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Anamist sat at a restarunt chair outside a famous restraunt during the mid-day, he had ordered two cups of coffee, one for him and one for his invited guest. He checked the angle of the sun and assumed it would be time for him to show up any moment, even if his guest did hae hollow powers- he was previously a shinigami and likely still carried the hatred of that race: so he couldn't be too careful around his guest. Even so, that wasn't to stop him from having a cup of coffee and talking to him... right?

Excuse me, Miss.. could you refill my coffee? Thanks.

He waited quietly while the waitress went to fetch him another cup of coffee.


So It Begins.

In the eternal light of the mid-day sun, a figure loomed outside the doors of an infamous restaurant where a meeting of unknown origin and purpose had been organized to take place privately between himself and another. The thoughts of possible outcomes raced through the individual’s mind as they stood directly before the door to the building. The place wasn’t too crowded, but there were still a decent sum of people inside. That was to be expected from the place’s reputation throughout town, Pushing the door open with his right-hand, he stepped inside, the door closing behind him. It wasn’t hard to find out who had called him here, as only one individual had any spiritual energy worth noting. Once inside, it wasn’t hard to detect. His own power was suppressed to the level of a novice taicho (1-1), and all traces of hollow energy were sealed away as well.

The man was fairly well-built, standing at a towering height of six feet and four inches. Starting from the top, His hair was pitch-black, the style of it composed of several strands of hair being brought together into these thicker clumps of hair that ended in a point. This reached from above the forehead to the back of the neck. The man’s facial expression was one of boredom; his crimson eyes staring at the individual he had assumed called him here like a common T.V viewer would stare at a television. His nose was slightly larger than normal, but not really to a noticeable degree. His body was fairly muscular, more-so than most males. This could be seen along his right-arm and the center of his chest, since those remained uncovered by clothing to a degree. The man wore a casual black-leather-jacket common for people from a few decades back. The jacket hung down his back, covering it and a portion of his chest and stomach. Though, a line was left visible, as the article only covered half of his frontal-body. It had no sleeves, so the right-arm was left bare as well.. The left-arm, however, was covered in a series of bandages, as if the appendage was damaged. This was further supported by the fact that the normally-white cloth that composed the bandages was blood-red. This wasn’t just a stain, but a sign that it still was bleeding. Though, the male seemed to entirely ignore it, as if not even an existing injury. For the lower-half of his body, he had on black-leather pants, matching the jacket. They reached down to the ankles where his boots met with the lining. The boots were also black in color, making it clear that the man’s overall style of clothing followed a black theme, though not exactly goth or things often associated with the color. Lastly, attached to his waist was his zanpakto, tied into the side of his pants to keep it from falling. The sheath, unlike his clothing, was a brighter silver color, reflecting the sunlight to an extent. Hidden inside was his zanpakto, only the black guard visible while concealed.

The man began to walk toward the table where the discussion was to take place, walking at a steady pace like it was any other activity. Once reaching the table, the man began to speak toward the one that had invited him to this discussion, his tone deep and filled with the same lack of interest that his expression showed. “ I suppose you’re the one that called me here? I don’t sense any other spiritual entities, and no one else can see me, so yeah. Anyway, I’m Zoran Zazaravitch, just what exactly did you want to speak about?” Zoran didn’t seem to care about the racial identity of the one he was meeting with, acting like he would with anyone else of his kind. He pulled out a seat on the other side of the table, sitting down with his back pressed against the chair.


Anamist had been sitting somewhat relaxing in the seat with his feet propped up on the crossbars under the table and a week old newspaper in his hands that he pretended to be reading. He had noticed the man he had been waiting to see as he entered the restraunt- his quick glance around told him that even though Anamist tried to be incognito; his attire was probably out of place or something like that.. he wasn't giving off much spiritual pressure due to the constant monitoring of the Soul Society- but it was above average of that of a human.

As the man approached and introduced himself and his mutual business, Anamist sat hiw oaoer down and waved with a smile as the man sat down.

Ah.. the Zoran i've heard of only recently; i hope life is treating you pleasantly these days. Care for some coffee?

