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#1Assault on the 9th Squad! [Open - Zoran] Empty Assault on the 9th Squad! [Open - Zoran] Wed May 02, 2012 7:53 am


( OOC: This thread takes place just after the rescue of Amaya. Any shinigami or vizard in SS may join. Demons may also join if they wish, but they must use a demon door and will probably need to be in a group, or they must use the demon door that Divus used. If I'm not mistaken Soul Society is a difficult place to get into. )

It was an inconceivable day of vengeance. But even so, it did not show, not upon the modest courtyard just outside the 9th squad barracks. For a brief instant there was a sort of calm before the storm... some shinigami were training, a few were discussing kido spells, and the majority were simply at rest here. Of course, there were still many shinigami on patrols and the like. But this was the hub of the entire 9th Division, a significant grouping of military buildings devoted entirely to their squad. And yet, fate spat on this peace, sending the Darkest of souls to seek battle...

A thunderous crack of black lightning split a insignificant stone wall in two, obviously with a force other than sheer reiatsu, as it tore through the energy-resistant structure. Only a few black clouds hung in the sky from which the thunder had ensued, and yet, they began to swell rapidly before spinning together in a large funnel. The gloomy mass swirled and spun with a sickly, liquid noise, before mashing itself into the ground and blowing away several low rank shinigami of the 9th division with it's terrible descent, crashing where the lightning had struck, and surrounding what the bolt had left; a tiny, black hole in the ground, from which an odious evil energy rose. A gateway to Hell itself was forming.

It was a demon door, like any other, but if it had been anywhere else such excessive display of power would not have been necessary. It wasn't a display honestly but in actuality all of it had been necessary. Dangai and a immensely powerful barrier made Soul Society a difficult place to reach, and the art of Demon Door while capable of breaching it, was difficult for Divus to use. Luckily, he wasn't alone. The hole expanded and rose, and from it, a towering beast of a man rose. None other than Divus himself, white wings rose from his back, his long silver hair flowing in the wind his disruption had caused... he had been forced to use True Form just to open the door in a precise location; the 11th Squad division, the place where Divus knew the symbol he'd seen on the one who betrayed him would be.

Bare feet stepped upon the ground, long, black claw-like toenails digging into the virgin earth as an incredibly powerful demonic spiritual pressure billowed outward, with no attempt to hide itself. The being known as Divus there stood in the smokey ruins of the wall, as the dust stirred about by it's ruin was slowly being replaced by a mysterious black fog that emitted from his Demon Door, which had been more of a Demon Hole in this case. But if one could see him, it would be evident that something was wrong. This was no simple attack.

For one, he was dressed in evening clothes - simple robes, black and torn, and underneath them were two hardened leather straps crossing his chest bound by a single metallic diamond shaped buckle on his chest. The vial of Colbolt's blood was within, but only half was there; the rest was somewhere else, it seemed. While the torn robes did suit him, he was basically here in what Demons would consider his pajamas - something totally out of place for one so proud. Forming a contrast with his simple attire, he wore his golden crocodile-shaped mask upon his face, concealing a worn visage with a shield that hid his grief. A terrible, vengeful grief... the despair was almost tangible. You could see it in the way his shoulders hung low, and the upper half of his body seemed to slink forward. His forearms were mostly exposed and one could see that he was slightly dirty towards his hands and feet in dried blood. His chest was exposed, revealing powerful muscles, and that perfect pale white skin that reflected the now dim sunlight that was gradually being strangled away by the black clouds summoned here by Demon Magick to suffocate the world of that luminous ball of fire. You didn't have to see his face to know that this was a deeply wounded man, with something heavy tearing at his heart. And it was the truth. Even as Dark liquid gushed from him and shaped into his infamous black swords, a regular activity he often enjoyed, nothing took the hatred and sadness out of him. Not even this. He was here to attempt to quench that terrible thirst with the blood of his enemy and the allies of his foe if they so happened to place themselves in his path. Here was a man of great rage and a crushing sorrow... the loss of his lover weighed heavily upon his soul.

