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Rebecca's long journey through the Dangai realm of disgusting mess of reishi. Rebecca stood at the top of a platform suspended in the middle of this chaos made of pale white reishi. Sitting behind her was her incredibly weak fraccion, they only served as her intellectual companions. They all took a meditating stance and were both calm and reserved as they remained silence in her presence, she didn't turn to face or acknowledge the men behind her but she did have them on her mind. "Karakura Town is teeming with Shinigami capable of killing you with ease. Try not to die too quickly" She taunted as her stance became that of preparation, her fraccion followed suit and stood prepared to cross into Karakura town.

Immediately upon ripping through the line in the sky of Karakura town; she flew through the clear night's sky under the crescent moon with her five Fraccion following behind her. Rebecca's expression remained gitty, she seemed sadistically happy about being here and this was in no way the result of the vacant streets below in Kagamino city, but because pretty soon her arrival would be met with opposition in the form of Shinigami. She stopped as soon as her feet met the roof of a skyscraper, one that towered above every other building within a 5 mile radius in this city. Her and her Fraccion stood upon the building stanced in a nonchalant manner, all of them looking into a different direction. The silence was broken by Two, his actual name and one of Rebecca's Fraccion, who felt uneasy. "There is something that's about to happen Milady." the Arrancar said whilst bowing slightly despite the fact Rebecca wasn't looking towards him. His long blue hair hung over his shoulder and his physique could be described as incredibly slim. Rebecca ignored him and awaited the arrival of the opposition.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Karakura town, A simple town with simple humans going on and living their very simple lifes., that is what a average human thinks that does not know of those who are not so average. Yes, This town held humans with spiritual reaistu that can see creatures, spirits, like the shinigami along with darker Spirit beings such as hollows along with certain hollow that took off their mask. these characters are called Arrancar. There was one being that was not an arrancar or a hollow but was more considered a vizard through an artifical stand point of how a simple parasite changed all this once dectorated Shinigami captain once was known as. She was Captain Amaya Yashia, Captain of the second divion and known as the Sword lily assassin, to those who knew her before she became a captain. She was very feared and ran a tight shift amongest her men. However, things have changed greatly and all she was was changed when that new captain commander took control while she was a Prisner to the Espada's BLack 4, colbolt Yashia. She had just gotten back and soon had to leave with her viard love and three others to a different realm, the valley of screams, to keep form being hunted down and killed. She did not wish to leave but it was all she could do since she was considered a vizard even thoujgh it was by a parasite.

Amaya Yashia was sitting in a tree, cleaning her zanpackuto, listening to its voice in her head "I know, I sense it too...We have an espada amongest us, a weak one but I doubt it would be here if it was truely weak."She commented putting her blade away standing up before she put down her hood allowing her white hair to show as her bangs covered the left side of her face as her orange eye scanned the area before she found the source. "Here we go."She whispered shunpoing into the air. She formed a platform of reishi under her feet before she allowed her own spiritual pressure to flow slightly, alerting any enemy, more especially the espada, that they might have an enemy. She then shunpo from building to building stopping at a building across from the arrancar pair "What are the espada doing here?"She asked having her hood back over her face as her black cloak hide her figure quite well.


Cracks in the sky began to form slowly over a theater in the city. Each and every passing second a new crack would produce until there was a total of seven. Once they appeared, they moved closer to each other, almost forming a sphere. Slowly, it opened. As it did so, massive amounts of spiritual pressure and reiatsu signatures was let out. Dropping from the Gargunta, was a little figure, landing on his knees. "Ahhhh Dis is great!" The kid yelled. The 1 tattoo across his face was shinning in the moon light as he leaned up against the building, looking up at the moon. "Soo pweatty.." He commented underneath his breath. Cross was here once again, just to relax and get away from the stresses of Los Noches. He had to deal with so much there recently, it was much needed for a break.
Cross took a few steps to the left, looking over towards a nearby skyscraper. "hmm. Someone might be hidin' up dere.." He commented, always thinking something is playing hide and seek with him. Smiling widely, he began to walk in that direction, almost skipping to the edge of the building. " I am goin ta find out who is up dere." He said as he jumped off the building, giggling and then using sonido to go to the skyscraper. He began to climb up the side of the building, laughing and just having a ball. "Imma make a new frienddddd imma make a new friendddd" He sung to himself.

