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#1The Eye of Rukongai Empty The Eye of Rukongai Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:51 am


[[OoC: This IS an open thread, however, it is first come first serve! Meaning, once someone has posted, it officially becomes a one x one. I have tried the opened idea and guide a thread, and it normally gets de-railed so I'ma try a one x one with this n_n

Oh, this is also a bit of a side-story. Ichigo all those fun people exist and that stuff happened, but mostly this is going in a different direction. Also, whoever signs on, please, sign on for the long run. This is a hobby for me so please be patient.]]

Tomoko sat in a high tree looking over the populated area of Rukongai. Her pale features vexed with looks as she glared down at a large building. It towered over most of the other fixtures in this part of the upper Rukongai. Inside, the Senkin family leisurely went about their day of tarot card reading and guiding souls to different parts of the military as was per agreement with the Seireitei. They would be left alone as long as they helped guide the new spirits coming into the soul society.

As most would guess Souls were very lost up until they found someone to show them the ropes, and the places they can go to be safe. While most had to fight to the point of the Senkin house, once there they were often pointed to a lifestyle of higher beings whether it be in money or power. They were said to have even guided some of the great captain to their seats, though most thought it hogwash as Tomoko did. She had been born into the family she abandoned the name Senkin after her Grandfather had turned his back on her and banished her memories of that home. So she stuck with the name she had lived by for years.

Her hand lifted to the three markings under her eye and she traced it smoothly with soft fingers. Those who knew of the Senkin family knew the mark well. The high seers, believed to be the cord communicating with the Spirit King himself, were blessed with the mark of the Senkin. The would receive visions of the future, the past, and even the present to decipher their meaning and warn the Soul Society. It was a rather cruel job, if you asked Tomoko, playing god to those who couldn't believe in the king. Then again, she had never experienced those visions her family spoke highly of. Her markings were black where as the lineage before her had been purple. She tched at the thought.

Tomoko ran her hands over her face and through her hair pushing her head back so she was looking up at the sky through the trees. Her grandfather had done many things to her, but she wondered what she would have brought to the name Senkin had she grown up as one of them. Her grandfather was sure to cast her out to avoid such dishonor so he had to have believed something was going to happen. She shook her head of the thoughts. She had been over it countless of times in her head, but thinking about it only caused anger for her. She supposed she would never know, and if the vision would come true, she would find out.

Jumping from the branch she sat on she landed on her geta's that gave no sound to the soft ground. Spring was slowly coming although the weather still leaned towards winter. It was hardly cold but it still held a crisp taste to it that burned the inside of her nose. When she landed she rotated both of her feet to get rid of the lingering pain from the fall as she peered at the house once more. A place she never belonged, but would fit in so well. She drew her lower lip between her teeth before turning herself around and beginning to walk away. Today had been the day when she was going to return to the house, and ask them what they had seen that day to cast her out. This was the fourth time she managed to talk herself out of it.

So she began her journey back to the Seireitei where she lived. Her head was hanging down as she watched her steps ahead of her. Baby blue eyes filled with wonder, change and curiosity. The sleeve of her garb falling down ever so slightly off her shoulder although she paid no mind to it, she was hiding her riatsu the best she could as to not make the fellow souls around her uncomfortable. That, and it wasn't in her best interest to be spotted. Very few people knew of the Senkin secret. If she was sneaking around their house, she didn't really want to answer any questions. Out of loyalty, however, any officer ranking higher than herself she would have to answer honestly. Anyone else, out of respect, she would have to lie. And if it was one thing Tomoko hated being it was a liar. She always did her best to hold up honor for herself, as she had been cut of honor so long ago.

#2The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:07 am


Minoru wandered out into the Rukongai districts, his tailbone length silver/black hair flowed in the air behind him as he walked. Minoru's emotionless jade green eyes starred straight ahead the whole time he was walking, although he felt inclined to help some of the various souls during this cold winter he continued on. Minoru had originally set out to train today but the cold winds caused his now healing scars to become more rigid, and because of this Minoru knew if he were to train he'd risk tearing the fresh scars.

With a sigh Minoru continued his walk, he was heading nowhere in particular, but the walk was calming indeed. It was giving Minoru some much needed time to sort through recent events as well as giving him the time to reign in his emotions that had become disarray. Because of this Minoru had originally wanted to train with Yawe, the method he felt best to sort himself out, but now he found the walk helping just as much.

