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It was a fairly typical day for Faustein, to be honest...which, as per usual, had started off with him waking up to his custom alarm tone which he had long since set to one of the soundtracks from one of his most favorite game series, the one known as "Oda Nobuna's Ambition". Then, as always, he had gone about his usual morning rituals, ending with the enjoyment of some hand-ground Sumatran coffee along with his flavored oatmeal with a side of scrambled eggs breakfast. After that, he had taken his usual soak in the tub, followed by a brief shower, and then had dressed himself in his usual physician-scientist's outfit that he wore to work at Karakura Hospital where he was already one of the senior staff by this point, despite his young age and thanks to his prodigious intellect as well as skill in the medicosurgical field.

Another day in the trenches...par for the course, I guess...

He had mused silently as he finished strapping on his Huawei smartwatch, his Google Glasses, and various other wearable electronics as was his usual routine. After that, he had taken up his military style backpack and had then called his chauffer to bring out his personal transport, aka his beloved vintage 1930 Rolls Royce Phantom III limousine, and had himself driven to Karakura hospital, again as per usual. Once there, he had been greeted by the women who worked there as nurses and who had been awaiting his arrival at the nurse's station to convene a meeting with him regarding his consults and other patient appointments and needs for that day. After that, he had headed off to his office to set up for the long day to come as there were apparently several patients that needed follow-ups and others with first time consults as well.

O ye Norns, I beseech thee, let not anything troublesome happen to me...

Faustein had mused thus silently and had offered up a prayer to the mythological three Norse female deities of fate in his usual theatrically dramatic fashion while looking at the list of his appointments and consults for the day. After that, things had proceeded as per usual with the patients who had to come in at 9 AM and then that had progressed slowly but steadily throughout the day. Time had marched on and eventually morning had given way to noon and noon, in turn, to evening which had marked the end of his day. Things had gone smoothly up until then, but unbeknownst to him, his day was about to get a whole lot complicated. The whole thing started when he was heading out of the hospital and was about to make his way to the parking deck. Suddenly, he heard screams echoing in the distance and crashing noises, multiple ones, in fact which caused him to mutter under his breath

What in blue blazes...?

Logically, he should have left well enough alone, but his insatiable curiosity had reared its ugly head yet again and so, he was drawn inexorably towards the scene of the incident. To make his arrival quicker, Faustein decided to use his "Blur" ability which was the high speed movement type racial ability for "Advent Humans", aka spiritually empowered humans of whom he was fortunately a member like his entire family. Thanks to the momentary, but explosive increase in traveling velocity, he was able to reach the scene in no time flat. Once there, he looked around with his Google Glasses' AR vision enhancement and noticed a trio of his patients from several moments earlier in the day getting backed into a corner by a medium sized group of rather ravenous looking Hollows, not that the regular humans patients could see said Hollows, of course, but were just feeling the effects of their presence.

How irksome...oh well, duty calls, I guess.

Faustein muttered under his breath again and let out a brief sigh of exasperation after which he waited till the patients had fainted from fear before leaping in with his "Floater Device" just in the nick of time and moving the fainted and defenseless patients to a safe place in the parking deck, far away from the scene. Luckily, the element of surprise was in his favor and the Hollows were briefly disoriented due to it and so did not pursue him immediately. After he had deposited the fainted patients, he used his "Data Magic" ability to construct a 6 foot high dome wall around them to keep them safe while he eradicated the Hollows. Then, he returned to the scene of the incident to get rid of the Hollows in question which had recovered by then, unfortunately, but not quite noticed his presence yet.

So much for a nice, peaceful end to the day...what a royal pain...

Faustein thought silently as he summoned his combat pistol which he liked to call "Brünhilde" with the associated  command phrase, muttered of course to avoid drawing their fire too early

Dēta Mahō: Sentō Kenjū.

With that, he ducked behind a nearby car and steadied himself mentally, physically, and spiritually before rising up, taking the usual firing stance for any handgun after which he fired his "Brünhilde". The handheld firearm roared thunderously due to its sheer power and also due to the acoustics of the parking deck as it shot a single bullet at standard Cero velocity towards the nearest Hollow's head, destroying its Hollow mask on impact with the full force equivalent to a standard Cero blast, but hyper-compressed into the tiny volume of a pistol bullet. That was a good start but then, it came with the obvious downside of immediate loss of stealth in the form of the remaining 9 Hollows noticing him and rushing towards him senselessly as they were mad with hunger for souls by this point and because he had deprived them of their chosen prey. Faustein sighed and braced himself for the long fight ahead of him, hoping that it would not take him too long to dispatch all of these vermin.


