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#1Sokyoku Hill Hollow Invasion[War Event] Empty Sokyoku Hill Hollow Invasion[War Event] Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:24 am



[OOC WARNING: This thread is Death-Enabled.]

Thursday, 2:07 PM. Seireitei.

It ripped through the sky in the same manner one would tear through fabric, except that it spread like a grim and hellish mouth, cracking the world above like a broken mirror. It was a standard gargantua albeit the sort used more by Hollows than Arrancars. Gillian-class menos stuck their heads through, looking down at the many buildings below, filled with shinigami who scrambled at the arrival of the Hollows, swiftly moving to combat positions.

The gargantua widened with the shrill cry that all Hollows uttered, whilst tremendous white hands pulled the gaping black inter-dimensional mouth open. There was a profound power here now in the world of Soul society. The Hollows began to spill from the dark wound in the sky like blood, jumping and flying downwards to assault the new world they had invaded. As the portal widened, four Gillian menos stepped out, crashing into the ground with tremendous crashes. Their great white feet smashed apart division buildings and destroyed walls, towers, and more buildings as they clumsily marched through the divisions and barracks with a sickly grace, stomping as though the great structures of the Shinigami were but mere dollhouses and toys.

Other Gillian appeared in Rukongai, scooping up the souls of the living in their great white hands and shoveling them into their mouths, showing no mercy. Kido spells struck their bodies and Shinigami assaulted the invaders in teams. However, more and more Hollows continued to appear, numbering at fourteen Gillian and several hundred lesser hollows. There were even a few Adjuchas. The barrier that had once protected Soul Society had been breached by new Arrancar technology, which enabled the Hollows and Arrancar to penetrate through the realms into Soul Society successfully.

Now, almost a hundred Gargantua opened, spewing forth stronger hollows. Some of the portals were different... smaller, more precise, and Arrancar stepped through them instead of Hollows. A large group of masked warriors appeared atop Sokyoku hill, approaching the massive weapon as a single horde, as if they were stuck together. Their faces were hidden by white hoods, and they all shared the same body-type. Even their zanpakuto were identical. Other basic soldiers appeared scattered throughout Soul Society... but this was one of the biggest groups, numbering at twenty six.

In minutes, hundreds more Hollows arrived, apparently being commanded by the Arrancar. Shinigami blood stained the ground across seireitei. But here, at the great monument of Sokyoku, the fighting was the worst. Many Shinigami hastily arrived to defend the massive weapon although the Arrancar easily held their own. More Hollows gathered at Sokyoku which seemed to have been their original target. It would not be long before the Espada arrived to lead the charge...


Enter the Hunter on the Plains of Battle

Thursday, 2:15PM

Just eight minutes ago it had begun, the invasion of Soul Society had finally begun. In Soul Society things were a mess, hollow were everywhere, in some areas there was no hope of surviving the massive amount of hollow that continued to arrive. Although the Espada Renacer were yet to arrive, much damage had already been done, especially in the eastern areas of Seireitei. Of course this didn't mean the shinigami weren't fighting back, no, they were already being sent out for defense, and to secure areas they could. But their time was limited, as hollow continued to flow into Soul Society the arrival of the Espada drew nearer and nearer until finally above Sokyoku Hill a small black gargantua opened up to reveal a lone figure. The figure within the newly formed gargantua could barely made out, all that could be seen was the crimson edging/outlining on his clothing, his white spikey hair, and a flowing crimson scarf. Suddenly from the gargantua a booming menacing laughter began to travel throughout all of Soul Society, the laughter of non other but the Trecera Espada, the laughter of a blood thirsty hunter.

[P.o.V Shift]

Finally the day Veloz had been awaiting arrived, and he was more bloodthirsty than he had ever been since becoming an Arrancar and Espada. The white haired Espada's sinister red eyes crossed over all of Seireitei before he picked the first place he would strike, suddenly the Espada held out his right and left hands a few inches infront of himself as blue and golden reiatsu began to swirl between his palms forming a dual layered Cero. Doble Cero Comprimido would be called out over the roar of battle as a sudden spike in reiatsu occured, Veloz held out his palm containing the now formed Cero and released it into no specific area although it would hit near the 1st division barracks and cause mass amounts of damage and an unknown death count.

