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Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
A small trickle of cigarette smoke wafted through the air, lightly obscuring Ika's face while announcing his arrival to the battlefield before him. The haze of night and blood stained the air something fierce, and the only thing shining through it was the light smile of a man all too familiar with the current stench. "These Quincies sure do know how to put on a show eh?.." Ika took another drag off his cigarette, slightly moving his head to the left to dodge the oncoming arrow from a Quincy who was feeling luckier than they should've. A wicked gleam struck Ika's eye as he flipped a card up in his hand, the glint of the fire catching the Quincies attention as he Shunpo'd behind the man. "To think a soldier such as you could bother to feel lucky on a day such as this. Perish for it."

As Ika finished whispering into the man's ear the card would come back like a boomerang, ripping through the Quincies chest before gently depositing itself into Ika's hand. A sadistic smile formed across Ika's face as the man's body fell to the ground and sporadically sputtered its last petrified convulsions. He used the man's body as a make-shift chair, sitting on it with his elbows on his knees as he waited for something more interesting to catch his eye. Hopefully, an opponent worth a few minutes of his time.

Seiji Shirogane

Seiji Shirogane
On another side of the battlefield, Johan's hand cannon twirled in his grip, firing off shots that seemed utterly random and effortless and yet always landed on their targets. Quick, clean executions of the Shinigami trying to rush him down with swift Heilige Pfeil through the head or heart, every single time. Johan let out a small sigh as he looked around, realizing the tidy carnage he had inflicted, leaving a veritable kill zone around him as mirrors seemed to flit and out of existence within that zone. Johan touched upon his massive sensory network, feeling the pulse of the Reishi in the air and reaching out through their fluctuations to seek out a new, more challenging target... There. Some smug fucker of a Shinigami (with an admittedly decent sense of style, man's had the drip) was sitting on the charred and mutilated corpse of one of his men. He could very easily blow the man's brains out... Or not. His Reiatsu made it quite clear he was a seriously tough customer. "The old fashioned way it is, then." Johan muttered in a German accent before zipping towards the man with an expertly executed Hirenkyaku, stopping about 15 feet from the man and raising an eyebrow. "Having fun, are we?"

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
It seemed as though Ika had caught the attention of a Quincy who might be worth a bit of his time and as such he would need to respond with care and caution in mind. Care and caution, but not until he was done with his smoke. As the man appeared in front of him a small smirk appeared across Ika's face. "Looks like we're both doing a fair bit of damage tonight eh?.. You know according to my post and title I really can't be allowing that to go on much longer." Ika sighed, slowly bringing himself to a stand before slowly approaching the man in front of him with a sly smirk etched across his face. "It's a shame really.. you were putting on such a good show during my smoke break I almost didn't want you to come and yet.. here you are."

"With a deck of 52 cards I will take your life."

The moment Ika said this, a puff of fire shot forward from his cigarette at near point-blank range. His hope was he'd mar the face of the Quincy in front of him in order to make his life a bit easier. Two cards propelled themselves forward from Ika's sleeves into the slits between his fingers and he immediately launched them in the Quincies general direction, one aimed at both shoulders hoping to take an arm with each successful attempt.

Seiji Shirogane

Seiji Shirogane
Johan was mildly surprised by the bout of flame splashing his face, and he turned his torso to the side while glowing lines appeared on his skin. With Blut Vene active, the flaming card that flew towards his shoulder clipped the side of his shoulder, leaving a searing cut before exploding and badly burning a chunk of his shoulder (the arm that wasn't attached to his gun-holding hand). With his eyes and shoulder extra crispy, Johan let out a cry of pain and fired a wild shot meant to go in Ika's general direction. The shot would go wild on purpose, as Johan placed a mirror in it's trajectory to reflect the shot back at the Shinigami. Going for his eyes was a common tactic in battles, maverick he was he still stuck to the ranged combat philosophy of others of his kind. However, unlike them, he didn't need his eyes to see... But this fellow didn't know that yet. Nor did he need to. Johan tilted his head, raising his ear as if listening to the air before firing another pair of shots in Ika's general direction, feigning honing in on the man's location. These shots were closer, aimed at his right arm with a mirror placed in the trajectory of those shots as well. "Blinding a Quincy, you know your stuff..."


Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The mans cry of pain was about as much information as Ika needed to know that at least some part of his offense had struck home. The Quincy let loose a wild shot, seemingly missing Ika wide and the purpose of this became obvious in a second as one of the arrows lodged itself in Ika's shoulder. He fell forward, grimacing as he plucked the arrow from his shoulder and a knowing smirk began to creep across his face. The next two arrows were a bit easier to avoid as Ika Shunpo'd to the left, and then forward to get around the redirection. He appeared at the Quincy's front with both cards having now re-appeared in his hand. "I suppose I know enough to deal with men like you, I just hope you'll make it last."

Upon finishing what he was saying, Ika would appear at the man's back and swipe left to right with one of the cards towards the man's throat hoping to bait a parry out from him. In his off hand, he held another card at the ready for his next onslaught.

Seiji Shirogane

Seiji Shirogane
Johan perceived the Shinigami Shunpo behind him, however; he was insanely fast. Johan was barely able to lean forward enough in time to evade the slash at his neck and even then he felt a bit of his skin and hair singe from the heat of the unconventional weapon. He would need to re-assess this man, and this entire assault really. This wasn't just any Shinigami, this was a titan of power that outclassed him very uncomfortably. Sure, Johan had been able to tell going in the man was stronger than him, but his abilities were terrifying... And he'd barely even shown his hand.

Johan swiftly formed a triangulation of 3 mirrors, one in front of his weapon and two next to the Shinigami as he fired off 4 bullets which reflected off the first mirror and split to hit the secondary mirrors to again reflect right back at his opponent. Johan then performed a Hirenkyaku 50 feet back, gathering himself as he called out to his enemy while sensing his troops around him (or what was left at least). Hopefully they'd seen the signal to retreat, he'd need to hold this man here. "You know, I generally avoid such pleasantries but you seem to be an amicable fellow," Johan spoke, his German accent thickening his words with guttural tones as he formed a mirror to the left and fired a shit into it, just in case. "My name is Johan, and I hope wou won't reply with some trite line like 'You don't need to know my name, as you'll soon be dead.' That would be rather rude, don't you think?"


Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Currently, Ika had a pretty reasonable plan to evade the man's mirror techniques, and it was simply to Shunpo up and away from whatever direction they could head in. This technique seemed to allow for a rather easy evasion of the Quincy's next attack idea but it also ceded some space to him which was unfortunate, to say the least. The last thing Ika wanted to give this man was space, he needed to spend as much of the fight as possible breathing down this man's neck so that he couldn't get comfortable. As Ika got eyes on the Quincy yet again, he mentioned wanting to exchange pleasantries. Usually, Ika wasn't particularly enthused about engaging in this kind of thing but this man was different. This was a fight and an opponent Ika wanted to remember, and so he figured he could return the favor.

"Well, Johan.. my name is Ika, Ika Mazi. To be honest, saying something that trite and obvious isn't really my style. Giving my name to a dead-man isn't a courtesy I'm interested in denying." A small smirk formed across Ika's lips as he looked towards the Quincy in front of him with relative intrigue. "So how long are we going to play this mediocre game of tag before you accept your fate? I appreciate the entertainment but this could get rather dull if you run away the whole time..~"

Seiji Shirogane

Seiji Shirogane
Johan could feel his forces retreating posthaste through his immense sensory array as Ika spoke. That was good, now to make sure this Shinigami couldn't catch up with them in time. "Under normal circumstances, I would laugh at you. My brethren may speak of the pride and honor of the Quincy, however; almost all of us specialize in ranged combat. We are, by nature, quite cowardly and prefer to take down our targets from far away. However, I am under no illusion that to continuously try and get that range would be foolhardy against you, if not suicidal." Johan exhaled, gathering power in his body before he was enveloped in silver flame for but a moment, the holy fire dispersing to reveal him now clad in glowing silver armor.

"Then let us dance, Ika Mazi of the Shinigami. But make no mistake," Johan said as he raised his weapon with an armored hand, blasting a Cero-powered bullet and accelerating it to Bala speeds with the special properties of his gun right at Ika with a mirror in it's trajectory, as a force of habit. "I'm no guardian angel."



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