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#1Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Enslaved by Thyself Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:29 pm


Chiba walked out of the Senkaimon as he had found the urge to visit the world of the living. He looked about as he wondered where he was in the human world. He didn't know much since he had rarely visited the world of the living before. He saw a sign and read it aloud, "Naruki City. Sounds interesting enough." The Captain soon resumed his walking as he wondered if he'll meet anyone or see anyone that would be fascinating to him.

The Shinigami had often stopped to stare at lights and different stores. He even had the stores a few times and looked at what they had to sell but eventually left the store with nothing. He kept up that routine for a few hours before stopping in the middle of a park and sitting down against a tree. He was lost in his thoughts when he recognized the familiar thoughts of his other personality bubbling up, "Kill...kill...lets go and kill.." The thoughts repeated themselves as Chiba's eyes widened while he placed a hand against his forehead.

#2Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:23 am


--In Los Noches

Manda yawned. She had been walking aroudn Los Noches for quite some time looking for something to do. She had found that lack of people to yell at or mess with to be annoying, at least untill she bumped into some little, unknown fraccion of someones. Enraged, she yelled at the poor person. Not wanting to feel Manda's wrath and knowing she must be very bored to be in this bad of a mood, he suggested she visit the world of the living. Manda stopped for a moment, holding the fraccion by his shirt. She then drops him like a bag of garbage and walks away. Once outside she opens up a Garganta to the human world.

--Above the park in Naruki City

A tear in the sky can be seen as a large Garganta opens up. Manda steps out and the Garganta closes behind her. She looks around to see where she has ended up. "My, how boring. I thought this would be interesting." she said. She then looked down at the park and spotted someone leaning against a tree. She begins to smile once she realized he's a Shinigami. "Thats more like it." she says as she heads down to meet up with Chiba.

#3Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:36 am


Chiba sat there as he struggled to retain his dominance over his mind and body. He hated having to give in to the other 'counciouses' that resided within him. He knew that the more savage and blood-thirsty personality was vieing for control constantly although with this current struggle, he fainty felt the third personality tugging for some control as well. He soon saw someone approaching him however. Though all that he could tell about the person was that they were female.

#4Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:28 am


As Manda walks up to Chiba she begins to wonder what in the world is wrong with him. She figured by now that someone of his strengh should've noticed her by now and been ready to fight. Thinking this one might be a bit odd she stops. She watches him for a few more moments and then continues her approach. "Hey, are you alright?" she finally asks him.

#5Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:42 am


Chiba struggled some more in his mental fight as he grunted. He managed to stad up however and look at the woman through his effort in remaining dominant in the personality struggle. He noticed that she was an arrancar and frowned slightly. When he heard the woman's voice his eyes showed confusion. "Why do you care? If I'm right, your an Arrancar that would just take pleasure in killing Shinigami." Chiba started but soon grunted more as one of the other personalities started to win control.

#6Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:54 am


"Because I was bored and you seem to be having some trouble. Killing Shinigami is fun, yes. But sometimes I like them to put up a fight. Not sure how much of a fight you'd be though. You seem to be fighting yourself more than anything. Let loose and have fun." Manda said. She really didn't care to much for how he was really, she just wanted to ensure he was alright enough to fight her if he so desired. She found his struggle amuzing and would at least stay around to see how it all would end.

#7Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:02 pm


Chiba looked at her. His sheened with amusement but mostly confusion. He soon shook his head as he watched the Arrancar woman. [i]"Crap..It's him and I know it is..." The Shinigami thought to himself as his eyes widened slightly. He soon tensed and then relaxed as his less commonly seen personality known as Jericho. "Well, its seems today is a lucky day if I'm able to surface between Zeno's blood-crazed rampage and the boy's gentle barriars. You my dear, are very lucky." Chiba said in a more calm and cold manner as he commented on his personalities conflicts. The Jericho personality controlled Chiba stared at the Arrancar with a quiet and intense stare.

#8Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:13 pm


Manda was caught a bit off guard as she heard the Shinigami before her speak agian. His tone of voice seemed a bit different than before. "Lucky you say? How do I consider myself lucky? Just who are you and what do you want?" she said, now thinking that comming down here and missing with this Shinigami might not have been a good idea, even if it did cure her bordom.

#9Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:32 pm


Chiba chuckled lightly as he stared at the Arrancar. "Well. How to put this simply. This person, us ic called Chiba Sakitoki. However I am a portion of his personality that seperated from his origional. Me and another more violent facet co-exist with the genlte lad known as Chiba. I am more commonly called Jericho and rarely emerge from the recesses of the mind." The Jericho dominated Chiba started as he tried to explain it as simply as he could. However his speach was short lived as he grunted and started to exhibit the same struggle again. "Boy is Zeno fiesty today." He said as his tone was cold and intense as well as starting to become more ominous.

#10Enslaved by Thyself  Empty Re: Enslaved by Thyself Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:43 pm


Manda stared at the strange Shinigami as he spoke. She could not believe what he was saying. This kind of stuff she had only heard of in books and moives. Never in her life did she think she'd see someone like Chiba standing before her. "I honestly don't care which of you is which. Pick one already and be done with it. Your begining to annoy me. I warn you now, that is not something you really wanna do. You'll get your butt kicked and I not so sure you want that right now." she said as it seemed like Chiba was about to change again.

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