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#1Ketsu Altana Empty Ketsu Altana Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:11 pm




Name: Ketsu Altana
Alias: Synchronicity
Race: Human
Age: 14
Gender: Male  
Personality: A man of few words, Ketsu prefers to listen and let his actions speak for him. Given his history and unique perspective regarding heroism and villainy, he stands apart from the crowd and doesn't always do what others think he should. While you could argue his moral compass is twisted, he'd fire back that other people's moral compasses are simply lacking a full understanding. That said, he is very prideful, a little arrogant, and does overestimate himself. Due to the nature of his quirk, however, he believes himself invulnerable.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Blood Type: A Negative
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Current Place of Residence: Alliance Heights, Musutafu, Japan (UA Academy)
Appearance: [Pic]
Height and Weight: 5'0" (152cm) and 85 lbs (38.5kg)
Costume: [Pic 1] [Pic 2]


Quirk Name: Shunpo (Flash Step)
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Any non-living or willing living target that Ketsu touches bears a small emblem that only he can see at the location of his touch. Ketsu can teleport to any emblem he's placed on a charge system, explained below. Ketsu is unable to immediately attack after teleporting¹, due to mild disorientation, but he is capable of acting defensively as normal.

Teleporting requires and drains 1 Charge. Ketsu can hold a maximum of 2 Charges at a time, and regains 1 Charge every 3 posts.

¹Unless agreed upon OOC


Hero Role Model: His Mother (Sacred Flame, Hero #32 at Peak) and his Father (Sin, Villain)
Rival: Ketsu has no Rival, as he has no Equal
History: The unfortunate result of a drunken one-night stand between a Hero and a Villain, Ketsu was always in an interesting predicament compared to most people. While his parents hated each other and fought constantly, both verbally and physically, they never did it in front of Ketsu.

Born in Japan, and thus granted Japanese Citizenship despite his father's American Heritage, Ketsu was kept outside of normal society and homeschooled as to prevent anyone from finding out his father was a notorious villain. He was taught values and morals from both of them, giving him a unique perspective for one so young. When his quirk finally started to develop, he was entered into school, but was told to never tell anyone who his father is, and just pretend that he died before Ketsu was born.

#2Ketsu Altana Empty Re: Ketsu Altana Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:51 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved, C- start A+ potential.

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