's gaze met his own. "I'll ask this only once, I require a meeting with the Princess. Go fetch her for me" without further word Viktor turned back to an old painting hung across one of the walls.


There was a swift knock at Gwynevere's chambers, seeming rather more hurried and urgent than usual. Should she decide to open the door the head of staff would bow deeply. "Please do excuse my intrusion your highness... You have a visitor. It seems urgent." It wasn't like him to be this worked up, though visitors to Silbern were few and far between. It was up to the Princess how she wished to proceed now. Should she grant this meeting she would find a smartly dressed young man with an Inquisitorial Seal hanging around his neck seemingly admirning the various artwork the family had accumulated over the years before the fall.

#2[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:07 pm


She had been in the process of readying herself for the day before her when she felt it. A new presence was within Silbern, and it felt like a Quincy. While brushing her hair she turns towards the door. "We have a guest, please have the kitchens prepare some snacks and juice." A soft 'Yes Ma'am' was her reply before she heard the footsteps of her personal assistant walk away. She finishes up with her normal routine when she hears a knock on her door.

"Please do excuse my intrusion your highness... You have a visitor. It seems urgent." Well, he seemed a little worked up.

She steps out of her room and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for telling me, please let him know I will meet with him shortly and guide him to my office." She watches the servant of the castle walk out before making her way to the office. Her assistant was already there, with the requested snacks set on the desk. "I see they were expecting me to ask for them regardless of our guest." She says with a soft chuckle. She walks over to the cushioned wooden chair and sits herself down. "Thank you for your hard work, please step out so I can talk with our guest in privacy."

They wordlessly walk out and close the door behind them. He would greet the visiting Quincy once he arrived and hold open the door for him, closing it gently behind him once he was in.

Once he was in, he would see a very organized office with Gwynevere in the center, a soft smile on her face. "Welcome, I am Gwynevere Sunborne, last of the royal family. Congratulations on making it back to the old home of your kin."

#3[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Fri May 01, 2020 3:14 pm


Viktor wasn't kept long, a good thing for all involved. Regardless of how they considered the Inquisition as an organization he didn't have the luxury of sitting around idle. There was always a threat to be dealt with, and even now their enemies would be moving towards their next attack. So he would follow behind the servant and immediately step through the door. Locking his gaze upon the Princess as the door closed behind him.

"I am High inquisitor Viktor Karamazov, perhaps you have heard of me" His last name was a fabrication, but it was impossible to tell from his expression. It had been what he had been using for some time now, so there was no true fame of reference otherwise. "Getting back here was not a challenge, though it is just as glorious as I was told. As little as that matters now" He stepped into the center of the room "And as comfortable I'm sure it is, you owe your people to leave this place and take up your bow once more"

Straight to the point it seemed, as much as she may have helped the Quincy it wasn't enough for this Inquisitor. "Most have taken refuge in a new home, a gilded city beyond the reach of shinigami, hollow and human." he explained, it was common enough knowledge among the Quincy he had no idea how much she might know of the real world. "I'm sure you have questions, so I'll give you a moment to think before I give you my proposal".

It was hard to tell by looking at him, but she was looking at the pinnacle of their race. Gifted beyond his years with a strength that few ever reached. Yet that isn't where his straightforward approach came from. Despite his unassuming presence, there was an odd sense of foreboding around the man even when there was no indication he was a threat.

#4[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Sat May 02, 2020 11:02 pm


Well, he was a very direct individual, Gwynevere could respect that. "A pleasure, High Inquisitor. Alas I have not heard of you, these halls haven't had a visitor to them in nearly a thousand years. The Soul Society is a dangerous group after all, and they can hold grudges for centuries. You could say I was... worried of being hunted should I ever leave here." His last name though kept bugging her. None of the Quincy she knew had such a foreign sounding name, though she doubted the man's true name would ever fit with what was the norm back in the era she was from. However, he must have had reason to keep his real name secret.

