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#1Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:58 am


Anamist looked out across the sands of Los Nochas, he knew that his presence back in Hueco Mundo after being gone for so many years woul likely alert anyone who might've known him distantly even. Even so, he had felt several auras of people who wished to test their strength- he stategically placed himself here so that anyone wishing to spar with him could easily find him; and those who wished to kill him might be spotted before they arrived.

Anamist sat down on a pure white bone, this part of the desert was a graveyard for beasts from long ago; though Hueco Mundo was a place of death and emptiness- these bones never disappeared. They had belonged to enormous beasts in the far past; so far back that not even he could remember them. Likely from the age when Hueco Mundo was similiar t the human world- though probably still more savage.

Well, I guess it's about time someone would show up if they were going to fight me; I waited all night afterall..

#2Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:27 am


Gunnbjorn Adigard or Connor as he went by was pacing the area he called home known as Hueco Mundo until he felt a strange presence,it was one that rivaled him in power and this kind of alerted him and he decided it would be a good chance to test his skills on a foe that rivaled him in power.He walked along the grounds of Hueco Mundo, bones crunching beneath his feet as he walked along the sand and he let his Reitsu waft a bit to let the guy know he was coming,this of course would be obvious when he showed up seeing as Connor was nothing short of a giant,even by viking standards.He approached with his sword hung across his back,he held a small smirk as he waved showing his Hollow Hole to the man knowing if he had a lick of common sense he knew what that hole meant,and if that didn't give it away,the bone fragments on his knuckles that acted as brass knuckles sure as hell would.He approached the man and tilted his head slightly as he looked the guy up and down and he realized the man had probably felt him to,shocker there,Connors Pequissa sucked.He sighed as he began to view the area,well,at least Connor had home field advantage though he was sure the foe did to,Hueco Mundo's vast White Desert,home of bones sand,more bones and more sand was what Connor called Home Field Advantage and it was to a few million others, he grinned,nothing here would be of any use to the man that he could see.Connor wore darkly platted armor from the feet up to the neck and went barehanded and barefaced in battle,the armor offered some protection but in a battle with someone as strong as this foe it would be utterly useless.He drew his Zanpokuto and lifted it pointing its tip at the man.

"Since it is impolite not to introduce yourself before a fight,I am Gunnbjorn Adigard,I go by Connor,Espada number 3 around Hueco Mundo,I would like to know who the hell you are why I have no clue who you are and why you are trekking upon the Kings land" he said this with a serious face and a cold expression,his red eyes held an intensity very few could say they could live up to,they were serious,and told stories.Stories of a warrior who was not a rookie in this fighting scene,oh hell no,he had been fighting for years,he had fought more people then this guy had probably met.The Desert air was as dry at night as it was by day and it showed no signs of letting up.As the pale lit moonlight pierced the ever expanding beyond that was the White Desert Connor made an effort to look like he gave two shits about who the guy was,if he was the enemy,and even if not,he would know what hell looked like by nights end,one way,or another.Whether as a spar,or a friendly duel,or even a fight to the death Connor would say the same thing to the man with the same intensity burning in his eyes,this was what Connor lived for,the thrill before, during, and after a fight."Draw your sword" he said with a cold and callous expression on his face his black hair radiant in the luminescent moonlight as his tan face held an expression of seriousness and killing intent."Make a move,go easy on me and I will strike you down beneath thy sword" he said as he awaited the mans move,this could be fun...

(Sorry for the short post)

#3Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:48 am


Anamist had felt the man coming; Anamist had even kept himself from hiding his rietsu completely- An art he had mastered several hundred years ago. It was peculiar how this man seemed to want to battle; yet he tried to find rational reasons to do battle- was he unsure of what he fought for? Unsure of what to do with his power?

Anamist eyed him a minute longer before standing up from atop the giant bone skull he had been sitting on, he performed an action he hadnt done in several hundred years. He placed his left arm across his chest and his right arm behind his back as he bowed respectfully- a common salutations during the time of the Old Order. A lost chapter in histry of Hueco Mundo; always covered up by the constant wars that raged in that era.

Anamist Souigetsu-Quinta Espada, former Primera of the Old Order. I come here to seek out those who would do battle with me; whether for revenge, malice or just testing their skill. Since you are here and allowed yousrself to be drawn in by my rietsu and introducing your name; it's apparant you with for a battle.

He had seen Connor draw his zanpaktou- Anamist jumped down from the giant skull and draw then sheathed his sword nearly instantanous- sparks flew off Connor's body.. a sign of strong hierro. Normal sword tricks wouldn't work on this opponent-Iaino alone wouldn't be enough to cut down this foe; like normal enemies. Anamist quickly jumped back and formed three blades of rietsu and launched then at Connor; two were aimed directly at him and the third missed at the frontal assault.

