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#1Too early for this. ( Training, part 1) Empty Too early for this. ( Training, part 1) Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:43 am


As the dawn struck and the light of a new morning cascaded over the vast city of the Seireitei, Zoran Zazaravitch held his hand over his eyes, the light coming forth from his window and waking him from his sleep. It was annoying. He just couldn’t rest with all this light entering his abode.. Was a shame too. He only got about nine hours of sleep. Normally he stayed asleep until noon, six hours later than the current time. Unhinging his jaws, the Shinigami yawned, his eyes still half-closed as he turned over and lifted up to a seated position a top his bed. Zoran wanted to get curtains placed along the window to block the light from disturbing his sleep. Though, he was already awake now, so it was too late to rectify this. He stood up, yawning once more as his crimson hues were no longer hidden under the tan skin of the eye lids. Casually walking over to a hanger at the edge of his abode in the Ninth Squad barracks, he picked up his black leather jacket, sliding his arms inside and covering his upper-body with the black material. It stretched from his waist up to the base of the neck, covering his entire upper-body and not leaving anything in view except for the hands and a portion of the arm. He pulled up the left-sleeve of the clothing, unwrapping the blood-red cloth that wrapped around his arm. Small amounts of blood dripped down the appendage, the true mangled and mutated form of his limb being visible briefly. The grotesque red skin and green infection along the elbow bleeding heavily. Setting the bloodied cloth on his bed, Zoran Zazaravitch opened the mahogany drawer located at the right-edge of the room directly next to the window. He reached inside, yanking out a copious amount of the same cloth, only this was clean and the normal white color. Using it, the Captain of Squad Nine wrapped it around his deformed limb, covering it from sight. The white material started to fade to a red instantly, the blood constantly pouring from it being absorbed by the cloth.

Zoran Zazaravitch stepped toward the door, sliding the Japanese-style door aside as he exited, closing it the moment after. Since it was so early, not many people in his squad were out and active yet. Only a few seated officers throughout the area. Since he had so much time on his hands now, he thought that he might as well do something productive. He needed to work on his close-combat skill. Thankfully, his zanpakto allowed him to train much more efficiently than most individuals. He continued outward, heading toward the exit of the barracks in his casual attire. He waved to a few members of his squad as the light of the outside flooded his vision again. He didn’t bother speaking, still tired and fatigued from it being so early in the day. Just a few more yawns every couple of minutes. As he finally got outside, his crimson iris finally adjusted to the heightened levels of light. It was fairly cool out, being maybe forty or fifty degrees. That was good. Wasn’t too cold or too warm. A perfect temperature for training. Glancing around outside, it seems that only a very small number of people were out of their barracks. This was highly unusual for him. In most cases, Zoran was the last person to wake up and just got outside when others started to go back in. Now he was out here slightly after dawn…

Zoran Zazaravitch focused a miniscule amount of spiritual energy, using it as a base to initiate the shunpo technique. Shunpo, the shinigami’s basic technique to temporarily augment speed for the use of traversing large distances in a short amount of time. It ended up quite useful at times. Both for evasion and conventional use. Though, the other races had all developed similar techniques over the years to keep up with it. In an instant, the captain vanished, leaving only a small cloud of dusk where his feet were formerly located. Moving at the full speed that his shunpo could manage, Zoran used this as a warm-up activity to prepare his body for the upcoming training session. He was heading toward a empty region at the edge of Rukongo that was no longer in sue due to some frequent hollow issues in that general vicinity. It was the perfect place to be able to train to his fullest without any disturbance. Could probably stay there for a good five or six hours…

Zoran Zazaravitch finally reached the intended destination. He appeared like a gust of wind, without a sound and only the unseen presence of his arrival. The abandoned district in rukon. The place really had been abandoned. Half of the buildings were reduced to rubble and a lifeless silence drifted over the town. It took roughly seven and a half minutes to get here from the Seireitei, seeing how this was at the very edge of the Soul Society. That was the reason so many hollows could escape through here in the past. Though, with the souls sent to the other districts, they have not come here as much as they had before. He remembered the last time he was here back about three centuries ago. Place was still alive then. There were quite a few hollow attacks, so squads had been sent to patrol here on a regular basis. Zoran Zazaravitch wrapped his fingers around the golden guard of his zanpakto, pulling it from it's sheath and revealing the blade. It was quite thin, more so than any normal blade. However, it was also substantially longer, measuring five feet and eight inches. This gave the weapon a good length for performing mid-range strikes. He scanned over the blade with his crimson hues, seemingly examining it like it was unfamiliar to him. He parted his lips, speaking briefly in a fatigued tone of voice that was dull, almost like what you would expect it to sound like when someone spoke in their sleep. " Divide to thousands, Raizin Akuma Delance......"