"You speak of a gilded city, I take it you speak of one of the old forts made by my father that was never utilized. I am glad to see that it is being used for the safety of our people." She had a genuine smile of that thought. The few fortresses still remaining were a leftover token of when her father hadn't gone power hungry, it was pleasing that they were being used properly. "I do have to ask, do you and those under you know of how our race fell? If not I'll be sure to have a document made on the matter that can be distributed." Really, it was a statement she nearly answered herself.

"And tell me, what is the goal of this inquisition you lead? I will happily raise my bow to help protect our people, but I'm sure you understand that I want to know what it is I'd be getting myself into." She gestures at the table before them. "And please, at least have some fruit juice. Talking can leave one's mouth quite parched."

#5[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Mon May 04, 2020 3:29 am


"I was not aware your isolation was so severe. No matter. Though I'm sure you are aware that being hunted is a way of life for the Quincy by now. Though a smaller risk than it used to be, it is still present" He could see the cogs ticking over in her head in regards to his name, usually he wasn't dealing with someone this old who might actually notice the irregularity. Thankfully, the princess deemed to not worthy of following up as she went on to questioning about their new home.

"Of course, it isn't something so easily built from scratch. But in the years since our exodus we have built upon the foundations and expanded. Using those same techniques to expand the webway further beyond with new outposts. I doubt there is a place on Earth that is beyond our reach now" He explained, the city was certainly a marvel, the name was enough to tip one off as to how it looked. Though thoughts of the home fortress would of course lend itself to their descent from power all those years ago. "I'm sure your retelling of the events would be enlightening. Such an event is difficult to forget though, the fall of an entire race is something that tends to etch itself into memory"

Viktor himself was among the younger of their species, despite his talents, and had gone into some effort to learn exactly what had caused the strife. He intended to steer the organization from such downfalls in the future of course. "The Inquisition is how the Quincy race has picked up the pieces after the fall. We were taken in by the Catholic church. In return for a front to continue working in the human world proper we assist in safeguarding humanity from the threats beyond. Hollow, Sinner and Shinigami if need be. Our goal is to root out corruption wherever it may hide and destroy it."

"In short, we are the hidden safeguard for Humanity. With the rise in humans with their own spiritual abilities and the ever looming threat of hollow incursion, we need every able bodied quincy we can get. I believe you would suit the role perfectly" Though even with this he would politely refuse refreshment with a simple shake of the head "I'm fine, thank you for offering"

#6[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Wed May 06, 2020 12:20 am


Well, he was very straight-forward at least. She could tell he was being fully honest right from the start, not up-selling what it is this organization is all about at all. Good, if she was to aid in this it is because it was the best path towards eventually ensuring peace for her kin. "I see, that is certainly a noble goal. I am glad that everyone had managed to survive and overcome. I never expected many to survive in the Human World, I'm glad to be wrong." Well, seems her questions were over. She was ready to agree to help in this moment, but surely this wasn't just towards the purpose of recruitment. For a leader to head out on their own towards an unknown variable, whether or not it was previously safe, there was a strong motivation to come personally.

"I am more than willing to join your inquisition, young one. However, your motivation to come here and recruit me personally eludes me." She stands from her seat, sliding away the tray of pastries. "Is there something you would like to ask of me? Perhaps it is to see a specific location within Silbern, or to witness what those of the older generation was capable of, but I doubt someone of your standing came not just to bring me back."

#7[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Wed May 06, 2020 4:13 am


"Indeed, the years following the fall were not kind I'm told but the Church needed enforcers and after being made aware of the threats from beyond Earth they were more than happy to provide shelter" He was sure that the previous incarnations of their organization had done more than simply slay hollows but rather actively worked for the Church in whatever they required. In these modern times however, there were less witches in need of burning and a more pressing matter of spiritual threats. Which is what the quincy specialized in, so long as they kept under the radar there was little chance that the Gotei would find the time to try and hunt them down once more.

"No ulterior motive I'm afraid. Though if you would like to prove your prowess I am more than happy to oblige" The man reaches into his jacket to reveal a ornately carved ebony box of some kind. Like many of the artifacts of the inquisition it had an exquisite design, inlaid with gold etchings of the church. "However, no one else has the authority to grant the title of Inquisitor" He placed the box on her desk for inspection. "Unlike the rank and file, you will answer to no-body but me. and you may go about your business however you see fit. It is not a title granted lightly you understand" Should she open the box, it would seem to be a similar seal to the one that Viktor himself had hanging from a chain around his neck.

