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#1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Empty All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:16 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Loneliness is not a sin. Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling. In which a person feels a strong sense of emptiness and solitude resulting from inadequate levels of social relationships. However, it is a subjective experience. Loneliness has also been described as social pain - a psychological mechanism meant to alert an individual of isolation and motivate him to seek social connections. To speak/talk with someone. To share a person’s feeling with someone. And mostly, to love someone. But some people did not have the luck to talk with people or have a strong relationship with them. And it was actually not a sin...

People can experience loneliness for many reasons and many life events are associated with it, like the lack of friendship relations during childhood and adolescence, or the physical absence of meaningful people around a person are a few causes for loneliness. At the same time, loneliness may be a symptom of another social or psychological problem, such as chronic depression. But Udarsha didn't have either of them, he always needed solitude. He wanted to be alone always. Udarsha had a good thought what kept him going forward so far. And it was as he always says "Only the weak would seek the aid of other people/friends..."

It was dark inside the room, except for the table lamp which was on the table. It was glowing brightly, making the room more visible. Only the room. The other parts of the house were in total darkness. Which was like a haunted apartment? As for Udarsha he was sitting down on the bed, he needed solitude. And the room which was covered with walls just gave him that. Smiling towards himself, he taught of the world; that was surrounding him. How the world would end and be reborn again. Udarsha, who had lived in the human world for more than 1000 years, had seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. That was the forming world today. "The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... And I’ll whisper "no..." Udarsha thought grinning.

Udarsha had drawn his Zanpakutō out; the entire metallic length of it and now with the hilt in one hand and a soft square of cloth in the other he was polishing it. As every other Shinigami whom actually cared for their Zanpakutō more than their own life's, his Zanpakutō was not so important to him, but Udarsha cared for it nonetheless however right now he took better care of it than he had ever bothered to was he bored or just going insane? Normally he'd prefer the way of slashing helpless people with it, which gives him quite a joy and a bizarre happiness. Mostly, for that reason people called him sadistic. Yet, they were correct of it. And frankly he preferred the way the blade of his Zanpakutō glinted under the small light of the table lamp; it looked more like hell? Hell is real, believe me...

One could wonder, "Why are Zanpakutō very valuable too soul reapers?" The question maybe simple, but the inner answer was a complex one to tell. A Zanpakutō cannot be replaced, though it will slowly regenerate if it is broken. Either Udarsha's Zanpakutō was never broken down by anyone. Truly, a worthy could do that. Every Zanpakutō has its own name; which Udarsha's Zanpakutō had the name of a fallen demon. A Zanpakutō size reflects the amount of the swordsman's spiritual power. This was quite a weird concept. Udarsha's Zanpakutō was a normal size sword in both stages; Bankai and Shikai. It never grew longer or bigger, only its power grew to be immense. Very...very... immense...

Feeling bored of what he was doing; Udarsha got up and slowly kept his valuable Zanpakutō, on the bed. Walking towards the window he opened it. He could feel small wind currents flowing everywhere. Udarsha took a deep breath and exhaled. "This was the perfect life!" he thought sensing the spiritual pressure of a being; coming towards him. Udarsha grinned excitedly. He did not have any fun for decades. And this was the chance to have some fun. As he slowly leeked out some of his sprite force, so the person could sense him as well. Come, come, it all starts and ends here...


#2All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Empty Re: All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:16 pm


Not too far outside of the city there was a somewhat large battle going on between two entities, one with a dark spiritual pressure.... a hollow non-the-less, the other entity gave off a larger almost comforting pressure. Those that could see the two pressure would describe a clash of black-ish crimson and jade green mixed in with gold strands.

Approaching the scene, two figures could now be made out, one appearing to be a man looking to be around 19 years of age wearing black shinigami robes missing the sleaves, a black blade... his zanpakuto in hand. The other figure was a feral looking hollow, looking like a cross between lion and tiger, its mask had 2 large fangs hanging from it, its yellow eyes starring down its prey before lunging forth....

