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#1Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Supply Run [OPEN] Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:54 pm


A faint rain pattered gently down upon the quiet streets of Kagamino city's business district as the few patrons still indulging in a little shopping went about their day. The shops were just beginning to close when the lithe figure of a rather fashionably challenged woman paced towards one of the smaller grocery stores, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow as if she expected some monster to claw its way out of the shadows and come for her soul. Some would call it paranoid, however while in large towns Tariel often went without her mask... so the potential for those white masked living shadows to come looking for a tasty high energy snack was ever present. Merely being here was to put the town at risk, however as much as she cared for human kind there was something far more important to her that she had come for, something worth risking the attentions and ire of the multitudinous hordes of gnashing shadows Iona had called "Hollows". Pacing quickly into the grocery store she found the item she was looking for before carrying it to the register in an almost reverential manner.

'Wholemeal flour.' She said cheerfully to the man behind the desk. 'I always run out at the worst times.' The man weakly nodded, ringing up the kilo of simple flour for her and bidding her a fond farewell... he really aught to have been used to her by now, she was in most days looking for some miscellaneous baking item after all.

#2Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:05 pm


As the rain fell down gently to the earth, cooling the people going about their end of the day business, a black butterfly flitted through the air. Invisible to all on the streets but for a little boy who pulled at the sleeve of his mother and pointed, watching the butterfly as it serenely descended from the sky and perched on the top of a nearby stop sign. The child ran out to try and catch the beautiful insect but was grabbed by his mother and dug away. As the pair rounded the corner the antenna on the butterfly began to glow a deep crimson and a bolt of lightning struck the ground. The people in the shopping square continued about their business, oblivious to what was happening right in front of them. As the after image of the lighting hovered in the air, it seemed to split in two as a door materialized from the lighting strike. With a flash of light the paper screens slid open and a young man step through the portal into the world of the living, and as he did so the portal closed behind him. The butterfly lifted itself off of the stop sign and flew to towards the man who lifted his hand and outstretched his finger. As the insect came to rest on his hand the young man smiled at it and, by extension, all the humans around him.

Mazra! Quit day dreaming and do your job . . . I want to get back to the Soul Society as quickly as possible. Mazra sighed and slid the butterfly into the sleeve of his shihakusho, “So impatient Ikusenkai, can’t you take a moment to just enjoy the sight of human living their lives, unaware of the danger around them?" Deep in his mind’s eye Mazra could feel the great owl ruffle his feather in irritation at the sentimental thoughts of his partner, No, I can’t. I want to get back to the Soul Society where it is QUITE. Mazra winced slightly at the shriek of the spirit but sighed and decided he might as well get on with this ordeal. He shunpo’d up on top of the nearest building, the wind he created causing the ruby earring to dance in the wind along with the Vice Captain badge hung around his arm. Once on top of the building Mazra began to scan the area around him for what he had been sent to find, an abnormally powerful spiritual presence. As he began to study the area Mazra reflected on how exactly he came to be stuck with this job.

It all started with Squad 12, roughly an hour ago they had picked up a powerful spiritual being in the city of Kagamino; they quickly determined that the power was not a human or fullbringer and that it was instead a threat. The eggheads flipped out and sent the Seireitei into full lock down which was revoked in minutes by the Head Commander. He took the report and passed it to his Vice Captain who deemed it a marginal threat and passed it to Squad 5, who also in turn deemed it a marginal threat and passed it to Squad 11. Squad 11 was offended at being told what to do by Squad 5 and refused to take the mission so it was forced onto Squad 4. Mazra’s Captain, who was too busy with patients and the training of other squad members, dumped the assignment into his lap and dispatched him to the human world. So there he was: standing on top of a building, being fussed at by his Zanpaktou, probably on a wild goose chase, and . . . it was raining.

Right as Mazra was getting ready to pack up his bags and head back to the Soul Society and submit the incident as a false alarm, he felt it. Faintly at first and on the edge of his sense but it was there. Without a moment’s notice he was on the move, loosening Ikusenkai in its scabbard ready to draw if danger was near. Mazra could feel the presence growing as he got closer and closer and as he did the color drained from his face. Whatever this was, it was much more powerful than the 12th Division made it sound. If Mazra was correct it was on par with some of the Captains and most definitely out of his league. He quickly sent up a prayer to whatever was out there that the being was peaceful and quickened his step, still intent on completing his mission.

