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#1Arturo Truenogarra(WIP) Empty Arturo Truenogarra(WIP) Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:42 pm

Grym Balthorn

Grym Balthorn

Name: Arturo Truenogarra
Apparent Age: 25
True Age: 2000
Sex: Male
Personality: Arturo Truenogarra is methodical, calm and collected yet prideful of his own strength and will not hesitate to demonstrate it when someone questions his power. On other occasions if he's not talking to a fellow Arrancar or performing duties, he would be somewhere in Las Noches daydreaming, whether it be of what he should have for dinner or if he should train to either rise in the ranks or to just keep from getting soft.

When speaking to fellow Arrancar, he kind and always hoping to assist in either training or an assignment (even if it's against orders), he is eager to help those who is in need to grow stronger as he believes that they shouldn't be weak to the point that a low ranking shinigami is able to dispatch them in combat. If someone questions his strength, he will be sure to make sure that they know just how strong they are even if they were just joking for having the strength to continue living is not a joke to him.

In combat he treats everything as if he's in a sparring match, not aiming to harm the one he's fighting but mainly to wear them out, he would mainly be happy to have some friendly competition even if it's with a shinigami. Once his opponent shows that they intend to kill, such as using powerful attacks or performing a release, he becomes sad by the fact that they don't want to help him train anymore and he will do his best to make the next few seconds painless before releasing and showing no mercy.

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 175lbs.
Physical Traits: Arturo Truenogarra(WIP) 00e58c075a24de6cbc22b2e6900bbad9

Arturo Truenogarra stands at 6 feet 7 inches and weighs 175 pounds, his build is on that fine line between body builder and athlete, his skin tone is on the spectrum of lightly tanned while his hair is black which appears dark blue when light reflects off it, his eyes have the color of red that's along the variant of rust red.

Under his cloths, he would have a hole at the center of his chest while he has a mask fragment over the bridge of his nose with a fragment goes down half the length of his nose, from his bottom lip to his chin there would be parallel marks resembling lightning bolts colored dark blue.

General Fighting Style: Arturo Truenogarra style of fighting is one that may make him look like either a nuisance or a major threat for he can fight from both close quarters and long range with fluid ease.
Strengths: Hierro, Sonido, Strength
Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Pesquisa, Negación

Passive Ability Name: Lord of Storms
Passive Ability Description: his presence is enough to cause the weather to either be calm and clear to a raging storm, this is Arturo's passive to generate and manipulate storms in a range from 100 to 500 meter radius centered on him.

Sealed Appearance: a katana that has a blue handle and the pommel has eagle talons grasping a dark blue orb that occasionally houses a lightning bolt within it.
Zanpakuto Name: Águila Relámpago
Zanpakuto Call Out: Raze, Águila Relámpago!
Cero: Cero, Gran Rey, Cero Oscuro(can change Gran Rey and Oscuro for something else if needed)

Passive Ability Name: Storms Blessing
Passive Ability Description: while there are active storms around Arturo, Storm's Blessing- Gives way for 3 different enhancements:

•lightning- Gives Cero's a lightning affinity, shocks opponent on impact and can potentially cause some level of paralysis in a limb. makes Sonido zig zag. Lasts 1 post 2 post CD

•Wind- Gives Cero's a wind affinity, cuts opponent on impact, blows away other Bala level or weaker projectiles in the path.. Lengthens Sonido's. Lasts 1 post 2 post CD

Ice- Gives Cero's an ice affinity dealing blunt damage and can cause 2nd degree frostbite. Sonido leaves a slippery trail of ice. Lasts 1 post 2 post CD

Ability Name: Pluma de Hierro (Iron Feather)
Ability Description: by applying reiatsu to the feathers in his wings, he makes them strong enough to brush off cero level attacks or he can alternatively launch them after applying the reiatsu to have his feathers act as blades for ranged attacks, these feathers are launched at Cero speed. Active for two posts, three post cd. Launching this attack leaves one to three feathers on the targets person which can be removed with a post dedicated to removing them.

Ability Name: Viento desgarrador (Ripping Wind)
Ability Description: the wind carries feathers among it's current, each one appearing to be harmless until the wind accelerates to the point that each feather is like a razor blade, slashing and ripping into an opponent, the feathers would be left in the targets wounds and/or clothing which each one can be targeted by a bolt of lightning. Three post cd, leaves one to five feathers on the targets person which can be removed with a post dedicated to removing them.

Ability Name: Pararrayos (Lightning Rod)
Ability Description: Using feathers he has used for attacks (like Pluma de Hierro or Viento desgarrador), he calls upon lightning with a thunderous roar to strike those feathers and the target they are attached to with cero level lightning bolts. CD reflects number of feathers on target when used (IE 10 feathers = 10 post CD).


Abilitiy Name: Tormenta Arsenal (Storm Arsenal)
Ability Description: a ability that gives him access weapons of pure lightning such as swords and spears, when used for only melee combat, these weapons have a chance to paralyze on hit, but when thrown they can cause destruction on impact on level to two Gran Rey Cero. Thrown weapons explosion radius: 100 meters, can be thrown three times before it must cool down, five post cd.

Abilitiy Name: Perno de viento (Wind Bolt)
Abilitiy Description: a strike that is only heard, not seen as even though it's strike is like an invisible cero, but rather than it being lightning bolt or a cero but a very powerful, very fast blast of wind that strikes as hard as a Cero Oscuro, 4 post CD.

Abilitiy Name: Juicio del cielo (Heaven's Judgement)
Abilitiy Description: a truly devastating blast of lightning, feathers would encircle a large area which become connected by lightning, soon to have the sky light up and a deafening crash of thunder as an accumulation of lightning bolts come down to fill the space withing the perimeter of feathers, the blast would be equivalent of five gran rey ceros put together, but the amount of reiatsu needed to use it would force Arturo out of Segunda, possibly even render him unconscious if used with insufficient spiritual energy. Once per Segunda Transformation.

History: [History goes here.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [This helps us determine your character's tier. Roleplay in this character, please.]

#2Arturo Truenogarra(WIP) Empty Re: Arturo Truenogarra(WIP) Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:39 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-2

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