Nearing a populated area Minoru noticed one building in particular, though he knew not what family it belonged too he felt odd seeing such a large structure in an area of the Rukongai like this. With a sigh Minoru walked off the path he was on and leaned against a small dead tree as he did two things, first he pulled of the top of his Shihakushō to reveal crimson bandages around his lower ribs and midsection. With a small grunt of pain Minoru unwrapped the scarred puncture wounds, before wrapping them in fresh bandages that slowly gained a crimson color.

Minoru was about to rest his eyes and relax in this spot for a while when he noticed a female figure jump from a tree not too far away. She seemed to be concentrated on the large building nearby when she landed before she turned to walk towards Seireitei and passed Minoru. As she passed by Minoru noted her familiar blue eyes, and just as she was about to cross out of hearing distance Minoru fully recognized her and called out in a weaker voice than his norm, Tomoko??.. Minoru asked, hoping he wasn't wrong in his recognition of the woman.

In all honesty Minoru was sure some company would help him get through things and keep his mind off them at the same time. But at the same time Minoru was more afraid to get close to someone now more than ever, on the outside it was probably harder to miss, but on the inside Minoru was a changing man after the incident of Takami's betrayal less than two weeks ago. Rising from his spot carefully Minoru made way towards the woman he was sure was Tomoko and spoke once again, Tomoko is that you?.. This time Minoru's voice nearly broke as he was hit by a sudden wave of intense emotion, a normal occurance to Minoru in the past two weeks.

Minoru was now only moving fast enough to keep a few feet behind her, not wanting to startle her before she registered his voice. So because of this decision Minoru was following her back to Seireitei all the while wondering what she was doing out in Rukongai, although it was most likely non of his business. As he trailed behind the woman he was sure was Tomoko, Minoru pulled out a small clay flask of sake, it was the last he would have until he had the chance to ask Tazuma for some more.

#3The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:16 pm


[ooc: took me a but to think up the post, but its up xP]

#4The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:30 am


Tomoko had been trapped in the back of her mind that she hadn't heard Minoru the first time. With her arms wrapped around her stomach her eyes shifted back and forth with her thoughts. The second time her name was called she lifted her head to look to her left or right, when she found no one she recognized she turned around to spot Minoru. The first time they had met had been in the real world so needless to say she wasn't surprised to have ran into him here. She placed a smile on her worried features to relax them a little bit as she waved her hand sheepishly at him. What was he doing out here? Had the Gotei 13 followed her?

"Oh! Hello Lieutenant Minoru!" she started with a bow at her hip before lifting herself, "What brings you to the Rukongai?" Tomoko ran her hand up to her elbow grasping it her eyes turning down before up at him. Had he been following her? And how much did he know about the Senkin family, if anything at all? The paranoia that gripped at her gut made her feel uneasy. By contract what she was doing was very illegal. If her Captain found out she would probably be dishonored, but Minoru was of the second squad and Captain normally left the punishment to his own division. So with that knowledge she relaxed enough to notice the bandages around the lieutenants abdomen soaked in a crimson color.

Tomoko raised her eyes back up to him. She had heard about the betrayal in the Gotei 13 although she hadn't been present. She wondered if Minoru had known the scoundrel to turn their back on the seireitei. It seemed the Vizard's were becoming more of a handful every day. She had even heard that the Arrancar had reassembled under new rule. Of course, as far she knew they were only rumors but the bandages Minoru dawned made the situation more real then Tomoko was comfortable with. She didn't want to ask about his wounds, so she averted her eyes hoping not to be offensive to the lieutenant.

Behind him, the building of her past lingered and she couldn't help but give it a second glance before looking down as she awaited Minoru's answer. She would look him in the eye the best she could but all in all she had to look away. Tomoko was not good with secrets, even her own. So keeping her eyes averted prevented her from showing the worry in her eyes.

[[OoC: No problem at all! Let's begin n.n]]

#5The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:30 am


After calling Tomoko's name twice Minoru took a swig of his sake, somewhat lost in thought as he did so. Minoru noticed Tomoko trying to find the source of his voice as she look left and right before finally turning around to spot him, sake bottle in hand. He noticed a worried look on her face for a brief moment before she smiled and waved at him. She greeting him as Lieutenant Minoru before a bow, asking what I was up too within Rukongai.

Minoru noticed that Tomoko was deep in thought as her glance first turned downwards before up to face him, she had gripped her elbow with her hand. For a moment Minoru noticed her sky blue eyes on his blood soaked bandages for a moment before looking up too him. It seemed she didn't feel comfortable asking him about it so Minoru let it slide. Oh well I was originally going to train out in the woods, but for some reason I decided to just walk around. After a while I stopped to rest against a tree before seeing you. Minoru stopped for a brief moment to take in Tomoko's form, her outfit slipped down her shoulder slightly and now he had noticed the three black marks under her left eye.