Fifty swords rose about in the air, and he made solemn footsteps towards the ninth division, whilst that wretched mask continued to make snapping and sucking noises against his flesh. It was vile, it was disgusting, it was wicked, but to one who could perceive his feelings it would be seen as little more than a moving attempt to conceal what laid beneath that mask. The swords moved with unprecedented ferocity mowing down those shinigami in the courtyard first, before more arrived. Divus said nothing, he just approached the building in front of him, a quaint structure. Ten swords dashed at it, slicing the pillars that supported it in two on the left side whilst the other forty continued to murder the soul reapers, with a body count of roughly 24 within the first few minutes.

Slowly, the building began to lean towards it's left side, no longer having a place to distribute it's uneven weight. The barracks came crashing down, several stories all at once, until roughly half of it remained. Divus knew what he was doing. He'd just aggravated the ant's nest. He knew that this place wasn't where he was going exactly, but he knew he was close, and this was where he would begin... he was determined to avenge Colbolt in some way.


[color=crimson]Almost immediately after the appearance of Divus the wind calmed itself again and it seemed an even more violent storm kicked itself up as instantly stood a massive demon door standing fifty feet in height and thirty feet in length and it suddenly opened from behind Divus a massive gatekeeper one of hell's guardian's to their inner world stepped through and marched with Divus towards the Ninth division

Shortly after from the darkness stepped Jerrako, his hoof's colliding with the ground as his demon aura emitted itself from the ground that decimated under his touch his scythe-staff had been gripped tightly and as his father no words were spoken as well as the Gatekeeper lifted its massive hand to come down on nearly half of the division and a small portion of their barracks

Jerrako's mask was that of a hollow's but the mask had been split open to reveal the skull of a hollow with red beady eyes glowing from their hollow, dark holes the mask as well seemed to hide what his purpose and powers were as the blue lit flames had seemed to not be around his tail nor his true face, he approached as his father did not feeling it necessary to use an umbra ars on such lowly insects, however, the night was just beginning and hell had come to earn.[/color


Out of the demon door that Davis made I step out with slow controled movements. The wind flares out my red leather trench coat that over black chain mail shirt and metal reinforce leather scale armour pants. I look around with calm sword man eyes though a mask that in the shape of a Spartan helmet face the same colour of my trench coat. you don't think that you could make a raid/revenge here with me Blade the demon of conflict and the deathly hero did you. Also I have a few scores to settle here. I watch Davis goes on his rampage I just smile as I sidestep a jumping slash and do a plan hit to the nose killing the Shinigami in one strike. Then with a snap of my fingers I open a demon door to hell to let the strongest of hells army to pour in to keep the weaker shinigamis in check.


Marie was enjoying the quiet afternoon, lazily reclining in her apartment content during her day off. Her kitten, a little black tabby ironically named War Machine sat purring on her chest, her fluffy tail wistfully swaying in the sunlight. Marie, who volunteered much of her free time to the research department of Fourth division, was enjoying the rare break, soaking up whatever she could of the peace and quite because she knew it wouldn't last long. To her this meant she would soon have to make supper, get ready for work the next day, spend the rest of the week busily toiling to mend bloody noses and scraped knees in the clinic or mixing medicines for prescriptions. She didn't expect her peace to come to a crashing halt as it did though, with a dark, sickly black cloud trumpeting from the sky to punch a hole into Hell. It was a display she could see even from her room in the Fourth division barracks, she could feel a sensation that made her stomach tighten and her spine quiver. She didn't know the nature of the thing, for all she knew this was some bizarre Twelfth division experiment gone awry, but the feeling. It was like a hole so deep she could fall forever, screaming with no end, echoing off formless black walls. She knew this was bad in every bone in her body, and when something bad happened in Seireitei, people got hurt without exception.

