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#1Ice, Cold Job Empty Ice, Cold Job Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:57 am


"If you comply with this request, the information you I mentioned will be given to you," Said the unusual human. A human that wore business attire even here, in the dreaded cold. This human's name was Cobalt, or so he claimed, and he was apart of some extraordinary human corporation that was called Twenty-One. Apparently, his request made it all the way to the hands of the Shinigami, Ichiro Miyagi.

It may not have been because the Human was full of resources, had terrible power, or because his corporation was such an enormous threat. It was probably because of the information that he was offering. Information about lost souls and the recent pile up of unnatural deaths. Such information was within the job of the Shinigami, wasn't it?

Black trench coat was being whipped around in the cold, icy winds. Underneath was that full pin-stripped tuxedo with a light blue dress shirt, black boots and black leather gloves. He looked like he was about to go to some business meeting right after this. Being able to see, hear, and touch the Shinigami meant that this unusual human was probably a little more than an ordinary human. He had, if the Shinigami could tell, a fair amount of Spiritual power that put him far above ordinary human.

"If everything is acceptable, I will continue," Cobalt said, his tone flat and stoic. Whoever he was, he spoke with a level voice and it was so serious that it was practically robotic. His eyes traveled passed Ichiro, looking at the giant mountain behind them. This was the destination that Ichiro had been told to meet.

Mt. Everest.
"There is a golden disk here. One that is the same size as a CD. There will be a readable spiritual power, however, it won't be easily acquired. It's guarded. You may not believe this right away, but it is guarded by the Mountain's own unnatural defenses. I need that disk. It will be somewhere around the near top of this mountain. As you can probably imagine, that will take a little time, even for someone like you. There's supposed to be one more attending to assist you and one likely to stand in you way. Be cautious and, if you want your information, don't lose or allow the disk to be damaged. Any questions?" He asked, looking Ichiro in the eyes.

If Ichiro took the time to read the mountain, if he was good with that sort of thing, he would notice that it wasn't like any other mountains. There was definitely something off at the moment and, possibly, it wasn't always there. Whatever this disk was for, it had to be important. Else why would this human be enlisting a Shinigami to go and get it?

#2Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:23 am


Standing next to the business man, stood a soul reaper, though in his gigai. Ichiro Miyagi, was a fifth seat of the fifth division. His brown hair blown in the wind, his tux coat became almost like a cape, and his dress pants were about to fly off his legs. Still, Ichiro stood still not phased by the cool climate. His arms were crossed, left over the right, and his feet were spread about half a meter apart.

The task would not be simple. The two would have to climb the top of such a tall mountain. Mt. Everest was tall, but climbing it was not unheard of. He had to retrieve a certain disc. Such a description seemed lucid to Ichiro, but at least he had an idea what to look for. "Alright, let us head out" Ichiro said "but first, what do I get in return?"

#3Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:32 am


"Lets? No. I'm not going," Cobalt made clear, "I would be nothing more than a handicap in this weather," Which was true, but he wasn't exactly going to break down why. "You are going." He would say, pointing at the mountain.

He lowered his hand as the most important question was stated. "You get information. As a Shinigami, I'd assume you were interested in the incident in Tokidori Factory? Where more than 20 humans were butchered and, coincidentally, not one of their souls were found or a hollow to have eaten them. Sound familiar?" It should, it happened only a few days ago and in Karakura town, the land of surging spiritual power and more complications than a school out of money.

"I have all this information, through my resources, that you Shinigami don't have. But, if you want it you'll have to do me this one favor. If you get this job done, that information would be yours...Unless you would rather something else?" Cobalt wouldn't have any trouble supplying some sort of luxury item that the Shinigami could lug back to Soul Society, however...Wouldn't that be immoral and selfish for a Death God to put the innocent and his duty under his own self gains and desires? Of course, Cobalt wouldn't judge, but if this sort of important, valuable information wasn't enough to race up a mountain then what was? Without it, how many more humans were likely being butchered and having their souls siphoned out by...Something?

Cobalt would fix his jacket, patting it here and there. He couldn't feel cold. Possibly just like this Shinigami. Despite that, he wasn't safe from the cold. He wasn't better off being unable to feel this icy chill that was swirling around them like an unwanted blanket. It was because of that he would have to rush a little, which was out of character for him. He wasn't the sort to be hasty. Patience was one of his strongest talents and it was due to that patience that he was about to reap glorious rewards.

#4Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:38 am


Ichiro barely actually heard of the Tokidori incident. He also didn't listen to his mission briefing, so this may have been what he was sent to Earth to look for. The idea that there was a slaughter, and no souls were found is quite a mystery. Perhaps there was a bount. It couldn't have been a hollow though.
The shinigami sighed at the incompetence of his human acquaintance. "You're rich right?" Ichiro asked "if so, you should at least be able to supply me some kind of transportation. As you know, I can't flash step everywhere, I'd tire too quickly." He sighed again, then pointed to the top of the mountain. "The golden disc is at the top. Call in a helicopter, and take me up. I'll drop down, grab the disc, the you lower a ladder. Do you understand?" A third sigh was made. "I never really expected anything in return. You just need to keep your end of the bargain, and I'll gladly retrieve the disc."

With his last sentence, Ichiro readied his legs, held his hands to his hips, and pulled up his pants. He then lifted his right foot. The next second, he was gone, reappearing already halfway up the mountain still running.

#5Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:26 am


Out of the wind walk a man that looked 18 years of age who was wearing a black leather jacket that was cut in places to increase the range of movement over a red shirt with a dragon symbol on it and black pants with hold flames on both legs not the type of cloths that you would wear in this type of weather but it seems that the wind hardly touch him and as he got closer you can see that he not bothered by the cold. I look at cobalt and i walk next to him and increase the area that my reiatsu was warning and i pulled on the souls of the air to inculed him in the bubble of calm as well then i said.
    "now why was i asked to come out all this way by 21 thou i cant complain all that much since they paid for the trip here and back."

