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#1The Inferno [closed.solo.past thread] Empty The Inferno [closed.solo.past thread] Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:19 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi

Several months ago,long before the new espada were created, the arrancar known as senshu yamaguchi left the saftey of las noches and set off into the desert in hopes of growing more powerful. He had grown tired of the disorganized arrancar organization and tired of the weak minded simpletons he had to call his comrades. But most of all, he grew tired of his own weakness. For about three months he would roam the sands, destroying everything that got in his way, not stopping for even a second to rest and sleep. Eventually, fatigue began to overcome him as the energy slowly left his body. He began coughing up a strange black liquid but he payed it no mind. Despite his best efforts however, the arrancar would soon fall to his knees, ready to die from exaustion. As his pale face rested on the ground however, he would feel a coldness in his hands, a strange occurance considering the fact that it was still day and the sands should have been schorching hot. He looked up and much to his suprise he would set his eyes upon what appeared to be black sand. In front of him was nothing but darkness, an entire portion of hueco mundo lost in time. The Black sand desert. The arrancar would pull himself up and continue to journey deeper and deeper into this near utter blackness until his foot gets caught in a soft puddle of the sand. Soon his entire body would be pulled underneath. The arrancar fell several hundred feet before finally hitting the cold ground below. He looked around but could see nothing, sense nothing, feel nothing. Everthing was completely pitch black, which brings us to the present were our story truly begins...

Canto I: Hubris Unbound

Canto : Route 666


Tick tock go the hands on the clock, resting on the wall in the room. A room with an immense burden forced upon it, one that even a God would find taxing, the burden of housing the black beast of the white sands, Senshu Yamaguchi. However, on this midnight dreary, weak and weary the black beast seems to have fallen. Oh but not from a blade, or arrow or fist, but by the traitorous machinations of his own body. One could assert the tick tocking of this clock is in fact the timer for his impending expiration. For a while, the lycans body has been deteriorating like a cancer patient without treatment. His hair leaps from his skull, his skin shrivels as if frightened and his bones nearly visible behind his sickly face. His body now indistinguishable from that of the most elderly man has ceased all function, pumping just enough blood to keep him alive long enough to feel the soft sting of death. This room, senshu has not left for nearly a month not because of self-loathing but because he literally couldn’t leave it, his weak and whithering body wouldn’t allow it. He has managed to make his way to his knees, but that is as far as the moster can go. A bubbling black substance is forming inside of his hollow hole and it seems to be within his blood which he is constantly regurgitating. What is this putrid black liquid? Is it the manifestation of his rotted soul taking over his body? Or is it simply his insides telling him ‘they’re done’. Whatever it is, one thing is clear. The end of yamaguchi is evident and near.

"huh......huh...God dammit.."

What on earth is happening to me…The last things i fought were those hollow back in the forest.. but i survived, i released my power and destroyed those pions.. So why does my body feel as if it is sustaining some incredible injury. I can barely move, nothing is working properly. Am i sick? No, that’s impossible, i'm technically a ghost, we can’t get sick. Goddamit is this how it ends? I get some virus and that’s it, I’m done!? I'm supposed to go out fighting, die in battle like a warrior! Tch, I’d even take an assassination but A DAMNED DISEASE?!


Before the arrancar can finish his statement to no one, all thought in his head begins to slow down. His vision begins to fade as the sweat on his brow grows heavier from more of its release. He begins to waver to and fro, side to side as the lycans mind slowly slips into unconsciousness. After a few moments of silence, Senshu falls face first onto the cold wooden floor of his room. His heart still beats just barely but it doesn’t look like he will be awaking any time soon. He has passed out.

Descension to Madness

Senshu suddenly feels wind blowing intensely against his face as darkness surrounds him. As he awakens, he finds himself falling down a narrow and seemingly never ending pit of earth and stone. He falls with the speed and subtle grace of a body plummeting from a tall skyscraper in a final act of suicide. As he drops down through the seemingly never ending abyss, the darkness begins to become lit by a red fiery light. As if he were free falling from a plane, senshu tries to maneuver his way over to the walls closely surround him in an attempt to grab on and stop his descent but to no avail. Instead the arrancar simply continues to dwindle down the chasm, as the heat around him begins to increase drastically with each second and the faint sound of deathly moaning tickles his ears.