The waitress had just returned with two cups of coffee- originally he had only ordered a refill, but he had thought it polite to treat his guest with some hospitality for even venturing to meet him on such a shady meeting arrangement. he had motioned earlier for two cups and now the waitress brought them- she eyed him cautiously at his apparant talking to himself. he thanked the woman and tipped her with human world currency.

I imagine that you have several questions- but first. let me start out by introducing myself since you have already done the pleasanties of introducing yourself. I am Anamist Souigetsu- former Cuatro Espada & current Quinto Espada.

He performed a mock-bow without actually standing up.


Zoran Zazaravitch parted his lips and let out a tired yawn, a sign of someone either recently waking, or upon being quite tired. In this case, it was the first. Relaxing in his chair, he noticed the waitress bring not one, but two cups of coffee. Frankly, he hated the stuff. It made sleeping difficult, and the taste wasn’t too grand either. In retort to the Arrancar’s first comment, the shinigami replied- “ It’s been alright I guess. Sleeping all day, sleeping all night, and knocking out a few newbies trying to reap off my head for the bounty. To be honest though, I hate coffee. Thanks for offering, but you can have both of them.”

The man continued to stare in that same bored expression as the Arrancar, and apparently current Quinta espada introduced themselves. Though, Zoran wanted to get down to the point of this meeting sooner, rather than later. He spoke once more, his tone switching from the apathetic sense it had earlier to a somewhat-serious sound. “ I want to get down to the point of this meeting sooner, rather than later. So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be explained the circumstance for this meeting It isn’t often that members of the Espada wish to converse with Shinigami unless under important reasons. I would also like all of the details, even minor ones so that I can form a proper response to the scenario and problem at hand.” Though, Zoran did have a faint idea what this was about, as a certain individual was causing trouble for both races as of late.


Anamist was not surprised at all with the apparant lack of patience or manners- few beings these days knew proper etiquece; but it could not be helped in a world where you would kill or be killed. It was just in Anamist's nature to treat friend & foe alike with the same proper manners and respect. if anything he hoped to resolve any conflicts through verbal disputes rather than fights where one could lose their lives.

If you insist, I'll be happy to drink your coffee as well- for I'll need to concentration stamina to explain my proposal in length and prevent any misunderstandings. But first- as all shinigami's are taught in the academy; would you be so kind as to use that kido to make the humans in this restraunt asleep. I'm aware of Soul Societies constant supervision of this particular town, but that particular kido would not alert anyone of our presence.

Anamist shifted in his seat and made sure to check that both of his zanpakuto were secured at his waist, one sword was blood red and the other was pure black. He then leaned forward in his seat as he placed his elbows on the table and folded his hands and rested his chin on them- he eyed Zoran for a moment before contuning.

What if I said that I could make that bounty on you go away and you could choose any life you wished without fear of reproach or being hunted? Would you be open-minded to my proposal and less than likely to attack me? What i'm about to reveal would be enough to cause any shinigami with any kind of loyalties want to strike me dead- but before that; I need a means of knowing I can trust you before revealing my plan. I'm sure that shinigami are capable of making a "contract-like" seal between individuals.I suggest that we both enter into a contract to keep this secret; it's the only way that I can fully explain while trusting you- otherwise I would have to explain my plan and hope for the best outcome.

Anamist leaned back and brougth his arms up in a shrug and a helpless gesture.


Zoran Zazaravitch continued to relax back in his chair as the Arrancar spoke. It seemed there was going to be a long speech coming soon, or some explanation of equal length to one. Those things always bored him greatly, though; this wasn’t exactly an occasional meeting like the ones that took place in Soul Society. His gaze remained the same, unchanged as a minor request was made of him It was understandable, putting the Humans in the area to sleep for the duration of the conversation. Sure, it probably wouldn’t attract the Soul Society’s attention, but it was work he didn’t feel like doing. Against his own wants, he obliged. The former ninth-division taicho gathered a miniscule amount of spiritual energy in his right-hand, a faint glow coming from it as it rested at his side. It could be easily confused as a glimmer of sunlight to any individual that saw it. In a few seconds, the light dissipated, a form of transparent energy waving throughout the restaurant. In seconds, every normal human in the premises gently fell into a deep slumber, unlikely to awaken for some time.

