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#1The 18 headed beast Empty The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:15 am


Kuroi was sitting in his office reading reports of his funds and making sure he took care of his squad members. He leaned back in his chair as a shinigami from his squad came rushing in laying a paper down hard onto his desk. He grabbed the paper and read it slowly before dropping the paper."Get out now...I cant believe this is happening..." He stood and sent a hell butterfly to all the Captains and to their Lieutenants. He began pacing back and forth behind his desk waiting on them to return.

#2The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:03 am


On a roof top bathed in the moon light I stand in my custom armoni suit with a red sil tie. I walk to the center of the building,surrounded by red candles,i begin my dark ritual. I draw a small dark black dagger and plunge it at my feet into the bound man tied at my feet his blood flows out of him and runs to each candle flowimg up the body of the candle and into the flame which shot up into the air five feet. I remove the dagger and hold it into the air. I breathe deep and begin the incantation" open the gate and let loose the fear of hell. Come forth and sow panic and discord where you may go. Stain red the moon and sun from the blood of the fallen. I open the gate to you as king.Renak sonn da la kun the long dead language caused a gate to appear on the roof top. From inside the gate several red eyes can be seen hovering and moving"open!" The command given the gate opens slowly causing a creaking sound to be heard. From out the gate two large serpents exit each serpent has three heads atop it. The stop and bow to me as the gate slams shuta and slams shut."go now." I order them and they slither off. Screams can be heard moments later. I smile and disapper into the dark of the night

#3The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:48 am


As my squad was currently without a captain, i took responsibility over the squad. The training, the sleeping,funds, all that. I am not going to let my squad suffer because of no captain. Besides, It was my duty as a Lieutenant to cover the duties of a captain during ones absence. "Good good, keep practicing kido, use some hado too." I say to other members of the squad as the progress their kido skills. 11th used to be known for only melee attacks. Hakuda and zanjustu, I wanted to change that. Kido was going to be incorporated into this squad.

Sitting at the edge of a tree resting from sparring a few men, i blow some air out of my nose. 'Good job everyone! You are getting better in kido, we will practice until you have a grasp on the skill. A hell butter fly comes and whispers in my ear as i joke with my other squad members. My eyes widen as I hear the message. How can something like that be happening now? I grab my zanpakoutou bowing to my other members as i explain why I am leaving them a little early."I need to go attend to Captain Yai, keep studying. I will be back soon." i salute them taking one step before i shunpo ontop of buildings leaping for one to the other as i make my way to Captain Yai."Sir 11th company is here."

#4The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:15 am


10th division

I am sitting in my garden enjoying the day when a hell butterfly come gently down to my side"hello little one." I say extending my finger it whispers its message to me"oh my this must be bad." I get up grab my bag and zanpacto and head out to Yai's office shunpoing to it. I arrive at yai's office seeing Gust there I speak"hello gust and Yai. How are you. What is going on the message sounded serious."

#5The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:56 am


2nd Division

I had just finished training with a group from the squad, we we're working on their Zanjutsu skills today and all had been going well. They we're improving quite fast, and now I was supposed to work with another group on their Hakuda skills when a hell butterfly flew towards me. Holding out my hand for it to land I listened to its message, my face showing concern.

I must apologize everyone, I will not be able to help with this group but I'd like you all to continue training for another hour or two, I have an urgent matter to deal with and must go see Captain Yai. I began walking from the field, making sure I had Yawe strapped onto my back and my bottle of sake hanging from my belt.

Taking off with shunpo I headed towards Squad 8's Barracks, I could already feel Captains Yai and Tazuma as well as Zeipher there. Upon arrival I knock before walking in. Hello Captain Yai, Tazuma, and hello Zeipher. I'd ask how its going but it seems we have an urgent matter correct Captain Yai?

#6The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:44 am


10th Division

Joshua was meditating in the barracks when the hell butterfly came and interrupted him. He listened and after leaving instructions to the rest of the division, left for the Eighth Division. He quickly made the reason he was there known to the members of that division and arrived at the meeting place shortly after Minoru
"Captains" he said to Yai and Tazuma. He didn't acknowledge the two that he knew but he did see their Lieutenant badges and quietly acknowledged them as equals to some degree

#7The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:59 am


4th Division Captain

Cat stands in the middle of her butterfly sanctuary. Butterflies start to fly around wildly with the death butterfly's arrival. Cat notices it's arrival and says, "Well hello there." She extends her arm out tawords the butterfly, and it lands on the palm of her hand. She brings the butterfly up to her face, and Cat listens to the message. "I must go," she say to her butterflies.

She runs away from the sanctuary phasing through the walls of the sanctuary, and anything in her way. She arrives at the meeting, praying she wasn't late. She say "Hi guys, sory it took me so long I am not familiar with the arear yet haha," she has a slite smile and she puts her hands on the back of her head. She was the newest captain after all hopefully they would not expect her to already know where everything was.

#8The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:10 am


(ooc side.not cat could u use a brighter color blue is hard to read please)

#9The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:47 am


7th Division
I was just finishing off some reports when a hellbutterfly comes and lands on my report i put out a finger and lisern to it message.
"Oh boy it seems that there is some trouble." With that i shunpo to the 8th Division office and with the charge air around me making my enterce know i enter and say.
"Hello Yai, Zuma, Minoru, Gust, Josh and Captain of the medical squad i do not belive i had the pleasure of meeting you the name Kieran Muruguma and i am the Captain of the 7th squad and before you ask i only wear my hurai when i have to. Now what seems to be the trouble Yai?" i say to each of the people there as i run a hand though my ice blue hair.

#10The 18 headed beast Empty Re: The 18 headed beast Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:53 am


Josh,kieran,and new captain of 4th division comes in" josh how is the division running? (tossing a small bottle to kieran) old friend I believe I owe ypu that. And I am captain tazuma koshi of tenth division madam captain of 4th division." Looking around I could tell somethingBIG was going on

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