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#1[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty [Private] The Dragon's Army Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:42 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki
Over the last few months, much has happened in the White Sea of Hueco Mundo. Only a few main events pertain to Zingar's view in the world. The spider hollow found some sort of mysterious object. She coveted the thing as it was a child. The item in question bequeathed hollows an amazing new power. It granted hollows similar power to their natural enemy, the shinigami. From what he could tell it also curbed the insatiable apatite of the Menos-Class hollow. This led to the discovery that partially breaking the mask could grant these same powers. This had to be done carefully however, if a hollow completely lost their mask they would die.

In addition to all of this a powerful hollow emerged. Rhydderch. From what the dragon had heard, this was an extremely powerful hollow, perhaps even worthy of the title of the strongest. This, along with the awakening of the Arrancar created an interesting power dynamic. The Might Dragon of Hueco Mundo would be nothing more than a myth unless he did something about it.

Since the news of recent events reached his ear Zingar had been making moves. Most of these moves were "political." Attempts to worm his way out of potentially deadly situations, and talk his way out of any fights he knew he could not win. Other times however, he was recruiting. The Dragon had begun to raise a small army to his side. Most of the army were below Menos-Class that he could employ scare tactics to keep in line. It was time to begin recruiting stronger hollows.

Zingar, the White Dragon Hollow, scanned the white sea in search of Menos. After a few hours of searching he felt the reiatsu of a Gillian hollow. If he could find one reasonable enough to speak to, then this would be an amazing place to start. Something was off, normally he could see these huge hulking hollows from quite a way away. Zingar lowered his flight to barely above the ground and see finally spotted the hollow. It was much much shorter than he anticipated.

"Hello there little one..." He spoke as he landed next to Lazarus attempting to appear non-hostile.

#2[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:49 am


Hueco Mundo had been busy... but not all Hollows had. Larger Hollows were capable of going to the World of the Living for their meals, but for the smaller ones, the natural reishi of Hueco Mundo was enough to sustain them. Then again, most small Hollows weren't of the Gillian class.

Lazarus, however, was of the Gillian class. He was also small enough that he didn't actually need to eat souls to continue living, and provided he didn't get eaten himself he may still grow up to be big and strong one day. His only instinct, his only care in the entire world was to survive. Nothing else mattered to the little fox-like Hollow, besides survival. He kept his head down, usually buried in the sands of Hueco Mundo with the rest of him, staying out of everyone else's sights.

Something felt... off, though. Something in the air didn't taste quite... right. Lazarus poked his head out of the sand, disguised as a Snake-like Hollow due to his Simulacrum ability, keeping the rest of his body below the sands. This was around the time that a gigantic Dragon-like Hollow landed next to little Lazarus, speaking to him.

Lazarus' heart, if he had one, would be pounding against his chest- he didn't want to die, and certainly not like this. He swallowed lightly, then replicating the voice of the Hollow he was imitated as, spoke back to the dragon.

"Pleasssse don't eat me, I tassste very bad. Like rotten sssssusssshi."

#3[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:42 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki
The dragon let out a small chuckle as the Gillian seemed to cower in fear of him. "Perhaps I can use the little one's fear to my advantage." It was an underhanded tactic for sure, but Zingar was not above using it. He then let his wings flap once in the air to blow up a little sand as he extended a claw to the snake. "Call me Zingar, and I mean you no harm. I would like to discuss something with you."

At this point it was quite obvious that Lazarus was terrified. It was going to be difficult to even make sure that the snake hollow stayed and communicated. If he intimidated the little one too much, he could easily burrow away in the sand. Zingar, being as large as he is compared to Lazarus, would find it difficult to search for Lazarus in the sand. The dragon was not sure what it was but he knew that this hollow would be nice to have around. After all Zingar was trying to build an army. Perhaps he would need to "frame" the army different for this one.

#4[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:21 am


The dragon flapped his wings, clearing the sand between Lazarus and Zingar, as he extended a giant claw towards the snake while introducing himself. Lazarus swallowed softly, realizing that the claw being extended towards him could easily crush his normal form. He burrowed out of the sand, revealing his current size to be just slightly smaller than an average Gillian-class. He used his tail to shake the claw.

"One ssssecond pleassssse." After he'd finished shaking, Lazarus' entire body shattered as if made of Glass, and an incredibly small Fox-like Hollow jumped down. "My name Lazarus! Please no eat!" He was still incredibly terrified, but he figured that lying to this exceptionally sized Hollow wasn't going to be a particularly smart idea, so showing his hand (at least some of it) off the bat wasn't a necessarily... bad idea.

"What ya wanna 'scuss?" Around this time, Zingar would inevitably realize that Lazarus was a very different Hollow than Zingar had originally sensed him to be, as all senses had been altered until now. While he couldn't be sure if this was Lazarus' true form, it was definitely weaker than the snake-like form was.

#5[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:52 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki

The hollow Zingar was currently recruiting seemed to be cooperating for now. With the language it used, Lazarus seemed to be focused on survival. His earlier suspicious on the usefulness of this one was quickly confirmed. After Zingar and the small Gillian shook "hands" the Gillian changed its form. This led to a noticeable change in the dragon's expression.

