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#1A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:28 am


Juro sighed as he strolled throughout Rukongai district 79. It was his hometown, and it seems like after years stuff began to decay. Now what was Juro doing here, He was visiting his parents. Though him and his dad got in a argument about what a plant said and what a plant didn't say. "Its not like he's the one who can speak to a damn plant.." Thought Juro thinking of how stupid his dad was. He was really upset due to the fact that his dad always thought he was right and tried to make Juro feel stupid. Though they go tin debatable arguments their bond was just as strong as peanut butter and jelly. Juro was wearing his normal custom Haori that was short sleeved a long with the pad looking fabric on his arm. He had the sixth division insignia on his left arm along with his number 6 on the back of his Haori. He also was wearing his two silver earrings and his normal shinigami uniform.

He wore this with his black boots and his Scabbard against his waist. He finally decided that his dad wasn't worth it, though by the way he was walking showed that he was still somewhat angry. Finally he saw a innocent By-standered being picked on by a random Person. Juro was debating whether he should help the innocent By-stander or just leave. It was debatable, btu should he really be neglecting his captain duties. Then Juro felt a spiritual pressure similar to one of a captains by him. His Sixth Sense made it capable for him to know where the person was. They were really close. "Hmm, Who are you?" Juro said as he stood turning his head toward where the spiritual pressure was. He ignored the innocent by-stander being picked on by a person. Though the person noticed him, due to the fact that he could feel the man running away by the vibrations he was producing. Juro sighed as he put his hand on the handle of his Zanpakuto. He waited to see what the person would do first before chasing down that guy.

#2A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:27 am



Hymm of the Void Dwellers

A man lies on the roof of a tall building in rukongai. His rieatsu is not overpowering but it is not hidden either. it is simply, there. As he lies with his eyes closed the brown skinned man falls into a deep stupor of thought. But it's not about the possibility of an impending war or the future of soul society. No, his thought is much more. simplistic...

~My name is Patrick Bateman. I am twenty-six years old. I live in the American Garden Buildings on West Eighty-First Street, on the eleventh floor. Tom Cruise lives in the penthouse.
I believe in taking care of myself, in a balanced diet, in a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now.After I remove the icepack, I use a deep pore-cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey-almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb mint facial masque which I leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.I always use an after-shave lotion with little or no alcohol because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing "protective" lotion...
There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping you and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there..

The devilishly handsome mans' eyes suddenly pop open as if their lids had been forcefully pried apart by two surgical rods.

"oh mr.bateman. You don't know how right you are..."

The man stands up and his over sized captains' haori flaps in the wind. On it's back reads the symbol and kanji for the 5th division. It is none other than Hollis Edwards, the weakest and most forgetable of all the gotei 13 captains. He looks down and notices a man picking on some random person. The instigator of this little dispute shoves this person against the wall when a rope suddenly constricts his hands.

"wha? what the?"

A second later, the same kind of rope appears around the mans throat, constricting and suffocating him with each passing second. IT seems to be the work of kido, the number isn't quite important, its such a low level that it doesn't matter. Hollis simply watches from up high and relishes in the sight of the only slightly antagonistic villager gasping for breath, trying to release the rope with his bound hands. A few seconds later however, hollis senses another captain level rieatsu. a moment later , Edwards appears in front of the captain to go say hello since this spiritual pressure isn't familiar to him. Hollis speaks to the man, his rich soothing voice echoing into his ears.

"Me? Oh i'm nobody really.. just a guy that likes balance....but most people around here call me captain Hollis Edwards. nice to meet you friend...."

Hollis extends his hand to shake the captains

#3A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:54 am


"Come on. You really shouldn't disobey your elders, little boy," Said one of the group of four that had crowded Tataki some. They were older than he was by appearance, meaning they likely died when they were middle aged. They were asking for a lot. For Tataki to give them this and that. Despite the fact that Tataki was not in a Shinigami uniform and did not have his Zanpakuto on him, they still seemed to identify him as someone from Seireitei and that is when the requests came.

This wasn't one of the best sections of Rukongai, but it wasn't the worst either. They shouldn't really have much to ask for that weren't simply items of luxury. One of them grabbed Tataki's arm, holding him from walking still. He, forcefully, turned Tataki around so that he had to look at the group.