Text Legend:
- Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein's out loud speech / Proper Names
- Bold w/ Italics: Faustein's covert speech (i.e., whispering, muttering, etc.)
- Italics only: Faustein's silent thoughts
- Regular Text: Faustein's actions




Accessories (these are almost always on his person and are overlaid on his basic appearance in displayed image):
- Heirloom T-rex claw locket

- Heirloom signet ring

- Heirloom pimp cane (internally hollow w/ reishi/reiryoku channeling capacity)


Special Characteristics:
-A mismatched skin patch around his right eye area bounded below by a paraboloid suture line  (Source: self-experimentation from his time in plastic surgery training back during medical school)

-Constantly present dark circles under eyes  (Source: sleep deprivation from stress due to demands of professional practice and from personal effort put into never-ending, ever-burgeoning research goals)

-Constant cyanotic discoloration of lips  (Source: inherent genetic defect + chronic exposure to substances and other stressors over the course of research work)

-Thick rope-burn skin scar seen encircling neck  (Source: near-fatal encounter w/ ancient rope artifact spirit during one past research trip)

-Two, symmetrical, diagonal healed scars on top of inner eyebrows  (Source: precise scalpel slash wound incurred from past jealousy-driven violent encounter w/ treacherous professional colleague)

-Large, diagonally placed, discolored, skin graft patch bounded by two healed suture lines on anterior aspect of torso from left shoulder to right hip  (Source: sword slash wound in near fatal encounter w/ ancient sword artifact spirit during one past research trip)

-Other healed scars, suture lines, blemishes, and imperfections  (Source: daily wear and tear side-effects from his ongoing, ever-burgeoning mad science research work)

-True cyborg body w/ chest-centric “Alchemyōdō Engine (Source: completely customized, full-body re-engineering project via application of research findings)

-Rhomboid crimson reddish-black colored forehead-centric seal (Source: special, passive sealing ability developed to allow for storage and concentration of reishi/reiryoku for entire lifetime)









Combat Log:
-Used Abilities:

Ability Name: Data Magic: Combat Handgun (Dēta Mahō: Sentō Kenjū)
By using the "Data Magic" component of his "Technomancy" ability, Faustein can manifest a special combat handgun construct. This combat handgun is a massive pistol which is 39 cm long, has a weight of 16 kg, has a black gunmetal construction, and uses massive 13mm explosive rounds. Its unique design makes it like it has no pistol slide; however, the entire upper assembly IS the slide, and moves a minimal distance compared to those of other handguns, causing this optical illusion. This pistol's silver ejector port is on its left side, which prevents the ejected cartridges from obscuring the Faustein's view. Due to its size, it has a smaller than average clip capacity with each clip containing ONLY FIVE PHYSICAL BULLETS unlike those of other regular pistols. This ability is the handgun's default mode in which it can fire ONLY ONE EXPLOSIVE BULLET/POST. This SINGLE BULLET travels at STANDARD CERO VELOCITY and inflicts 1x STANDARD CERO DAMAGE upon successful impact. If there is NO interference, then the pistol's default mode ALWAYS has a max effective range of 1097 m. Cooldown: 1 post for the cero bullet firing and 2 posts CD for weapon forging, Duration: until destroyed by any means.   (Current CD: 0/1 posts)

Combat Handgun Image:

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The Reaper stepped out of his Gargantua, full of confidence, and he smelled the smell of humans, and other strange creatures. The Gargantua let him out at ground level, in-between two buildings. With as much reiatsu as he could hide, Thor stepped out into the busy streets, looking to meet someone. It would have to be someone who had some spiritual pressure. But were there any of the sort here? The Arrancar was about to find out.

He took a moment to sense what was going on around him, in one direction was a small gathering of individuals, and in another direction was more individuals, it seemed no matter which direction one travelled, they would come across a gathering of spiritual creatures, no one was by themselves, which would make things incredibly inconvenient. Sighing, the Arrancar moved to the light, not necessarily wanting to meet people in packs, as he would begin his search for a lone individual.

A short search Indeed, as he would sense some sort of disturbance nearby. Of course, the arrancar lacked in the department of spiritual sensing - but he wasn't deaf - especially considering how loud the sound of the bang was. A smirk would find itself on his face as the man would venture his way to the direction of the commotion. His curiosity spiked as he did; not knowing what he would find once he reached his destination. Hopefully, it was something intresting and worthwhile. Hopefully...

Thor witnessed the human blasting a hollows head straight off only for its buddies to gang up on him, preparing to attack him. Should the arrancar intervene to save this poor bastard from getting torn to shreds? Or should he just enjoy the sight only to go his way when it was all done and dusted? The human seemed to be well off in the aspect of defending himself so far. But something inside the arrancar wanted to get himself involved; and so he did. Blasting his spiritual pressure outwards, Thor entered the scene. His light blue hues glaring at the entities that stood before him as he did.

It was time to rumble.


Faustein smirked as he saw the remaining horde of hunger-mad Hollows charging at him and was about to dismiss his handgun and summon his tactical shield to defend himself against the impending onslaught of the incoming cannon fodder Hollows, but then something entirely unexpected happened, namely a new and unfamiliar entity had entered the scene as well. Said entity looked to be a rather tall male, but there was something different about him, something Faustein could not quite place even with his accuracy and precision of sensing.