A form of red spiritual energy flowed across the blade, covering it entirely in a three inch layer of energy. Zoran's power began to rise slightly, but not by anything really significant as of yet. The blade faded into the same red energy that encased it, molding and shape shifting into a new form. The once smooth and flat blade was replaced by a shorter five-foot steel sword with sharp edges across the sides. Small gaps were located between each spike that protruded from the sword, the energy flowing through these gaps, then fading. The former golden guard was now pitch-black. Even the sheath was now an odder silver color. The rise in spiritual power ceased and the true form of Raizin Akuma Delance had been realized. Holding the blade next to his left-hand, Zoran made a very small cut in the cloth that encased his deformed arm, a drop of blood falling onto the blade. This caused the crimson energy to flow across it's form once more and spiritual energy fused with the blood. The drop of blood evaporated into a transparent red steam that drifted into the air, vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.

About seven feet in front of Zoran, the steam rematerialized, getting thicker as some form of spiritual power dawned in the blood. In only a few seconds, the steam materialized into a solid blob of crimson material as tall as himself. It changed shape and took the form of Zoran, quickly gaining texture and color. In it's hand, a copy of the same zanpakto was forged out of reishi, the same attire and appearance Zoran had at the time being mimicked by the clone. This was the most basic use of his zanpakto's ability. The clone. His zanpakto, Akuma, had the power over cell-division. This allowed him a few techniques. Such included cloning, growing additional limbs, restoring damage cells to replicate a hollow's regeneration, and even going as far as to clone other objects through cell-division. Though the use of this power on other objects was much more limited than the use of the ability on his own body and weapons.

Zoran Zazaravitch was fully awake by this point, his eyes now open and his voice restore to it's normal deep tone. He looked at the clone casually, as if it were just another person. He spoke briefly, in a sense, talking to himself. " So, ready to get started? Earlier we fight, earlier I can get back to sleep. Need to exhaust the day's energy and such..." As if an entirely different person, the replica retorted in the same tone. " I guess...Though, I'm still a bit tired. Didn’t get as much sleep as normal today. It’s annoying. Just one of those people where you can't get back to sleep once you're already up, you know? It makes the remainder of the day even more of a hassle than normal." There was a brief pause, the two spreading their feet apart with swords in hand, ready to begin. It was then that Zoran replied to himself again- " Yeah, yeah. I know. I would use some sort of drug to to so, but all the drugs they make around here tend to…. Well, yeah. You know what happened to the last person who wanted to get some kind of medication from Squad four....Anyway. Let’s get started, shall we?"

Zoran Zazaravitch started the match himself, pushing off of the ground and dashing forward at top speeds, the blade in his hand ready to strike at any moment as his grip tightened. He needed to decide how he would start things off here..The odd part about fighting these clones was that they had the same mind, so he couldn't use his usual combat methods...No, he needed to conjure new ones with each fight to have any outcome other than a draw, and his clone knew the same. As he finally entered close-range proximity, the Ninth Squad Captain changed his footing and started to rotate rapidly, moving barely to the right of the target with the sword drawn. Swinging the blade outward mid-spin, Zoran generated a buzz-saw effect, sending dozens of high-speed attacks through this method. He used his foot to pivot while his body continued to spin and slash after slash was sent at the target. Upon finishing one entire rotation, he ceased his assault, using shunpo to forge a gap of dtstance between them for a moment.

The clone was prepared to counter, it's blade ready to meet the steal of the original up close and personal. WIth the charge of Zoran, the clone examined the target's movements closely, it's crimson hues looking with a glare of violent nature. To win this, he needed to use a more violent style. He couldn't keep on the defense or use hit-and-run tactics. No, the best thing here was to keep up a powerful offense and escape this defensive stance as quickly as he could. Though, the clone didn't expect Zoran to spin out of what appeared to be a direct assault. Quickly turning it's body to block the repeating attacks, the clone used it's blade to slash at every rotation Zoran made, meeting each strike with another. Steel met metal and the sparks from the two forces clashing at such speeds and power caused minor cracks in the earth directly under their feet. The clone managed to block the majority of the attacks with it's own, only getting sliced a few times along the arms and abdomen. These were also minor cuts that had little to no effect on him.

