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#1Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:39 am


It was a forbidden thing to do something he was never allowed to do again ever since he was taken down as the Primera Espada and that was enter Hueco Mundo or Las Noches again but he was here for another reason and purposely released his reiatsu and forced it to span out for miles and miles much further than he did back in his recent visit in the fake karakura town with the new primera.

Aegis still bound in his vasto shell looked around with his glowing red eyes expecting the very person he was looking for to come, he was going to be his perfect subject for this feat and this would make him vastly more dangerous than he was now, his eyes shifted left and right seeing the spires of Hueco Mundo and the old Fortress in the far distance he was at the beginning of his journey and ready to achieve an ascension.

#2Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Re: Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:27 am


Cross sat upon the edge of the fortress looking at the moonlight hitting the side of the building. The white sand looked like an ocean from the position he was at. His red hair was put back into a pony tail like style, still having some frizz on the back. His bangs slightly cover his eyes as he looked down at the ground. "It's so empty here. He said with a slight sigh. Every now and then something would happen. From Revenger coming in here and messing everything up for no reason, to Cross having to Kill Veloz weeks ago. Closing his eyes, he pictured himself in segunda, Still in awe on how he achieved it so easily. "i don't even look like an arrancar in that form..Pyyra was right. I'm a monster.." That all paused once he felt someone enter Huenco muendo.

Sliding off the buidling, He dropped to his knees once he hit the ground. He didn't do his usual laughing and giggling while he flipped and stuff. No, This was much serious. Walking around the front of the fortress, he saw a figure in the horizon. Just moving slowly. Was it him? Was it that thing that entered? Shaking his head, Cross Sonido'd towards the direction of the figure. Almost reaching him. Cross stopped halfway, Walking towards him now. His blade remained strapped to his back, still the same length as it wsa when he was in adult form. Reaching the figure he finally got a good look at him, squinting his eyes.

"Aegis.. What are you doing here? You are not suppose to be here.. Leave." He commented. He didn't have a growl in his voice. He warned the arrancar one time like he was suppose to. Folding his arms, He looked over him once again. "it's a shame. A former Primera made into a shell? Why did you want to lose that power?"

#3Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Re: Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:53 am


Aegis still walked on for miles it seemed endless from the last time he stepped foot in the deserts of Hueco Mundo two thousand years ago that one man who's eyes glowed as red as blood when it spilled gazed upon the new primera clearly not worried about his warning or telling him to leave but he stood his ground not in a fighting stance but simply stood, unthreatened by his power

Aegis spoke, "You are not one to threaten me, Primera...Still so young and Naive even if you do hide behind that child form it suits you perfectly...You underestimate me.." Aegis spoke though Cross was the Primera he was still like that of a child and it was strange to see but I guess not everyone hit their age and so he began to let his anti-reiatsu in the air his anti-reiatsu, though black began to solidify itself and pushed for him at an amazing speed, Aegis had a plan and it was going to be like controlling a puppet.

#4Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Re: Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:07 pm


Cross smirked, looking over the man. "You really don't understand why I am in this shell. You are quick to judge. You already think you have it won? You really have no idea what I can do, do you?" Cross rolled his shoulders, walking back and forth in front of the man. Shaking his finger, he began to somewhat lecture. "Humans have a saying, don't judge the book by it's cover. Which in this situation, fits perfectly well. You are simply juding the fact that I, in this form, is weak and not even made for primera. I became it for a reason. I rose up in power, every day i became stronger. You, as I have been told, Let Aizen Die." He chuckled for a moment.

"You let the lord die, and you hid off. That's not even Primera form. I am sort of digusted that you wore the number 1 before. It's stupid actually." rolling his eyes, he yawned slightly. "Now, I will tell you again. Leave."

#5Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Re: Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:27 am


Aegis stood before the man without and emotion and a fear just hearing out his words word for word, not flinching not watching nothing but his eyes until that is he mentioned the lord, his head lowered and he thought about it, the chuckling from the New Primera did not bother him it was the fact he mentioned Aizen's name, it was rather bothersome but not something that would completely demoralize him yes he had left him but he was ordered by Aizen himself to do so and rebuild the Espada no one especially the New Primera wouldn't understand.

"What I underestimate is irrelevant and what you believe I have done is irrelevant as well you are just in my way.

Aegis spoke after a bit of thought and began to walk forward again, his eyes looking forward without fear without a doubt that he could pose a challenge to this man and do some serious damage to him It was all going to plan for him and he actually quite felt satisfied with it.

#6Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Re: Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:40 am


Cross sighed, hanging his head as the man ignored him. "come on. Twice! Twice i have told you!" He started to slowly walk towards the man, Not even reaching for his blade or charging any reiatsu. He was just simply walking. Not even looking at Aegis. The sand moved slightly with each step. The combined force of each of their reiatsu's crushed the sand dunes around them, making them flat. Closer and Closer Cross got to him, finally picking up his head. Looking Aegis straight in the eye.

"leave. I do not want to force someone out. Even if its in pieces, it's not how i do stuff around here. So i will warn you one last time." He stopped, opening up his stance slightly, waiting for his response.

#7Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Empty Re: Death Meets The Devil.[OPEN] Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:27 pm


Their reiatsu seemed to clash and slowly he began to walk forward, his anti-reiatsu was like a virus or a necrotic disease that ate away at the flesh and slowly it was eating away at Cross' Reiatsu he would not have much time til it went to the very bone and soul of his reiatsu, he kept on with his walk slowly as his red eyes remained not on Cross but what lied in the distance, The Fortress of Hueco Mundo where he once served the Lord Aizen he was determined to get there to look back on past things.."you're in the way.." Simply replied Aegis his stride still strong but slowly however he was forcing if anything to make Cross release, his goal though obvious in his strategy hid all too well behind that sinister shell of a mask that hid his true form.

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