As the hollow lunged forth, clawing for my throat I swung Yawe up blocking the blow I put on a burst of speed bringing Yawe down across the hollow's body. Appearing behind the hollow I slide Yawe into her black sheath which was strapped just under my left arm. Minoru that was too quick, you knew that wasn't a strong one but you wouldn't play. Stated Yawe, my zanpakuto, the partner of my heart and soul.

"Well then Yawe I promise I'll 'play' with the next one we find." I could feel Yawe's excitement grow when I suddenly felt a dark almost ominous spiritual pressure not to far inside the city, as such I put on a burst of shunpo as I began moving swiftly to the location, not taking notice of the Gargantua ripping open in the sky above me....

Once within the city I came upon a isolated park that seemed to out of way, I knew I was close to the spirit pressure I sensed earlier but now I could no longer make out the exact area it was in. While sitting there contemplating what to do my thoughts were interupted by Yawe. Oi! Minoru, if you HAVEN'T noticed we have a hollow inbound, a strong one! I could feel the joy radiating off of her, yet somehow I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this, but I ignored it and began to shunpo towards the new hollow.

When I came upon the hollow I found before me a horrid sight, a schoolyard soaked in blood, not a soul in sight.... My vision went red at the sight, my rietsu flaring, turning from the subtle jade it was to a dark omni-precent jade color. Stepping forth I drew my zanpakuto, brimming with anger.

"PROTECT THE WORLDS BONDS,YAWE! My rietsu flared even more, the ground cracking beneath my feet, small stones lifting off the ground. Stepping out of the plum of rietsu I brandished my blades, looking them over, noting how bright the dragon teeth glowed eminating in my anger filled rietsu.

"Hollow! For this you go to hell!" I roared as I closed the space between the hollow and myself, crashing both blades down aiming for its head, only for it to block my blades with a large claw. Shaking myself out of my surprised daze I began to build my rietsu in one of my blades, while I struck with the other, slashing the hollows chest before being pushed back.

With some distance now between myself and the hollow I knew it was game over for it. Your really pissed at this one eh Minoru?1?.

Ignoring Yawe for the moment I finally brought forth my other blade, the teeth of which now were glowing a brilliant jade color, focusing as I swung down I called out, Windscar!!! 3 immense blades of wind ripped towards the hollow, which attempted to block the attack in vain, resulting in its complete destruction and purification.

Walking back towards the park I focused on Yawe. 'Guess I went overboard this time eh, completely vaporized the fool.'Yawe sensing how un-easy I had become the past few minutes left me to my thoughts as I began once again pondering about this dark rietsu I could feel, seemingly close-by.

#3All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Empty Re: All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:51 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1

"There comes a time, when even gods must die."

World is a common name for the whole of human civilization, specifically human experience, history, or the human condition in general, worldwide, i.e. anywhere on Earth. In a philosophical context it may refer to: the whole of the physical Universe, or an ontological world. In a theological context, world usually refers to the material or the profane sphere, as opposed to the celestial, spiritual, transcendent or sacred. The "end of the world" refers to scenarios of the final end of human history, often in religious contexts. From what people these days do, Udarsha knew something that, no other soul other knew. The world we know will never end, until it meets its rightful time. As one of the funniest people’s in the world said, "The planet is fine, the people are fucked..." And it was 100% true...

The ending of the world; had many theories among it. And one famous theory was the, Eschatology theory (And it was not a theory actually). Eschatology, from the Greek meaning "last" and -logy meaning "the study of", first used in English around 1550) is a part of theology, philosophy, and futurology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, the ultimate destiny of humanity — commonly referred to as the end of the world or the "World to Come." Some people define eschatology as "concerned with ‘the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell’". Udarsha knew one thing for certain that, wherever he went, hell was coming with him...