"What's a little bit of money? A little bit of food? A few weapons? I mean, you got plenty of all that stuff right?"
"Here in Rukongai, you shouldn't need food, money or weapons," Tataki calmly retorted and they laughed lightly as if Tataki told a joke. Of course, Tataki knew better. If you had a "little bit" of "rare things" you could manipulate the "little number" of people that could make use of them. Rukongai could be like this. It could be corrupt and full of individuals seeking to find gain through others or through things. When you live long and have no power yourself, the goal of the individual would naturally turn to using material things to bring about power and wealth.

Releasing Tataki, though trapping him between a home and their small group, they crossed their arms, flashed a few weapons, and threw up a few menacing mugs. Tataki felt a chill run down his back. They were actually good at playing the intimidating game. It wasn't any wonder why many ordinary members of Seireitei didn't go vacationing down here often.

"I'm looking for a special medicinal herb. It's known as Dragon Heart-String. It grows in certain places with specific frequencies of spiritual energy. That's why I'm here. Just looking for medicine. I'm not really-" Tataki started when one grabbed the top of his kimino. Tataki sighed, looking like he was slightly stressed at their inability to listen.

"Punk. Are you slow or something? Empty your pockets."
They were being very specific now. No more beating around the bush and they probably weren't afraid to use force either. People like these just went around causing trouble for others and finding ways to control others. This is...Annoying. Why do I have to be surrounded by stupid people here? I should have just asked someone to do this for me, but I didn't want to wait for it. This just so stuipd. How can I be inconvenienced by thes-Wait a minute!

The one that held Tataki was growing annoyed that Tataki wasn't saying anything. As another ran by, likely having just escaped a situation similar to Tataki's, the one that had Tataki pinned to the wall started to gather up what felt like a spiritual pressure. An thin outline of spiritual energy surrounded him and in his right hand appeared a ball of energy that was the same colors as his own power. He had a spiritual power that was far above ordinary, considering what ran about Rukongai, and Tataki didn't know just how deep it was. Was this trouble?

He just made a spiritual attack? Tataki's eyes looked a bit surprised, losing their judging condescending dullness for honest shock.
"We run this district, punk. Now, I'm not gonna ask you again. Empty your pockets or else!"

It looked like this guy, whom was either a leader or a lackey, really did run this district. As Tataki looked away and around, he saw a number of others that were harassing a few other folks. They glanced over, those same intimidating eyes judging Tataki. They were bold and they had a few numbers, but what was really an unknown was of how many others had Spiritual powers like this one.

The man holding Tataki pushed the boy back. Tataki hit the wall hard, but it didn't hurt. Tataki slipped a hand in the pocket of his kimino pants and his eyes looked at the leader. The eyes looked innocent and soft, giving away just how young the boy was.

#4A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:25 am


Juro kept his eyes on the boy being bullied. He couldn't help but watch it. How was this boy going to allow himself to be bullied like this, and not do anything about it. Juro looked over at the man who appeared next to him who was talking about how he was no one. "So its a fellow Captain it seems. Maybe I should introduce myself.[/i]" Juro spoke finally saying "My name is Juro, Captain Juro Kuroki of the 6th division. I'm new, I guess you could say." Juro looked over at the poor boy who had taken the beaten. Juro used his six sense to try to see if their was a slightest chance this man had spiritual pressure. [i]"I can't believe these guys robbed this kid. He's obviously defenseless, no weapons. This place is way worse then back when I use to live here." Juro looked at the mans handshake and shook it softly while making eye contact with the guy. He seemed to have quite noticeable spiritual-pressure. Juro then let go of the mans hand continued to watch the fight. Finally he was going to interfere but decided not too.

"Are you going to interfere with the fight? I'm not going to help this poor boy unless he truly needs it.. I remembered I took a path like this when I was a kid. If I didn't get beaten up by random people I probably would of never became a shinigami." Juro said revealing his reasons not wanting to get involved in the fight. "It seems like this boy can't really do anything but give that desperate look." Juro continued to watch him putting his right hand on his blade almost ticking to interfere. "Kid, don't let them take your money. Fight for it." Juro said a bit calmly, though loud enough for someone to hear it. Juro was someone who thought about it like this. Getting saved from someone would make you feel less like a man, maybe even losing some honor. You had to learn how to fight your own battles, or that was at least the way Juro Learned it. Of course being a intelligent would help. "So.. Lets see what this kids got." Juro said to the fellow captain, seeing if the boy had the willpower to get back into the fight and beat these guys to a pulp.