Reaching the top, he flipped over landing on his feet, looking at the two women. 'Oh! Hai!!!!!!!!! This is so cooollllllllll!" He commented getting all excited. He sonido'd around all the people on the buildings roof, getting a better glance. When he finally stopped, he floated in the air and did a peace sign with his right hand. "Da name is Cross Setsuzoku, Primera!!!"


Hikaru had just been walking around the city center minding his own business. He was happy to be away from Hidane and Annamaria for a while. Not that they bothered him but he did need his alone time, as did they. He walked into a store for a bit to see if he could find any clothing that he might like to wear when he felt the garganta. "Are you not even curious about that garganta?" Ignado asked Hikaru. Hikaru only shook his head and walked out the door, feeling yet another presence come then go. He was about to ignore it one more time when he felt yet another presence. This time he felt the need to check it out. All he had to do was look up at the nearest sky scraper and see a group of three. Sighing, he shunpo'd his way up the sky scraper and over next to the group. He could see one with the cloak of the Family, a child Espada, and the third, antoher Espada. [color=orange]This is going to be fun[color] he thought to himself as he approached. "Whats going on here?" he asked as he approached.


Rebecca's Fraccion wasn't too far off his mark, something did come in the form of her enemy. They weren't particularly hostile but Rebecca only saw them as the enemy, all except one. As she stare into the city her eye caught the rapid movements of a Shinigami, Rebecca's Pequisia was inactive at the time so she didn't know exactly what it may have been but she could tell without using her senses that it was definitely something similar to a shinigami. Rebecca's eye's narrowed and she put her hand up to her forehead as if she had been saluting the arrival of the incoming enemy but instead she was making it apparent that she knew someone was coming and complimented the realization with her action.

Two used a sonido to move over to Rebecca's back, he quickly whispered to her before their prey had been within range of the sound of their voices. "The Primera has arrived, Milady" the Fraccion claimed before putting a small bit of space between him and Rebecca. Rebecca lowered and hand and put both her hands on her hips. She let out a sigh but her expression seemed to mimic one of worry. The Primera Espada was someone she had yet to meet, she wondered exactly what kind of Man or Woman this Primera Espada would be. Another one of her Fraccion lowered himself to sit on the edge of the building. He was probably the strongest amongst the Fraccion but he was still weak all the same. "My Pequisia is telling me we have -" He was cut off by the arrival of a Shinigami.

The shine of the moon didn't help make out the silhouette figure of being but the fact that they found it necessary to remove their hood gave Rebecca a general idea of what she was up against. Most likely a small child, and she seemed to be a female. To Rebecca's surprise, the girl considered Rebecca an Espada. Rebecca looked down in shame, she had been careless and did not suppress her power at all and now she was measured by the shinigami before her. "Two, Three, Take care of this." The Espada spoke and within seconds the blue haired Fraccion and the Yellow haired Fraccion used Sonido to encounter the shinigami, within their shunpo their drew their blades and swung at the shinigami so that when they stopped they would have ran their blades through the Shinigami's chest. They weren't incredibly fast and could easily be thwarted in their attempt. One of the Fraccion swung his blade horizontally holding it with both of his hands trying to swing at the shinigami's neck on the right side and on the left was a similar swing just coming in from a parallel direction and towards the waist of the Shinigami.

Rebecca was watching intently hoping to see blood drawn but her gaze shifted to a child using sonido to surround her and her remaining fraccion. Rebecca didn't use her Pequisia, she already knew it was the primera, a gut feeling inside told her all she needed to know. The Fraccion behind Rebecca bowed out of respect, Rebecca kept her stance taken by surprise at the Primera's form. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the cute-as-a-button face of the Primera. She giggled a little when he introduced himself and used the peace gesture with his two fingers. Rebecca waved at him warmly, she was prepared to introduce herself as well but she was taken off guard when a Shinigami appeared on the skyscraper close to her. She was so fixed on the Primera that she didn't notice the shinigami approaching.

