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"Phew, looks like I chose the right spot doesn't look like anyone's here" Taigen took out his hip flask and took a swig. He found a tree stump and sat down and let out a sigh.

"Man, what's the point of all this. God, I'd rather be hitting up a bar right now but no, I get stuck with advanced unit and Sumoki gets to goof off, ahhh man Life just ain't fair."

He took another drink while sitting, he seemed far to relaxed for sitting in the middle of enemy territory, sitting talking to himself and caught up in his own little world.

"Ok when I get back, I'm launching a formal complaint."

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"Oh there are people here, Most just won't step foot in this area."Spoke a voice as a pink-tinted sandy blonde-haired female slowly walked from the shadows of the trees into the light of the clearing "Also, the fact you are not actually fighting when you are of a squad to do so is insubordination. Which here is punishable by death" She added  "Should I grant that wish of death so your captain or leader does not need to stain his hands?" asked the girl with a curious expression walking towards him with a small smile forming on her face while she tilted her head to the side allowing her hands to fold behind her back.

Tier: 2-3


Damn it. . Taigen was hoping that he'd go this whole little trip with out finding any Arrancar, or strong hollows, or other Shinigami, really he was hoping he'd get to sit on the sidelines and avoid fighting all together. "Look how about we just share a drink, then we both go back to base and call it a day?" Taigen stood up and took out his hip flask and unscrewed the cap. He threw a smile in the Arrancar's direction trying to hide his nerves, While sensing had never been a strong suit for Taigen he could tell she was as strong if not stronger than him. Silently he sent a prayer to whoever may hear him, 'Please don't let this get messy.'

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"Listen, you are as lazy as they come. to come to my world with the intent to supposedly fight only to hide in some random forest that holds powerful beings you have no idea. Yet, you want to sit on the sideline, do nothing so when you are to return with your squad you can say you did the fighting on your own when in truth you have done nothing of the are scum and not loyal to the cause you follow."She spoke with a sigh "You remind me of my Espada honestly and that is an infuriating thing."She added pushing some of her hair behind her shoulder. she moved her left hand on to her sheath and her right on to her hilt "Now lets make sure when you return your stories of combat is true and your not just lying scum."She added

Tier: 2-3


Sighing while storing the hipflask away into his robes, Taigen started rubbing the back of his head. "Ah man, looks like there's no avoiding it, he mummbled to himself as he drew one of his Zanpakuto's twin swords, "Ok but how about some ground rules? No swiping at the face, unlike you Arrancar any scars I get are gonna stay there, and well I'm kind of a work of art." He laughed but his eyes never left the Arrancar. No response? Shit. That's where the plan of defusing the tension with words died. Well then best try to see what he was up against. "And rule 2, if you have any back up you have to tell me now."

This was bad, she said she worked for an Espada, 'That must mean she's a fraction or what ever they're called' Taigen mused in his mind, 'So she's about even with me, which means if her boss is near by then this is gonna end very badly.'

"well If we're clear on the rules," He drew the other blade, "let's get started!"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"Listen, a battle is battle, I care not where I hit you nor do I really care where I am hit. I care only for winning for my cause and showing my loyalty and strength of my ranking fraccion. However, If your face is something you care for so much, I will try not scaring it but I will not promise."She spoke before bringing out her blade holding it in front of her "As for back up, I have none cause I don't need any, Plus my Espada does not know I have joined the battle in his absence" She added

Tier: 2-3


Damn it, he was by hoping by cracking a joke she'd lose interest, or at the very least lower her guard. Stabbing one of his swords into the ground, he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a laugh before picking his sword back up. "Y'know, you're a little too serious and joining a fight like this without being ordered is, well it's a little sad." Sighing deeply then raising both swords into a defensive stance, Taigen Locked eyes with the Arrancar, his feet were firmly planted to the forest floor.

"Well then It'd be Ungentlemanly of me to launch the first attack, So c'mon then let's get this over with."

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"There is no reason to not be serious. Allowing yourself to flaunt and enjoy such things can be used in this world against you. There are hollows who mimic such actions and things to ambush their prey. There are some who attach to emotion and leech off you till you are nothing but dust."She spoke " Fate has been cruel here and order is greatly unkind. Disrupting this world and tainting it with your presence is punishable by death."She spoke bringing her blade up allowing the hilt to be parallel with her left ear pointing her blade towards him "Let's go."She spoke disappearing into a crackle of sound signaling a sondio reforming in front of him striking out into a series of 4 quick jabs starting at each end of his collarbones before one right at the center of his ribs at the end of the ribcage before the last went for his gut followed up with a quick slash vertically upward.

Tier: 2-3


Taigen was taken aback at just how vicious Colbolt's initial assault was. Using one of his twin swords to block the 2 strikes aimed at his neck, unfortunately He missed the attack aimed at the base of his ribcage. upon feeling the blade He immediately moved backwards, luckily avoiding the forth and final blow. As he dived back he fired a Hado 4 at the arrancar's ribs, regaining his footing quickly he then proceeded to take 2 parallel strikes one at chest level and one around the midriff. While she had landed the first blow, it was clear that he had the advantage in physical strength and it seemed like her Hierro wasn't all that strong. this was going to be a tough fight but not unwinnable.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

Colbolt Colbolt felt two of her five strikes hit as she continued moving after him only to get hit square in the ribs by a hado 4 causing her to backpedal quickly trying to catch her breath. She winced before falling backward over a tree root allowing all but some of her hair to avoid getting sliced twice. She coughed some managing to allow her adrenaline to keep her going enough to get back on to her feet. She pulled on the string at her wrist as her blade came back to her hand .

"Damnit...Lucky shot."She said between gasps.

Tier: 2-3

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