What do we have here? A new player in the game? How intriguing, indeed.

He mused briefly, but before he could say anything else to the stranger, said stranger had flared his reiatsu and started to display his power, which was quite the sight as it stopped the charging and hunger-mad Hollows in their tracks and had even made the lot of them step back and remain rooted in place, swaying while clearly displaying fear in their body language, like a group of defenseless prey in the presence of an apex predator. Faustein had traveled around the world and had seen this in the wild whilst observing the usual interactions between the fauna in various deserts, jungles, and even underwater, so it was a familiar sight. Of course, these were no mere animals, but Hollows, and more to the point, Hollows that had clearly been under the influence of their insatiable hunger for human souls. So, the fact that the stranger had stopped them cold with just his reiatsu meant that this was no ordinary entity, regardless of what he maybe in terms of species. So, taking advantage of that brief respite, Faustein turned to the strange man with his usual smirk, inquiring and remarking in the same breath, his voice revealed to be an unusually rich, baritone but somehow melodious one despite his slight frame and short height

"Well now, that is quite the potent spirit pressure or reiatsu you have there, stranger. You can call me Faust, so may I inquire as to what your name is?"

With that, he fell silent, wondering if the strange man would deem his query worthy of an answer while keeping the other half of his attention on the group of Hollows which looked like they were slowly recovering from the initial shock of the stranger's reiatsu since they looked as though they would resume their charging attack at any moment.


Text Legend:
- Bold w/ Quotes: Faustein's out loud speech / Proper Names
- Bold w/ Italics: Faustein's covert speech (i.e., whispering, muttering, etc.)
- Italics only: Faustein's silent thoughts
- Regular Text: Faustein's actions




Accessories (these are almost always on his person and are overlaid on his basic appearance in displayed image):
- Heirloom T-rex claw locket

- Heirloom signet ring

- Heirloom pimp cane (internally hollow w/ reishi/reiryoku channeling capacity)


Special Characteristics:
-A mismatched skin patch around his right eye area bounded below by a paraboloid suture line  (Source: self-experimentation from his time in plastic surgery training back during medical school)

-Constantly present dark circles under eyes  (Source: sleep deprivation from stress due to demands of professional practice and from personal effort put into never-ending, ever-burgeoning research goals)

-Constant cyanotic discoloration of lips  (Source: inherent genetic defect + chronic exposure to substances and other stressors over the course of research work)

-Thick rope-burn skin scar seen encircling neck  (Source: near-fatal encounter w/ ancient rope artifact spirit during one past research trip)

-Two, symmetrical, diagonal healed scars on top of inner eyebrows  (Source: precise scalpel slash wound incurred from past jealousy-driven violent encounter w/ treacherous professional colleague)

-Large, diagonally placed, discolored, skin graft patch bounded by two healed suture lines on anterior aspect of torso from left shoulder to right hip  (Source: sword slash wound in near fatal encounter w/ ancient sword artifact spirit during one past research trip)

-Other healed scars, suture lines, blemishes, and imperfections  (Source: daily wear and tear side-effects from his ongoing, ever-burgeoning mad science research work)

-True cyborg body w/ chest-centric “Alchemyōdō Engine (Source: completely customized, full-body re-engineering project via application of research findings)

-Rhomboid crimson reddish-black colored forehead-centric seal (Source: special, passive sealing ability developed to allow for storage and concentration of reishi/reiryoku for entire lifetime)









Combat Log:
-Used Abilities:

Ability Name: Data Magic: Combat Handgun (Dēta Mahō: Sentō Kenjū)
By using the "Data Magic" component of his "Technomancy" ability, Faustein can manifest a special combat handgun construct. This combat handgun is a massive pistol which is 39 cm long, has a weight of 16 kg, has a black gunmetal construction, and uses massive 13mm explosive rounds. Its unique design makes it like it has no pistol slide; however, the entire upper assembly IS the slide, and moves a minimal distance compared to those of other handguns, causing this optical illusion. This pistol's silver ejector port is on its left side, which prevents the ejected cartridges from obscuring the Faustein's view. Due to its size, it has a smaller than average clip capacity with each clip containing ONLY FIVE PHYSICAL BULLETS unlike those of other regular pistols. This ability is the handgun's default mode in which it can fire ONLY ONE EXPLOSIVE BULLET/POST. This SINGLE BULLET travels at STANDARD CERO VELOCITY and inflicts 1x STANDARD CERO DAMAGE upon successful impact. If there is NO interference, then the pistol's default mode ALWAYS has a max effective range of 1097 m. Cooldown: 1 post for the cero bullet firing and 2 posts CD for weapon forging, Duration: until destroyed by any means.   (Current CD: 1/1 posts, READY FOR USE AGAIN)

Combat Handgun Image:

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