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Manda yawned as she walked around Kagamino city. She was not sure what had really drawn her to this place, but something had told her she needed to visit here. She walked around and looked at some of the different stores in the area, not really going in. She was never one for shopping, mostly since she never really was human to start off with. Manda sighed and headed for a park not to far away. she was new to the city but had seen where it was when she came through the Garganta not long ago. She moved out of the way as a few couples walked down the street. She envyed them a bit, missing her mate that was killed oh so long ago. She only wished that one day she would find some sweetheart of her own. She shook that thought out of her mind as she realized she reached the park. She looked around and soon found an ice cream vender. She walked over and ordered a scoop and then sat down on a bench nearby. She quietly watched the people play on the playgroud equipment as she ate the ice cream, wondering what her son would've been like had he had a chance to grow up.


Screeching and ripping could be heard in the sky above as what appeared to be a black hole created a large gapping hold in the sky. The garganta sat still for a moment nothing happening until mezuki walked through it the rend in space slowly closing behind him. Mezuki still had on his assassin outfit with the cowl to conceal his face which made him stick out like a sore thumb when around pedestrians. Though that was the case even if it were one hundred degrees where ever he was he wore his suit just because it was his favorite out of all things so his odd appearance definitely would not stop him from wearing whatever he wanted. flooded his brain. Being in japan once more reminded him not only of becoming the creature that he is now but the way he destroyed so many creature just to further his power.

Though his massacre of hollows and humans it wasn't the fact that he killed them that bothered him but more that the place he made him home hunting ground for so long had changed so much since he last visited. It seemed as if the world had become much more industrial with the discovery of things like electricity and better construction the area seemed so much less natural and one with nature that it sickened mezuki. He wanted to destroy it all and start a new returning the world to the way it was, but of course he knew it was not only something that he could never do alone nor would he get approval from his higher ups but it would also be way too much work to destroy the world while also fending off the shinigami. Though it had changed so much when he pulled down his cowl to reveal his nose he could still smell the perfume like air due to the flowers releasing their very potent scents all the time. The air smelled very sweet but with a bite to it as well as if it had been sprinkled with cinnamon tickling and teasing his nose. Japan may have changed a lot since he left as a hollow but his favorite thing about it seemed to remain.

Feeling as though he spent enough time floating and day dreaming he repositioned his cowl to make sure everything on his face was hidden but his eyes once more and landed on the ground and began to walk around. Now that he had returned to japan for a quick look he was quickly going to grab something to eat before returning to his home in las noches when he could sense the presence of someone strong in the town. He followed his spiritual pressure making his way to what appeared to be a beautiful women simply enjoying an ice cream cone in the part which to the untrained human eye would be perfectly fine. The fragment of hollow like mask that lay a top her head gave her away as an arrancar almost instantly however he had no idea of her number or powers. Though he was an arrancar himself and a high rating one himself he preferred to avoid conversation but being in a slightly good mood after returning to his home country made him think he should give it a shot. Though he could tell what the women was due to the fact that he wore his cowl which covered not only his tattoo but his hollow fragment as well she would only know that he is a fighter of some sort due to the katana strapped to his back drooping down slightly due to the slightly loose band across his chest. He approached her with caution though making sure not to draw his weapon to show his skepticism towards the young lady he walked closer until he was about 5 feet away from her before he spoke.


His voice was soft and feminine which could give people the wrong idea of what gender the person underneath all the clothing was. A mistake he hoped people in combat would make to allow himself to get the upper hand so that mean would not want to fight a young, weak, short female since his strength did also match with the feminine appearance and voice he was born with. After greeting her he looked from her to the ice cream cone the light reflecting from his baby blue eyes causing them to shimmer and glow like the ocean when the sun did the same. At this point he was feeling that a hello wasn't really enough and after examining the ice cream cone for a few moment he found something he would be able to talk about. Ice cream was something that didn't exist during this time, though it was something he had seen before it was still something he didn't know much about and figured now would be a good time to learn at least something about the sugary frozen treat.

"What is that you're eating."


Manda looked up when she felt another gartanta open up. She looks up and, from a distance, saw someone step thorugh. She paid no mind to the person and went back to relaxing and eating her ice cream untill she heard somoene say hi. she looked up and looked Mezuki over. She was not sure what to make of the person standing before her, but he seemed friendly enough for the moment. She did spy the sword, but thought nothing of it as long as he didn't draw it.

She went back to licking the ice cream untell she heard the person speak again. She looked up at the person and said, "It's called ice cream. This one here is mint chocolate chip flavor. Would you like one?" she said, feeling it might be rude not to offer to buy the person one.


The women appeared to have noticed mezuki because she did look up when he first approached. The first thing he noticed was that her eyes were very unique not only in color but also appearance, one was gold and one was blue and he was unsure of what it was but they appeared to be reptile like but he couldn't exactly tell. Her eyes were the same color has her long beautiful hair something else he couldn't help but notice, he continued to thoroughly examine not only the women's appearance but her clothing as well. The dress she wore look very beautiful but it was white in color which made him think that not only being in combat where things like dirt and sand spray up constantly but when doing simple things like eating could easily leave a large stain on the beautiful dress but that was not his concern nor it was something he was going to bring up in their conversation. While he could see her hollow fragment on her head he could not however find her tattoo or her hollow hole which confused him slightly even though he concealed his as well but it made him wonder why conceal two of the three signature features of the arrancar while leaving one out for everyone to see.

Thought it found it some what rude that the women did not say hello back his staring at her while she sat there was probably much more rude but it was something he did that couldn't be helped. When she did finally speak she explained what she was eating and that the flavor was mint chocolate chip a flavor combination he had never heard of before. He looked at the round ball of ice cream almost like an egg sitting within the cone a lime green color with speckles of brown throughout it was something he had never seen or heard of before though the color of the base of the ice cream did remind him of his color while he was in his ressurrecion.

She offered him an ice cream which caused him to tense up and hesitate at first unsure of how to respond even though it was a very simple question he was unsure of how he would feel when he tried it for the first time or if he would even like it after taking one lick. He was going to suggest he get his own to prevent wasting not only her time but also money if he did not enjoy it but it he had no idea where to go nor what to ask for when he got to the vendor that would be selling this confection. After standing there for a moment not responding at all he finally made up his mind and responded with a single word.



Manda looks odd at the person before her. She was not to sure what to make of all the silence. She continued to eat her ice cream to keep it from melting while she waited for a responce. She hear him respond with, "sure." She shruged and stood up. She then began to walk to the vender she had just visited with to get her ice cream.

Manda turns around only once to make sure that the strange person was following her. Once she was satisfied that he was she lead the way to the vendor. She then turned to him and said, "Alright. Go ahead and let the man know what flavor you want, I'll take care of the rest." She looks at the man, wating for him to answer.

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