After unleashing the brutal cero Veloz would step forth from his gargantua, and look about at all the carnage before realizing he was the first to arrive. Tch..lazy bastards.. Veloz would complain as he suddenly found himself surrounded on all sides by unseated shinigami. And what do you bunch think you can do against me?! Veloz would call out, taunting the shinigami as his reaitsu continued to rise. After just a few moments Veloz could notice the visible strain the shinigami were experiencing standing under the pressure of his reiatsu, until finally it jumped even higher and the majority of the surrounding shinigami were sent crashing to the ground below. Veloz was only slightly surprised when he noticed five of the shinigami still standing around him, albeit they were breathing heavily and struggling to stand. Not worth my time.. Veloz would speak to them as he vanished with a faint buzz, a few moments later Veloz would reappear on the other side of the 5 person ring as the wounds he had just inflicted burst, each wound a perfect cut to the jugular. Now Veloz would head to the ground and search for some real prey, all the while he would slaughter any shinigami(npc) foolish enough to cross his path.

OoC: Posting Colors for my Characters in this Event.

Veloz Will be using RED in this thread.
Masaru Will be using this Blue-ish color once he enters.
Minoru will be using Orange once he joins in.

**I would like it if anyone who picks a fight with my characters during this event, makes a thread for their character and my own to fight in to prevent cluttering this thread.


Thursday, 2:23PM

Kato was awoken by the screeching sound of obliterated men and women. Explosions rattled his ears and left a ringing noise deep within them. Surprised and slightly frightened, Kato sprung out of his bed at the sound of the red alert. He slipped on his clothes and grabbed his zanpakutou on his way out of his quaint home, he noticed hundreds of Hollow, Gillian and the like, flying around in the sky letting loose Cero's left and right. The havoc and commotion caused by the Hollow army was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The blue Soul Society sky had now been covered black by the bodies of the dangerously close Hollow army.

Working his way past the busy streets of Soul Society, Kato was still completely unaware of what was going on or why it was going on. The expression on Kato's face made it immediately clear of his fear. Luckily for Kato, he had been trained well enough to smile in the face of fear and overcome it. He hoped that this would be one of those times.


Noba was quickly rushing medicine into his bag, the report was called in over to all of SS the hollows had begun thier attack. Noba pondered on why or even how a hollow made thier way into the hidden Soul Society, but now was not the time for thinking. Grabbing his Medic Kit incase of emergency, he hurried out the door. But then he stopped short, and quickly turned around.

"My Sword....Duh..."

Noba grabbed his sword and put iton the sheathe on his bak and rushed out his barrack. The 4th was in a frantic rush, blood was everywhere , people screaming arms and legs spewing blood. Noba wasn't tooo shocked but to any average man they would have passed out. Then a small explosion happened, a hollow made its way to the 4th's Barracks. Noba quickly pointed at it.


The kido speared the hollow in the head and it dicentigrated. Noba knew this was getting a bit out of hand if hollow were making it to the safest place in Soul Society.

Noba felt a rather strong reiastu come from a direction near 1st Division, he made his way towards it hoping nothing too bad had happened.

"Damn whats going on, this is completle madness....!!"


Hollis suddenly arrives on the battlefield, his foot seems to be fully restored. As the wind blows his captains haori flutters a bit and he marvels at the vast amount of hollow steadily pouring in by the dozens. The moment he's been waiting for has finally come, a war between the espada and the shinigami on their own turf. The impending destruction would be massive on both sides, by the end of it all no one will be left fully intact. This is the very essence of chaos.

"Oh my.....this is just.......orgasmic..."

Hollis' normal smirk slowly creeps into a smile as he lifts up one of his hands to the air. He then extends his index finger and begins to move it as if he is scrolling through songs on a touch screen ipad.