What on earth is happening?! I pass out then I’m suddenly falling? Maybe I’m dreaming or maybe I’m. Maybe I’m dead. Maybe i'm...Falling into the pits of hell. I suppose i deserve this if i cannot even win a battle against a simple sickness. A sickness brought on by my own power. How pathetic. If i can't even conquer my own power, how could i ever dream of conquering anything else. I guess it was a lie I’ve been telling myself....Greed has forsaken me...Now there is no hope...

Senshu allows his body to become limp as he accepts the fate which lies before him.

The lone wolf awakens in a daze, slowly regaining consciousness as his eyes slowly flutter open. He rolls his body over and can see the long dark pit from whence he came still above him. So it's not a dream, he thinks as he picks himself up off the hot ground to survey his surroundings. All around him there is nothing but volcanic stone and fire. On the walls are what seem to be the bodies of humans fused into them, wailing in pain and torment. The ash and the smell of sulfur fill the air. The smell is so thick it feels as though someone is spraying an aerosol can of it directly to the face. Yamaguchi walks to the edge of the cliff he is apparently standing on and sees a long black river filled with pluses or 'souls' In the distance he can see demonic looking creatures torturing random bodies. It is exactly as the arrancar thought.

"So.....this is hell.."

Senshu walks for a bit until he finally exits the caved cliff side which he fell to. As he walks he notices his body has been completely restored to the way it was before he grew ill. His clean cut black hair tapered neatly on his scalp, his ebony brown skin young and full of life. What exactly is going on here? At the caves exit there lies an endless field of black grass with a large castle surrounded by seven gates, all enshrouded in a strange darkness brought on by the swirling dark grey sky. The arrancar decides to go ahead and make his way to the structure seeing as how he has nowhere else to go.

Why am i back in my old body? The way it was before i died and became a hollow...Oh well, none of that really matters at this point anyway, i just need to keep moving, although...for hell this setting is really not how i expected it. I think i saw some demons or something down below but, why aren't they up here attacking me. And why am i free to roam about as i am? Maybe that’s' my personal hell... Roaming around in nothingness for eternity with no one to fight. Nothing to do...

The now human senshu arrives at the grand gates towering above him and gazes at them for a moment in awe. The middle of the dead black gates opens for senshu and he walks in, hesitantly at first, but strongly determined nonetheless. After strolling down the dim pathway leading to the stone door, Yamaguchi knocks on them but there is no answer. Instead, they slowly creek open like the still jaws of a crocodile before it swallows its prey. Cautiously, Senshu creeps into the poorly lit castle, looking around to assess his situation. Emptiness surrounds the dead man, the echoes of his footsteps serving as his only company. Before he can take another few steps however, a ghostly familiar voice tickles the crevices of the wolf's pointed ears.

"Come to me Senshu, please come to me! follow the sound of my voice..."

"what? Why? Who are you? Why should i listen to a faceless voice?.."

" There is no time, i'll explain when you arrive, just please hurry! Were running out of time..."

Even though he knows this may be a trap of some sort the arrancar decides to go ahead and proceed to the location of the ominous female voice. He runs down the hall, checking the surrounding chambers as he goes. He finds various recognizable historical figures such as Julius Caesar and Aristotle, but none of whom is the origin of the voice. Eventually, he would find his way to a large central corridor with a bronze statue placed at its center. The statue resembles a young woman posed with one hand over her heart and the other extended out away from her body. Truly this statuesque figure is a sad sight to behold. It seems to exude the pain one would after being pierced by a feral blade. As senshu slowly makes his way up to the frozen goddess of woe, his eyes begin to squint and his brow raises, this girl looks familiar.

“it can’t be…’s impossible!...”

Ghosts of the Past
The arrancars confused expression slowly morphs into one of joyous yet dreadfully painful realization. This statue, this voice, it actually belongs to the only person Senshu has ever really felt love for.

“….Sissely…….is that you?..”

“Yes, it is I, sissely..Your beloved little sister…”

“If this is some sort a trick, if you’re some kind of demon I swear to Christ himself I will make you suffer a hell a thousand times worse than the one you are already in!..”