The clone used this chance with Zoran's temporary retreat to take the offensive. Grasping the black hilt of his blade, the clone used it's own shunpo to quickly chase after Zoran, coming forth with a duel-handed strike. As they were near one another, the clone raised the blade upward, sending a clean vertical slash downward at Zoran in the form of kendo. This was stronger than a normal slash, due to using both hands and gaining up the momentum from the speed of shunpo and the rise and fall of the sword under his strength. It wasn't slow either, meaning the most likely option here was to block. With that block, the switch in who owned the offensive side of this fight would be marked,

Zoran Zazaravitch appeared at the edge of the townw ith sword in hand, waiting for his clone to follow. Though, they followed sooner than he anticipated, coming forth with a duel-handed strike in the traditional kendo-style attack. Reacting quickly, the shinigami moved his zanpakto in the path of the enemies’ attack, blocking it with another clash of steel that generated a small gust of wind from the two clashing forces. His blade was pushed back slightly from the combined force and momentum of the kendo-style attack. He needed to generate a larger gap between them, or atheist take back the offensive here. He moved his sword out of the way, jumping back at his top speed. The kendo slash nicked at his jacket, cutting his chest slightly, but otherwise not doing any real damage. The slash collided with the ground, cutting into it with relative ease and trapping the blade in earth from it's own strength. Seeing this moment of weakness, he changed back to the attack, dashing forward with a direct slash being aimed at the target's head.

The clone smirked as the attack had connected, pushing back his opponent inch by inch. Though, he was thrown off-guard by such a fast retreat. His blade sliced the ground, being trapped in the rock as Zoran was attacking again. This wasn't exactly what he thought would happen by this. Unleashing a small amount of spiritual power, the clone ripped the blade from the earth, blocking the oncoming slash with the two-handed combat method currently in use. Zoran was only using one hand, so at the time, the clone had an advantage in these direct clashs. His strikes delivered more power. However, he was starting to feel traces of pain in his left-arm from exerting too much pressure on it. Pushing Zoran back, the clone pushed it’s opponent a few feet away. Quickly following up, it pressed off against the ground, dashing forward at a break-neck pace with the blade in hand, ready to attack with all the power in it’s form.

Zoran Zazaravitch landed on the ground as the clone attacked, he was ready to counter and make sure he stayed in the offensive side of things here. With one quick movement, he moved toward the clone, the two fighters now moving closer toward one another, their blades ready to feast upon the blood of one another. As they finally met, Zoran took his zanpakto in both hands, swinging it with the combined strength of both arms and the momentum gathered up by his speed. The clone did the same, the two blades clashing against one another and generating a minor shockwave from the two spiritual pressures going against one another at such high speeds. Just then, both of the two fighters began to rapidly use the shunpo technique, moving from one location to another, striking blades in rapid succession. With each time the two metals made contact, sparks of fire were generated, minor bursts of kinetic energy flowing outward each time. With one final clash at the center of the abandoned district, both fighters were sent back, a crater forming where they made their last collision in that series of attacks.
The clone was sent back by the final clash, being forced ten feet away from Zoran in that session of attacks. His left-arm was starting to bleed heavily now, the pressure from using it so many times in these duel-handed strikes causing the bleeding to occur at a faster rate and pain to be stricken throughout the limb. This weakness was an issue when fighting like this, but could normally be overcome by switching to a more ranged approach in combat Unfortunantly, this was not a ranged fight. It was strictly for the purpose of improving the melee aspects of their combat styles. It released its left hand’s grip on the hilt, only holding the zanpakto replica by the right-hand now due to the pain it’s left arm was in at the time. The clone took in a deep breath, relaxing so he could prepare for the next stage of this training…..For the time being they had been only using the restricted power of the shikai, or first release of their zanpakto. After a few more minutes of this they would be able to engage in the serious part of this endeavor,

Zoran Zazaravitched noticed the weakness in the clone’s arm, forcing them to release their two-handed grip for a weaker single-handed hold on their weapon. This was a good sign. He knew his own weakness fairly well. That damned arm deformity was an issue that didn’t seem to have a solution. Luckily he had managed to fight without needing the second arm much. His clones and mastery over kidou had given him the technique to fight off most enemies using just one arm. The only reason he had been using it now was because the options of kidou and other clones killed the point of this training. To augment one’s ability in physical combat to a new level and exceed to the point he only needed one hand to keep up with most duel-handed wielders. He took a few steps forward, unhinging his jaw and speaking out in the same tone as earlier, panting lightly every few seconds from that rapid session of strikes earlier. “ Well….It’s about time we take this training session up a notch or two.” Zoran Zazaravitch did plan to use his bankai. Both of them would. It was at that point that they could augment their tiers in power even further. Though, there was a slight stinging sensation in his left-arm. It did not hurt as badly as his clone’s arm, but it was still a notable pain.

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