Taking the deep breath, Udarsha walked out of his house. Sensing the person with the unusual Sprite force; coming forward towards him. Yet, he was far way. It would take about 20 minutes to reach Udarsha, in land speed. Taking the deep breath, Udarsha walked out of his house. Sensing the person with the unusual Sprite force; coming forward towards him. Yet, he was far way. It would take about 20 minutes to reach Udarsha, in land speed. And when the certain person does that, he (Udarsha) would be there to welcome the strange person. Taking out his Zanpakutō from his sleeve he examined it for a minute or two. It was the perfect blade to, cut a person in half with a single swing. After admiring his blade for a minute or two, he slowly took the blade upwards towards his lips. As he licked the edge of its blade. He could feel the wantation of cutting. The Zanpakutō wanted to cut someone so bad it; glowed brighter little by little. It is time...

Udarsha started walking on the street now. Trying to find that person with the sprite force. He was in his Gigai state. He was now passing through a small street, filled with murders, thief's, beggars, whores and more. It was dark so Udarsha couldn't see much. Even though it was dark, the faint shadows of the people were quite visible. Udarsha leaned towards the light and went on his way. But he was interfered by a small person. Udarsha couldn't see the person’s looks but he could tell that the person was mad. The mad person was drooling. His saliva was pouring off his mouth. It was a look like dawn of the dead, in a different and disgusting way. He had large blue eyes and black sleep bags or whatever you call it, under his eyes. From the looks of it, he hasn’t been sleeping for days or more. The person turned his head into a side and started at Udarsha. And he was still drooling like crazy. "H-Hello, I'm a mad scientist. And I'm more powerful that you, boy!" the scientist spited back and started to come near Udarsha. His movement was like a dead zombie, coming to kill his pray. Udarsha, took a few steps back fast and fired back at the scientist grinning a roguish grin "For if knowledge is power, then a GOD AM *I*!"

Udarsha had just escaped from the mad scientist’s mad menace. It was quite creeping. Now tailing the young person again Udarsha started to walk on the street. The person sprite force had disappeared to thin air while Udarsha, had argued with the mad hatter scientist. Shaking his all around Udarsha tried to find the young person but he couldn’t. He had completely vanished. Quite giving up of the chase, Udarsha sat down on the nearby street step. It was rough as usual, even though he needed something soft to sit down in. Finally making up his mind he leaned over the wall and sat down on the step. Udarsha could here small muffle voices in the distant. The voices were talking something about a big secret. Udarsha leaned towards the wall and checked if the sound came from it. Yes, it was! It was coming from inside the building. Curiously he listened towards the voices. He could here three rough voices talking by. They were discussing about a secret of some sort. Udarsha shook his head and got up, frustratedly. It was time to move on. "In order for three people to keep a secret, two must be dead..." Yet, it was not the time to face death...


#4All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Empty Re: All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:15 am


Having sensed the dark rietsu once again after my quick battle I took off with a shunpo in its direction before it seemingly disappeared. Now lost withing the 'darker' part of the city I took to the rooftops hoping to find a familiar landmark. Not seeing one I started to head North, stopping occasionally to look around. After stopping on the tower of a building I began to hear a quiet almost hissing voice, and felt the faintest trace of Hollow rietsu, and it didn't feel lesser than gillian. As I stood there trying to formulate a plan of action I failed to notice the light tap of someones shoes touching the ground behind me.

Hearing the hollow hiss "sssomeonessss hereee." fearing that I had been detected I turned around to see the shadowy figure of a man, the only other thing I could see was the shimmer of light bouncing off of a glass eye piece, and an arm move towards my neck faster than I could react, my vision began to turn black... I had been knocked out. The figure caught my falling body, tossing me over its shoulder it took off.

Eventually I had woken up, when I did I began too panic... not from any harm or something like that.. no what had me panicking was waking to find myself strapped to a metal table. As soon as I had noticed this I began spiking my spiritual pressure just enough for those with good sense's to detect, I was hoping someone would pick it up and investigate. Looking around the room I could see various tools, all different shapes and sizes, my Zanpakuto Yawe was in the corner of the room in a glass case.

'Ugh... how did this happen... this is the last time something like this happens to me... I guess it wasn't me the hollow detected though... now where could I be' I began thinking, trying to organize my panicky thoughts I knew I needed to keep a cool level head. Hearing footsteps I strained to look to my right side, I saw a man in a white lab coat, black gloves, an odd glass manical over his eye, and a needle with an odd liquid in it.