Let me see the skills of 3Rd Espada!

if this espada was as chivalrous as his intentions suggested so far; it was possible that Anamist had found a new ally- he intended to test Connor's character the same way he had tested three other Espada- Sexta, Primera & Cero Espadas.

#4Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:14 am


Connor smiled ever so slightly as the man bowed before him and introduced himself and he quickly launched 3 blades at Connor,Connor knew one was going to miss and hurriedly batted the other two down with quick strikes of his Zanpokuto,this was as easy as the trick he had pulled attempting to cut Connor,that was foolhardy to and he knew that the man knew it just as well as Connor did.He wondered if he was drunk challenging the power of the third Espada haphazardly then he realized he didn't care one way or another and prepared to show him exactly how strong the third Espada was,if the man had a death wish as clear as this then Connor would be sure to show him what true power was like,he grabbed his Zanpokuto and lurched forwards launching a quick punch at the mans jaw and a kick at his stomach,he used Sonido and appeared behind him making 3 quick slashes as well.The first slash was aimed at the mans throat the next dropped down to slice his shoulder and the last was a very simply thought out stab at the mans knee in hopes of immobilizing him for an easier victory,Connor was no holds barred and if this man was stupid enough to try to test the waters with him his life would very well be no more than forfeit.Connor grinned and his jaw tightened,soon the fresh smell of blood would fill the air.The screams of the defeated would be heard throughout the land known as the White Desert and pierce the dry night air like a bullet.

Connor quickly Sonido'd behind the man while compressing fire into balls in each hand from the Hollow holes in his hand while he mixed Reitsu into them and air would release as he threw them propelling them forwards on top of what power he had already released in his overall strength when throwing them.He aimed one fireball at each knee and as the attacks were made if the man dodged he would be on his feet again soon to dodge a quick Bala from above and finally with this Connor backed off a bit and waited for the dust to settle and finally he spoke when he realized the man still was alive which was a pity really,he had hoped he would just simply dominate the man and get it over with but no,god forbid he win a fight quickly,he always had to fight the people who wouldn't know quit if it knocked on their doorstep and said it was their dad."What happened to that talk of battle earlier,it seems to me you act like a virgin in a whore house filled with courtesans in battle my friend,if your the Quinta the Espada may damn well be in trouble now and if you were Primera may god help that order,its no damn wonder they failed". He said this with a small smirk sword in a defensive stance so that if the man attacked Connor would be at the ready even with the small talk he was making during the battle.He realized he felt more alive then he had in a while,fighting in general was a thrill,a small escape from the troubles and problems around him,blood shed was a gift from god, death was a sign of someone elses turn to do their part and this made Connor feel important.If this guy continued to fuck around he may very well make room for someone else to enter the world through his departure and Connor would be damned if the man did so without a proper send off,that was a death where his skull was glued into the never ending sands of Hueco Mundo for eternity in Connors mind...

#5Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:33 am


Anamist was surprised at the sudden tenacity of his opponent, the first punch had been aimed at his face, but his blocked it with an open palm- the enemy had sonido'd around and tried to slash him thrice on the side. A sword of red rietsu appeared and blocked all three strikes, anamist grabbed the handle and pushed backwards against Connor. Connor had then Sonido'd again behind him cast two fireballs from his palms- Anamist side stepped one and sliced the other fireball in half.

He used sonido to enter closer to the Connor as the sand and dust cleared and showed him to his foe again; Connor was tempting to goad Anamist with the cheap talk of being weak and his Order deserving extinction.

Fool! Only those who are confident with their current level of power look down on those they know nothing of! You wish to test your true strength yet you disregard the value of each individual's strengths within an organization- you are still quite naive!

The three rietsu blades that had missed Connor before: two swatted away and one missed- rebounded to Connor's unguarded side; the moment his opponent had closed distance between them and allowed him to touch Connor just briefly was enough to give Anamist a big advantage in a battle. The three blades of rietsu enclosed around Connor on three sides and just before they reached within his range- connected together to form a triangular barrier around Connor.

A twinkle far above Connor appeared- one of Anamist's Scion orbs he had launched during the confusion in the smoke. It crashed down to the ground directly above where Connor stood- making contact atop the 3-directional barrier and creating an intense explosion within the triangular retainment barrier. A beam of light escaped the top before the magnitude of the attack broke through the barrier and dissipated it.

His opponent, having high hierro would have a high tolerance to physical hits; though Anamist was a master of his own Riokyu- able to form objects from his rietsu from sheer willpower. The attack he had just cast- would at the least wound Connor and show him that he was not to take Anamist lightly.

Strength is not everything if you do not value timing, calculation & the different possibilities of opponents movements. Your weakness is that you are too confident in your own power.