#8[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Wed May 06, 2020 6:23 pm


Well, seems humanity was pretty accepting at the very least. She knew not of what the Quincy may have done while aiding this church of theirs, but she hoped it wasn't anything too grizzly. Viktor went on to say that there were no ulterior motives. While she trusted him in this statement, she held onto the fact that he wouldn't have said he did if there was any. "I see, then I have no qualms about joining." Her guest went on to explain that only he could grant her an intended rank, one she was sure only he could give. He went on then to explain where her rank stood compared to others. She takes hold of the ornate box, removing the seal found within. "Well, here is to the future of our kin's safety." She stands and slips on the seal around her neck.

With this, she leaves from behind her desk and opens the door. "Now, on to other matters. While you're here and willing I would like to see how our techniques hold up in this modern age first hand. We can both learn about the other in our training grounds." As they walk, she would remain silent unless spoken to. The gleaming marble and stone halls hummed with energy, made to be a pleasant and relaxing tune for any Quincy walking it's halls. When they reach the training fields they would find stationary wall targets, mechanically powered moving targets, and even a few caged Hollows kept for the purpose of live combat for younger Quincy. A large dirt field sits in the center of all this for sparring. "I will take the far end, let me know when you are ready to begin."

She heads across to the other end of the field, at which point her cross activates and her greatbow forms. It remains at her side, looking as solid as any weapon. "We will only use our base abilities, no need to destroy our training field with any power releases."

#9[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Thu May 07, 2020 4:32 am


"Excellent" He had expected nothing less, he was sure the Princess was going to make an excellent addition to the team and do their race proud. How well she would meld with the other Inquisitors did remain to be seen, but he would deal with any issues as they cropped up. For now he was simply satisfied his mission for the day had ended in success.

It seemed that the woman would be taking him up on the offer to show off his own abilities. or at least showcase her own. With no objections he would walk along behind her in equal silence until they arrived at the training fields. How smart it was to have active hollows caged up within the walls was questionable but it also wasn't his castle. The terms were laid out and his new sparring partner took her place opposite on the field. "Very well, let us begin then" Unlike the other Quincy, Viktor did not reveal a power. Rather, he plucked a pair of seele shneiders from his belt, activating the saw-like reishi blades which he held at waist height.

The High Inquisitor took a deep breath as he unveiled the base level of his spiritual power. As expected of someone of his station, the crushing pressure was nothing to scoff at, despite his unassuming appearance. In moments he would begin their bout, taking the stranger option to close the distance between them, darting across the field using Hirenkyaku, using his speed to rob the Princess of whatever advantages she might have at range as he brought the energy blades to bare, aiming with a sweeping strike at her midsection as he blitzed through from the left.

#10[Private] Royal Ties Empty Re: [Private] Royal Ties Fri May 08, 2020 9:40 pm


She was glad that Viktor was so willing. Now, she could see how she stood up compared to this next generation of Quincy.

She watched as the man pulled out some seele shneiders, one for each hand, before using the quincy technique of Hirenkyaku to close the distance between them. While it was most likely just part of his fighting style, it was always smart to take advantage of closing in on a ranged opponent. However, he would not find Gwynevere had tricks up her sleeve. She points to the ground under her feet, focusing her energies to her finger. The energy around her finger seemed to ripple similar to heatwaves before the energy rapidly fired out, sending Gwynevere up into the air and out of harms way. The saw-like energy of the man's energy swords would meet air.

From her aerial vantage she quickly fires off three spear-sized arrows off towards the man's back before kicking off of a reishi platform into Hirenkyaku, landing roughly ten feet to the man's left. She raises her left hand again, once more the energy rippling before 4 Hado 1 Sho-esque clear projectiles like what she used to propel herself up were fired at him this time. There were no words to be said in combat, but she felt like saying something anyway. "You have great reflexes, young one."

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