#5A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:16 am


"Nice to meet you mister Kuroki"

Hollis tightly grips Juro's hand as he returns the handshake and lets go after a few seconds. He listens as the man speaks and looks over at the thug he had ensnared. It would seem he has finally suffocated from the ropes, how boring. Hollis then pays attention to the young man being harassed by the other hooligans and turns back to Juro as he mentions letting the kid fight for himself.

"hmmmm. well i would buut, i don't think it's needed. like you said he should be able to handle those guys. from what i can tell he's at least a seated officer.."

Hollis says as he looks at Juro, taking in his appearance, voice,spiritual pressure and posture. It's not because of some cliched high intelligence that makes him want to always be prepared. I mean really, who constantly tries to figure out people just to use what they no against them in some possible battle, its not like this is naruto or something. No, Hollis just likes to memorize everything about a person so that he doesn't forget them later and end up in some awkward situation where the other person knows his names but all he can say is 'heeeeeey, guuuy?'. Captain edwards then turns back to watch the situation at hand.

"Yes, let's"

#6A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:00 am


What...? Someone is talking to me? Well, that's a little rude, but they do have a point I think, Thinking over the words, Tataki kept his hand in his pocket and looked over where he heard the voice. He wasn't the only one either. The others looked over and they were baffled! Sure, they were ignornat, uneducated, barbaric hoodlums, but they at least knew what a Shinigami uniform looked like and, worse, what a Captain's "cape" was. They grumbled before they decided to, quickly, ditch Tataki and make themselves scarce. One of them ran into another of their buddies that had been knocked unconscious.

"We'll get you for this!" Who they were talking too wasn't clear, but Tataki watched them leave hiding a smile behind a fist he brought up to his mouth. So easily scared. It didn't look like they were bold enough to rob someone, with the threat of spiritual violence, in front of not one, but two shinigami.

Tataki took a step from the wall, trying to see just who it was that had rescued him. Tataki wasn't familiar with the Captains by face, he'd never even seen his own face-to-face. All he could tell is that they were Captains. Looking them over a moment, Tataki managed to put a name to Hollis, who was definitely easier to place than most other Captains for pretty obvious reasons. However, the Captain who spoke didn't ring any bells.

"Thank you, Sir. I was just passing through and, well, yeah-" Waving, Tataki didn't know what to say. This felt...Strangely awkward. What was he supposed to say? In a situation like this, it was probably better to keep his own mouth shut, but he had to show he had some sort of appreciation to what they had did, right? Then again, they didn't know he was a Shinigami..? Or did they? That would make things even more complicated. Tataki didn't dress in a Shinigami uniform so that he wouldn't be conspicuous, but he didn't think about other Shinigami prowling about. Would he get in trouble for waltzing about without a weapon or uniform on?

Dang. This is troublesome. I should have just did something to avoid those men in the first place...But, it would have brought the very thing I was trying to avoid. Why did they have to show up...Why are there two Captains here anyway? Is there...Something going on? Lowering his still waving hand, Tataki kept his eyes on the two Captain, almost like a child that was caught with something in his hands that he shouldn't have and hoping his parents hadn't noticed as he slid it behind his back. Guilty, unsure, curious eyes that were trying to act as if they hadn't done anything wrong when they had.

"Haha. I should, er, well, Um...Herb! I have a special herb to find and all so, well..."[/i] Trying to make use of an excuse, Tataki started walking. Was there a bit of sweat on his brow? A slight fidget with his step? Where his fists clenched strangely tight? Yeah. Tataki was practically a ninja right now. He wasn't giving away anything with those obvious signs...Honestly, Tataki still felt that the Shinigami just thought he was an ordinary member of Rukongai. Sure, it was a pretty hopeful though, but he was a little confident in it.