Acting on instinct, Rebecca opened her Pequisia to its maximum range and found what she discovered interesting. There were a few weak humans in the area with hints of Spiritual Pressure and then there was this man. He seemed to be a Vizard. Rebecca didn't give too much apparent notice to this Vizard, she still looked up to the Primera as her other three fraccion surrounded the Vizard. Rebecca knew that he would be able to dispose of them easily but it had been convenient for her, she could now finish her introduction, or begin it, "Hello, Cutie, I'm Rebecca Sykes, I'm an Espada under your command." She stated as she lowered her head slightly towards him.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya smiled under her hood seeing the female arrancar/espada was very hostile when she sent two of the three fraccion were sent at her "Well I see old enemies are still hostile to those who bare no weapons yet."she commented to herself as when the fraccion blades sanked into to her, they went through the cloak like paper. there was no blood or anything. the cloak then twisted and swirled flying over to the once' cloaked figure that was standing on top of a chimney looking at the two fraccion. the blackness wrapped around her wrist as she had a silk red kimono on with golden flowers flowing down. her white hair was half up and half down with her bangs covering one eye. a zanpackuto or weapon was no where to be found on her as a gold and red jeweled necklace was resting around her neck resting past her collarbone "That is not a nice way to greet someone who is unarmed and has yet to be hostile."She commented gently to all of them as she messed with her sleeves watching and waiting


Cross brought a sad expression upon his face. "No no! don't hurt da pweaty lady!"He yelled, looking over at the other Fraccion. His red hairs peered over the group as he looked over towards Rebecca. "stop it! Don't attack! Once she strikes, den you can kill herr." he said, smiling. Cross leaned to the left and right, looking over at Rebecca. "Ohhhhhhhhhh. You so Pweaty too!" he said, Sonido'ing infront of her as he was close enough for their noses to touch. He backed up, Looking over the city. "Why aren't ya Going Home?" He asked to Rebecca. When he meant home, he meant Huenco Muendo. He wasn't here to start fights, he was just here to see new people. He then felt a mixed Reiatsu signature come up to the building. A vizard. Something that Cross did not like at all. Turning around slowly, Cross gritted his teeth.

Sonido'ing near the Vizard, Green reiatsu poured off of Cross. "Half bwood. You are no Hollow!" He said towards the vizard in a husky childish tone. His reiatsu started to spread over the area, Pushing down from his spiritual pressure. His adult form flashed forward, coming out of the child form to let his reiatsu take over the area. "Now that is straightened up. For this moment, I don't need to hide in that annoying little form." Cross commented, wiping off his robes. Cross's adult form was 6'4", Largely toned body. He wasn't massively huge, he had a slim overtone. Just he had definition. His red hair stayed in the same style he had it in child form. "Now. Leave before i get annoyed even more." He turned towards Amaya, Pointing his palm at her as it glew green. "If you want an upper half to call your own. Leave."


Hikaru had no idea what was going on. He just saw that he was suddenly surrounded by three arrancar. The arrancar seemed to have been sent by the female Espada. This only served to get him angry. He had not shown any signs that he wanted to attack and was, at the moment, unarmed. As the three arrancar began to attack him he drew his sword and quickly swiped around in a circle, hitting all three of them in the mid-section. Just as he finished taking care of the arrancar Cross came over to him yelling something about him being half blood and not being hollow. At first, he began to giggle at this little kid that was comming towards him. He stopped once Cross started to glow and had changed to his adult form. He then saw the number 1 across his face and realized who this was. He knew not to mess with the Primera Espada, but he had just pissed Hikaru off even more that the other Espada had. "Look here. I may not be pure hollow or pure shinigami but that does not mean I embrace it or even want it. I did not choose to be this way. If I had the choice I'd get rid of my hollow side just to be normal once more. I don't want to fight you so just leave me alone. All I wanted to know is what was going on. Untill I find that out I will not leave." he said, sheathing his sword once more. "The only reason I drew my sword right now was because I was attacked." he added. He then looked over to where Amaya was and saw that she had taken off the cloak. Knowing now who it was and that she was female he shunpo'd next to her and asked, "Are you alright? Do you need any help?"