Mazra followed the power till it reached its apex at, oddly enough, a dried goods store. Seeing the building intact as well as a variety of humans entering and leaving the store he quickly concluded that whatever this was, it was not a hollow. The possibilities of what it could be were now quickly limited. There was a good chance that this being was just an unmasked Vizard, hopefully a friendly one, but it could also be an Arrancar, highly unlikely given the fact no one was dead, besides this it could also be an extremely powerful Bount or even a demon. The uncertainty of this mission put Mazra’s nerves right to the edge and he slowly drew his sword before dropping down to the sidewalk outside of the shop. Mazra quickly ducked around the corner and tentatively peeked his head around so that he could look into the shop window. What he saw there blew him away , the source of all this dreadful power was nothing more than a young woman . . . buying flour.

Ha-ha, didn’t expect that.

#3Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:58 am


The young, at least by demon standards, Demoness began to pace towards the exit after that fond farewell, cuddling her bag of flour tightly to her chest as she did so, almost lost in her own little world as her mind raced with all the possibilities for the object she had come so far out of her way for. Cookies had been the original reason for venturing into a built up area for the flour, the children in the villages local to her deep wood abode were very fond of her cookies; however there would be a large amount left and she did ever so adore seeing the bright smiles upon the faces of them when she surprised them with something special. Perhaps a pie or a tart of some variety would be in order…oh the possibilities were endless, they truly wer--- Something was wrong; something in the air was just plain… well, the only true word for it was wrong. There was something outside, something strong, something inhuman… oh it was hiding itself quite admirably, so it could not possibly have been a hollow, those things were about as subtle as her raspberry soufflés. No, whatever was out there was something new, something smart… perhaps one of her fellow demons or potentially even one of those things the mod soul, Iona, was always prattling on about… a shunigumi, shinigimi…something like that anyway. It did not appear strong enough to cause her any real trouble, in fact it felt like it might even make for some good prey, she had always fancied hunting something new… but to do so now would doubtless ruin her flour, which was simply unacceptable. However she wanted to hunt, but she couldn’t risk the flour, but there was something new out there, but the children were looking forward to the cookies. After what felt like an eternity, yet was actually little more than a moment; Tariel had reached her decision upon what was to be done with that presence outside.

‘Master? May I use the back entrance for your store to leave? I fear someone may be stalking me and I’d like to try to lose them.’ Her voice was almost pitch perfect for the sort of calm, measured tones that subtly implied that this was a regular feature of her life… the man allowed her to do so, ever willing to help a damsel in apparent distress. The Demoness left into the darkened back alley and smiled softly to herself as she closed the door behind her.
‘ Conceal and confuse, oh frozen shades.’ It was a rarity for her to perform an umbra ars while on a shopping trip, it was rarer still for her to slip her blood red Oni style mask as well… but this was not an average occurrence for the young huntress. The air within the alleyway growing colder as tiny ice crystals formed in the air, blanketing the area with a dull demonic Reiatsu signature, obscuring her own in the process. ‘Caul of Caina.’ It was perhaps one of Tariel’s most prized Ars, the crystals obscuring her from senses while they bent the light, obscuring her form. Ordinarily she would utilise such a technique to flee, however this new… thing had her curious, she simply had to discover what was going on, what it was, how it worked, how could she pass up a chance to investigate something she had never seen in over five hundred years of life? The woman skulked forwards, prowling around in her search for whatever was out there… with a little luck they would investigate the sudden pervading demonic taint in the alleyway… with a little luck she would be able to observe them and come to a proper conclusion as to whether they aught to hunt or head home.

#4Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:02 am


Katsushiro, the exile from Soul Society who had recently joined the Demon Organization was currently wandering the streets of Kagamino City for no real reason. It was one of the many things that he just did because he felt like it, probably to add something interesting to his normal life of solitude and boredom. However, the human world was almost always always excessively boring. Everywhere Katsushiro looked, it was the same deal. Weak humans, weak humans, and would you believe it? More weak humans. Sometimes a Shinigami or a Hollow would show up to make things fun, but today, it was just boring.

As Katsushiro walked along the street, he felt a strong Reiatsu signature coming from one of the buildings in the city. The now interested Katsushiro made his way along, following the Reiatsu. As he got closer, he could tell that the Reiatsu belonged to a Demon. He could also sense that this power was a little stronger than his own. Finally, he arrived at the source of the energy. Katsushiro was shocked to find that the source of this energy was an innocent-looking woman purchasing baking supplies. Moving out of sight, Katsushiro decided to watch what happened.

