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Seeing veloz rush toward the shinigami's reiatsu I exhale sharply and stand from my sand seatWell guess I should catch up to him to see id he needs my help with anything looking down to the mass of now broken hollows I can see a slight movement sonidoing down to the dunes valleys where the battle took place. I can see that some how a hollow survived the attack. It,is just a head,torso,an arm. It's mask is cracked badly. It,is eating the bodies of the fallen most likely in a attempt to heal. Looking down on itIf veloz found you alive after he believes he killed you,he would hunt you endlessly... Concider this a favor. after saying this I swing my sword around and bring the point of its blade down onto the center of the mask of the surviving hollow. The strike shattered the fallen hollow head completly..

Now sonidoing towards where veloz is but not straight to him. I am using a flank motion going to the right of where veloz went hopefully to,cut off an escape attampt if the need arose. As I got closer I,would increase my speed seeing veloz charging and the shinigami take a stance I see my opening as he is concertration fully on veloz. I sonido at almost max speed towards the shinigami from a behind and to the right direction stopping with the point of my blade at his neck looking at,him with my cloudy,grey eyesSo what brings a SHINIGAMI to Hauco Mundo? And why should I not end my attack? in reality a shinigami here is a rareTreat one that must be seen too with,care


Since i was focused on the arrencar that had just wreaked the group of hollows before i did not sense the other one till it was too late and felt the cold edge of his blade as he said.
"So what brings a SHINIGAMI to Hauco Mundo? And why should I not end my attack?" to which i reply with.
"Well i was just doing some recon on you guys since there has been an offer of truce i thought it best to know how well you are handling yourselves at the moment. and if i don't return or make contact at a point in time well lets say the goteni 13 will take it as a act of war now if you are really after peace you dont want that to happen now do you?" while i was saying that i has getting ready to use thunder roar if i needed to push him away.


If what you say is true wouldn't it be less suspicious if,you announced yourself here and instead of sneaking about like you were doing. Someone could get hurt doing that I say,as I,slowly lower my sword all the while keeping a close eyes in this shinigami So why would they send a captain here to scout and collect recon? I ask trying to,get a sense of this shinigami's true motives here


"ah would you send someone into a enemy stronghold with out making sure that they could get out again? Really like they would send a low ranking shinigami here where hollows are in huge numbers and could swam you in a second. They picked me for two reason one i am strong enough to handle large groups of hollows and i have abilities to that same effect and two if i need to make a quick get away i also have a ability to that effect as well. Oh before i forget Thfre was one more reason i was strong enough to hold my own against any arrencars that i come across but not enough for it to be taken as a advance guard for a attack." i say hoping that he will beleive it for while what i said is true i was here in what you could say is a black ops. Kind of thing since no one really knows that i am here.


Veloz reached the shinigami a short while after Jack, this was because Veloz had been moving at a slower speed, more intent to catch the shinigami off guard as he spoke to Jack. As Veloz neared he heard the conversation between Jack and the shinigami, apparently the shinigami was a Captain sent as part of the peace, which as far as Veloz knew had not begun yet, this caused some suspicion to rise in Veloz' mind as he appeared slightly behind and to the side of the shinigami.

Veloz listened as the shinigami claimed he was chosen due to his abilities in combat, and an ability he had that would allow him to exit Hueco Mundo. Hearing this cause Veloz to burst into laughter which would alert the shinigami to his presence if not noticed by now, Veloz' laughter grew deeper and more maniacal as he realized the challenege this shinigami may present. Then Veloz spoke in a murderous tone, Well Shinigami if you are here due to peace, then perhaps you can tell us of our four comrades that arn't here at home? Surely you must have information on at least one of our comrades. Veloz spat the word shinigami out like it was venemous, if the shinigami reacted the wrong way Veloz would not hesitate to attack.

[ooc: Posting order is now Me, Taz, Ash. This is cause until now its kinda been random posting xD]


He has a good point. Where are our peace party? I would also be careful gloating of your abilities, he will be happy to test them out if you continue on.....i don't believe I caught your name unless you would rather be just call shinigami? I say after hearing veloz comment in our peace party we sent to,human world. Looking over at veloz I know that shoyld this get hostile that veloz has an advantage in position


"ok first can you please remove your blade it kind of hard to remember stuff when there a blade next to you." i say and i contine on no matter what you do with the blade leave it there or remove it. "as for that party you said i do believe the female of the pair with the foxy mask piece is in soul society with the 5th division captain or still in the human world. The red hair male i am not too sure where he want to. I do not gloat about my abilities it as i said i was the best suited for this. As for my name its muruguma, kieran muruguma. And yours if you dont want to be called arrencars 1 and 2 now?" i finish up trying to lighten the mood and also buy some time to think up what to do if this goes south.


Veloz its your go


[I know, I apologize, been busy doing work around the house with the nice weather here.]

Veloz looked at the shinigami who called himself Kieran before snarling slightly. Tch damn shinigami and your useless information... Veloz inwardly thought as the snarl escaped his lips. A slight rise in Veloz' reiatsu could be felt as he pondered his response to the shinigami. Or so you say Kieran.. what reason have we to trust you? For all we know our comrades are locked up in your jails if not dead already.. with these words it was more than obvious that Veloz greatly distrusted the shinigami. After speaking Veloz' hands would stray to the handles of his knives/daggers, as his reiatsu would flicker and rise again slightly.

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