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A Garganta gae opened into Kara town and Anamist stepped out into the air; fresh cool winds assailed his face and sang melodious whispers in his ears. Gis steps were quick, eagerness pounded in his Would-be-heart as he thought of seeing how much little Rui had grown.

I bet she's a MM taller than last time!!

Travel by air was convenient, none could see him fly from his height and there was never any traffic- well, usually anyways. Soon he made it to Rui's teacher's house and knocked lightly as he entered; as usual the female teacher came to the door and welcomed him- it had only been a month since he went to Hueco Mundo, but he had made some powerful allies.. he felt comfortable enough to visit Rui.

Ah, ma'am- Is Rui around? I want to take her out for a bit.

The teacher scratched her head and laughed slightly as she explained.

"Ah about that, she went with the kids to a fieldtrip today should be back within the hour though."

A little detered, he thaned her and decided to go on a stroll of old places while he waited. By chane, he went to South Tree Hill; he had always liked visiting here when he had free-time. A movement caught his eyes, a woman with a black ribbon in her hair was already there. admiring the view- From what he could observe. It couldn't hurt to have a little innocent talk with a stranger, could it? He waved as he neared.

Hi there! Hows the view? I come here often to think. I'm Anamist, pleased to meet you.


Senna sighed. Yet another peaceful moment lost. She knew when she arrived in the world of the living that she would find no solitude for long, the spiritual pressure's of several beings greeted her arrival but no hostile actions seemed to be going. Senna smiled because that meant no laws were being broken. She had not expected to be found so soon though. Probably another captain or some lieutenant she thought as she heard a male introduce himself. Shenna spun slowly on her heels until she faced him and was surprised that he was not a shinigami. A quick glance over his body told her all she needed to know once she saw the number five on his stomach around the naval.

Senna hissed "...Espada..." and flash stepped back to put a little distance between her and the arrancar. Her right hand flashed across her body and ripped her zanpakuto out of its sheathe. A grin crept across her face and a gleam in her eyes belied the excitement she felt.How many hours had she dedicated to honing and improving her skills? Every minute in the courtyard, every ounce of blood she ever shed, every risk she took had been for moments like this. She didn't know what this arrancar thought he was going to accomplish or what scheme he had planned that encouraged his calm demeanor and she didn't care. "Should have stayed in Hueco Mundo with the other abominations."


Genuinely surprised at her response and drawing of a zanpaktou told him he was in for some deep shit..

great.. this chick is smiling at me when she knows Im an espada- is she that good? Why am I always being judged so harshly..

He slumped his shoulders and hung his head for a moment, then reassured himself; her not attacing yet was seen that she was curious as to what he was doing. he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of gum, he put one strip in his mouth and entended the pack to the shinigami.

Come now, maybe true we're from different worlds.. but gum is the same to use, right? Have some..Ive got time to kill- uh.. sorry, it's just ive gotta wait for an hour till Rui gets back from school, Im bored.

Seeing she was still on guard, he set the pack of gum on a wooden railing post that was conveniently between them, he lifted both hands in his defense of honesty and sat down a little distance aways on another rail post.


Senna looked at the pack of gum then back at the Espada. "You're going to die with that stupid little vest on." She still had the crazed grin still plastered across her face when she started to walk towards him at a slow pace. Senna giggled when she slapped the pack of gum off the rail with the flat of her blade. She came to the conclusion that he most likely was tired of being a monster and wanted to die. Why else would he have offered the gum when he could have just as easily attacked her? Senna shrugged and continued to close the gap between them.


Anamist sighed in exasperation; shinigai's were always so self-righteous and bet of his destruction; he couldn't blame them of course... Even he wished for their destrcution at times. Still... this one was quite cute, and he liked how she was so fiesty. he used Sonido to get behind and and spoke right into her ear before she could swing backwards.

Well, this too is a way to pass the time; but not the way I'd prefer.. I wanna see if your skills are as beautiful as you are.

He jumped back just as she swung backwards, he narrowly missed the blade, but his vest took a long sliash to it.... She really did think his vest was stupid, he happened to really like this vest. Rui had sewn it for him several times when he would tear it.

He took anotherquick step back and drew one of his two swords- Likely the shinigami would be baffled at his ability to use two swords when all other arrancar used one sword. He held Nemuri out out and tapped the tip of Senna's sword with the tip of his sword, as if he were telling her it was okay to go all of against him now.

I've told you my name, but what is your name; I'm curious.

He pressed against her sword and pushed her backwards as sparks flew off their swords, his face was close to hers- he wanted to hear her name close up and hear her sweet voice properly.


Senna prepared to spring, she winked at the arrancar and laughed at his demeanor. She wondered if he would take her so lightly if she decided to have a little fun of her own. She was well versed in the various laws of the Soul Society and no where did it state that she couldn't have some fun when she dispensed justice, she checked many times to make sure.He certainly had bravado for getting so close or perhaps he had that much confidence. Senna rewarded the risk he took the only way she knew how. With extreme prejudice.

"You haven't earned the right to know my name, filth but don't worry. You may at least know my zanpakuto's first name. Hope you like hot shikai in your face because you're about to get a lot of it." She giggled lightly. "Whisper, Hissori..." the blade started to liquefy slowly and rippled at the edges, the air buzzed as Senna caused the sound waves to distort.