#5Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:42 am


The sky cracked. Each and every second a new crack appeared. Slowly, it opened. Purple energy and massive spiritual pressure protruded out of the Gargantua. It opened enough just for the small figure to step through. Cross, The primera, Came into the human world once again. It was the first time since he gained his child form, but it didn't stop him from what he was going to do. His bone armor he gained from absorbing veloz, the old tricera, Shinned in the sunlight. Covering both of his shins and right shoulder. Soverias remained in gauntlet form on his left arm, With his blade strapped on his back, still in it's green sheath. Stretching, He yawned loudly looking over the city scape. "it's sooo earry.." he muttered in his boyish tone. He still rubbed his eyes from the crustiness forming on the corners. Blinking a few times, he opened his eyes fully, no longer having blurry vision. "stupid sun.." He said, Putting down his hair to cover his eyes and tattoo. Stretching his arm forwards, he sonido'd towards the ground, Landing on his tippy toes.

The child giggled at the sight of the playgrounds and scooters that the kids played on. reaching into his pocket of his robe, He pulled out a pair of white headphones and a mp3 player. Placing it over his ears, he smiled at the beats that entered his head. Cross slowly bobbled his head with the music as he looked around the area, Seeing if anything could catch his interest. Oh, but it did. His smiled turned into a little smirk as he felt the multiple reiatsu signatures in one area. Rolling his head he bounced on his toes to loosen them up before he took one step and shot off like a rocket on the ground. He ran full speed towards the middle of the city, jumping over cars and little buildings across the way.

"Maybe dese people will give me some playtime." He said, smiling widely. Every second he came in closer to the signatures, he felt one go into the alleyway across from the building where they were at originally. Jumping to the edge of the building over it, He smiled, crouching down on his knees and placing his hands on his cheeks. "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, such a pretttttty demon." He said, semi blushing. He turned his head to the right, Sensing two shingami reiatsus. "Awwwww. Dey aren't hiding dere powah. I Should release mine too." he said, standing up letting his reiatsu flare off his body. Green like whips bursted off his shoulders, slashing into the buidlings.

#6Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:16 am


[Posting order, to save on confusion, if anyone else joins we'll slip 'em in where they post in the order:
Tariel, Durza, Mazda, Katsu, Cross]

In retrospect, perhaps laying down an all pervading region of demonic Reiatsu had been a poor idea; it was not as if she had really needed to do as such considering the power level of that one unknown entity… now she had detected another power level that was in the area, it felt pretty similar to the existing one, only with a marked increase in power. The new one might actually give her a measure of trouble, the second was also, judging by the similarities at least, probably an ally of that primary creature…
‘Not what I had planned.’ Tariel muttered quietly to herself, suddenly reconsidering her original plan to lure the first Reiatsu source or even creep up behind it. ‘I believe discretion would be the better part of valour here.’ She murmured to herself, quietly preparing to head away while the caul offered her a measure of protectio---

There is a phrase used to describe the exact moment when a predator realises that they have gone from being the strongest and safest being in the area to suddenly becoming more akin to the helpless prey they had not two minuets ago planned on hunting. That phrase is known as the moment where one becomes “Raptus Regaliter”, known more colloquially as the moment where one realises they are “Royally Screwed”. That was pretty much how Tariel currently felt, her neck snapping back as she stared up towards the nearby rooftops from whence an overwhelming level of Reiatsu was currently emanating; the sheer strength of it told her a number of things, things she sorely wished they did not. The first was that it was another new sensation, though it faintly felt akin to the hollow she so regually slew, making it a worrisome unknown. The second was that it had already seen her, her caul was powerful, but this creature was more so… if it had no special way to view her then it could still feel her Reiatsu, she was as good as visible. The third was the harrowing thought that frankly she stood little chance in combat with such a thing, she could only pray that it was not out for blood at this moment in time as she did not fancy her chances at making a successful escape unless those other two powers came to bear against the creature. The fourth was the plain and simple realisation that she had been a fool and lingered too long, bringing this great ill upon the human residents of Kagamino city. Lastly came perhaps the most harrowing realisation, the one that made all the other worries pail before its grim truth… that bag of flour probably wasn’t going to make it through this one, she would simply have to go without the baking tonight and those children would need to go without the snacks provided by their “big sis in the woods”; for some reason the concept of their disappointed faces seemed far worse to her than her own demise… perhaps it was about time she began revaluating her priorities.

#7Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:11 pm


Durza was walking through the streets of Kagamino, the rain was a sure damper on his day. He was donned in a black cloak. His hands were placed in his pockets as he walked by the busy street. He was looking down at the street as he walked, hoping to not draw any attention, but a tall man in a black cloak with a giant sword on his back was very... revealing to others. " I need to find a place to put you somewhere" he said speaking to his sword, his voice contained a thick Scottish accent. He could beel the rain slowly seeping through the wet cloth of his cloak, he was going to be very very wet.