The vizard waited for the man to finish with the remainder of what he had to stay, being quiet until there was a clear pause in wait for a response. He wanted to know everything before making a reply to avoid making an inaccurate claim. Though, he did keep several possibilities in mind the entire time. When that pause came, he was a tad disappointed that not as much information as he requested was presented. Rather, only inconveniences were introduced. Zoran began his rebuttal, his voice keeping constant with the tone he had set prior.

First, I’ll address that first comment you mentioned. I’m not afraid of being hunted. Frankly, anyone who is would be dead by now. Battle is only half physical, it is also half mental, so if fear is the mindset a person has, they are much more likely to be eviscerated. I just find it annoying. Can’t get five minutes of sleep without some asshole popping out of the sky with a sword, or some other weapon. Not to sound cocky, but in the small groups they send people in for those hunts on a bounty, I don’t consider any of them a threat. Just a nuisance. Second, I’m not going to attack you, and my mind has been open to this. I prefer more unorthodox means of dealing with problems myself, so of course it would be hypocritical to hear about other such ideas. As for the third comment, you would be surprised. I wouldn’t doubt if a rebellion was incited within their ranks over certain issues, as such events have occurred before in the past. Lastly, trust isn’t something so easily gained, you understand. It all depends who makes the seal. I myself could forge one and understand the complex design of how such things could be forged. In all honesty, I’m in the same boat here. I can’t exactly trust you, or anyone for that matter, either. Now, if we got someone you know or you made the seal personally, it is plausible you could be lying about it’s functions and other such attributes. People have used these kinds of things deceptively for their benefit quite frequently in the past, and I’m not exactly keen on the idea of putting so much risk on something so frivolous. I know you can’t trust me either, probably for the same reasons. So, to be honest with you, you’re going to have to wing it


A shrug seemed to be the common response coming from Anamist- everything was happening just how he figured it would; only a smart person would not agree to such a seal anyways. Everything that Zoran said, was in fact- correct; they had no reason to trust each other and it was seemily apparannt that Anamist was helping the vizards for their benefit alone, but that was not the case..

I can understand, few shinigami compare tot he ones who shine brighter than others; it's why their also persecuted so much more. Don't misunderstand, I'm no good samaritan-I also have a means to benefit from this venture... but in a less than satisfying way as others might think.

Anamist reached into his jacket and pulled out his waller, he opened it and pulled out a photostrip he had taken a while back. He put it in the table and moved it towards Zoran for him to get a better look, the picture was of him and his precious little Rui- they were at a photobooth and making funny faces, if one didn't know Anamist... they would have mstaken him for a human.

I have something I wish to protect, I believe that this little girl is a Fubring and the only safe place for her is in Soul Society- but not the current Soul Society.. the future one that we will create. I want this 9yr old to grow up in a place safe and away from hollows and the likes.. a place where he can focus on her powers and become able to defend herself. I want to create a gentle world for her. i know- my dream is childesh... but honest men have honest dreams..

He left the picture on te table as he stood up, walked past Zoran and turned te "closed" sign to face anyone who might enter. He then returned to his seat and looked at Zoran for a moment before he decided to gamble. A non-hostile rietsu appeared like a haze around Anamist and encased him in a crystal-like prism, which shattered into spirit particles. Anamist sat opposite Zoran in a different form, he had lonk pink hair, glasses, and the normal shinigami uniform- even the zanpakuto at his side looked different.. though he still had two. When he spoke, his voice was different and his rietsu was noticable- a slight metalic taste forming in his mouth- the rietsu smelled of metal. though not strong enough for Soul Society to pick up on.

You see, I have this perfect infilration ability.. if you're a smart man- I bet you could wonder where I'm headed.. if an enemy is beaten down; I can assimilate their body to gain their forms, memories, rietsu signature & possibly even their abilities. Understand my meaning?..

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