A short while after Anamist stepped through a Garganta, Manda did the same thing. This time, though, she was closer to her target location than Anamist was when he arrived. She was a few blocks away if she had read the information correct. She was not to fond of Anamist, but did work well with him if needed. Today he had asked her to join him in meeting Rui. Whom or what that was she didn't know. When she realized that Anamist was off at a different location she figured that he had left Rui to her to take care of. She only sighs and knocks on the door at the address that Anamist had written down. The teacher taking care of Rui had come to the door. She looked Manda over and was a bit puzzled by her sudden appearence. "How can I help you?" she asked.

"Sorry to interrupt anything you may have going on right now ma'am but I'm here to pick up Rui. I'm a friend of Anamist's" Manda said, feeling a bit uncomfortable about the whole situation.

"Alright. I know that he wanted to take her out for a bit. I'm assuming you'll take her to him, right?" the teacher said. Manda nodded and the teacher called for Rui to come to the door. When she did Manda bent down to where she was about eye level with the girl. "I'm Manda Marluz, a friend of Anamist's. He sent me here to pick you up and take you out for a bit. I think he will join us at a later time along the way. Till then, where would you like to go?" Manda asked, trying her best to sound as nice and caring as possible.


Little Rui had just gotten back not too long ago from her fiendtrip and was still in her school clothes- her purple hair & eyes contrasted to the pladue color of her uniform; but she was a beautiful little girl. She regarded Manda with kind yet curious eyes, big brother had never talked about another woman before- she felt a little jealousy in her heart, but her kind nature ignored it.

Pleased to meet you, manda; I am Rui Souigetsu. I am 8 years old so please take care of me.

She smiled kindly to manda and then the teacher and bid the teacher goodbye while they would be gone. manda walked beside Rui for a few seconds and then Rui hesitated a moment and then grasped Manda's hand.

Big brother always holds my hand when we walk, he says I look around too much to keep up with him. Let's see, big brother usually takes me to the ice cream stand not too far from here on days like these. Hey Manda- How do you know my big brother?

She was trying to be secretive, but her apparant interest and worry on the topic were evident. Her eyes were intense. She could feel that manda wasn't a normal person either, which made Rui even more curious.

Anamist noticed the matter of state at which her sword was in,he noticed the air buzzing with intensity and Senna's calm demeanor; he smiled again.

Six rietsu spears replicated mmid-air and stabbed into the wooden floor beneath them and forced Senna to jump backwards as the spears punctured the wooden boards at where she had been standing previously. As she evaded though, Anamist had already set up traps- One near her exploded, causing a hain reaction of small explosions around her. Anamist stood perfectly still as he watched her reactions to his rigged battle-field. he lifted his left hand and another spear formed.

You have a rather unique ability; quite a formidable opponent I imagine. Are you buy chance.. trying to enjoy the fight before you pass "judgement" on me?

He threw the spear with a large amount of force.

What if I say your judgement would be freeing me from a life of regret & despair? Would your justice still be to kill me on the spot? No, my judgement is to live out the remainder of my life and atone for the terrible things I've done. plus my little Rui has to become old enough to take care of herself!


The explosions around Senna rang in her ears as she jumped backwards through the air. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to open up to everything around her and let the battle consume her. Splinter fragments of the wooden boardwalk peppered her shinigami outfit, the smoke snaked lazily higher into the air as it slowly floated away, the air continued to buzz to her distorted wave lengths. It was enough to make her feel alive and she reveled in the moment. Her eyes parted slowly and saw the rietsu spear that sped through the air with vicious aim. Finally she was getting some action from this abomination. A quick burst of shunpo brought Senna a few feet from his left side, another burst brought her a few inches away from his shoulder. Senna brought her left hand up, middle finger cocked behind her thumb forming a small circle, and thrust her hand at his face as she flicked her finger at him. Oni Dekopin had always been one of her favorite Hakuda moves. It never ceased to please her on the occasions she had caught opponents with it.

"Ooooh! AN Espada with a heart of gold! Well why didn't you say that to begin with silly arrancar?! We could have shook hands, hugged, went out for a cup of tea and discussed current affairs! Let me just go and clear this mess up with the Captain-Commander and Central 46, inform them that the Quinta Espada is A-okay!"


Her movements were faster than he anticipated and was cauht offguard when she flicked him; he bounded backwards through the air and crashed into a fence- the fence turned into a pile of rubble. Anamist stood up and brushed his fanny off from all the wood and nails.

That was an interesting attack just now; your elogant speed and precision caught me offguard, nicely done.

He smiled at her kindly and pointed behind her; his spear which she had evaded with Shunpo was now rebounding to her unguarded back- It fell short of range though and landed in the just an inch to the left of her left foot. He rushed past Senna, grabbed the spear and threw it at her again as he sailed away from her flank- this time he planned to do more than barely miss her.

It's a shame I was reborn the way I was; i might have liked to be a shinigami- thought maybe not so judgemental. I like your attitude though, and your strength is excellent! Almost enough to match your beauty..

Anamist wasn't a smooth-talker, but usually when you compliment a woman; they blush... was she blushing or did she just hate him that much? As he landed on his feet, he let out another sigh of exasperation, he lifted his hand and pulled out another slice of gum- he had grabbed the pack of gum when Senna hadn't noticed. Still- He didn't want to do anymore property damage than she had already caused him to do.. he put his hands together, breathed in a deep amount of air and let out a long sigh; he opened his hands in what appeared to be the shape on a pyramid and the red ar that escaped his mouth stretched out and formed a triangular dome around the two of them- this should stop needless damage; though she would likely seee it as a trap.

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