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Since returning to the Gotei, this was by far the biggest job that she had been entrusted with, the forced probation of that she was under because of the hollowfication she had endured. It was by far the closest thing to trust she had been shown by the captain commander, and well anyone outside of her squad to this date. As a member of the offensive squad, Kokoro had assigned her to assault the Menos forest, to destroy as many gillians as she could as well as any arrancar that showed there. While she knew that this was probably meant to be more of a distraction than anything else, with her being expendable as far as her superiors were concerned.

While she knew that, she didn't really care, she had not had much of a chance to fully flex her powers yet, so might as well go hog wild here where there will be no one around she doesn't want to burn. Arriving at the aptly named Forest of Menos, named such because the sheer amount of gillians in the area made it seem like a dense amount of trees, much like the forests in the land of the living. Cracking her knuckles she let her reiatsu loose to it's full extent flames appearing in her hands as she let loose a torrent of fire burning the gillians in the immediate area to ash as the rest start to notice her. Ah it felt so good to not hold back.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Damn shinigami, Did they get bored with their human world crusade?"Asked Nakita immediately noticing the flare of vizard reiastu along with the gillian roar of pain getting turned to ash. She sighed getting up from her seat adjusting her hair behind her shoulder "alright time to see who dares harm my childern"she spoke leaving in a sondio making it to the enemy infront of her "I suggest you leave and stop harming the inhabitant of this forest Vizard.Did you get tired taking care of that human world you shinigami love so much?"she asked annoyed with having to deal with a vizard and just plain annoyed dealing with anyone as she sighed standing calmly with her arms folded infront of her chest


Shana's crimson eyes, would flash as the apparent guard of this particular portion of the hollows domain made their presence known. A female arrancar, cornsilk hair pulled up in a tight bun, though unlike alot of the arrancar that the fiery redhead had encountered the woman before her wore a dark Traditional style Kimono, flashing the witch a smile, one far more sinister than one that Shana normally uses "Well you know, what they say, the best defense is a good offense. Rather than waiting for the next assault on the world of the living, or soul society we figured we would bring the fight to you."

Flames circle around Shana almost as if they have a life of their own, though they were being controlled completely by Shana's will, "Now what are you to do about it if I choose not to take suggestion to heart?" To prove a point, more fireballs would launch out at the creatures who had proved to be far too slow to get out of here. "Do you think you have the power to stop me? Are you even going to try, or should I just cut to the chase and burn you to ash as well?"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Nakita sighed watching the girl closely "Such a brat, can't just be happy with your own playthings. To think, I will actually have to discipline an actual child so she can remain in her place" She spoke out loud to herself unfolding her arms before refolding them into her sleeves pulling out a black fan laced in web-like material "I am the Segunda Espada, Second Espada in your language, My name is Nakita Nocturne. I am the Know mother of the Espada and many of the fraccion that serve the cause."She spoke pointing her fan towards the child. "This is my home and I will not allow you to take it from the children that call it home."She spoke as from around them there was a movement amongst the sand and the forest through whatever it was, couldn't be seen...Yet.


"Don't you know, these things practically are toys to me, and they might as well be mine. Plus what makes you so sure that you will even be able to punish me you witch. Child or not, I am far more powerful than I look, so you better hope you are not biting off more than you can chew. My name is Shana Hirai, Vice captain of Squad 6, and quite frankly I am here to roast as many of you soul suckers as I can." Shana flashed Nakita a smirk, though she had to admit the espada's fan was quite pretty. Though odds are it is not going to be of much use to her against the fiery vizard, who would touch her blade with her off hand, calling out it's command readying for whatever it was that Nakita was planning "Rise from the Ashes and Blaze with the Flames of Heaven, Alastor!"

Shana's blade would change slightly, nothing too noticeable unless Nakita was paying close attention, though Shana's eyes now literally glowed with power, the air in the area becoming noticeably warmer as her reiatsu infected it. The time for words was over, as spheres of fire would literally fill the air around Shana and fly out towards Nakita, a half dozen little fireballs, each one not really packing a punch but combined it would hurt, probably even the second highest ranking espada in all of hueco mundo. Granted if that was enough to take down the queen of the espada, then this was going to be quite a boring excursion.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Alright, I guess it is time to play."She spoke seeing the fire vizard decide to just go straight Shikai as if she wasn't worth being scared of. She lifts her hand, holding her fan, above her head before bringing it down then out to shoulder level "Weave the Web of their destruction, Supaidākuīn" She spoke going in her resurrection as her form changed, her hair growing shorter, smooth and raven black as her red eyes glowed. her clothing changed to a much more black boot to suit along with glimpses of skin and really fitting her form well as 4 sharp red bladed legs form from her back. She quickly dashed to the side summer slating and flipping out of the way sticking her landing as some smaller spiders form at her feet before burrowing into the sand. She clapped her hands together before slowly pulling them apart forming some webs between them as the webs twisted and turned transforming into a silver thread blade as she held it in front of her

Abilities used:

Spider spawned: 10

Passive Ability Name: Widow's Gift
Passive Ability Description: Nakita is the Embodiment of Spider. She can make webs, Smaller and larger spiders. Wall and web crawling, Etc. The Spiders she makes can have their own will if she wishes but all still follow her will to a T. With her webs she can stitch it to whatever and use it to make weapons and shields if needed.