#7A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:50 pm


"Yes nice to meet you too Captain Edwards. Are you sure he's a seated officer. He does look like he has some type of spiritual energy, but it doesn't look that strong. Maybe he's thinking on joining us." Juro watched as the men who were bullying the guy noticed the captains. Juro stared at them all in the eye. The stare was a stare that said "I dare you to come at me."[/i] Though they all seemed to know what a Haori looked like, and probably had noticed that these two were real Shinigami. They began to fled, and Juro wa sa bit disappointed, he was hoping that this man attempt to fight him. He sighed thinking "What is this boy doing, he could get them right now. He should chase after them." Juro gave up trying to inspire the boy and watched as the boy was looking at them, maybe observing them. Juro crossed his arms staring and said "Passing through...... Ha, I was younger then you and I was nearly beat to death by Shinigami. Did you know what I did when they ran away? I continued to mock them. Weapons don't make the warrior, the warrior makes the weapons. At least thats what the fortune cookie said that I got the other night." Juro said trying to motivate the boy to be a better fighter.

Juro watched the boy who seemed nervous. [i]"Is he scared of us, we are no harm."
Juro could smell being scared from a mile away and this boy was scared. Juro then said to the boy as he was going to collect the herbs. "I know a place to get herbs. I'm pretty good with plants." Juro said, this was his hometown. He knew all the hot spots,and he was one of the few people who could actually communicate with plants. Juro then said " So what is your occupation? You seem like your capable of fighting, why don't you?" Juro said as he stared off into the sky. This boy had just been bullied, " This place is my hometown. If you fought I would of showed great appreciation. Though hopefully we run into those guys again. I have no intention in really fighting them, but you.. You should, they tried to Rob you. Or were they successful? I didn't see much." Juro said in a calm voice acting as if it happened centuries ago.

He liked todays whether, it wasn't all that bad, and now he was meeting a new ally, or a new captain. This captain spiritual pressure was pretty strong, and it was pretty close to Juro's also. It seems alike they would be equally matched in a fight. Juro would want to scrimmage with him some time. He put a note in his head "Scrimmage with Captain Edwards." repeating it over and over again in his head. He just hoped that this man didn't have a Bankai that revolved around water. If he did Juro would just have to improvise and try to attempt to control mud. Though the last time he attempted to control mud he nearly lost, but he clutched with his right arm. Juro looked at his right arm and then brought his attention back to the boy trying to recap on what they were talking about.

#8A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:09 am


"Well i suppose its possible he isn't. it was nothing more than a random guess really. "

The reason why Hollis believed the young bullied man to be a seated officer is because of the way he handled the thugs. Although he didn't fight back, he appeared to remain calm from what hollis could tell , and that is a sort of mind set gained only through training in the 13 court guards. Hollis then stands in silence as he listens to the young man and juro converse. The kid seems nervous, as if he's done something wrong. Even if he is breaking some law however, Edwards himself won't do anything since he himself hates the rules.

"Calm down boyo, i'm not going to tell on you,lol"

Hollis' snakish eyes then shift over towards juro as he notices him looking at him.

"something on your mind my friend?"

Hollis says with his normal smirk and souless eyes.

#9A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:49 am


"I..What?" Tataki started, feeling a bit pressured by the energy of this Captain. He had strangely high hopes and expectations of Tataki, didn't he? Tataki bearly knew him and he was acting like a life coach or something. Tataki was honestly, completely, surprised by the Captain and looked over in the direction that a few of the bandits ran off before Tataki looked at the Captain.

I'm no warrior. You really shouldn't judge a book. Besides, what do I look like? I didn't come here to fight, else I would have been better equipted. This guy is troublesome. I have to get away somehow...Wait! What did he say!? There were thoughts with a slight edge of annoyance, which Tataki knew was improper, but Tataki couldn't help but be slightly flustered with where this was all going. Tataki was highly judgmental, but he wasn't a fan of being judged so highly. Tataki really didn't deserve it and being looked at with such hopeful eyes strangely irritated the Shinigami. The emotions could be seen in his eyes, though Tataki wore a pretty empathetic mask that looked like he was truly shaken still. Well...He wasn't entirely recovered anyway.