Minoru took a step forward and motioned for Tomoko to follow him before he spoke up, What about you Tomoko? What are you up too?? his voice held a dull tone to it. As he began walking in no particular direction Minoru's gaze fell upon the sky, at the same time a cold chilling wind blew by causing Minoru's condition to spark. First through-out the X scar on his back Minoru began to feel a biting pain as he gasped out loud before falling to his knees. The pain began to grow as spread through his body as his nerves were overcome by pain, his skin quickly grew white as his mouth opened in a voiceless yell.

The painful fit caused by his scar only lasted a few moments before stopping, it left Minoru with a cold sweat and gasping for breath. Minoru grasp his zanpakuto in its sheath and used it to help himself stand, his legs weak for the moment. He looked up to Tomoko wishing she hadn't seen that happen but that was something he couldn't control. Sorry you had to see that Tomoko... Minoru had panted for breath between words and his tone had become depressed. His gaze fell to the ground before he started to walk forward again on weak legs.

[ooc: Minoru has a X scar on his back from his past, to the day it has always triggered random fits of intense pain that vary in intensity and length.]

#6The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:04 pm


Tomoko returned her eyes to him when he began to answer her question; relaxing herself when he told her he had simply come out to train. Assuming he had changed his mind due to his wounds she smiled and nodded waving her hand around to the land as if presenting it, "It's a much better day for a walk anyway" she giggled putting a hand to her lips before folding them into each other and resting them in front of her once more as the calm collected Tomo most knew. Prime and perfect as she always tried to be.

When he began to move she followed as to not be rude to the lieutenant besides a buddy for the walk back would be nice. She had been so consumed in her zanpakutou's antics that she hadn't really had time to converse with most people. Meditating day in and day out trying to concur the mystery that was "balance". For she had surely been baffled for a long while now. Although she hadn't many friends in the Gotei 13 to begin with. Sometimes she thought it was better off that way...

Snapping back to Minoru when he had asked her what she had been doing out there a nervousness began to settle in again. Tomoko began to twirl her fingers together picking at the skin on her fingers seemingly struggling to come up with an answer, but as she opened her mouth the speak she was surprised to see the lieutenant fall! Confused she looked at him in panic. Had his wounds split opened? What am I suppose to do? I'm not division four I have no type of healing abilities! she panicked in her mind before falling to her knees next to him holding her hands up as though they would do something on their own to help Minoru.

It was over as quickly as it had started though. With his skin pale and struggling to stand Tomoko was afraid to touch him but kept her guard up in case he fell again. Still in a state of shock she stood there stupidly as he walked forward before catching up to him with a few long strides, "Lieutenant, are you alright to walk? Should I send for someone in the fourth squadron for help?" she asked looking at him in worry. Although in the back of her mind she was glad that it had turned the attention from the question as to why she had been around, "Sir, I really don't think you should be walking right now, that seemed really painful!" she said placing a hand on his shoulder but quickly retrieving it to her side once more still fearing touching him would only hurt him further.

#7The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:49 am


Minoru turned to face Tomoko as she asked if he was okay to walk, I'm fine Tomoko... really, I've dealt with worse moment of pain than that... Minoru was unsure if he felt like sharing the nature of his sudden painful attack, he could tell Tomoko was worried about him just from seeing one of his lesser attacks and didn't want to worry her further. As Tomoko placed a hand on Minoru's shoulder for a moment before saying, "Sir, I really don't think you should be walking right now, that seemed really painful!" Minoru once again turned towards Tomoko, his Jade Green eyes starring into her icy blue eyes as he spoke. I'm fine to walk... Minoru paused to consider he next words before speaking again, To be honest.. I've dealt with much worse attacks than that one... and normally I'm on my own when they happen.. Minoru shifted lightly before walking over to a tree to rest against it as another short burst of pain shot up his spin, Minoru's gaze dropped to the ground before Tomoko would be able to register the pain. He then remembered how Tomoko called him sir, and decided to put an end to it, You know Tomoko.... you don't have to be calling me Sir or any of that honorific stuff... Minoru wanted to add that he considered her a good friend, despite the short time they had known each other.

