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#1Basic Aranian Spells  Empty Basic Aranian Spells Thu May 10, 2012 9:47 pm



    Name: Aria sphere
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Non-Elemental
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Upon drawing their sigil, a sphere of orange and golden energy appears where the sigil was drawn, growing for a moment and shining brightly. The sphere is then fired at an enemy quickly. This is a basic attack, doing low damage to equal tiers, little damage to higher tiers, and moderate damage to equal tiers. Aria Sphere can be controlled by the caster so it can be homing, but isn't very fast.

    Name: Aura Shot
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Non-Elemental
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Upon casting, the sigil of the Aranian flashes the same color as the sigil, releasing a burst of force at the enemy. The strength of this wave of kinetic energy varies based on how powerful the user is, but is generally strong enough to break stone and bend steel. For every 50 points of reiatsu control the user has, the range increases by 5 feet. As one may infer from this the spell is intended for close range combat and is best suited for knocking back enemies. It can also be used to deflect projectiles and cause attacks to miss by redirecting them using the burst of force.

    Name: Frost
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Ice
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Fires a small blast of ice shards at an enemy. The blast starts with 30 shards of ice. Every 25 points of reiatsu control adds 20 more ice shards to the attack. Each ice shard is about as sharp as a razor blade, and shoots at a speed just a little bit slower than a bullet in a spread similar to a shotgun blast. The damage is also similar to that of a shotgun.

    Name: Cauterization Discs
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Heat
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Creates a glowing red disc of heat energy, which then flies towards the target. Every 50 points of reiatsu control add another head disc to the attack. All of the heat discs can bend their motion slightly to pursue the enemy but are not capable of complicated motions. Each disc melts through what it hits. It appears as though what they strike is cut, but it is in fact melted.

    Name: Bolting
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Lightning
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: From the sigil, a long range bolt of lightning is fired. The lightning cannot bend or turn, and simply fires straight forward. It moves at 800 feet per second, but every 25 points of reiatsu control increase the speed by 50 feet per second. The lightning makes no explosion but does inflict heavy impact and heat damage, as well as electrocuting foes.

    Name: Concussion
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Earth
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Manipulates the ground beneath an enemy, causing rocks to rise up around the enemy and solidify into solid rock. The rocks then compress rapidly around the enemy, attempting to crush them. Eventually the compression of the rocks is so great that they shatter one another and probably crush the target.

    Name: Flare Shot
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Fire
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Shoots out a simple, short range blast of flame. Range starts at 15 feet, every 50 points of reiatsu control add another 5 feet to the range and size. Burns what it strikes, but has no impact damage, just burning. Lower tiers receive third degree burns, second degree burns for equal tiers, first degree burns for higher tiers.

    Name: Angel Spear
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Holy
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Gathers a spear of holy energy into a form large enough for the wielder to use. Once thrown, it seeks the target and will pursue them at a speed close to about 50 feet per second. The spear deals basic cutting and impact damage, but also purifies targets, burning evil beings. If the enemy is dark elemental, is a demon, or has Hollow powers, the spear explodes in Holy Energy, igniting the enemy in white fire. This fire lasts for 2 posts + 1 post for every 150 points of reiatsu control the user has. The burning is painless but does inflict heavy spiritual damage that weakens enemies by -5 to all stats. Every 100 points of reiatsu control the user has strengthens the reduction by another -5 points.

    Name: Spectral Slice
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Ghost/Dark
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Summons a Ghostsword to slash the target. A grey, semi-transparent sword ablaze with purple flames appears, and then swings around to cut an enemy. The slash cuts the enemy with enough force to chop through steel, and leaves behind purple flames that attack an enemy's life force directly, inflicting spiritual damage. Every 75 points of reiatsu control the user has adds another Ghostsword to the attack.

    Name: Falling Obsidian
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Magma/Fire
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Conjures a mass of magma and flame, which then flies above the enemy. From the flaming magma, 5 smaller chunks of magma fall from it, and explode on impact in a burst of lava and fire. Each chunk has an explosion range of 8 feet + 5 feet for every 60 points of reiatsu control the user has. Every 50 points of reiatsu control adds another 2 chunks of magma to the attack.

    Name: Fireball
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity: Magma/Fire
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Shoots a bubbling ball of flaming magma at the target. Weighs 10 pounds to start with, creates a 20 foot explosion on impact of fire and lava. Every 40 points of reiatsu control increases the weight of the fireball by 10 pounds, every 50 points of reiatsu control increase the range of the explosion by 4 feet.

    Name: Force Wave Shield
    Casting Time: Fast
    Elemental Affinity:
    Difficulty: Easy
    Effect: Erects a barrier of kinetic, motion based energy around the caster, deflecting and blocking all projectiles and solid attacks unless the attack was used by someone with a strength stat higher than the caster's reiatsu control. Reiatsu based attacks, however, will go straight through and are not blocked. Once the user no longer requires the barrier, it explodes outward in a small burst of force, pushing enemies away from the user.

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