#6Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:51 am


Not far up the mountain, Ichiro finally recalled he was in a gigai. "Hmm... I'd better ditch this" Ichiro says as he leaves the artificial body "soul candy boy, take care of my body. Also, get back down, and stay near that building. I don't want to look to hard for you when I get back." The body nodded.

As Ichiro continued up the mountain, he began to sense another person's spritual pressure. As he did so, Ichiro turned around, and shouted. "Who goes there!?"

#7Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:21 am


"Rich right?" Cobalt repeated, considering the question. "The only thing I have would be a helicopter, which would making searching for a small object in this small blizzard impossible. Well, unless you wouldn't mind if other measures were taken and the tourists and locals were radiated."

It wasn't to be taken seriously. Blowing up the mountain would be just as useless. No. He was going to have to flash step all the way up the mammoth of a rock. "It's near the top. It's not balancing at the tip," Cobalt was questioning his hired assistance capability. Was he really enough to handle this? It was starting to seem like he wasn't. Just so many questions and excuses. Wasn't this supposed to be easier?

Then, quick as a flash, he was gone. It looked like Cobalt's concerns were washed away by a quick decision on the hired helps side. That was for the best. Cobalt pulled out his phone and was about to turn away. His back to the newcomer, he paused. Cobalt pocketed his phone again as he felt strangely...At ease. His mind was telling him be weary, but he couldn't put up his guard. He was just relaxed and calm all of a sudden.

Oh? Cobalt turned completely around, thinking a moment. Now wasn't this going to be interesting? "Twenty-One hired you for a simple retrieval task. There is a golden-" Cobalt paused for a moment as he felt dozens, if not hundreds, of small spiritual energies erupt all around the mountain. It had started.


Meanwhile, on the mountain-

There was an electric spark that ran all the way down the mountain. It was likely hard for anyone to see that wasn't on the mountain. A pair of hikers had been zapped, knocked unconscious, and were rolling down the mountain. The snow was thick and soft, so they were bound to become snowballs with this light blizzard.

Whatever had caused that spark hadn't affected Ichiro. The ground was different however. Small whirlpools of energy started to swirl. These vortexes were all made of their own, specific, unique spiritual energy. That small, tiny beacon that he had been following, which was the golden disk, was gone. Now there were hundreds of bodies of energies expressing themselves spiritually like an brand new connect-the-dots puzzle.

From those snow swirls arms an outline of a man's shape was formed, with the swirl at the abdomen. They became more defined, quickly becoming a thick, human shaped body. Eventually, they were formed enough to stand up. Their arms and legs were enormous, looking like giant almonds with their long, curved, thick shape, and the shoulders that connected them and their torso, head, and hips were lean. They weren't proportionate at all. Like they had inflamed arms and legs, but there weren't any fingers or toes. There were just those huge almond shaped appendages that were more like bludgeons than actual limbs.

There were so many that they quickly covered the entire mountain. There wasn't any clear way to flash step, without charging right through one, and there were so many that simply jumping wasn't going to cut it. Perhaps, running on the air was a safer idea. But, if he did that, searching would be all the more difficult with this blizzard making distance from the mountain an enemy. Then, the topper, there were other hikers that came to Mt. Everest to challenge it. These humans, scattered at different altitudes, including many behind Ichiro, were likely unconscious and, possibly, in danger.

What was Ichiro to do?

#8Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:55 am


"wait you mean the other item that part of the set that you raided my house for one part. Now that new it seems that we are not alone here it seems that you get to see why i am called the flame ninja." for i had sensed the springing up of a lot of reiatsu and so with out any fuss i activecte my fullbring and so my reiatsu engulfed me in a core of black as night black with gold flames on the edge then when it fall away from me i was in ninja gear with a cloak then i say to cobalt.
    "so i have to get this gold disc which i guess is up there not to say not to be killed by the natural and supernatural dangers any thing else i should know before starting?"

#9Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:07 am


As Ichiro turned around, he noticed the disc's spiritual pressure vanish. It was then replaced by a thousand others. Swirls in the snow began to form, and take shape into human bodies. Ichiro decided to act quickly. "Shine until tomorrow, Fukukō" he released his shikai. The blade glowed, and began to changed shape.

Behind a thick cloud of snow, Ichiro noticed people hiking behind him in a fair distance. "Shit" he exclaimed.

#10Ice, Cold Job Empty Re: Ice, Cold Job Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:48 pm


OOC: Sorry it took so long

"Exactly right," Cobalt looked at this situation. This was just a bother wasn't it? Cobalt needed to get out of this cold, so he was going to have to leave all this to the hired help then. No sense in trying to take this on at all. So, quickly managing an escape, Cobalt jumped and decided to leave on the air.

Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the case. Some of the snowmen had their legs extend. They grew the lengths that allowed them to reach for the fleeing Cobalt, who halted his retreat as quickly as he could.

On the ground, all around Ash, the snowmen approached. They weren't threatened by his heat or flame. They moved in, spikes appearing on their arms, with the intent to kill. If they got close enough they would start swinging those arms with the idea to beat him into the ground.

Meanwhile, on the mountain-

The snowmen walked over towards Ichiro. They were slow, but there were many of them. From their large, singular arms came spines similar to a cactus. They were thin enough to make the bludgeon a dangerous weapon.

If Ichiro just stood there, they would move in and, eventually, beat him to pieces. Just like they were planning on doing to the human that had slid a little ways down the mountain when that spark knocked them unconscious. They were going to beat that human into a bloody puddle. They planned to do the same to Ichiro, should they find the chance to get close enough.

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