With a sigh Minoru lay his head back against the tree, starring into the grey-blue sky as snow began to fall lightly. He pulled out a roll of bandages as he removed his shirt and undershirt, revealing the blood soaked bandages around his hip/mid-section, as well as another pair across his chest though they were much cleaner. Sorry... I need to change the bandages pretty often till these wounds finally heal fully... With that said Minoru slowly began unwrapping the bandages around his hip, revealing five large entry wounds, Minoru's backside would show the smaller exit wound. After removing the bandages Minoru quickly re-applied clean ones, grunting in slight pain as they were applied. After the main wound was re-dressed Minoru quickly changed the bandages over the chest wound he suffered at the hands of Takami. Minoru swiftly tucked the bandages back within a pocket inside his uniform before putting his shirt and undershirt back on. With a slight wince of pain Minoru turned to Tomoko, You wouldn't know a spot to get a drink around here Tomoko?? Minoru's voice held a bit more energy, and even a hint of happiness now.

#8The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:21 am


When Minoru explained it hadn't been the first time he had gone through that pain she lifted her brows seemingly pitying him. To go through that kind of agony at random surprise must have been hard to live with. He must have been stronger than she originally thought and she respected him for it. Questions pressed her tongue, but she figured it was something to ask on a later date. She was quick to sit with him when he rested by the tree not wishing to leave his side after what she had saw. Pulling her knees to her chest she watched him as he undressed his wounds to redress them. They looked as bad as they probably hurt which had Tomoko's stomach turning. When he told her she didn't have to use honorifics she forgot about the blood to answer.

" My apologies, Lieuten-...Minoru," she caught herself with a small laugh before continuing, "I am just use to holding up the honor of the soul society. I don't hold many friends because my duty comes first so it is not often I get to call someone by their actual name," she explained. Her explination had her sighing with the sad truth however as she turned her eyes downward before back in the direction they had just walked when he had asked her if she knew of a spot where they could grab a drink.

Tomoko had never really been one for drinking, but she figured it had been one of those days so why not? Nodding she stood with him patting at her butt to rid of the dirt and grass her garb had collected before answering, "I do actually there's a nice little tavern just up the way with good sake and dumplings," she said waving her hand ahead of her as though she were a chapparone. Smiling she folded her hands in front of her once more leading Minoru to the tavern she spoke of. It was seemingly well kept as they approached it. On the sign there was a large eye and underneath it read "The Seers Tavern". Tomoko considered the sign a moment before entering it holding the door open for Minoru before claiming a seat.

The atmosphere was full of lost souls. At several tables sat hooded figures; some had cards in front of them, others had crystal balls but the bottom line was still the same. The tavern they sat in doubled as a place lost souls went to seek guidance. Tomoko's blue gaze were fixed on one of the hooded figures that sat before the cards. These people were like her. Rejected by the family of Senkin, they didn't have the eye of the seer but they were making the practice anyway...they were just trying to prove they belong. She shook her head softly as a waitress came up to their table and asked for their order.

Cautiously she looked at Minoru, "Sake with a plate of dumplings?" she asked him. The waitress looked at him as well awaiting his approval before she would scamper off to collect their order leaving Tomoko to sit slightly uncomfortable at the table. Tapping her foot softly as she looked at him, "I must warn you, I don't drink often..." she warned looking at him with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

#9The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:07 pm


As Tomoko had sat beside him while he dressed his wounds, a smile crept across Minoru's face for a moment. Minoru felt somewhat bad for Tomoko having to watch him dress his painful wounds, but he was unable to think on it further due to Tomoko speaking up. She explained that she was too used to upholding the honor of soul society and that she doesn't have many friends due to her duty coming first. The thought of her being without many friends, or possibly any at all saddened Minoru. With a smile Minoru looked to Tomoko and spoke up in a cheerful voice, Well Tomoko, its never too late to make a new friend.

Minrou watched for a moment as Tomoko stood and brushed the dirt and grass off of herself before telling him that she did know a tavern nearby with good sake and dumplings and waving her hand for him to follow. The two walked quietly until arriving at the tavern Tomoko mentioned, the sign sported a large eye and the name 'The Seers Tavern'. Looks like a nice place.. Minoru thought to himself as he followed Tomoko inside.

After entering the two took a seat and waited for the waitress. Meanwhile Minoru was admiring the interior of the place, he noticed many hooded figures spread throughout the tavern, some had crystal balls while others had cards infront of them. When the waitress arrived at his and Tomoko's table Tomoko looked over at Minoru before suggesting once again Sake and Dumplings. Sake and dumplings sound good Tomoko, and thats perfectly fine. Minoru smiled at Tomoko remembering the days he drank little himself.