"No. no. no. no, ooh, that'll do..rated R by red man, perfect.."


He then presses 'play' on his imaginary ipad and the song he chose starts to ring in his head as he instantly disappears. He then reappears atop the head of one menos that is near the center of about thirty others with his zanpakto unsheathed. He then casually lets it drop blade first and it sinks into the skull of this menos until only the handle is visible. Seconds later, several dozen black tentacles as thin as wire burst out of the creatures skull mask and mouth and almost instantly pierce the masks of all thirty menos grande surrounding him directly at their center. A few more seconds later they all seep out blood before disintigrating and hollis appears on the ground below after his tentacles retract. The shinigami continues to slay menos with his tentacles as they continue to emerge.


    Marcus POV
i had come with the first wave of hollows i had my reiatsu controlled to such a point that you needed to be in 10 metres of me or see me to know i was even here. At first i stayed in the shadows looking for any worthy prey and one shinigami does catches my eye he was weak in reiatsu but just looking at him made my mouth water. So i jump out and slam my fist right into his face and blood slashed all over my face and some got into my white wind blown spiked hair for that punch had caved in his face. Not bothering with wiping the blood off i just grab the body and take a bite out of it. It tasted as good as i thought it would and my reiatsu spiked thanks to that. Then with out looking i point a finger behind me to fire off a cero a little bigger then normal thanks to the energy boost to take out a shinigami that had tried to sneak up on me. Then i feel the unmistakeable reiatsu of veloz i just grin and sonido towards him as i appear at his side i say. "it a nice day and place for a couple of hunters like us is it not veloz." as i finish i send two quick punches into two shinigami that got too close sending them flying into another group of them hitting down like blowing pins.
    (ooc: will post kieran pov next post. Are demons going to be in this thread?)


"Whoops! Almost got me, brat!" The excitable Piedra said as he stepped back just in time to evade a quick slash for his waist. Piedra had came same as everyone else and he was going to have a little fun just like everyone else too. Unlike many, Piedra wasn't heading over to the hill where the Espada were gonna meet. Piedra was gonna have some of his own fun in his own way and not bother with the official business the others were worried about.

"Come on, that ain't all ya got, eh kiddo? What's that five mean anyway, 5th place? Pretty bad to be 5th place, ha!" Another rushed for Piedra's backside, to which he jumped in the air to avoid. He was followed. Their numbers were increasing and all of them seemed to be familiar with each other and with some sort of symbol, character, or badge and all of them said "5". What was so special about the number 5? Piedra really couldn't tell from these flimsy attacks.

They rushed at him, chasing him into the air. It was really easy to dodge. In fact, that was all Piedra was doing as they rushed in. They slashed at his head, which he leaned back to dodge, they rushed in to stab, which he side stepped, they attacked from all sides and Piedra dropped down. Piedra had a bit of an advantage over them and he let it show with every easy dodge he managed. There was an enormous grin on his face and and he held his head high while confronting the 5th place Shinigami. Their swords were slow. Their legs were slow. Their attacks were slow. Nothing about them was dangerous at all.

"Shakkaho!" It was from Piedra's back. The red ball of heat was sent blasting towards his back. Piedra smiled, showing off those pearly whites. It was almost moving too slow, but it was a little bit faster than they were. "Byakurai!" Came from Piedra's front.

A pincer attack?
The two attacks collided, with Piedra in the middle. The bang was pretty impressive. Even the Shinigami that used it were impressed with their attack. Piedra was gone. There was nothing but the lingering smoke of an already passed attack. "Ain't gonna hit like that, 5th place-" The words were said right over the shoulder of the very Shinigami that used the White Lightning. The others looked surprised, turning their attention to the Arrancar as he threw a punch for the back of the Shinigami's head. The Shinigami plummeted to the ground, causing a small crash, and was knocked unconscious.