“This is no trick and I am no demon. I am your beloved sister…”

~My God…it really is And why isn’t she in Soul Society or even Hueco Mundo. She never sinned in life, not even once. Why has she been damned to hades? Regardless, none of that matters right now…all that matters is she’s here, right in front of me. I never thought I’d see her again…even if this is hell i don’t care as long as I get to suffer with her alongside me.~

In complete disbelief, Senshu steps up to his first of kin. Frigidly at first, he wraps his arms around her, but then softens his grip as he closes his eyes, warmly hugging her with the cold embrace of a cadaverous corpse. As the brother hugs his long lost sister, cracks begin to form all over her solid bronze body and a grim green light starts to peak out through these cracks. In an explosion of blinding green light, the bronze bursts off of sisseleys' body as she suddenly appears, floating in the air. Knocked back by the small burst, Senshu sits on the ground , gazing upon his sisteras she slowly floats down, gracefully landing on the cold tile floor. He looks in awe and wonder at his sibling who has returned to her original human form. Her skin is golden brown, the same as the espadas, her hair long and flowing, like a pearl black river. Her face, soft and pure with the body from of a grown woman. And of course, her eyes which resemble her brothers exactly, slanted with the undying ferocity of their japanese mother , holding pupils which display the years of hardship and suffering lived by their african runaway slave father.

~She looks exactly as she did that day~

" Why are you..."

"Hush dear brother, stay seated and listen while i explain everything to you as promised"

Senshu adjusts his seated position so that he is comfortable. He looks like a grade school child waiting to hear his teeacher tell a story before nap time. The fallen warrior would listen to every word his sister has to say as if they were necessary for his life like air to the lungs. To many it may seem as though he is actually 'in love' with his sister but that is far from the truth. The simple fact is that he loves his sister like any good brother would, after all, she was his only family.

"you are here because you have died, fallen by the hand of the physical manifestation of your own greed and hate. It took the form of a disease, the most appropriate form for such a sin. I am here because you damned my soul after i died since you never learned to let go, to share your grief with the people around you. But do not feel guilty, for at this very have the chance to set not only me, but yourself free."

" How? and what do you mean by, "set free"

" We are about to embark on a journey of sorts. Follow my instructions and by the end of it, we will both be sent to soul society to begin life anew. We will not remember anything about our pasts but we will both be set free from this hell.."

Senshu gets up off the ground and dusts himself off. At that moment he happens to notice that his sword is now in it's saccabard, resting at his waist. He cracks his neck and his face quickly turns serious and filled with determination

" Tell me. what must we do?"

"you will have to conquer the nine circles of hell , we are in the first circle, limbo at the moment. Here reside people who, though not sinful, did not accept their deaths and were eaten by hollows or had their souls destroyed by some other means before they could become hollow themselves or be sent to soul society . They are not punished in an active sense, but rather grieve only because of their separation from soul society or hueco mundo, are without hope of reconciliation. With each circle, you will have two ways of accomplishing this, either through redemption or retribution. If you choose redemption, you will be judged in each circle and a fitting punishment will be placed upon you based on how much you have indulged in each sin, thus redeeming you of all your past wrongs and giving you a new purified soul. Should you choose retribution, you will take each circle for yourself by disposing of that circles ruler. you will gain nothing from doing this however, besides the satisfaction of taking away these circles power over you. Whatever you choose, they are both literally just a means to an end as you must go through each circle before you can reach the end where we will be able to escape and be set free. however....I ask you, as your sister, if you would choose the first option for each circle. Because if you don't there is no guarantee we will make it. With the first option the ruler will let you go after they are done with you.."

"hm......very well then..lead the way.."

Without another word, Senshus sister begins to lead him out of the castle and to the edge of a cliff bearing the same black grass as the rest of the fields of the castle. Looking down, hell would seem to be nothing more than several cliff-like levels. Almost like a giant upside down mountain of sorts. Sissely then walks over to senshu and hops on his back, he immediately knows what he must do. The damned soul jumps off of the ledge , divebombing for the ground several hundred stories below.


