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#1Malekith, The Dark King Empty Malekith, The Dark King Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:57 am




Name: Malekith
Alias: The Dark King

Apparent Age: Early 30’s
True Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Personality: Malekith is Evil and Mad to the core, or at least this is how it appears. Whether you choose to believe otherwise is inconsequential to Malekith. Malekith's malice and hate is a direct byproduct of his thirst for vengeance, and his thirst for power was the cause of it all. As such Malekith is a very no-nonsense person. He Derives little happiness from the world, and only when he does is it in times of distress afflicted upon others. Malekith's long age in life has left him with vast knowledge of the world and people. He has quite a knack for manipulating others and understanding key points that they display in their personality. This leads Malekith's mind to be more rational in terms of thinking. Malekith guides his actions in what normally, if not, always results in being beneficial to himself. As such his logical perception of the world is that things can be used to benefit himself. Although this places Malekith into being quite selfish, that is how it is in the grand scheme of things. Using situations bad or good to benefit himself, even if he must act selfless in nature. Pretending and hiding one's true nature can prove to be the victorious method in the end.

Malekith's confidence is not translated into pride, which he has both a large amount of. Malekith's Logical nature disallows himself to fall because of ill-natured traits such pride. Malekith has no end to the lengths of necessary actions he must take to insure his utmost victory. However his hatred is most certainly translated into anger. As such, his anger can lead him into an irrational corner of placed out actions.

Malekith's intellect is keen and vast, but he has no need to spout nonsense about this great feat. His cleverness is tied with his malice. Malekith is clever and quick to think well before situations place him into a position to think. Having such a vast intellect has left Malekith with a somewhat uncaring nature, and although there is almost no love to be found in his heart "almost". He still uses acts of compassion to get towards his end goal, which is to benefit himself in all things.

Much to the detail of his history, Malekith has an incredibly hard time dealing with betrayal. So much so that it can become almost possible to win his favour with both a similar opinion/background and a little bit of loyalty. Although Malekith's nature places him out to be Evil, it can be entirely viewed based on such a matter. As perhaps to others his actions can be justified somewhat.

Although it's true that Malekith follows logic and reason, there is also a strange shard of his mind that is broken. Leading to voices in his head. It doesn't help that Malekith was born so very different from normal people. Malekith upon birth lacked his skin, and was branded a demon because of it. His earliest memories could only be seen through a suit of armour. Unable to feel the wind for himself, and unable to touch others. Perhaps the key to Malekith's trust can be found here.


Height: 214cm
Weight: 140kg

Physical Traits:

Malekith, The Dark King Malekith_Face


History: During his birth Malekith was born with a terrible curse. He was born without his own skin and as such was branded as a demon even by his very parents. Malekith was driven to solitude. No one could ever find a cure. Malekith's very humanity was never even given to him. So he rejected it in the end.

Even at a young age, Malekith wasn't quite the normal Child. He thrived for expansive knowledge, and his thirst for power was unquenchable. Malekith's odd demeanor as a Child left him very much alone, although to him this wasn't a bad thing. The product of this however molded itself around who Malekith is today.

Malekith murdered and ‘lied’ his way into the world, leaving himself very unknown in the eye’s of groups that would deem him a threat. His knowledge of the other realm’s is extraordinary and his knowledge of artifacts and other things is unlike any other. Having possibly ventured to each of them.

Yet there's a reason for everything and Malekith's disappearance during today's age can be explained simply. An anomaly who caused the single handily largest genocide of human population to have ever been recorded. These records however have been taken out of public knowledge. It's as they say, "out of sight, out of mind".

Somewhere deep inside, Malekith is still just the lonely discarded boy from his past. Waiting for someone who never came.


General Fighting Style: Strong close-quarter combatant, combined with devastating abilities.

Strengths: Reflexes, Strength, Durability.
Weaknesses: Reiatsu Control.


Malekith is granted access to 1 Armour and 2 Weapons/Artefacts & Utility Items. Combined 3. Per thread. The items are determined as a thread commences and do not change during that thread. He accesses his collected items via a portal form of 'Realm of Naggaroth'.


Armour of Midnight:


Sword of Naggaroth:


Supreme Spell-shield:


Ability Name: [PASSIVE] Presence of the Null

Description: Malekith by most accounts is hard if not impossible to detect because of the nature of his energy. However to those who do detect and feel his energy, they will feel an in-human and disturbing feeling. Malekith's very being is unnatural and uncomfortable to be around, causing headaches, sickness, and Vertigo. These are just some of the feelings that some will experience. Some people may also experience pain, tingling of the senses, or irregular breathing. Most people will fail to read Malekith's aura. Unable to tell whether he harbours malicious intent or good will. A book that is impossible to read by aura.

Primary Stage [Unlocked at 3-3]:

Secondary Stage [Unlocked at 2-1]:

Hyper Mode [Unlocked at 0-5]:

#2Malekith, The Dark King Empty Re: Malekith, The Dark King Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:03 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-5

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