We're going. She said to nobody, jumping to action as she gathered what she could for her medical bag. She bolted from her window without a thought, just a raw instinct to help driving her to the cataclysm. She was carried on swift feet to the scene, jumping from roof to roof with a mere second between footfalls. She stopped just outside the Ninth division walls, taking view of the graphic painting of hell that spilled from the hole ripped in the air. She could hear the screams and cries of the injured, the smell of blood thick in the air as destruction on a grand scale was wrought. She had read about demons and hell, the bizarre forms they took, their empty hearts and invisible, rattling chains. She knew that until help arrived it was her task to stem the tide or raise her fallen comrades.

Help your fellows. You don't have a kido strong enough to close the hell gate, and even if you did you'd draw attention to yourself and get slaughtered. Zip in and carry the wounded out. Most likely to survive first. Came Dahomey and her fairly rational advice, though Marie knew it wouldn't be very easy to 'just zip in and out' of a battle field of this nature and size. How about a bit of both? She thought, dashing in, charging kido in her hands as she went, landing just in front of the hell gate. She put her hand up to the gate as if telling it to stop, this tiny creature verses a monolith of hellish terrors was almost a parody of David and Goliath.

Bakudo Number 37, Tsurobishi! She called out, letting the five pointed net fly from her hand and wrap around the hell gate. While not truly closed, the glimmering mesh of rietsu was holding back the throngs of malicious hell denizens, at least for a while. Broken crystal wave, shards of light crash on the sky, hold the form of creation. Way of Healing number 27, Restore! She said shortly after, her hands a deep sea blue as she bent down and touched two shinigami laying listlessly on the ground. In a flash, the sword wounds sealed and they took sharp, deep breaths. Grab some injured and run! She said to them, helping them to their feet in a hurry before rushing forward in the fray of black swords and falling men to help who she could.


With what seemed like hell breaking loose onto this battle field many had already lost their lives and many were collected by the malicious towering Hollow like demon, his beady red eyes shifted to that of one of the shinigami who had arrived on the battle field working wonders for those she called allies, She looked like the perfect candidate for their ranks the gatekeeper who held the title of giant on the field marched quickly towards that of the shinigami.

It's onslaught was wild thrashing and batting shinigami whom tried to get in its way into the sky literally ending their lives on the hit and it was getting rather close to her picking up speed like mad whilst the chase happen timed felt like it had slowed and but a moments time after Jerrako was but one inch from her his eyes gazing down at her, a chuckle surfacing from the hollow like mask.


Helping clean up in the Squad 10 Barracks, she felt some strange spiritual pressure coming form squad 9's barracks, looking towards the skies she seen dark clouds take to the skies and lightning breaching the walls to the barracks. "I must take action" she thought as she grabbed her sword and her uniform. She took to the skies, using shunpo tying to avoid detection from the intruders. Looking ahead she seen a something of a demon going after a fellow shinigami. "Bakudo 81 Dankū " Aki said as she casted the barrier protecting her fellow shinigami.

Aki stood there drew her sword and stood at battle stance waiting for an opponent to come at her.


I slowly walk around watching the conflict and I chuckle as I see a Shinigami catch sight of me and just turn tail it must be the amount of killing intent I must be given out. I cock my head as I feel a captain reiatsu but not the one I am looking for but,it will do for a warm up. I use demon flash to appear in front of the captain. I draw my sword that has a blood thirsty aura itself then I stab it into the ground and using my earth style I make a barrier of thick earth that gives us a area the size of a large dojou. I lay the flat of my sword on a shoulder then I say in a battle hardened voice. "now that better it will only be us fighting no interrupting weaklings. My I have the pleasure of this fair mmaiden captain name?"


Aki stood there unsure of what was happening until she a man creating a dojou from the earth below. He placed his sword on her shoulder and proceeded to ask for her name "I am Captain Aki, and what is your name sir" she asked as she gently moved his blade off of her shoulders. She decided that she wasn't going really wait for him to strike her down "Wailing Winds and Scattering Flakes, Blistering Heat and Atmospheric Quake,Kōri no kasai no kaze" she said as she released her Zanpakuto releasing her Shikai abilities, "What do you think of this?" Aki asked him. as she stood battle ready.