Leaning back lightly in his seat Minoru glanced at Tomoko, his jade eyes once again locking with her own icy blue eyes before Minoru spoke up. So why not tell me something about yourself now that we have the proper chance to get to know one another... Minoru's voice was cheerful, he couldnt pin-point why but he looked forward to getting to know the Woman. As he waited for her reply Minoru began thinking of his own life and what he'd be willing to share with Tomoko so soon.

Not long after Minoru had asked Tomoko to tell him about herself, the waitress arrived with their order and left after Minoru had thanked her. Relaxing further Minoru took a drink of his sake before delving into the dumplings, his hunger making itself evident. After eating a few dumplings Minoru spoke up once again, his voice a faint whisper, I think I could do this more often... as the hushed words left his lips Minoru blushed lightly as he shifted slightly in his seat trying to hide his reddening cheeks.

#10The Eye of Rukongai Empty Re: The Eye of Rukongai Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:30 am


Perking up a bit and feeling a little more at ease around Minoru she smiled at him, "If that's so, please call me Tomo. My mother use to call me that," she said running her hand through her long hair and placing her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands when he asked her to tell him something about herself. She looked around the room again before pulling herself up from the table and folding her hands in her lap. What was okay to share with the lieutenant, and it had been so long since Tomoko had a conversation with someone besides her spirit that she was afraid to reveal to much so she started simply.

"I actually grew up in this district of Rukongai," she started as the waitress came back with their order. She poured herself a glass of sake and brought it to her lips tipping it back softly for a sip before continuing, " before joining the gotei 13 I was a practicing Seer. That's why I know of this place. The Senkin, a highly respected family of seers, run the tellers you see in the hooded cloaks." she pointed at the figures he had probably seen earlier, "I didn't have a knack for it really so I tried my hand in fighting. Sometimes I think it was better that way," she trailed off a moment before shrugging her shoulders, "I like to meditate, and the cherry blossom is my favorite tree...I think underneath the cherry blossom is the best place to calm your mind..." she stopped to eat a dumpling quickly before shrugging her shoulders, "Other than that I focus on my work. I guess I was just raised for duty to come first, and I suppose I'm just trying to prove to myself that I was worth something...."

At that moment one of the cloaked figures lifted their head before standing and walking towards the two. Tomoko, who hadn't immediately noticed the presence was surprised when they addressed her by her first name, "Tomoko Senkin, what is your purpose here? Weren't you banned from this pub?" they asked removing the hood from their head revealing a man standing about 5'8" with intricate tattoos over his neck and mouth and a similar marking under his eye that matched Tomoko's. His, however, were purple. His hair were pulled back in dreads and was an old white although he didn't seem older than 30.

Startled Tomoko stood herself up and faced the man, "I...I well yes, I was, but under the circumstances of being in the presence of a lieutenant I figured the Senkin family would overlook my presence for just a short while until I return home." she turned her eyes downward before looking at Minoru with a small shrug of her shoulders as an apology. He did want to know something about here after all. She continued but this time didn't look at the man and said it slightly under breath, "And you know as well as I do, Nikuya, that the Senkin family no longer recognizes me as one of them."

The man Tomoko identified as Nikuya looked between her and Minoru before bowing his head at the lieutenant and gave a sigh folding his arms together over his chest in a huff, " I'll look over your presence for the Lieutenants sake, however, be sure to not linger to long. You know the sh**fit the family has whenever you're around." He then turned his pale-blue eyes to Minoru, "Forgive my rudeness, I am Nikuya Senkin. Tomoko's younger brother" he said before turning eyes to Tomoko again "I apologize if I interrupted your date, sis, I will take my leave. Remember not to stay to long," Tomoko nodded before Nikuya turned and walked away from the too, however, he didn't return to his seat but left out the door.

Tomoko shoved another dumpling in her mouth to give herself a mouthful turning her eyes down as the encounter had brought back the uncomfortable feeling. Nikuya had been born close to two hundred years after her and had been blessed with the eye of the seer where Tomo hadn't. They also weren't technically siblings, but under the eye they were all family. Tomoko respected the fact Nikuya took that fact to heart. Lost in her mind a moment she looked at Minoru wondering if he was expecting an explanation, but she figured she owed him one either way.

"Oh yeah...did I mention my family abandoned me? And I'm not technically suppose to be here?" she asked with a slight humor in her voice as to try and turn the awkward encounter into something that was funny, even if it really wasn't. She waved her hand trying to turn the heat off her again, "What about you do you have any siblings?" she asked before slowly downing the sake that she ordered.

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