"Spiders eh, looks like you are out of luck aren't you." Shana would say upon seeing her transformation and spawning of spiders and webs. Arachnids vs fire, the only worse match up would be if she was some kind of moth hollow. Smiling to herself Shana would bend the fireballs towards where Nakita had dodged to. Stepping into the air, standing on what would look like a cloud of flames as she kept swirling fire around her feet making it so that approaching from below was not ideal for anyone.

Shana's keen eyes watching the spider lady for her reaction, and as soon as Nakita's attention turns to the fireballs seeking after her Shana is going draw her blade, the weapon igniting as it leaves it's sheath, a slash of fire arcing through the sky towards Nakita from a different angle than the fireballs.

Techniques Used:

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Yes I am Nakita Nocturne, I am a spider and just because you believe you have an advantage do not be fooled Little one, my spiders' aren't scared of your tiny fire tantrum."She spoke noticing the fireballs following her as she took a quick jog allowing them to follow her to the left before seeing the Fire vizard send a wave of fire towards her. She waited till the last second before sondioing around the vizard avoiding the wave all together before she sent out a few wads of webbing at the vizard in quick succession as she came down at the vizard. Nakita took note of the fireballs following her and had accounted for it as once she got close by falling she used one more sondio to disappear from near point range in front of Shana to reappearing point blank behind her. if successful Nakita would twist in her reappearance sending a kick towards the middle of Shana's back allowing herself to propelled from the girl by either the kick or the  wad of webbing that happen to miss

Abilities used:

Spider spawned: 10

Passive Ability Name: Widow's Gift
Passive Ability Description: Nakita is the Embodiment of Spider. She can make webs, Smaller and larger spiders. Wall and web crawling, Etc. The Spiders she makes can have their own will if she wishes but all still follow her will to a T. With her webs she can stitch it to whatever and use it to make weapons and shields if needed.

Technique Name:  Widow's Kiss
Technique Description  By getting bitten or cut by Either Nakita's weapon, her legs, her children or webs; her opponent will receive light burns if the cut is a paper cut or a 2nd Degree burn, If the cut is deep.. 1 post cooldown


Shana smirked as the spidery arrancar seemed to use their variant of flash step, sonido I believe it was called, to cause both of the attacks Shana had launched her way to collide while moving to a different vantage point where she would shoot wads of webbing that would collide mid-air with more flames Shana sent it's way. The fiery little red-heads senses were peeled following the movements of the spidery lady as she went trying to get Shana all sticky to trying to kick her in the back. Shana would turn, raising her blade in time to catch the incoming foot on the flat, cursing herself for not turning it so that the edge would bite into the sole of the arrancar's foot. She misjudged just how quickly Nakita could move, and thankfully the spider lady had only lashed out with a kick instead of a stab with one of their sharper looking appendages. Leaping upwards with a Shunpo she would find herself eye level with the Gillians that made up this forest. Torching the mask of the closest causing it's body to break apart and float away.

"Well it is good that they are not afraid, they will probably make a satisfying popping noise as they cook, kind of like popcorn. I wonder what noise you will make. Ignite your heavenly fire to punish the wicked! Tenbatsushin Alastor!" As Shana's release phrase finished, fiery wings would sprout from her back, embers falling from her hair, her eyes reflecting the flames within. With her bankai active, she looked less like a God of death, and more like an avenging angel being sent from the heavens to punish the wicked. And punish them she shall. With a flap of one wing she sent a half dozen feathers towards Nakita, though they would not detonate unless more than half of them hit home. For now the spidery queen of the arrancar would probably think they are nothing more than fiery daggers which is exactly what Shana wants.

Shana would also create more balls of flame to chase Nakita around hoping to lead her into a trap of her own.

Techniques Used:

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Nakita slid to a stop on her landing turning to watch the girl shunpo upwards, easily one shotting a poor gillan. She sighed see the brat even get more tempered going into bankai "Listen, How about you stop standing on that high horse of yourself and actually learn your place. You will not be winning this fight little girl. Every attempt is doing nothing and I wonder if you can outlast me."She said calmly watching the child flap her wings. one of Nakita's legs bent back, firing a web into the forest while she jumped forward to meet the feathers only to suddenly fly back to where her web stuck, avoiding them all together. She twisted, planting her feet against the tree bending it back from the impact before it bounced back launching her forwards at a lightning speed before adding a shunpo to the launch making her even faster. Her 4 extra legs spread out as she fired a few random webbing sacks on the way to the redhead.

Coming at her in a blink Nakita sent a volley of strikes from her 4 extra legs as well as her fan and long nails in rapid succession allowing her spawned spiders to come out of their hiding places in the sand firing webs in every direction at Shana while ten of them used the webs to parallel themselves at the girl
Abilities used:

Spider spawned: 30
used: All 30

Passive Ability Name: Widow's Gift
Passive Ability Description: Nakita is the Embodiment of Spider. She can make webs, Smaller and larger spiders. Wall and web crawling, Etc. The Spiders she makes can have their own will if she wishes but all still follow her will to a T. With her webs she can stitch it to whatever and use it to make weapons and shields if needed.

Technique Name: Widow's Kiss
Technique Description By getting bitten or cut by Either Nakita's weapon, her legs, her children or webs; her opponent will receive light burns if the cut is a paper cut or a 2nd Degree burn If the cut is deep.. 1 post cooldown

Technique Name: Widow's hair
Technique description: Nakita can manipulate her webbing into various items as well as the elasticity and strength of Her webbing. She can make them as strong as steel. 2 post Cooldown

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