The grass was red. Red, bloody bright red, stained deeply by the wretched taint of blood. As more came to suppress the attack, more shinigami died, until piles of bodies began to accumulate where fresh troops came in the most. He stood there, sullen and grievous, as he attempted to quench the despair he felt with the blood of the ones who had taken Colbolt from him. The loss of his lover... it was unforgivable! He stomped his bare foot into the skull of a fallen Shinigami, blistering it's crumpled visage as it burst like a watermelon under the tremendous force, leaving naught but remnants.

It was then that Divus saw the stifling of Hell's ebony gates, the massive black hole from which demonkind spewed forth. A net of some kind was occluding it. With a mere yank of telekinesis, Divus undid the spell, tearing it away effortlessly with incorporeal force. And then, that golden mask was staring at Marie, whilst those giant white wings twitched with excitement upon Divus's back. The ruler of all Demons was here, in his true form, and a single black sword formed in his hand. He squeezed it hard in his grip, the sharp spines and jagged protrusions of the crystalline weapon digging into his hand as he began to step towards Marie, just after she healed the two shinigami. As they began to run, they fell head first backwards onto the ground in a disturbing manner that could be described only as unnatural, before being flung into the air and claimed by winged demons as food. The screams did not last long; and bloody scraps were discarded undo the blood stained earth when the gargoyles had finished their unfortunate prey. And as they did, Divus grew close to his; the Darksword absorbed the blood which had gushed from his hand at the tightened grasp, becoming lighter, metallic, and covered in pulsating flesh as skin covered muscles, strange organs, and blood vessels on the weapon, exposing most of the deathly blade, a single edged but broad and lethal sword. Eyeballs opened across it's fleshy surface, glaring now at the Shinigami...

With his new Bloodsword in hand, Divus continued to come close to the girl, and rose a hand towards Berial. "I will defend the gate, my son. You must lead the offensive - you are better for this task than I, at this moment." Divus urged, encouraging the mighty demon of his lineage to depart and leave the woman to him. But even as he spoke, those vivid, piercing eyes stared into Marie's with an avaricious stare that spoke of untold ferocity and an avarice which could not be quenched, and yet, there was an unmistakable look of grief and mourning. He was here for revenge.


Marie, like most people faced with a very large, at least a little gruesome and definitely life threatening monster, screamed like a little girl and ran. She was a little curious why she wasn't ripped in half immediately after she turned her back, but was pleasantly surprised when she looked behind her. Somebody had cast a barrier between herself and her would be attacker which was giving her a fantastic chance to do something she enjoyed doing quite a bit. Stay out of danger.

Bakudo 26, Kyoko She said, casting the bakudo as she shunpoed to hide her trail, bending the light around her and hiding her rietsu as she went. She ended her trip behind some debris, away from the demon who had chosen her as its prey.

Where the hell are the big guns?! Dahomey growled in Marie's mind, and she had to wonder the same thing. This was going very poorly, and if it came down to a fight, Marie doubted she could hold her own terribly well against two or three demons.

But we can't just leave, people here need our help! She thought back in protest. Kido was very flashy and unlikely going to allow her to remain unnoticed, but if she wanted to continue healing the wounded, she would need alternative means.

Prey, Dahomey She whispered, drawing out her short iron dagger, the... uncomfortable feeling of her body changing in response to her shikai's activation wafted over her. Her skin changed hue, large wings sprouted from her back as tiny horns grew from her brow. Wickedly taloned feet and fingers formed as her tail grew into its full length leaving Marie as ghastly an image as many would think of when imagining a demon. Alright, lets do this subtly. She thought, forcing her wings to shrink down and become slender arms instead. On her palms and feet grew soft cushions like cats to soften the sound of her movement. She shunpoed from her hiding place, keeping as out of sight from the demon that had accosted her as she healed her allies with her powers, stitching them back together as quickly as possible.

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