"Please don't say anything Klaus, I don't want any of the Humans to notice us, not that they already don't" Humans were not the least of Durza's concernces he was a exile, even the existance of beeing a Bount was taboo as far as Soul Scociety went, and now he had placed him self amongst the ranks of the Divine Family, the exiles of the Soul Scociety. But Durza had a code to follow buy, he would not just harm any Shinigami, the Captain Commander's crimes were not those of the rest of the Gotei 13, as far as Durza saw it, the rest of them were innocent, they couldn't support that madmans genocide campaign.

As Durza continued to walk amongst the streets he suddenly sensed something, his body froce and a looked across the street, he sensed Demonic Reiatsu. Durza cleched his teeth "so another one of the Dammned have decided to enter the World of the Living, Durza had to investigate, he needed to asses the situation, if any innocent's were hurt he would have to interviene, even if it meant his own life. He waited for a few of the cars to rush by before he walked across the street, his eyes were fixed on the source of the Reiatsu, it appeared to be a woman, this could make things very difficult, he promised himself to never hurt a woman, he would just have to see what her true intentions are.

Druza pushed back the doors to the store and entered, he knew he would be sensed emidatly, he looked at the group and tried to not be conspicuous, however that would be hard since he was all in black and had a giant sword.

#8Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:42 pm


Oh shut up, Mazra hissed to the spirit of his blade, you know as well as I do that appearances can be deceiving. A haughty chuckle echoed from deep with Mazra as Ikusenkai managed to be condescending without so much as a word or look. Quickly pushing the matter of his rather trying partner aside Mazra peered into the shop once more, unknowingly leaning further and further out from behind the cover of the stone wall. Mazra could only watch as the young woman chatted for a moment with the shopkeeper before turning around and head towards the back of the store. At this moment Mazra became torn . . . there were two options available to him. He could either take his report now and go back to the Soul Society where he would no doubt be reprimanded by those above for his lack luster performance but they would all say in the end that it was to be expected considering he was from Fourth Squad. On the other hand, Mazra could enter the store and follow the young woman who, he was pretty confident, hadn’t seen him. Of course this option had an aura of death and doom around it, after all Mazra was chasing after a being that was exponentially more powerful than himself with absolutely no idea what it was. For all he knew this could all be a trap and the woman WANTED him to follow her so that she could KILL him and TAKE HIS POWER. Now that’s just ridiculous . . . Mazra flailed suddenly, waving his arm at the spiritual bird trying to get him to be quite, but Ikusenkai was right; Mazra had suppressed his spiritual power to the best of his ability, the chances of the woman even knowing he was there was a thousand to one. I mean, he could do. After all, he was quite gifted in spiritual repression. All Mazra had to do was keep quiet and hopefully things would pass. With a snort that echo of a final decision Mara quickly burst into the shop, a rather dramatic entrance that was seen by no one, and charged at the back of door giving a mighty war cry that was less mighty and warring and more cry.

Mazra lifted his foot and gave the door a powerful, manly kick that would have been very impressive for him had he not been in the human world. That said, lost in the heat of the moment Mazra had quite forgotten that as a spirit he lacked the ability to interact with the human world. This fact turned the rather impressive and awe inspiring kick into nothing more than an elaborate way to fall on his face. Which he did, right at the feet of the invisible demon. Upon face planting into the ground three things happened in rather quick succession that, when looked back on later, Mazra would swear shaved about 50 years off of his afterlife. The first was a rather predictable Idiot . . . from Ikusenkai. The second was the spiritual presence that Mazra had been following had disappeared, in its place was now a miasma of demonic energy. This solved his question about what the being he had been following was but immediately lead to another question, where was the woman. While given only a split second to take in his surroundings Mazra had noticed that the ally was empty. Finally, the third thing that happened was that Mazra came face to face with the Primara Espada. Of course, at the time Mazra did not realize that this was who the child was; the child that was standing on the edge of a building who had just released a massive and quite evil spiritual presence that Mazra had never felt and hoped to never feel again.

It was at this point that Mazra decided to quit.