"Come on! Ya gotta do better than this! Aren't there stronger version of all of you somewhere? I mean, I know I'm just too amazing to take on, but I gotta at least get warmed up, Shinis!" The Shinigami of the 5th Division started to worry. As of now, there weren't any higher ranking among them. Piedra could stomp all of them...He would stomp all of them.


Thursday, 2:40 pm
Above the 2nd barracks a small black gargantua opened up slowly. The portal opened slowly at the feet of the figure. Reaching up to the waist ever so slowly. The blade of the man was glowing a slight green as it was twisted with the sharp, serrated edges point to the ground. A green ball forms on the very tip of the blade as it is slowly raised outside of the Gargantua. The ball floats outwards slightly, pointing down at the 2nd barracks. The Cero was launched towards the middle of the barracks. Hitting every man and woman inside the building. stepping out of the Gargantua, a sigh could be heard as a sheath of the same sword stepped out of the portal. The red 4 on his cheek was shimmering in the sun.

" If this is going to be a good part of my time today. I will want atleast some challenge.." Cross would sonido down to the ground. Looking over the area, he could sense that Veloz was already here, as well as a fraccion of some sort. Atleast he wasn't last right? He walked forward around the barracks with his hands in his pockets. Something he has done alot since he came back from the human world. The reaitsu branched off his body in green like parasites as it went for the throats of the shinigami around him. "Hmph.. I thought 2nd Squad would be of better use." He stopped where he was. A group of shinigami appeared around him. They were omnikitsukido, or atleast a branch of them from the symbols on their uniforms. Cross just smirked as the group started towards him. He jumped into the air, Pressing both of his fists together as he formed a green ball into his knuckles. Flipping forward he would fall straight down onto the group, blasting them towards the walls and buildings as their bodies were pierced from the wood that they had impacted. Getting up on his feet, he continued to walk foward, Just wiping his knuckles against his pants. "what.. A.. waste.. of .. time." The joy in his voice was gone. He was actually anxious to fight for once. But now, It was being killed as he beat the shinigami around him like bugs.


Hollis continues to slay menos after menos for several minutes until they finally begin to dwindle down to maybe three or four. Sure more would likely show up eventually but for now they have been contained mostly. Just as he finishes up , hollis notices several of his own men falling. They appear to be mostly low level shinigami, no higher than maybe a 5th seat but still they are his men. Hollis begins to shunpo to their side to assist them since he would probably be yelled at if he didn't , but as he does he decides to stop and wait. He decides to watch this man taking down his people for a second. After a combination attack fails against the arrancar and one soul reaper is knocked unconscious, Hollis decides that he has seen what he needed to see and can accurately judge this mans basic abilities. Right after the arrancar asks out loud if there are any stronger 'versions' of the 5th squad, Hollis suddenly appears several yards to his left side.

"well, i suppose i can help you out with that daddy-o..i mean, from what i can tell you're pretty amazing so i can't promise you a 'long' fight but..I'm sure i can at least provide you a good work out.."

Hollis says as his swords rests in his right hand limply at his side. He then continues to make small talk with the arrancar as he casually holds up his zanpakto and five tentacles with the circumference of a large truck tire begin to creep out of it and wiggle around.

"Oh, and i couldn't help but overhear you speaking to my squad members. They have the number '5' on their person not because they are 5th place but simply because they're in squad five of the thirteen court guards in soul society. I'm their captain, Hollis Edwards, nice to meet you friend. what's your name if i may?"

Hollis says with his usual smirk and empty eyes. His rieatsu holds no color taste or smell to it but it does seem to begin to encompass the immediate area. Suddenly, a look of excitement covers Hollis' face as his tentacles extend to around six feet in length and continue wiggling around.

"OH!! I know, let's play a game!!"

Hollis holds up five fingers

"Since the number of the day seems to be five, ill give you five minutes to kill me before you go to sleep! that sounds like fun huh? You do like games don't you?"

