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#1In the dark of night (past mission closed) Empty In the dark of night (past mission closed) Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:06 am


Long ago before the present war in soul society before several shinigami turned their backs on the home that they know and the brothers and sisters in arms. In the tenth divisions office sits the captain and vice captain engaging in the normal activities until a messenger comes running in out of breath. Delievering the message he turns and leaves

Pov change

As the message is dropped upon my desk and the messenger leaves I look over at my vice captain, joshua" so what do, you think this is all about?" Opening the folder I begin reading. After reading for about five minutes I place the folder down on my,desk and take a deep breath ending in a sigh " well it appears that in the human world there has been a rash of killings. That result in no plus being around to,be sent here by soul burial." Standing up and grabbing my zanpacto off the rack above my desk"so central 46 has ordered us to,go and investigate. Bring the culprit to justice if possible."


Joshua Looked up at his captain with his one good eye. He looked bored as could be, as he had been doing nothing but paperwork for the past few hours and was almost done with it. Still the news of the mission brought a smile to his face.
"Sure thing Captain" he said quickly standing up and having to take a few seconds to recover from sudden vertigo, grabbing Tsukikage as soon as he could think straight again" 'Bout time we had something interesting to do after we've been stuck in here all day, reading and writing on slips of paper. This should at least be interesting. Lead the way."

~~Hopefully the culprit aint her thought~~ he thought to himself


" The life of a captain and vice captain is never boring joshua. Don't you,know that." I say while walking around the room gathering my things for this new mission."yes lets get going." I say,as I walk out of the office and down the hallWhat could kill and devour a plus soul? I think to myself.


Joshua followed his captain and could tell that he was thinking of their adversary that they would be hunting
"My bet is that it's some sort of hollow" he said"You occassionally get those one with odd abilities don't you? Like the infamous Grand Fisher or Screecher. It's probably just something along those lines. Though if that is the case we'll have to be careful"


Hearing josh say "My bet is that it's some sort of hollow" he said"You occassionally get those one with odd abilities don't you? Like the infamous Grand Fisher or Screecher. It's probably just something along those lines. Though if that is the case we'll have to be careful"[/color] to which I stop and turn to him allow for him to catch upEither way we need to handle it as quickly as possible what,do, you say? as josh catches up I continue walking to the courtyard of the tenth divisions hq


"I suppose we should. Balance of souls and all that fun stuff" Joshua said, walking beside his captain, looking up at him"Sides once we find it it'll be over, nothing special... unless we have an arrancar. then things willll be interesting"


"indeed it will be josh. If an arrencar does show up we will need to work together to finish it." As we enter the court yard I summon two hell butterflys. As the etherally beautiful butterflys arrive I send them ahead as I use my zanpacto to open a senkimon.

As the senkimon comes into creation I look at josh" so,are you ready?"


"You ask me that one more time and I'll seal your ability to use shunpo before we fight the arrancar" Joshua said in a tone that somehow mixed being serious while being light-hearted and joking" Let's get going already"


"ha ha that,will be a challange josh." I say,while walking into the senkimon. As I exit out I see karakura town before me"well lets see what we have here." I say,while waiting for josh to exit the senkimon.
The moon was full over head and the wind blew gently from the west. People were out


Joshua stepped out right after Tazuma but his attraction was immediately drawn towards the moon
"It's full tonight" he said, more to himself then Tazuma"I wonder what the moon inside me looks like right now? Maybe it's full. I don"t feel angry or anything"

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