Canto II: Blood for Blood, Eye for Eye

Desires of the Flesh
After almost a minute of free falling, Yamaguchi nears the ground so he angles his body to land on his feet, creating large cracks in the ground after doing so. Sissely hops off of his back and steps in front of him. The espada gazes upon the new landscape before him. There is nothing but grey marble all across the ground with a large roman-styled corridor at the center.

"This is the second circle of hell, Lust. Here, reside all those who have been overcome by carnal desires. They are the first ones to be truly punished in Hell..."

Senshu's ears twitch and he looks below him to find the floor on which they stand can be seen through perfectly. Through it he views several thousand humanoid creatures pulsating against one another in a giant mass, resembling the movements one would make whilst engaging in sexual intercourse, moaning in pain all the while. At close glance, these people appear to have pointed spikes and thorns on their private areas, so that every time they thrust or receive, they are being pierced by the other, constantly ripping and shredding those same private areas. Senshu and Sissely walk until they reach the inside of the corridor where a large grey bed laced with a velvet blood red comforter and sheets resides at the center.

"I believe that is where you must go. I'll stay back here; i am not allowed to interfere. "

Hesitantly at first, the fallen wolf warrior strolls up to the emperor sized bed and as he does, he spots a woman lying on it in see-through silk facing the opposite direction with her back to him. His brow rises in curiosity at this strange situation he finds himself in.

"Mmm, well hello big boy..hmhm, i've been waiting for you for sooo long.."

The woman on the bed turns her neck past the limit of human proportions so that her head is over her shoulder, facing senshu. She smiles, revealing a familiar face.

"it's good to see you again..darling..hmhmhmhmhahahahah.."


In complete shock, The segunda steps back a bit as the woman before him is actually his former 'lover', Temari Shoten. This entire experience is turning out to be one big reunion. The ghosts of senshus past are all returning to pay him a visit, unfortunately for him. Senshu's demonic ex- girlfriend turns around while still laying on the bed, revealing her topless torso, her flesh grey and cadaveric like a freshly murdered corpse set out in the cold. Her long arms flow into her long pointed fingers which extend outward like needles. Her eyes are deathly white and her teeth are pointed and vampiric. On her scalp, long hair, black as night, clings to her skull. The way it flows almost makes it look like alive and moving of its own free will. The monstrous temptress then playfully pats an empty spot next to her on the throne-like bed.

"Come. Lay with me Senshu; i know why you're here. You want to set you and your sister free, correct? Well, i must say i would expect for you to try and save your own life but the life of another? How touching.."


Wait, wait, calm down...i need to calm down…just ignore her. You can’t kill her yet, Sissely requested this of you. option one. Alright...I can do this…Just calm down..

Senshu releases a deep breath, wincing in disgust and anger at the woman before him, trying to stay calm and collected.

"Oh, what was that? Yes, that's what i thought, now. Come lie down"

Suddenly cold shivers engulf senshus body and his mind becomes a bit foggy. He crawls onto the bed and gently brings his hand up to Temaris' cheek, leaning in as if he's going to delicately kiss her. However, as his body does this, he tries to stop. Is she controlling his body somehow?

"What is this trickery?!"

"There is no trickery here Senshu, I’m simply allowing your body to act as it truly wishes. When we were together, you only used me for nothing more than to fulfill your most primal desires. So now, i shall use you to fulfill mine."

It is evident that this woman is not controlling him, but hypnotizing him in a sense. The brazen espada leans in completely and begins to sensually kiss his former lover, much to his displeasure, stroking her neck and backside as he does so. Temari then stops kissing the man and pushes him down onto the bed. Suddenly, chained meat hooks come from around all sides of the bed and dig into Senshus flesh. They connect to the sides of his torso, his arms, legs, feet and hands. The chains appear to be coming from out of the mouths of small creatures that resemble burned infants without legs. These infants use their bladed scythe-like arms to pull back so that the hooks in senshus hide pull back to slowly pull his skin apart. The warrior screams in agony as his ill-fated mistress straddles on top of him and once again kisses him continuously. Only once she extends her slimy tongue into the espadas mouth, it suddenly grows larger and tiny needles form on them. She kisses him and shoves her porcupine tongue down his throat, and it slowly makes its way down to his insides, scrapping and hacking everything around it. Senshu screams but it is not heard since his moth is full. He begins to move his arms, ready to escape but then he stops and thinks.