The Fraccion were mercilessly cut down, they hadn't attempted anything but it seems the Vizard cut them down out of fear or instinct. Rebecca's eye's widened and her head turned just as the Primera ordered for no blood to be drawn. Unfortunately her Fraccion were killed before her eyes, Rebecca would not let that go easily. Her remaining two Fraccion missed their mark, they swung their blades but it only connected with the cloak. Their target moved 45 feet away on a neighboring skyscraper with an industrial chimney. They looked at each other and then at the Shinigami preparing to chase her down when the Primera demanded that they didn't attack. They halted and watched as the Vizard who just cut down their comrades shunpo'd next to their previous target and wondered if his attack on their fellow Fraccion warranted an attack.

Rebecca however threw away their suspicions when she used a Sonido to appear 10 feet away from the Shinigami and Vizard. She lifted her hand up considering her actions and swung it with the intention of having it hit no mark, with a gesture the spark brightened and cleared the gap after the the Vizard. Rebecca's bloodshot eyes were filled with disdain for this one man and it was the result of his actions that made it so. The Primera would undoubtedly be angry with Rebecca but at the moment her only concern was this man's death. The two Fraccion behind her stood with their blades drawn prepared to help take on the Vizard.


Cross Grunted as the vizard shunpo'd next to the girl from earlier. "You spilled Hollow blood. You kill my brethren. And now, You ignore it?" His voice became deeper and deeper as he walked towards the two beside each other. Rolling his neck, his reiatsu dripped off his body as 4 reiatsu worms protruded off his shoulders and knees. He see's Rebecca go off and try to intercept an attack and go off her own. Cross had a different Idea. He was going to get the two in one go. Just all in one rush attack. Jumping on his Toes, He looked down to the bodies of the fraccion, still somewhat moving. With Cross and his parasites, He could heal them back to where they were moments ago. Kneeling down. He placed his hands on the cut, Letting his reiatsu and parasites connect the skin, tissue and major organs together slowly. They would not die on this day with Cross here. He took care of his family. He took care of everyone who was Arrancar. Hearing the parasites finally go to work. Cross was going to show these two why he was Primera. Why he was the strongest.

He began to bounce on his toes again. Ripping his robe from his upper body as his scale hierro takes effect. It covers him ina silver skin, that sparks if met with metal. HE slowly ran reiatsu down into his arms. Gaining a "soul edge" to his knuckles as well as speeding up his limb movement. Being the fastest Esapda. He quickly Sonido'd aroudn the two grouped together, throwing wild punches up to 500 times. Each fist is moved with a sonido, making them difficult to track them. Once he is donw with the barrage, He sonido's beside Rebecca and pushes her back with his left arm as he points out his right palm. Firing 500 bala's towards the two.

"granda..". Cross fired 3 at the two beside each other to finish out the barrage of attacks.

Granada requires very little charging time, able to be created almost instantaneously, similar to a Bala. However, unlike Bala, Granada is thrown and explodes in mid-air or upon contact. The explosion, which has a radius of 6 yards, can cause severe damage to those nearby including severed limbs and deep wounds. Those who are three ranks below Cross are at serious risk of severe injury and possibly even death due to loss of limbs and blood. Two ranks and below would be in critical condition, while one rank below would be severely injured due to heavy bruises and deep cut wounds. Those of equal rank receives normal damage (bruises, medium to shallow cuts, weakend flesh and bone), while those of higher rank (or tough physical defense) can escape with at worst with light bruises, as well as weakend muscles and bones.

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