He walked over and began speaking "It's time for you to go back too sleep, we can't have anyone finding you now can we my precious shinigami.. we're going to have lots of fun together, you and I" With those words the strange man approached me and thrust the needle into my arm, pumping all of the strange liquid into me, my vision slowly blurred and my thoughts began too slow, then once again I faded into unconsciousness.

? Hours Later

Once again I woke up, this time feeling groggy and sharp pain in my ribs. Slowly looking around I found myself this time in a cell my leg chained to the wall. I open the top of my sinigami robes and look myself over, noticing many lacerations encasing my ribcage. Each breath I took brought forth a new wave off pain. Once again I attempted to flare my spiritual pressure, this time findin out I could barely raise it beyond normal.

'What did he do to me....why can't I raise my spiritual pressure.... god I hope someone finds me soon, who knows what might happen to me if I remain here any longer.

As I was deep in thought I noticed the figure of the man walking over, he seemed.... angry I suppose, in a sinister voice he began... "I assume you've noticed by now you barely have control over your rietsu, that would be due to your little trick yesterday and the fluid I injected you with my dear test subject."

"Wh...wha *cough* what are you doing to me! Tell me now!"*cough cough cough* I began coughing up blood as the man just smirked at me before answering..."well my shinigami I plan on finding out what makes you tick, I want to see what will awaken the rest of the power you locked inside yourself subconsciously" He finished with a dark laugh, then stood there silent letting his words sink in..

"What do you *cough* mean *cough* power I locked *cough* away... I don't know *cough* what your talking about.." by now I was coughing up large gobs of blood, my arms wrapped around my ribs as I began to give in to the pain.

The man now began laughing hystarically, " Oh my so you don't remember.... well before you ever get out of here I'm going to MAKE you remember" He began laughing again as I fell unconscious once again.

Inner World/ Yawe P.o.V

' This world has become so dark, a never ending storm is beginning to rage... Minoru I'm sorry... soon your going to remember.. and when you do we'll have to begin mastering Bankai... before it kills you'

(ooc; Yawe is talking about how out of control my rietsu is in Bankai, and that if I don't master it soon, I may very well die in battle using it or one of the techniques. Also this experience is what re-awakens my bankai[only has been used subconsciously at this point assuming this is before 'The Secrets of the Cherry Blossom thread I'm in])

Wordcount; 855(not inc OOC)

#5All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Empty Re: All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:50 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Byakuraaaan-1

"I'm the best in what I do, But what I do isn't very nice"

Udarsha singed quit bored of everything. The person with the quite high spiritual pressure never came towards him. It was just a waste of valuable time. Feeling disappointed and angry towards him; Udarsha started to walk back towards his old and sexy apartment; where everything happened. This day was a very repugnant day. Full of bullshit and other stuff. And for some reason Udarsha did not want to make the day more miserable and repugnant. So he walked through the street seeking great mischief and adventure. Yet, never came towards him...

Walking on the 28th street of Karakura town, Udarsha started to gasp. He saw a man crying on the street lane. Udarsha, who was curious fellow, went near him to know why he was crying. There were 2 people with the person, who Udarsha didn't know. By the looks of it, they were relations or something. The 2 people were comforting him, mostly telling him not to cry. With as small investigation, Udarsha knew why he was crying for. It was because of his dead son; who had an accident on this lane a few days ago. Udarsha signed. He felt sorry for him. Like all the fathers, who doesn't like their children dying? Udarsha bowed at them and started to move again. The dead father’s son said with a dreadful voice "I love my dead gay son a lot..."

Udarsha hated gay people a lot. Mostly, Lesbians. He always wanted to kill all the homo people on the world. But he knew he couldn't. It was an impossible task. He would never accomplish it. Even though, he hated every one of them. There was good reason as well. And some were; it is unnatural, against the laws of nature, Homosexuals are mentally ill, they can cause harm, they set bad examples for our kids, higher rate of a lot of diseases among homosexuals, they were some of the reasons why he hated homo people. And they were indeed good reasons to take as well. Udarsha remembered a good quotation he had seen in a teen T-shirt. It read, "Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians, so I can kill them..."