"That is...Unnecessary! I don't want you to go out of your way and, well, I'm not entirely sure where exactly it is and, well, Sir, I don't want to make you go on an errand with me," Tataki said, finally speaking aloud. Really, that would only make Tataki feel guilty. He was starting to feel like he was saying and thinking the wrong things about Captain Juro, really he probably was. Tataki didn't know this Captain. No possible way to avoid it at this point... Tataki thought, feeling as if his cover was completely blown.

"Yousei, Tataki. Fourth Squad, Forth Seat, Sir," Tataki said, as properly as he could, lowering his head slightly as he shot his hands to his sides in attention. He was offering as much respect to the Captain that he could. He would stand straight up, looking at the Captain almost anxious now. As if he were waiting for something to explode and burn his own face, "I'm...Not really a fighter. I know how and I'm said to be good at it, but it is not something I enjoy," Tataki would say, his voice growing lighter and lower as he broke eye contact a moment to look at some random building. Fourth Squad. Tataki had other specialties that he was good with other than beating up a bunch of crooks that could be bribed to look another way. If anything, Tataki's way of thinking was the opposite of Juro's. It wasn't about getting vengeance or being the dominate, just victor. It was about stopping the strife and hate by being neutral and complacent. That was, well, how Tataki thought to deal with others.

#10A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Empty Re: A Blast from the Past[Post-war] Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:18 am


Juro looked at Edward finally amused with a smirk as he made a reference to the boy. That was his first smile in a while, and it made Juro feel a bit weird, though he couldn't help it. This captain was really quite the comedian but then Juro listened to the boy speak some more."Yeah, I'm pretty much going out of my way too help you. I insist, unless you can speak to plants, then I shall be aiding you. That is until we find those men again, and then you will beat them to a pulp." Said juro as he continued to attempt to encourage the kid. He could see the nervousness in this boy, and the lack of confidence he had in a fight. Juro didn't want to push the boy too hard, or he would feel ilke his dad. Maybe he would push the boy to the right extent so he would be able to become a good Shinigami. Juro did take note on his spiritual ability, maybe he didn't know he had it, but Juro could see it as clear as ever. That was when he heard something that shocked him.

Juro listened to Edwards speak about something on his mind. "Not really, I'd just like to scrimmage with you sometime.'" Juro said. Their was nothing to hide, if you had to fight with someone you just had too. Juro thought Edwards would be a excellent sparring mate due to the way he is. You could tell a good fighter from a mile away and he looked like he could fight. Though Juro wasn't sure if the man wanted to fight. Juro was always ready for a fight, even now he would accept it if Edwards agreed to his scrimmage. Though he wasn't sure if the boy wanted to stay around. THen he heard something that made him quite suprised.

"Your a Shinigami?!" Said Juro wondering. Well he was in the Fourth seat so it wasn't a shocker he wasn't that good at fighting. He was probably a really good person with medicines, that would explain why he was searching for rubs. "Captain Edwards.. You really were right.. How do you do it?" Juro said not believing that the captain was head on with his guess. "Why don't you enjoy fighting, its a way of life and survival." Juro said sounding a bit disappointed. He had given this kid his best speech in a while, and he just admitted that he wasn't quite the fighter. If you had potential you would have to grow on it and become stronger, it was for honor. "Not much you can do I guess. Anyways about those herbs? What kind are you looking for?" said Juro back in his calm tone and no longer in coach mode or motivational speaker mode.

Juro did feel like this was bad. A shinigami was being attacked by goons, though he didn't have his zanpakuto on him or any weapon so maybe it was only natural. "If I may ask..... Why don't you have your zanpakuto or Shinigami uniform on?" Juro said with great curiosity. A zanpakuto showed that you knew how to fight and showed people not to mess with you. If you could go out without your zanpakuto it showed that you and your blade weren't that connected. Juro couldn't go anywhere without carrying Satetsu, it was unheard of to him. His zanpakuto might of been his best friend, he would often spend time meditating to get to know it better. Juro just couldn't believe that this Shinigami left his Zanpakuto at home as if it was a iPod. Juro then noticed the boys tense posture again and decided to say something completely out of character. "Calm down boyo, i'm not going to tell on you,lol" repeating what Edwards said. He really had no intent to kill the boy at the moment, unless the boy proved that he was to be killed..

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