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#1Ketsu Altana Empty Ketsu Altana Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:33 pm



Name: Ketsu Altana
Apparent Age: 37
True Age: 31
Sex: Male
Personality: If you don't start shit and you're not an asshole, Ketsu is generally a pretty chill guy. However he does not tolerate Hollows or Hollow-like activity, and considers himself a protector of Humanity so anyone who threatens that species is considered an enemy by proxy. Ketsu is grizzled, jaded, and prefers to be very drunk to deal with the situations of society and social maneuvers.

Ketsu's alignment would be considered Lawful Neutral; he follows his code to the letter, and will never waver or move on from it. Hollows must die, Humanity must thrive. Humans who are capable of defending themselves are therefore the only people Ketsu will consider friends anymore, as he can't be bothered to worry about every person who trusts him to keep them safe.

Height: 5'8
Weight: 151 lbs
Physical Traits: [Face Claim: Cloud Strife from FF7: Advent Children]
With how he wears his clothes and the way he normally stands, Ketsu usually looks about five foot eight or five foot nine depending on the given situation. With his height, he's completely proportional in every degree, having slightly longer and larger arms and legs, as well as broader shoulders. With a body-mass index of twenty-one and one tenth, Ketsu's weight of one-hundred-fifty-one pounds makes him perfectly fit. His weight is a combination of his fat and his muscle, although the muscle is more prominent by far. His body type is considered Mesomorphic; as such, he has well-defined muscles and large bones. The torso tapers to a relatively narrow and low waist. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.

Ketsu's hair is a small phenomenon, naturally spiking upwards the way he normally wears it. Platinum blond in color, the hair compliments his oceanic blue eyes, which look gentle enough that he could literally force the ocean to do his bidding. When he's irritated or focused, the moisture in his eyes makes it almost look like they are glowing a much lighter blue than they are. His body is mostly free of any scars or marks, although there is a band of green thorns around his left bicep which he keeps covered by his sleeve. His skin is tanned gentle, having a balanced amount of pigmentation in it. At his arms, his muscles are somewhat averagely sized, but are more highly detailed and defined, clearly marking just where they are. Aside from the wolf head piercing in his left earlobe, his body is free of any visible piercings or anything to that effect. His neck is barren of any necklaces not because he doesn't like them, but instead because he has yet to find something that fits him. The wolf's head in his earring is symbolic towards him: he's a loner, sometimes feeling abandoned by those around him, but he works just as well in packs. Originally he was going to go with a lion's head for valor, but he felt it was too overplayed.

His mood and facial expressions translate cleanly throughout his body: when he's angry, his muscles tense up and become a bit bulkier; and when he's relaxed or sad, his muscles open up too. The veins on his forehead pop out slightly when he's getting irritated, but do not do the same in any other context. Ketsu's body betrays most of his emotions, but when he's concentrating on something (for example, playing chess) he's a stoic robot where nothing gets through to him and nothing is emitted from him. He calls this his poker face, and it sort of is just because his eyes gloss over just enough and his hair reacts as if he's sad, laying flat on his head.

History: [Optional.]
Exposition: Basically he's John Winchester, except his Sam/Dean are dead too.
Side Notes: This is an amalgamation of ideas and concepts so if anything seems out of place DM me on Discord

General Fighting Style: Between the Zanpakutou he wields in one hand and the gun his other hand pretends to be, Ketsu fights equally well at any range and adapts to nearly any situation without cause for alarm. He is rarely caught off guard and does not typically seem to care much what his opponents do in a fight so long as they're entertaining.
Strengths & Weaknesses: [Heavenly Contract: Vermillion Tiger Spirit] overpowers his natural Strengths & Weaknesses.

Ability Name: Heavenly Contract
Description: The more Ketsu's abilities are understood by their victims, the more damage they can inflict. Whether by their own intelligence or Ketsu just admitting how they work, if the target understands Ketsu's abilities that inflict damage they are increased by one step (Cero > Gran Rey > etc). The cooldowns are unaffected, as are the energy costs.

Ability Name: Cursed Seal
Description: Ketsu emits no reiatsu at all as though he were a bount. This prevents him from being tracked by that method, and due to his own history as every type of soul in the cycle he can recognize any species by the flavor of their reiatsu intrinsically.

Equipment Name: Lost Shinigami's Asauchi
Description: A nameless Zanpakutou with no release, this sword cannot speak to the human who wields it and cannot reveal its name. Regardless, it gets treated well, as the human was once a former Shinigami who knew to treat Zanpakutou with respect.

Ability Name: Heavenly Contract: Vermillion Tiger Spirit
Description: Ketsu receives a +2x to all Physical stats at all times, but a -2x to his Reiatsu and cannot use it to manipulate others to any effect, pressure or emotions or otherwise. He also cannot sense reiatsu outside of a five foot radius from his own body.

Ability Name: Heavenly Contract: Jade Turtle Spirit
Description: Ketsu takes 25% less damage from all attacks. This is increased to 33% in Secondary Stage. Additionally, he is immune to the acid touch of a Hollow (but not Acid as an element). Finally, he does not need to eat, breathe, sleep, or drink.

Ability Name: Gunshot
Description: A bala-like attack fired from the tip of Ketsu's index finger, typically (but not required) when his hand is shaped like a gun. Travels at bala speeds and inflicts bala damage, can be fired 5 times per post.

Ability Name: Grand Crescent
Description: An attack that follows the arc of his motions, be it a swing or a thrust. Creates a blast of energy up to 50ft long and travels for up to 150ft before dissipating; travelling at Bala Speeds and doing Cero Damage, Grand Crescent has a 2 post cooldown between uses.

Ability Name: Scattershot
Description: Each of the remaining 'ammo' from Gunshot is fractured into 10 shards of energy that are fired off at bala speeds from Ketsu's middle finger, typically (but not required) when his hand is shaped like a gun.

Ability Name: Heavenly Contract: White Ox Spirit
Description: Ketsu receives High Speed Regeneration equal to that of a Hollow; he can regenerate lost limbs in 4 posts, major wounds in 3 posts, minor wounds in 2 post, and scrapes/bruises are healed almost instantaneously. This regeneration can be passed on to others through touch, allowing them to benefit for up to 3 posts while Ketsu loses his for the duration. Ketsu cannot regenerate his heart or brain, nor can he regenerate other people's, but other internal organs are fair game.

Ability Name: Last Visual Acuity: Black Blade of the Sorrowsworn Emperor's Last Stand
Description: Ketsu creates a blade of pure energy as a halo forms over his head and a pair of reiatsu wings form at his back. For 5 posts he receives a further +1x to all stats, and can at any time expire the effects early by expending the energy in a ranged attack: at bala speeds in a straight line, traveling up to 150m away, everything within that black void takes a Forbidden Kidou worth of damage. When the effect expires, whether by using the ranged attack or the five post duration, Ketsu explodes for a second Forbidden Kidou worth of damage to everything within 20ft of him, and enters a fatigue state for the remainder of the thread.

#2Ketsu Altana Empty Re: Ketsu Altana Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:47 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-4

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