#6Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:04 am


Connor grinned as the man spoke and smiled "Your order is extinct for a reason boy the sooner you accept that the better,your petty bullshit was destined to fail from being so weak,I do not have to see anything to know anything,if you were they're best they were destined to fail".He had said this in a serious voice and he saw the swords coming and chose the only course of action he could to counteract this,he launched two Bala one at two of the three swords and quickly side stepped away from the one though it still cut him a bit in the side as it simply left sparks and a rather mild cut,it bled a good bit but and was an inch or two deep but it was not anything special. He laughed at the man as he released an orb from above.Connor thought to duck then simply launched 5 Fireballs,one at each knee two at the orb and another at the mans head to put him off balance and to overall just be an ass which he needed no help with at all at any point at any time and he knew it so he simply stood there a smirk upon his face "Perhaps your attacks would be better off hitting their target aye there genius,looks like your strategy was pretty transparent".He said this then laughed mockingly at the man,ah shit this guy had to be a joke, "Your telling the wrong person about battle strategy,I have been fighting longer then you have been breathing more than likely,you make a valid point but it is wasted on someone like me,I know about strategy".He said this with a confident and loud voice a level below a yell at best and he stood on the bones and sands of Las Nochas knowing he was on even ground with this man.He felt his side and realized that one of the swords had grazed him from before and he shook his head knowing it had gotten past his Heirro "I will be damned you hit me with one of them pathetic things and even got past my Heirro,that is discerning" he said with a slight edge of irritation in his voice though it was only a faint trace of it.

He sighed while shaking his head and seemed to be making a slow approach then he out of no where Sonido'd from behind and slashed at his knee with his sword and made a kick at his spine followed by a stab at his ankles and quickly backed off afterwords and threw a last fireball at his left arm,this was part of Connors strategy,work on the expendables because they would mean more later.He targeted the limbs and damaged them methodically and when he wore them down he went for kill shots,it was his game plan and had won him numerous battles and accolades when he was alive and even now. He was methodical and almost maniacal in approach and he Sonido'd behind the man and made a slash at his knee and stopped half way and Sonido'd in front with a Bala at the mans knee then he made a slash at the mans throat to keep him honest and to let him know Connor would and could go for kill shots in a heart beat.He stepped back ready to parry any oncoming attacks and knew that these abilities could mean trouble and he tried to figure out why he was being targeted by the swords in such an odd way. He then thought and came to a few guesses,this could be fun. (Not Meta gaming he won't know until a while down the road)

#7Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:33 pm


Anamist was unbothered seeing his previous attack had failed; using the same atatcks from previous movements to create new movements was effective; but his foe had barely managed to evade critical injury. He tensed as Gunn Sonido'd behind him and slashed at his knee; instinctively he back-stepped the swing and thus the rapid successions from the first assault. After his foe had Sonido'd behind him from the opposite side and cast the bala, Anamist side-stepped the slash at his throat- both the bala & the fireball collided in the middle of where the two positions Gunn had used Sonido at.

The explosion of the two attacks was at Anamist's side and gave him very mild burns due to the fire's core being dispersed by the bala beforehand. The same blade that had pierced Gunn's side rebounded again as Gunn blinked from the explosion directly in front of him- striking towards his other side as Anamist formed four spears of rietsu and threw them from above at Gunn.

My organization fell during a time of war- even the strongest being can be toppled with sheer number; we were a small selective group of the strongest. My attaks are not for show; they may seem meager compared to your attacks, but my strategy is flawless

After casting the spears, he Sonido'd away at a casual pace while he spoke, releasing five crimson orbs up into the air.

#8Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:12 pm


Connor grinned as his two attacks collided causing mild burns to the foes side and he simply waited for what was going to happen next as the attack came in from behind him he swatted it away at the opposite direction and launched a Bala at it while Sonidoing forwards to either launch a Cero at the Spears and stay put or wait for them to come charge at him in which case he would Sonido around and attempt to make a slash at the mans back and kick him in front of his spears all the while Connor would be above launching a Cero if it so happens they missed and he would hit the spears with it.He then would grin as the man spoke and yawned "Your organization was like what will be,very soon war will strike and though I do still say as you were the strongest you could not have beaten a powerful foe such as the Gotei 13 I will say its nice to know your in my corner not the Shingami scumbags corner". He saw the four crimson orbs enter the sky and shot them down with fireballs and quickly turned towards the man and appeared behind him,he used his wind and fire swordsman technique as he made swings.The wind part of the technique raised his speed and strength by 10 points each for 4 slashes the first was at his gut and as he cut across the fire appeared as both a distraction and a potential burner if it hit the foe.The next attack was aimed at the mans knee and quickly hopped up at his chin as the flames followed every step of the way and he quickly appeared behind the man with a stab at his right knee as the flames followed behind all the attacks and would continue to for 3 more collisions. (Post)