Upon the appearance of another powerful entity, this one even more overwhelming than that Demoness he was following, Mazra’s mind suffered a mental break. He was a healer, not a power wielding maniac like so many others were. Mazra was a good boy . . . he lived a good life and was a fine upstanding member of the Gotei 13. Over his years as a Shinigami Mazra had sent hundreds of spirits on to the next world. He was the Lieutenant of Squad 4, the squad dedicated to helping people. So how in the world could he have accumulated enough bad karma to have this day go as bad as it had, “I must have been a politician in a previous life.” Slowly Mazra pulled himself to his knees, his eyes empty of everything. The rather traumatic events of the day had scoured the inside of his soul clean. With even more pain staking monotony he pulled himself to his feet and turned to look at the child for a moment. “Hi.” Then feeling yet another spiritual presence more powerful than himself, if only marginally, Mazra forced himself to turn and look for the source. And there it was . . . a man dressed all in black with a massive earth shattering sword on his back. Slowly Mazra’s eyes slid shut and then opened again, repeating this action of blinking at the pace of a snail several times. “I must have gone crazy this is all a hallucination.” That being said Mazra turned his back on the sword wielding man, the invisible demon, and the powered child and walked over to a corner of the alley where two buildings met. He pressed himself as close as he could to the buildings so that the cold gray walls were all he could see, “I can’t see you, so you can’t see me.” This was accompanied with a rather . . . psychotic giggle as Mazra’s mind grasped to one of the most basic of its instincts, hiding. Unfortunately instead of drawing upon the years of battle experience and power at the disposal of the Shinigami, it had decided to go for the method that babies used to hide; as if covering his eyes would somehow hide him from the three powerful beings.

#9Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:44 am


Katsushiro remained under cover a little longer, watching the situation. As he watched, Katsushiro suddenly felt an unbelievably strong Reiatsu. From the feel of it, it belonged to an Arrancar. He realized that an Arrancar with this much power was most likely a high ranking Espada. At that point, a Shinigami who had been hiding earlier came out of cover and looked up at the roof of one of the nearby buildings. Katsushiro followed the other Shinigami's gaze. At the very top of a large building, Katsushiro could just barely see the form of a child. "What the fuck... how does a child have that kind of power? Weirdest day ever..." thought Katsushiro as he analyzed the situation.

As if things could possibly get any more weird, Katsushiro felt yet another Reiatsu. This one was of a type that Katsushiro had not felt in quite a long while... It belonged to a Bount, a type of being that lived in the human world and fought using dolls. This Bount had a gigantic sword strapped to his back as he walked into a shop where a female Demon had been earlier. Seeing as Katsushiro could not feel that Demon's power, or even see her, for that matter, she had most likely hidden herself with one of her powers. He was on the same side as her, so he didn't need to worry about that. The most worrisome things at the moment were the Shinigami, the Arrancar, and the Bount.

Katsushiro went out from his cover. There was really no point hiding since he wasn't hiding his Reiatsu, meaning that any spiritually aware being could sense his presence and therefore know his location. Katsushiro put his hand on the hilt of his wakizashi as he walked over to where the group of visible beings were gathered. When he reached the location, Katsushiro began to speak. He made sure that his voice was loud and clear enough to be heard by even the being on the rooftop. "Well, I don't know what exactly this is all about, but I suppose we should get one thing clear. I know that we all want to get out of here alive and with our limbs intact, so let's try to stay peaceful, okay? By the way, I know there was a Demon here earlier... if she's still here and any of you attack here, that's excuse enough for me to get involved in the fight on her side. So nobody start anything." said Katsushiro in an attempt to avoid conflict but also show which side he was on.

#10Supply Run [OPEN] Empty Re: Supply Run [OPEN] Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:57 am


Cross seemed very excited that one of them actually paid attention to him. Dropping from the rooftop, He giggled and waved back at the male shinigami that waved towards him. "Hiya, whatchu doin'?" He said, leaning forward slightly trying to gain an idea of what the other was doing. That was when he heard a shout, somewhat aggressively. "No no no. No fightin'. I don't want to kill anyone." He said with a frown on his face. Pointing into the shop, He yelled; "DOLLLLYY." Roaring as his reiatsu whipped across his body as he got all excited. His red hair spiked up slightly, showing his 1 tattoo on his face, going horizontally from his ear, to his other ear.

"Da name is Cross, Cross Setsuzoku." He said proudly, holding up the peace sign up near his eyes. Bending forward, He looked into the shop's window. Peering his eyes to the left and right. "She's in dere. Why are you lookign for her?" he paused for a moment, bringing a scarred look to his face. "Is she a ebil Person?!?! Uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh." He said, sighing forward. Cross was mighty talkative for being around new people. His blade strapped on his back glew a light green as he smiled and bounced back and forth on his feet. His red eyes turn to the male shinigami who said hi to him. "What rank are ya?" he pointed to his tattoo on his face. "I'm numbah one! So cool right?!" He seemed proud for the fact he could show it off. "Most powerful of all esapda. Dey are my family.. i will protect them." again, his emotions change. Something more leader like, or caring like a little brother.

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