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What is being trained
+10 Reiatsu Control: Requires 3000 Words.
+10 Speed: Requires 3000 Words.
One New Ability: Requires 18,000 Words.

Stat Training Rules:
Ability Training Rules:

Post Order
The training order/post order for this training thread is as follows; RC training first, followed by speed, than ability training. Training posts will follow this one. This training thread may take a few days to finish.

Ability to be learned
Ability Name: Frost Giants Breath
Ability Effect: Although Blödhren has no true control over the element of water and ice, he is still capable of creating freezing temperatures through his wind affinity. Blödhren is able to rapidly cool the air in the area, to the extent of ice building up on a foe's skin just from prolonged exposure. Additionally Blödhren can further empower the ability into an actual attack, capable of both freezing and blasting the foe. And finally using this ability Blödhren is able to combat fire element abilities with walls of cold air.

Cold Air vs Fire
When this ability is used to combat fire/heat based abilities, said abilities loose a portion of their strength. Higher tiers attacks would be treated as equal, Equal tiers as a tier lower, and so on and so forth.

Prolonged Exposure
If exposed to the chilling winds themselves periodically over a number of posts the opponent will suffer several symptoms. First post will start with a chill. The second numbness sets in as a sheet of ice slowly forms. By the third post a sheet of is has started to form. At the fourth the sheet has become thicker, restricting movement, and now causes burns & frost-bite from the cold temperatures.

If Focused
Although he has yet to develop any techniques for this ability, upon doing so its capabilities will increase several fold. Certain techniques may freeze a foe in a single post, some may trap a foe, etc.

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