Connor quickly Sonido'd backwards and got himself ready and went to survey his wounds,he had a mild gash on his side by his ribs and at his calf a stab mark was apparent and bleeding from the sword and he sighed as he realized he was bleeding from the attacks and he soon realized that this could be an issue because of all people,Connor knew stuff began to pile up small injuries piled on and became issues later on and he knew against a foe like this that could be a fatal or at the very least dangerous mistake that could cost him his life and possibly more.He had to think of a way to avoid the mans attacks and then it hit him and he about slapped himself silly for not thinking of it earlier,it was like one of those Einstein moments where the little light bulb flickers on in your head and he could hear a little thing going ding ding ding in his head as well.He could not believe how simple it would be to keep the attacks from getting at him and he knew this may just have turned the tides of the battle just by thinking and he knew that unless there was more to these attacks then what he had seen so far,he could keep them at bay and go on the offensive.Oh hell this guy was in for some trouble and he didn't even know it,Connor simply smirked and let out a breath and waited for the next series of attacks then he would up the ante, a lot.

#9Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:59 pm


Having his surprise attack inaffective once again, this time the bala destroyed his blade and his orbs shot down; Anamist wasn determined to press the attack- he propelled his spears to continue the course. His opponent had sonido'd closer to Anamist and slashed at his neck, Anamist stepped backwards but was immediately kicked into the projectile course of his own spears.

Willing his spears to stop mid-way so that they did not continue on their deadly course; he saw his opponent fire a cero. It was Anamist's turn to grin this time; he willed the spears to go below the cero as it was fired- still on the course towards Connor's mid-torso. The biggest disadvantage of using a Cero is that you cannot move when firing it; this was an advantage to Anamist because his spears were smaller, lighter and faster- on a deadly course towards Connor.

Now to deal with the Cero directed towards him in mid-air; Anamist opened his mouth wide- the rietsu particles of the cero moved in unison towards one particular direction... his mouth. Anamist ate the Cero and landed on the ground some distance away- Conner had Sonido'd in closer to him once he was on the ground. His opponent had appeared behind him with an apparant increase in speed, though still slower than the speed on Anamist. He turned turned to face his opponent as his first slash at Anamist carried his momentum. Anamist stood his ground instead of retreating & opened his mouth wide.

Double Cero!

A double proportioned Cero erupted from his mouth instantly and assailed his opponent point-blank; his opponents mistake was to be too confident in his own abilities; letting himself be drawn in when so many outcomes were possible in but a single movement.

#10Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Empty Re: Anamist VS. Gunnbjorn Adigard Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:43 pm


Connor grinned as the surprise attacks were all shot down and saw the opponent had realized it quickly though this satisfaction would be short lived and hell,it might as well not exist at the rate it was going,he really was in trouble now.Connor saw the spears incoming and cursed as they came through and he quickly back peddled with a Sonido and used Sonic Boom easily knocking them away with a sudden violent blast of wind as he clapped,it was a move designed for close range and it had just helped Connor a lot seeing as it would get them low high or medium height.He quickly saw the Cero eaten and when he went forward and heard Double Cero he Sonido'd back a bit and launched a fireball as it blew up knocking him back inflicting first degree burns on much of his lower Torso.He cursed the man a bit then went back on the assault with the same slew of slashes at the man and the same speed ans strength boost and the same fire following every slash he made though afterwords he launched a fireball pointblank at the mans knee and took his sword to make a slash at the mans chest and finally Sonido'd back so that any counters would not catch him point blank like the one beforehand and cost him such a fun battles loss.He knew that could have ended him as he grabbed a fireball and launched it at the mans arm and smirked,this battle was just getting started.This was a fun battle and he loved the prospect of facing such an opponent,it was one of the funnest battles he'd had in a while but this guy was trying hard so Connor would to seeing as at the present pace he had to guess that he was indeed losing the fight and this was rather discerning,he did not like to lose.

He began to flare his Reitsu at max power while sealed and laughed as he finally decided it was time to max out against this guy without releasing and as soon as he did he grabbed his Zanpokuto and held it in close to parry any attacks knowing he was closer to winning then he had been for the duration of the fight now that he knew how to deflect the projectiles and he now knew never to let his guard up while facing this guy and he grinned as he realized his wounds were stacking up more so then this guys and he realized that his defense relied on intimidation and trying to play keep away and finally out speeding Connor all of which he was succeeding in but Connor had a plan finally and he knew exactly how to execute it and keep the man off balance giving Connor a big edge as the match progressed.This could be pretty fun if Connor had his way here and that was his exact plan,make sure he made the guy nut up or shut up.And hopefully he would just not be able to do any gutsy attacks like he was,that was of course Connors plan and he now knew how to use the attacks against the man.Oh this would be fun.

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