Unable to form complete thoughts at the moment anyway, Senshu decides to just go ahead and take the pain. Sissely wants him to be purified and so that's what he'll do, that's all there is to it. A red substance begins to leak from the areolas of Temaris' breasts as she rubs her body up and down against Yamaguchi's bloody tearing flesh. The substance starts to eat away at the flesh on the wolf demons torso as slowly as possible. This isn't going to be as easy as he thought.After what seems to be a week of Temari cackling and moaning as she grinds against senshus now almost completely ripped apart flesh, she decides to speak once more after yanking her jagged tongue from the espadas now shredded insides.

“Mmm, you look like you’re having a good time. How about we stop all this foreplay and get right to the main event hm? “

The sinister succubus’s blade-like fingers slowly move from the segundas sides to his pelvic region.

“You can fuck me good like you used to. I’ve longed for your embrace ever since you mutilated me. Hmhmhm, absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess you could say...”

The terrible temptress then proceeds to remove Yamaguchi’s undergarments and as she does, he notices something about her pelvic region. Around it are several small thorns and what seem to be tiny snakes. Right in her private region are dozens of tiny needles. At the sight of this Senshus eyes widen and he clenches his fists, he is not about to let this happen.

Oh fuck this shit...


Right when his murdered lover rips off his briefs, Senshu decides to gather up his strength and force his arms off of the hooks’ grips, his skin and muscle ripping as he does. In the same instance he forces his legs up and kicks Temari off of him and the bed. The bare espada then wearily hops off of the bed, face stomping the infantile monstrosities that had chained him before they can get away. He then takes a moment to catch his breath before spitting a glob of blood at his side and grabbing his zanpakto. Unable to speak since his throat was shredded up from the inside; the wolf king silently limps over to Temari, his jagged blade scrapping across the pristine floor as he does so.

“How DARE you defy me slave?! Return to the bed NOW! I command you!”

A great vibration overcomes the God of war and he pauses for a second, his body jerking to move towards the bed, but it stops after a few seconds and he makes his way up to the demonic woman, as if he had gotten used to her ability. Quickly she lifts up her hands to extend her pointed fingers in hopes of impaling the segunda, and he lets them pierce his torso. But as soon as this happens, he grabs onto her hands so that she can’t move and swings his blade, swiftly cutting them off. Temari jumps back while still on the ground, screaming in pain and agony. She tries to crawl away but Senshu immediately grabs her by the ankles, dragging her back to him. After a short struggle, the naked espada gets his former lover on her back, ironically, just as he had before he killed her when he was a human. Sobbing like a small child, Temari pleads with her killer

“Please Senshu! Spare me the fate of dying twice! Why is it that even in death you torment me so?! I beg of you, find it in your heart to forgive me! I…I loved you Sen-chan… WE LOVED EACH OTHER!”

The lycan decides to push through the pain and respond to the filthy wench.

“Hmph, I never loved you. I just loved ta fuck you...”

Senshu lifts his blade above his head in a reverse grip, poised to impale. Tears run down Temari’s face as a deadly emotionless expression engulfs the warriors face.

“You are nothing to me...”

The fallen warrior brings his blade down into the woman’s chest, piercing the area where her heart would be. He then slowly rips the feral cutting edge up her body until it finally exits past her face and through her skull. Senshu gazes in disgust for a moment at the females split open upper body before getting a grip of her face to pull his blade out. As he does, Temaris’ body suddenly begins to glow bright red before disintegrating into dozens of small red orbs of energy. This energy makes its way into the espadas body and all of his wounds immediately heal. He also feels more empowered than he was upon entering hell as well. The arrancar looks at his body, assessing his new power.

So, this is what Sissely was talkin’ about. Well, I definitely feel the change. It feels…invigorating...

Sissely then comes out of hiding and walks up to senshu with a disappointed look stuck to her young face.

“I asked you to go with grace brother…but I guess that isn’t exactly easy for you. Oh well, there are still plenty of circles remaining. You only need to reconcile in one circle to be saved, let us move onward...”

Feeling a bit guilty for not following through with his sisters request, Senshu doesn’t speak and just follows her instead.

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