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#1Riko Aikawa Empty Riko Aikawa Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:21 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name: Riko Aikawa
Apparent Age: 22
True Age:22
Sex: Female
Personality: Reiki is very much like a kitten when it comes to that of understanding who she is and what her purpose and feelings are. She hasn’t fully been able to process the fact she been dead for maybe a month or so to become a soul-eating monster to somehow become an Arrancar through an acid trip of a hollowfication of sorts.  Riko was and still is a feisty woman in her own rights. She wasn’t the type to just give in to being anyone’s puppet, nor was she ever going to allow anyone to dictate her life or more her unlife. She isn’t the type to really not question orders but she isn’t so stupid as to not know her place on the food chain.

When it comes to combat she is very resistant to the fact of ending a life, hollow or otherwise. The clinging human part of her saying that ending life isn’t right and doing so would make her as much as a monster she felt she was now deep down. However, She is much like any Arrancar, She has a primal thirst for blood. Often her human hesitation does get overrun by the yearning for blood and the hunger of souls and powers from her hollow urges that her sense of morals tends to go out the window trying to learn her own sense of balance.


Height: 5.6
Weight: 120 lbs
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style:Riko is better being a hit and runner of sorts. She doesn’t like being up close at first till she gets a sense of her prey. Once she gets a sense of her prey she will move in closer and closer to toy till she can claim the trophy of their dead body or until she gets bored enough to stop playing with her food and kill it

Strengths: Agility, Sondio, Stamina, Hierro
Weaknesses: Hand to hand, strength,Sensing

Passive Active Ability Name:Wind Manipulation
Passive Active Ability Description: Riko has the unique ability of controlling currents of wind and air around herself for a 250 meter radius. She can use them to make items and constructs like steps and walls along with allowing her to ball up air to cause blasts to speed herself up.


Sealed Appearance: A grey blade that looks brittle with silverish white cracks down the blade.
Zanpakuto Name: Haizea
Zanpakuto Call Out: Scratch, Haizea
Cero: Bala, Cero


Appearance: Riko’s hair grows rapidly down to her knees, braiding into a ponytail as a tail forms and her missing mask-like ear forms on the other side of her face.  Her mask expands and forms over the bridge of her nose and around her eyes into a cat-like mask. The edges keep free from her cheek downs and move to extend down into her skin around her neck tied shut by a multi-layer black choker with a bell of sorts.  A corset wraps around her chest and torso sliming her figure even more than it already allowed. Fur forms around the top edge of her corset along with lines of silver around her shoulders and down her arms ending at her wrists that become wrapped by a cloth sprouting fur from underneath it. A flowing skirt with black shorts to show around her but and hips ending mid-thigh. Cloth wraps around her ankles. As her feet take more of an animalistic appearance becoming long and thin as her nails grow.

Ability Name:Wind Rush
Ability Description: Riko will form pressurized pockets of air under her hands or feet before releasing these pockets granting her bala speed movement. If by chance she forms and brings a pocket along. She can launch it at the opponents granting a Bala worth of damage.

Ability Name: Wind Lining.
Ability Description: Riko can form a coat of wind around any part of her body to either block a cero worth of damage or amply a cero worth of damage with any given physical attack.

Ability Name:Wind Blades
Ability Description: Gathering wind around her hands or her blade she will release a volley of white wind like blades at the opponent with Cero damage.


Appearance: [What do you look like in segunda?]
Abilities: [What abilities do you gain?]

Riko Aikawa Sere10

History: Riko’s past was kinda average in her opinion. She didn’t do much in her life nor did she try doing anything exciting. She existed in school functions and around in school life but trying to be anything notable outside high school, wasn’t on her to-do list. Sure she could drink, sure she could smoke but what was the point? A waste of money in her opinion. Now and days she does have some regret not trying to live life.

Her life ended at the age of 22, just three months after her 22nd birthday. She was taking a sudden errand around the city of New York on her usual bicycle delivery job. She knew of the strange occurrences of the spirits and unknown entities of sorts happening and did her best to not get involved but when part of a building suddenly is cut off and falls due to the loving weight of gravity. She could not out pedal the coming of her end. Being dead was much like breathing. One moment she is pedaling for her life amongst panicked civilians and the next she was standing on top of rubble looking down at her mangled body amongst the aftermath. She tried getting herself to realize that this couldn’t be real that it was a horrible dream. Unfortunately, it was a dream she would never awake from. Life moved on, people moved her body even against her protests. She even went to her own funeral. Mind you, she often joked on how she would feel seeing her own funeral. But seeing it in front of her in real life. That was no joke it was truly terrifying and maddening to say the least especially when those that couldn’t see the spiritual being trying to get their attention.

Two months later. Riko had managed to keep hidden and to herself trying all she could to either move up to heaven or down in hell not able to do either just forever stuck in the damn human world. She watched all sorts of things finding she had no reason to sleep, to feed, to even bother do anything she was stuck in limbo watching others live what lives they felt. It was saddening to see her family just move on like she never existed, people moving into her ransacked apartment. It was much like she never existed. To make matters worse she was feeling pain from the chain somehow attached to her chest that increased more and more each day.

Now she had tried removing it, examining it. So on and so forth. Nothing, not a budge. However. She meets an oddly dressed man in a kimono of sorts with a massive white pelt over his right shoulder. Now if you thought she was crazy. She wouldn’t blame you. She thought she was going crazy from the pain surging through her chest. Managing to talk through the pain increases the more from the chain she was given a choice to either gain another chance at living or just suffer into nothingness. She didn’t have much of a choice agreeing to allow the chain removed thinking another life as a human...Boy was she wrong.

From having her chain removed her life as a hollow began allowing her more infant-like state to happen but given no time to really understand or figure what she now was or anything of her she was given a so-called ‘ lvl up’ in a sense from the figure allowing her first meal to be some sort of meat from a Vasto Lorde graven for some reason, had on him sending her quickly through the power rankings resulting in the ‘ripping off a bandage’ assistance of graven taking off her mask allowing a massive change as well.

One hell of an acid trip is what Riko would call her to change from a pissed of, in pain spirit, to a newly fledge Arrancar in a full 4 months worth of change ending her up in current-day trapped in Neile’s lab as not only was it for her own safety of the rapid toss into the shark tank was she tossed into but also for the safety of others from her sudden rapid change. She was a loose cannon for now. A feisty kitten with a new set of claws and not each scratching posts to sharpen them on.

Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2Riko Aikawa Empty Re: Riko Aikawa Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:26 pm


Approved at 2-3

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