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"with the mood your in i'd say waxing." I say chuckling. Looking around the area"so where do you think this thing is josh." The wind blowing my hoari behind me. The charm on the hilt of my zanpacto chimes softly in the wind


"WE CAME HERE WITHOUT KNOWING WHERE THE DAMN THING WAS?!" Joshua shouted before calming down and closing his eyes"And how should I know you got the report. Was there any pattern in the location of the attacks? say some sort of similarity, such as a particular type of shop or the number of people that would normally be there?


As josh,shouted chuckle " of course I know where and it's pattern joshua. I was just trying to lighten your mood a pointing,to,the east"it,hunts at night and targets couples. Killing one but leaving the other alive,hurt but alive to,remember the horrible act."


Joshua reiatsu flaired flared as he he totally lost his temper. Joshua wasn't like most though, since losing his temper seemed to make him deadlier and more focused, not reckless
"It better pray I've calmed down by the time I find it" he said, cracking his knucles before moving in the direction Tazuma pointed, using shunpo


As josh storms towards the direction of the attacks I follow after him catching up with,shunpo"we need too figure out an attack plan josh. Rushing into battle will only lead to defeat." I,say as I,catch up


"Unless you can fully detail all the enemies abilities to me, any plan will go to hell sooner or later" Joshua said"Besides sometimes the best plans are made on the spot, not before hand. I've never bothered will planning for cases like this before, and I see no reason to start now, unless you have a reason to give me."


"yeah the plan is we kill whatever is killing humans and we do so fast." I say while striding through the air landing on a nearby buildings roof"here is where we ambush,it." I say while pointing down to an shaded alley. When it attacks we interfere and protect them sound good."


"Let me see if I can handle it first" Joshua said, cracking his neck after landing on the opposite building"If I need help then you can interfere. Comprende?"


"it is funny you think i'd listen as if you were the captain but its ok josh. Have at,it if the time comes." The first half sounded almost as if someone else was speaking through me then the second half I came back to normal. All pulse of vibration can be felt"some ones coming josh. Look out'"


Joshua smiled when Tazuma said something was coming. and he loosened Tsukikage from her sheathe
"What direction and how many?" he asked, his voice a bit eager

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