Now Udarsha was passing a church. It was a long and exhausting journey but he didn't care. It was his destiny; to find the person with the spiritual pressure. Passing towards it, he saw a few EMO teens hanging around the church. "Aren't Emo's atheists?" Udarsha thought as he scratched his head bewildered. The teens were coming towards his way, seeing Udarsha they stopped and started. Udarsha force a smile. "You going to church, dude? If so, good. We are planning something.Can you help?" The Emo teen said as he came few steps towards Udarsha and patted his shoulder. He looked at them with a blank face and looked at the Church. There was something like a stick hanging on small curve thing. Udarsha's jaw drop as he said slowly leaning towards them, his eyes sharp with anger "Nobody fucks with the Jesus..."

Teens these days are quite idiotic. They don't care what they do about, as long as their job is done. They didn't want any parental love. Actually, they don't even care about parents who brought them into this world. Udarsha was a teen himself. Actually he was 2000 years old but taking from his visual appearance he looked like a 19 year old dude. So he got a lot of attentions by the girls, but he was in no care mood as usual. Teens these days are weird as hell. Specially one of the people who beamed the "Most evil man who ever lived." it was Alister Crowley. He had a weird youth as well. Udarsha inspired him a lot. He always said "He’s an angel. He’s an angel straight from heaven!"

Walking on the streets again, Udarsha checked the time. It was 12.00 pm. He could go towards his destination in another 15 minutes. He met an old man walking by; he was holding a stick and walking through the lane. He was a hunch as well. Udarsha looked at him as he walked by. The old man looked at him back. He had a dull expression on his face. The old man slowly walked towards him and smiled awkwardly. "You seem like a man, who's looking for blood." the man said with his small sour voice. Udarsha gave him a gentle smile. The old man was right about that. "We all have a choice, son!" the old man said giving him one last smile and moving away. Udarsha laughed and looked down. The man had spoken the words of God!


#6All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Empty Re: All Shall Rise [Minoru Only] Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:06 pm


[switching to 3rd person or w/e it is]

Waking once again chained to the wall Minoru let out a groan before looking around to see if he could spot the man whom he now assumed was some messed up scientist. Looking himself over Minoru noticed that his wounds had healed some,'how long have I been out' he thought and spoke into his inner world. Minoru waited for some kind of reply from his zanpakuto's spirit Yawe, yet got none. This new problem began to worry Minoru although he knew his zanpakuto was still nearby he no longer had Yawe's help in staying calm. Closing his eyes Minoru began breathing deep slow breathes trying to no avail to calm himself, the distant foot-steps he could now hear didn't help either. As the foot-steps neared Minoru could also hear whistling to the tune of 'he's a jolly good fellow' when the odd scientist entered the room, the first thing Minoru noticed about the mans appearance was his own zanpakuto on the mans back. The man turned to face the chained up Minoru, a dirty smirk on his face he spoke up noticing Minoru's gaze linger on his zanpakuto, Oh so you miss your zanpakuto my little shinigami? would you like to have it back? maybe I'll set it over here for now.. The man began laughing as he walked towards the cell/cage that held Minoru, removing the zanpakuto from his back and setting it against the wall not more than 5 feet from the cell.

For some reason Minoru still could not hear nor speak with his zanpakuto Yawe, even with it now being so much closer, the scientist must have drugged him somehow. Why are you doing this... Minoru managed to get out with ragged breathes, apparently it still hurt to talk much. He didn't know what kind of answer to expect to his question, worried that he may not make it out alive. The scientist answered with a crazy laugh, because my dear shinigami, I like to make people suffer, especially those with potential like yours. The scientist once again broke into a fit of laughter. Minoru groaned at the answer as he fell into a half sleep.

[[ooc: ran outta ideas for now Neutral sorry for the short ass post man]]
Word count: 349

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