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#1[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty [Open] The Coming Epoch Fri May 22, 2020 8:43 pm


Countdown To Rome: 2 weeks
Location: Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon, Canada
Globules Placed: 0 of 5
Earth Bounding: 0 percent

Weakend rays of sunlight leaked through the overcast sky onto a granite plateau that was lightly dusted with snow. The lake below was partially frozen but it was difficult to tell due to its glass-like clarity. A Garganta opened on top of the granite plateau that overlooked the lake, juxtaposing the darkness of the portal with the white of the snow. Wayland stepped outward onto the stone and scanned the area. This is where his construction would begin and how fitting it be in one of the most untouched places in The World Of The Living. From his pocket, Wayland pulled the first Globule to be placed. It was a small gray orb and was central to Wayland's journey. He extended his left index finger of his free hand outward and unleashed a flurry of Balas into the center of the lake. The continued explosions shatter the thin layer of surface ice and ejected massive amounts of water into the sky. As the liquid dispersed it froze suspended in the atmosphere in the area as ice fog. Wayland tossed the Globule into the hole he had created at the bottom of the body of water with his barrage which was subsequently covered with water that rushed back inward after the Balas subsided causing the water level to drop several feet.

"With this the Epoch Of Chaos begins to end."

#2[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty Re: [Open] The Coming Epoch Sun May 24, 2020 10:20 pm


In an all too familiar crackle Visi appeared not far behind Wayland. Bowing his head before he spoke."Nuveno, I have placed the Orb where you requested, and have taken extra measures to ensure that I was not seen or followed." The Arrancar's voice showed no hint emotion as he stood in the air, bowed on one knee.

Wayland's actions intrigued Visi, not that He would ever allow Wayland to know that, what was the point of all this. While Visi would follow Wayland's every order he could not internally suppress his curiosity. When given the order to place the orb Wayland seemed to think that any distraction could prove to be an issue. Just what was so important?

#3[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty Re: [Open] The Coming Epoch Thu May 28, 2020 12:25 am


Countdown To Rome: 2 weeks
Location: Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon, Canada
Globules Placed: 2 of 5
Earth Bounding: 40 percent

Wayland stood looking out over the lake as snow began to fall from the sky.

"I didn't expect you to report back so soon Visi. You've done well. Things are progressing along smoothly but I anticipate that will change in the very near future. I have one more orb for you to place. This time it's going just off the tip of the antarctic peninsula. I doubt I will live long enough to see all five placed. I want you to be prepared for my death Visi"

Wayland was planting a seed here should he indeed kick off. He would need Visi to still be in his service even after his death.

"I'm entrusting you with my final directive Visi."

#4[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty Re: [Open] The Coming Epoch Thu May 28, 2020 5:45 am


Prepared for his death, Surely Wayland was joking. For someone as powerful as him to die before Visi himself seemed impossible. Nevertheless He had a duty to attend to, "Yes Nuveno. Give me your orders and I will see to it that they are completed but the way you speak it's almost if you expect to die. Please know that I will do all I can within my meager means to ensure that that doesn't happen."

How could Wayland die and leave Visi alive, Wayland was strong, impossibly so in what world would a weakling like Visi outlive him. It made no sense to him but it was not Visi's place to question his orders.

#5[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty Re: [Open] The Coming Epoch Fri May 29, 2020 11:58 pm


Wayland wasn't surprised Visi couldn't comprehend what he was saying but this is what he expected. Afterall, Visi didn't excel at critical thinking but instead loyalty and singular focus. Given Wayland's plan there were two eventual outcomes: his absolute success or inevitable death. Interestingly, both would allow him to succeed in his goal though in different ways.

"After you place the next orb there will be one final task I have for you. Concern yourself not with the consequences of my actions. What is most important is that not matter how things play out that you remember the location of all the Globules that have been placed. Even if I am not here there still will be and will be important in the future."

Wayland needed Visi to feel a weight of responsibility even if he were no longer alive. The best way to accomplish this with someone like Visi was to give them an easy to understand objective of great importance. Afterall, individuals like Visi fed on these types of things.

#6[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty Re: [Open] The Coming Epoch Sat May 30, 2020 6:29 am


The gravity Wayland was putting on the order was not lost on Visi. ""Yes, of course. I understand, this is an order of paramount importance. My apologies if it seemed like I was doubting you." This forthcoming order clearly meant a lot to Wayland, and not following his instructions to the letter would be the height of rudeness. Still he could not help but wander as to the end goal of all this, what sort of enterprise would a being such as an Espada devote this level of care too. Visi's mind was racing but his features remained unmoved.

"I am ready to receive your order."

#7[Open] The Coming Epoch Empty Re: [Open] The Coming Epoch Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:40 am


Wayland felt confident that he had sufficiently influenced Visi onto the path he would need him to travel. Wayland reached into his jacket and pulled out another Globule that he extended out towards Visi.

"You will take this Globule and place it off the coast of the antarctic peninsula. Make sure you placed his below the surface of the ocean floor. I will continue on placing the remaining two Globules. I will most likely meet my end attempting to place the final one. If I am unable to place the last Globule, you must do so in my stead and then, when the time is right, you must activate all of the Globules in The World Of The Living."

Wayland anticipated that Visi would have no idea why any of this was happening but that was of no concern to him. The only thing Visi needed to focus on were the orders he was given.

"A final word of advice, temper your strength. You will need it to usher in the comping epoch."

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