"Well well, Lazarus..." he said with much surprise to his tone. "I am searching for strong hollows to create a..." He paused attempting to find a way to explain an army in a pleasant way. " to protect other hollows." "Yes this could be a nice way of explaining it. I'll frame it as a group that can protect weaker hollows like himself." He thought as he concocted his plan on the fly.

Zingar scratched his chin as he continued, gazed fixed on Lazarus as he began."I'm sure you know of the events that have been happening throughout Huecho Mundo. The appearance of hollows with partial masks and extreme power. This has created an interesting situation here." His eyes wondered back to the moon as he spoke. Although Zingar, physically was a brute or a "monster," he still had dreams of his own. These dreams were that he would one day be the ruler of the skies. He felt extremely possessive about the moon and the sky and he felt like they always called out to him.

The dragon closed his eyes for a moment as he collected himself. "I'd like to know a little bit about you before I say discuss more with you." The dragon inquired in the pursuit to gain knowledge about his potential future allies or enemies. This was also one of the first times he had spoken with a Menos-class hollow. He needed strength if he were to make a claim on the skies. Strength can come in a variety of sizes, even small ones.

#6[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:02 pm


The Dragon spoke slowly, as if trying to find his words. Lazarus wasn't used to people changing how they acted around him; in fact he was mostly used to people trying to eat him, so talking at all was a nice change of pace. Most of the smallest Hollows in Hueco Mundo weren't even capable of talking, so he was used to silence.

"Events? Partial masks?" Lazarus tilted his head after Zingar spoke, confused about what he was referring to. Being literally buried under the sand, he didn't get out much. "You're first nice Hollow in years!" He jumped up, a bit excited, as the Dragon asked about him. Lazarus thought for a moment, then tilted his head at the Dragon.

"What you wanna know about me? I a small, I stay out way and stay alive." He sat and started grooming his paws, looking up at the Dragon with less and less fear each time.

#7[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:56 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar's mind grew easy as Lazarus did not seem to be informed on the situation in Hueco Mundo. He might need to do that soon, but that wasn't the objective he currently set out to accomplish. The larger hollow rubbed his chin, he could be overthinking all of this. Lazarus seemed like a simple minded hollow. Zingar could use this to his advantage, in addition to its shape shifting abilities.

"I can explain the situation later if you wish, it is a little... complicated. But first, Lazarus, I'd like to know more about you. What do you like and dislike? What do you fear? What makes you happy? What are your fighting capabilities?" As the hollow rattled off his list of questions, he slowly laid himself down in the sand. This was yet another attempt to make sure Lazarus was comfortable around him. If they were to cooperate in the future he would need to make sure he was comfortable.

Zingar felt like he was making progress. Once they got to know each other better, Zingar figured, trust could form between the two of them. Of course at this point in time this was all part of Zingar's plan to form an army. He could eventually lay waste to those arrancar with enough power. Obviously, Zingar himself would have to gain a great deal of power as well.

#8[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:28 am


The Dragon laid in the sands, shaking the ground below Lazarus as he was asked a few questions, which suited Lazarus as answering questions was definitely easier than trying to tell someone else about himself without anything to go on. He thought for a moment silently, looking up at the moon, before he turned back to Zingar and began to answer him.

"I like Peace, and the Moonlight; I dislike Fighting and Violence! I fear Death, and Life makes me Happy!" He wagged his tail as he answered, until the last question made him stop for a moment. He looked around, saw a rock that was nearby-ish, so he ran a little bit towards it. Stopping suddenly enough to kick up some sand, Lazarus prepared to launch his attack, but the sand was too powerful and made him sneeze.

Slightly embarassed, Lazarus huffed and tried again: This time, a bolt of lightning came down and struck the rock, cracking it in half. Proud of himself, he turned around and sauntered back towards Zingar the Dragon.

"My power look strong!!" Huffing and puffing at Zingar, Lazarus began to glow with a white light as he turned into a perfect copy of Zingar the Dragon Hollow. "I not a Master, but I very good with Illusions." He sat down across from Zingar, getting used to the new form he was in. It definitely looked stronger than most of the others he'd ever been in, and he genuinely considered making this his go-to form.

#9[Private] The Dragon's Army Empty Re: [Private] The Dragon's Army Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:08 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki
Lazarus took a moment to respond and the dragon waited patiently for an answer. This did not bother him as this was an attempt to understand the creature before him. It already seemed like the hollow could and perhaps would be obedient if he could promise protection. Now as the creature responded, Zingar got the idea that Lazarus was excitable similar to a dog. Lazarus also had extremely simple motivations, survive. Zingar himself could remember a time when that was his only motivation.

The dragon smiled and moved his gaze to the moon for a moment. As Laz got prepared to show his abilities Zingar reminisced on his past as a younger hollow. Suddenly a small lightning bolt shot down and destroyed the rock in front of the small hollow. It was not exactly impressive but it could possibly be trained to become much stronger. What happened next is really what surprised Zingar.

Suddenly Lazarus started to glow and then quickly became a spitting image of Zingar. His eyes widened as Zingar looked on to what was the hollow before him. ”Interesting... How long can you retain this form? It could prove useful as I’m sure it has to your survival thus far.”

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