Hollis 'stands' in the air as most spiritual beings can as he awaits the arrancars response. As he stands, one of his squad members crawls up to him, tugging on the bottom of his captains haori. He appears to be bleeding profusely from his skull, at this point he'd just die from blood loss. Since he feels like squishing something anyway, Hollis pays no attention to the soul reaper as he casually focuses a bit of his spiritual pressure on top of the shinigami's neck, instantly crushing his windpipe due to its weight and giving him mercy. To anyone watching it would simply appear as though the man gagged on nothing and died of blood loss.

#10Sokyoku Hill Hollow Invasion[War Event] Empty Re: Sokyoku Hill Hollow Invasion[War Event] Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:12 pm


"Kick" With a quick kick to the head of yet another Shinigami in the air, Piedra brought their numbers to hardly anything. They were outmatched, by a lot, but they didn't seem ready to give up. Despite shooting kido at him and attacking him with everything they had, they hadn't even scratched the invading Arrancar yet. Then, they all seemed to relax and a few even became happy.

Woah... Another one appeared, this one had a white cape on. Was he the Super 5th Place man? 5th place wasn't anything to be proud of, yet he had that big white cape with the 5th place marker on his back. Wasn't he embarrassed? Not like 5th place was 1st, 2nd or 3rd; 5th place didn't get any reward. But, well, that probably meant he was the best at being 5th place.

"So they are yours then?" It wasn't so much of a question as much as it was a statement. Hollis just affirmed everything Piedra was wondering. The King of 5th Place. Sounded pitiful to Piedra, but maybe he was just judging too much. "Hey hey, don't be embarrassed. You don't need to make up stories, just cause you're 5th place, Shini. I mean, at least it ain't last," He wasn't believing Hollis' explanation. It didn't make sense. Why have numbers if it wasn't to label the strongest to the weakest? I won't judge, I swear. Even though, ya know, I was the 3rd. That's like, two numbers higher than 5!"[/color] A broad grin, he slid a hand through that red hair of his. He liked this Shinigami, "Piedra Braz-Eh, Piedra's good." The cocky, happy-go-lucky Arrancar was also taking it easy. Why be serious if his opponent wasn't? It was a lot more exciting this way. He didn't seem to take Hollis' erupting reastu threatening, nor was he really bothered by the squirmy tentacles.

"A game? Heh. I'm good at those! Of course, Piedra figured there was no way he could lose. He was gonna always win! Piedra cracked his knuckles. "Ya sure ya don't want 55 minutes?" It wasn't that Piedra thought he was going to lose, but beating on Hollis for 55 minutes would be so much easier. It was said lightheartedly, as if it were a joke. 5 minutes would be a lot, even if Hollis were a great deal stronger than Piedra, to not die.

Then, as if it brought an edge to the game, Hollis killed one of his own! "Hahaha! You Shinis aren't all that different from us, huh? Too bad, you woulda done better as a freakin Hollow. Ya wouldn't be about tah experience my incredibly awesome powers," His smile blaring, his fists clenched, and his heart steady and patient; Piedra was completely prepared for this 5 minute game. Piedra shuffled his feet, hoping shortly from one foot to the other, bouncing to the right and left, and swung his arms a bit as if to limber them out before he rushed in.

Piedra, just like that, shot towards the Captain. Piedra's assualt was straight forward. It was a high speed rush, fists at the ready, for the Captain. It wouldn't be all that difficult to dodge, despite how quickly he moved. A well timed side-step would probably save Hollis from the attack that was next.

"Terremoto" The Arrancar would say, just before Hollis. If Hollis hadn't move, which would have been true to the game, he would receive the full onslaught of Piedra's strength. Significant red spiritual energy condensed at his fists and and released a blind, berserk, tough flurry of punches straight for Hollis front. The number of punches was likely hard to keep up with and they attacked everywhere from Hollis' head to Hollis' feet. The punches were heavy and they would hurt more than one would think if they landed. In a matter of only 2-3 seconds he would have attacked Hollis about 50 times, all over, with those heavy handed blows. If Piedra would have hit, Hollis would be in a world of pain all over.

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